Minolta CF911PE User Manual


Operator’s Manual

Using the Printer Properly

To ensure optim um performance of the printer, follow the precautions listed below.
Never place a heavy object on the printer.
Never subject the printer to shocks.
Never bring any magnetized object near the printer.
Never use flammable sprays, liquids or gases near the printer.
Never modify the pr inter, as a fire or electric al shock could result.
Never remove any panel or cover which is secured. The printer contains high voltage components which can cause electrical shock.
Never tamper with t he laser mechanism on lase r-equ ipped models , as blindness or other injury may result.
Never drop paper clips, staples or ot her small pieces of m et a l through the vents or other openings in the printer, as a fire or electrical shock can result.
Never place containers of liquid on the pri nter. If liquids get inside the pri nter, they can cause fire or electri c al shock. If a piece of metal or any liq uid gets inside the printer, immediately turn the printer off, unplug th e power cord and call your technica l representative. A fire or electrical sh ock can result if the printer rem ains plugged in or is operated after metal or li quid gets inside.
Never leave the printer running if it bec o m es unusually hot, or if smoke or an unusual odor or noise is de t ec ted. Shoul d any of these conditions occur, immediat ely turn the printer off, unplug the power cord and cal l yo ur technical representative. A fire or electrical shock can result if the pri nter remains plugged in under any of these conditions.
Always insert the power plug all t he w ay into the outle t.
Always make sure that t he outlet is visibl e, clear of the printer or printer cabi net.
Always provide good ventilation when m a king a large number of cont inu ous prints.
Never pull on the power cord, and always hold the plug when unplugging the power cord. A dama ged cord could res u l t in a fire or cause an el ec trical shock.
Never unplug the power cord with a wet ha nd, as it could cause an elec tri ca l shock.
Always unplug the power cord before moving the printer. Moving the printer with the power cord plugged in can damage the cord resulting in a fire or causing an electric al s hock.
Always unplug the power cord when the printer is not go ing to be used for a long time.
Never place a heavy object on the power cord, or pull or bend it, as a fire or electric al s hoc k can result.
Always ensure that th e pri nter does not sit on or ride on the power cord or communi ca ti ons cable of other ele ct rical equipment, as malfunctioning equip me n t or a fire could result.
Always ensure that th e power cord or communicatio n s ca bl e of ot he r electrical equipment does not become wedged into the printer mec h a nism, as malfunct ioning equipmen t or a fire could result.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
Using the Printer Properly
Always use the correct power voltage, as imprope r volt age can cause a fire or electrical shock.
Never use a multiple outlet adapter, as a fire or electrical shock can result.
Should the power cord become damaged, im m ediately turn the printer off, unplug the power cord and call your technical representative. A damaged cord can result in a fire or ca us e an electric shock.
If an extensio n cord is needed, us e one with a greater rated cap acity than the maximum power requirements of the printer. The use of an extension cord that falls short of supporting the maximum power requirements can result in overheating or a fire.
Always unplug the printer whenever anything unusual is observed during operation. Make sure that the outlet is nearby and clear of the printer and furnit ure.
= Locate the Printer in a Well Ventilated Room = A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this unit. An unpleasant odor may, howe ver, be creat ed in poorly ventil ated r o oms duri ng ex tensi ve unit oper at ion. For a comfortable, healthy, and safe operating environment, it is recommended that the room be well ventilated.
= Placer le l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée = Une quantité d’ozone négligeable e st déga gée pendant le fonctionne ment de l’appare il quan d cel ui -ci est utilisé normalement. Cependant, une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans les pièces dont l’aérat io n est insuff i sante et lorsque une util isation prolongée de l’appareil est e f fectuée. Pour avoir l a certitude de travailler dans un environnement réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve le l’appareil.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual

Safety Information

This color pri nt er is a di gi ta l pri nt er which operates by means of a las er. There is no possibility of dange r from the laser, provided the printer is operated according to the instructions in this manual.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within protective housing, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation.
This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product. This means the printer does not produce hazardous laser radia ti on.
The use of con trols, adjustments or p erf or ma nce of p rocedures other t han those specif ie d i n this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Because of this, we strongly recommend that you operate your printer only as described in this documentation.
For United States Users:
This print er is cert if ied a s a Cl ass 1 La ser pr oduct under the Radi ati on Perf orma nce Sta ndard accord ing to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1990. Compliance is mandatory for Laser products marketed in the United States a nd is repor ted to the Center for De vic es and Radio logic al Heal th (CDRH) of the U.S. F oo d and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This means that the Printer does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
The label shown below ind icates co mpliance w ith the CDRH regulations and must be attached to laser products marketed in the United States.
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Internal Laser Radiation
Maximum Radiation Power: 26.79 µW W ave Length: 780 nm
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
Safety Information
Using the Printer Properly
For European Users:
Use of controls, adjustments or performance o f procedures other than thos e specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser diode is 26.79µW and the wavelength is 780nm.
For Denmark Users:
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning, når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af funktion. Undgå udsættelse for strål in g.
Klasse 1 laser produkt der opfylder IEC825 sikkerheds kravene.
For Finland, Sweden Users:
Laitteen Käyttäminen muulla kuin tässä käyttöohjeessa mainitulla tavalla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turvallisuusluokan 1 ylittävälle näkymättömälle lasersäteiylle.
Om apparaten används på annat sätt än i denna bruksanvisning specificerats, kan användaren utsättas för osynlig laserstrålning, som överskrider gränsen för laser klass 1.
For No rway Users:
Dersom apparatet brukes på annen måte enn spesifisert i denne bruksanvisning, kan brukeren utsettes for un synlig laserstråli ng som overskrider g rensen for la ser klasse 1.
Dette en halvleder laser. Maksimal effeckt till laserdiode er 26.79µW og bφlgelengde er 780nm.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
Laser Safety Labels
Label on printer surface
A laser safety label is attached to the outside of the printer as shown below.
For Europe
For United States
2, Higashiakatsuchi, Yawata-cho, Toyokawa-shi Aichi-ken 442-8585, Japan
Using the Printer Properly
Safety Information
Manufacturer’s Na me Plate
The Manufacturer’s Name Plate is affixed at the position illustrated above. Please write down the Model Name and Serial No. of your printer here, if necessary.
Model: Serial No.:
CF911PE Operator’s Manual

Regulatory Information

For United States Users :
This equipment has been tes ted and fou nd to compl y with the limit s for a Class A digital dev ice, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
The design and production of this unit conforms to FCC Regulations, and any changes or modifications must be registered with the FCC and are subject to FCC control. Any changes made by the purchaser or user without first contacting the manufacturer will be subject to penalty under FCC regulations.
For Canada Users:
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
Regulatory Information
Using the Printer Properly
For Eu r op ean U se rs:
Thank you for choosing Minolta. This operator’s manual explains how to operate the color printer and replenish its supplies. It also gives
some troubleshooting tips as well as general precautions to be observed when operating the color printer. To ensure the best performance and effective use of your color printer, read this manual carefully until
you familiarize yourself thoroughly with its operation and features. After you have read through the manual, keep it fo r ready reference.
Please use this manual as a quick and handy reference tool for immediately clarifying any questions which may arise.
CE Marking (Declara t ion of Conformity)
W e d ecl are un der our sole respo nsibi lity that the color printer an d opti ons to which t his de clara tion relat es is in conformity wi th the specifications below. This declara tion is valid for the area of the Euro pean Union (EU) only.
Product Type Digital Full Color Printing Machine Product Name CF911PE Options C-101, AD-7 Standards
EC Directives Safety : 73 / 23 / EEC and 93 / 68 / EEC
Note : *1) EMC performance: This product was designed for operation in a
EMC : 89 / 336 / EEC and 93 / 68 / EEC
: EN 60 950 / 1992 (A1:1993, A2:1993, A3:1995, A4:1997)
(Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment) EN 60825 / 1992 (A11:1996) (Radiation safety of laser products, equipment classification, requirements and user’s guide)
: EN 55 022 (Class B) / 1994 (A2 : 1997)
(Limits and metho d for measur ement of r adio dis tu rbance charact eris tics of information technology equipment (ITE)) EN 50 082-1 / 1992 (Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry)
IEC 801-2 / 1991 (Electrostatic discharge requirement) IEC 801-3 / 1984 (Radiated electromagnetic field requirement) IEC 801-4 / 1988 (Electrical fast transient / burst requirement)
typical office environment.
*2) First year of labeling according to EC-directive 73/23/EEC and 93/
68/EEC: 98
CF911PE Operator’s Manual

Technical Support

For United States and Canada Users:
Thank you for choosing Minolta quality. For over 30 years Minolta has been a leader on the forefront of office equipment technology and service. Our desire has always been to bring you highly reliable products. We pledge to c ont inu e t o provide you, our customer, with our state of the a rt e qui pment , a s well as full customer ser vice for all our products. We look forward to a long healthy rel at io nshi p wi th yo u and our company. If you have any questions or comments about Minolta, our product or service, please let us know. Our fax number is 800-237-8087 (for U.S.A. and Canada). Thank you again.
This operator’s manual explains how to operate the color printer and replenish its supplies. It also gives some troubleshooting tips as well as general precautions to be observed when operating the color printer.
To ensure the best performance and effective use of your color printer, read this manual carefully until you familiarize yourself thoroughly with the it’s operation and features. After you have read through the manual, keep it ready for refe rence.
Please use this manual as a quick and handy reference tool for immediately clarifying any questions which may arise.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual

Terms and Symbols for the Type of Printer Paper

A few special terms and symbols are used in this manual to designate the types of printer paper.
Feeding Direction (printer pape r pat h)
In this system, pri nter paper is taken up from t he left-h and s ide of th e unit and fed thro ugh the uni t to war d the right-hand side, face-down onto the Exit Tray. In the figure below, the direction in which the printer paper is fed, as indicated by the arrow, is called the “feeding direction”.
“Width” and “Length”
Terms and Symbols
When the size of the pap er is descri bed, si de A is refer red t o as the “width” and side B as the “length”.
A: Width B: Length
<Lengthwise >
When the original or print has a “length” longer than its “width,” we call it “lengthwise” and use symbol “L” or “ .”
<Crosswise >
When th e original or print has a “length” shorter than its “width,” we call it “crosswise” and use symbol “C” or “ .”
CF911PE Operator’s Manual


Chapters 1 through 3 contain the basic information for making prints. Be sure to read these chapters before attempting to use your printer.
Using the Printer Properly ................................................................................ i
Safety Information ................................ ......... ................................................ iii
Regulatory Information................................................................................... vi
Technical Support ................................. ......... ........ ...................................... viii
Terms and Symbols for the Type of Printer Paper ..........................................ix
Chapter 1 Safety Notes ......................................................................................... 1-1
1. Installing the Printer ..................................................................................... 1-2
Installation Site ............................................................................................ 1-2
Power Source ............................................................................................... 1-2
Space Requirements ..................................................................................... 1-2
2. Precautions for Use ...................................................................................... 1-3
Operating Environment................................................................................. 1-3
Using the Unit Properly ............................................................................... 1-3
Moving ......................................................................................................... 1-3
Care of Printer Supplies................................................................................ 1-3
Storage of Prints ........................................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your Printer .............................................................. 2-1
1. System Overview ......................................................................................... 2-2
System Overview ......................................................................................... 2-2
2. Printer Parts and Accessories ....................................................................... 2-3
3. Turning ON and OFF ................................................................................... 2-6
Turning ON and OFF ................................................................................... 2-6
When the unit is turned ON ......................................................................... 2-6
Continuous Printing Precautions................................................................... 2-7
Chapter 3 Printing Procedures ............................................................................. 3-1
1. Printing & Function Settings ........................................................................ 3-2
Chapter 4 When a Message Appears .................. ................ ................ .................4-1
1. When the Message “Load XX in any tray.” Appears .................................. 4-2
Paper Loading Procedures ............................................................................ 4-2
2. When the Message “Toner Near Empty” or “No XX Toner.” Appears ...... 4-4
Replenishing Toner....................................................................................... 4-4
3. When “Paper Jam.” Appears ........................................................................ 4-6
Misfeed Location ......................................................................................... 4-6
4. When the Message “Fuser Oil Near Empty” or "No Fuser Oil." Appears 4-12
5. When the Message “Please call Tech. Service. Cxxxx” Appears .............. 4-12
6. What Does Each Message Mean? .............................................................. 4-13
Chapter 5 Troubleshootin g................. .. .................... .. ..................................... ...... 5-1
1. When This Type of Print is Produced .......................................................... 5-2
2. Printer Malfunctions .................................................................................... 5-3
The printer is malfunctioning ....................................................................... 5-3
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous.................. ..................................................... ............... ..6-1
1. Specifications .............................................................................................. 6-2
Specifications............................................................................................... 6-2
2. Care of the Unit ........................................................................................... 6-5
Cleaning ...................................................................................................... 6-6
3. Paper Size Table .......................................................................................... 6-6
4. Index ............................................................................................................ 6-8
5. About this Manual ....................................................................................... 6-9
CF911PE Operator’s Manual

Chapter 1

Safety Notes Chapter 1
Safety Notes

1. Installing the Printer

Installation Site

To ensure optimal safety and prevent possible malfunctions of the unit, install the printer in a location which meets the following requirements.
A place away from a curtain or the like that may catch fire and burn easily.
An area where there is no possibility of being splashed with water or other types of liquid.
An area free from direct sunlight.
A place out of the direct air stream of an air conditioner, heater, or ventilator.
A well-ven tilated place.
Safety Notes Chapter 1
A dry place.
A dust-free location.
An area not subject to undue vibration.
A stable and level loca tion.
A place where ammonia or other organic gas is not generated.
A place which does not put the operator in the direct stream of exhaust from the printer.
A place which is not near any kind of heating device.

Power Source

The power source voltage requirements are as follows.
Use a power source with little voltage fluctuation.
Voltage Fluctuation : Within ± 10% (for U.S.A. and Canada)
Specified voltage ± 10% (For EU)
Frequency Fluctuation : Within ± 0.3% (For U.S.A. and Canada)
Specified frequency ± 3Hz (For EU)

Space Requirements

T o e nsure e asy print er oper ation, su ppl y repl acement and ser vice mai ntena nce, observ e th e recommen ded space requirements detailed below. * Be sure to allow a clearance of 150 mm (6") or more at the back of the printer as there is a ventilation
1,543 (6- 3/4)
622 (24-1/2)
921 (36-1/4)
1086 (42-3/4)
640 (25-1/4)
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
1,276 (50-1/4)
511 (20) 765 (30)
1,024 (40-1/4)
Scale: mm(inch)

2. Precautions for Use

Operating Environment

The operating environmental requirements of the printer are as follows.
Temperature : 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F) with a fluctuation of 10°C (18°F) per hour. Humidity : 25% to 85% with a fluctuation of 20% per hour.

Using the Unit Properly

To ensure the optimum performance of the unit, follow the precautions listed below.
NEVER place a heavy object on the unit or subject the unit to any shock.
NEVER open any Doors, or turn OFF the unit while it is printing.
NEVER bring any magnetized object or use flammable sprays near the unit.
NEVER modify the unit as a fire or electrical shock could result.
ALWAYS insert the Power Plug all the way into the outlet.
ALWAYS make sure that the outlet is visible, clear of the unit or unit cabinet.
ALWAYS provide good ventilation when producing a large number of continuous prints.
= Locate the Printer in a Well Venti lated Room = A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this unit. An unpleasant odor may , however, be crea ted in poorly vent il at ed rooms during extensi ve uni t ope ration. For a comfortable , healthy, and safe operating environment, it is recommended that the room be well ventilated.
Safety Notes Chapter 1
= Placer le l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée = Une quantité d’oz one négl ig eable est dégagée pe ndant le fonctionnement de l ’ap pareil quand celui-ci est utilisé normalement. Cependant, une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans les pièces dont l’aéra tion es t insuf f is ante et l or sque une utili satio n prolongée de l’appar eil est ef fectu ée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnement réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve le l’appareil.


If you need to transport the unit over a long distance, consult your Technical Representative.

Care of Printer Supplies

Use the following precautions when handling the unit supplies (toner, paper, etc.).
Store the paper, toner and other supplies in a location free from direct sunlight and separate from any heating apparatus. Keep these supplies in a dry, clean environment.
Store paper which has been removed from its wrapper but not loaded into the Drawer, in a sealed plastic bag in a cool, dark place.
Keep supplies out of the reach of children.
If your hands become soiled with toner, wash them with soap and water immediately.
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
2. Precautions for Use

Storage of Prints

• If prints are to be kept for a long time, keep them in a place which is not exposed to light to prevent fad­ing.
• If an adhesive containing solvent (e.g., spray glue) is used to paste prints, the toner on the prints can melt.
• The color prin ts have a toner la yer thicker than the normal bl ac k-a nd-white prints. Wh en a c o lo r pr i nt is folded, therefore, the toner can be broken at the fold.
This unit is equipped with a counterfeit prevention function that can cause slight noise in the printed image.
Safety Notes Chapter 1
CF911PE Operator’s Manual
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