Minka -Aire warra nts to the origina l owner tha t this fan will be fre e from defects in material an d workmanship for one year
from th e date of purchase , excludi ng the motor. Mink a-Aire warra nts to the origina l owner tha t the motor in this fa n shall be fr ee
from de fects in materia l and workm anship for as long a s the original purchaser ow ns the fan, and it remains in the o riginal
insta llation.
This is a l imited warrant y. Minka- Aire ’s only obligati on under this limi ted warra nty is to replace or r epair, or r efund the purcha se price, in Minka-
Aire ’s sole discretion with out charge to the original ow ner, of the fan once M inka-Ai re con firms that the fan has a defect c overed by this lim ited
Call ou r customer servi ce depart ment at 1-800-30 7-3267 to obtain the name of th e
conta ct us through our we b site, www .minkagroup. net and write to: Ask Mr.Mink a if you have any questions or re quire further assistanc e.
Minka -Aire authorized dealer clos est to your locati on, or
To obta in warranty serv ice, the ow ner should retur n the fan along with proof of pur chase to a
autho rized dealer sha ll then, at i ts sole discreti on: repair the fan, replace t he fan,refund the purchas e price less the amount direc tly attributable to the
consu mer’s prior usag e of the fan, o r if necessary ins truct the consumer to conta ct Minka-Aire directly for warranty se rvice. Minka-Aire will be
respo nsible for the cos t of any repa ir, or replaceme nt for any warranty service p rovided by a Minka-Aire author ized dealer for product und er warranty.
Minka -Aire author ized dealer. The Minka-Ai re
You may a lso at your prefer ence obtain warranty serv ice by returning the fan dire ctly to
retur n address, and a des criptio n of the claimed pro duct defect. Pack careful ly; damage sustained in ret urn transit to Minka-Aire will b e the original
owner ’s responsibil ity. Orig inal owner shall b e responsible to pay all ship ping charges. To obtain war ranty service, you may retu rn a fan that proves
to be def ective during th e warrant y period to the foll owing address:
Minka -Aire along with proof of purcha se, your name and
Minka -Aire -Warran ty Servic e,1151W.Brad ford Court,Corona,CA 92 882