This product is meant for outdoor use only
and only on private property. Never ride
your MINIMOTO™ ATV on public streets,
alleys, or other public roads or throughfares. It must never be ridden in any area
that could potentially do harm to humans,
animals, or property damage.
Never ride around the vicinity of small children who may enter your path.
Special notes for supervising adults of
the rider:
The decision to allow a rider to ride the
MINIMOTO™ ATV must be done with the
permission of a directly supervising adult.
The directly supervising adult must read
and follow all of the contents of the owners
manual before making this decision.
2) The rider must have previous experience
in riding electric powered vehicles before
attempting to ride the MINIMOTO™ ATV. It
is the responsibility of the supervising adult
to ensure the rider has the specific talent,
physical ability, and training before allowing
them to attempt to ride the ATV.
3) The MINIMOTO™ ATV is never to be ridden indoors. Indoor flooring and carpets
can be damaged from abrasive contact with
the tires. The manufacturer will not be
responsible for any indoor damage if the
MINIMOTO™ ATV is used in this manner.
4) The MINIMOTO™ ATV is designed to run
on off-road surfaces. Grass, packed dirt,
and moderate off-road ter
rain are ideal rid-
ing surfaces by persons over the age of 10.
5) The rider of a MINIMOTO™ A
TV should
always wear appropriate footwear. Opentoed shoes should ne
ver be allow
ed. K
shoe laces and pant legs away and clear of
the wheels.
6) The rider must wear a safety helmet,
elbow and kneepads to avoid injury if
falling. Failure to wear a standard
approved helmet may result in serious personal injury or death.
7) The MINIMOTO™ ATV is never to be rid-
den by more than one person at a time. In
addition, it is not designed to pull or tow
anything behind it as it may result in serious
damage to the motor or internal par ts. Do
not exceed the maximum capacity of 200
lbs (90 kg).
8) The MINIMOTO™ ATV cannot be used on
wet surfaces or in wet weather. Never
immerse any part of the MINIMOTO™ ATV in
water. Moisture can damage the motor,
switches, and drive components.
9) The MINIMOTO™ ATV should never be
ridden in mud, water, ice, snow or sand. It is
not designed to be ridden in streets or on
paved surfaces either. Avoid riding on
extreme incline, declines, rocky surfaces,
curbs or jumps.
10) The electric motor can become hot
when in use. Do not touch it at anytime and
handle it carefully.
11) Never use your MINIMOTO™ ATV while
using personal radios or headphones.
12) Do not use your MINIMOTO™ ATV for
stunt riding, ramp jumping, acrobatics or
similar activities.