Minicom Advanced Systems MX II User Manual

Phantom MX II
Quick Installation Guide
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1. What is the Phantom MX II system?
The Phantom MX II system from Minicom is a CAT5 based KVM switching solution for multi-server management. It features 2-User control and mixed multi­platform support on one CAT5 line. It also features Minicom’s unique distributed switching technology.
Shielded CAT5 FTP cables connect the Phantom MX II system in a loop. The total length of the CAT5 cables in the system can be up to 110m/360ft, see the configuration diagram on page 4.
2 users working at 2 Phantom Managers control the remote computers. The 2 users control the system through the MX II and the Universal Phantom Manager (UPM). Each remote computer is connected to a micro-sized Phantom Specter II. For 2-user functionality you must use the Phantom Specter II model.
This Quick Installation Guide illustrates the MX II and explains how to install it. For further information please see the softcopy Installation Guide on the Marketing & Documentation CD.
To connect the UPM see the UPM Quick Installation Guide in the UPM package.
2. Use the MX II with or without a computer
To run the Phantom system the MX II does not need to be connected to a computer. When you do connect a computer use the 3 in 1 CPU cable illustrated below.
3. The MX II cables
The cables below connect to the MX II.
3 in 1 CPU cable
Shielded CAT5 FTP cable
4. Rack mounting
The MX II and UPM are rack mountable. They can be mounted together or separately. To obtain a 19” rack tray order P/N 5AC00202.
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