Mini-Circuits PWR-2.5GHS-75, PWR-4GHS, PWR-4RMS, PWR-6GHS, PWR-6LGHS User Manual

AN-48-003 Rev.: G (April 12, 2018) M167331 (R93281) File: AN-48-003(G).doc This document and its contents are the propert y of Mini-Circuits
User Guide
The PWR series covers:
0.009 – 8000 MHz
-60 to +20 dBm 50 and 75 Ω Impedance models Peak & Average, RMS and CW models
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Important Notice
This guide is owned by Mini-Circuits and is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual p r oper ty laws.
The information in this guide is provided by Mini-Circuits as an accommodation to our customers and m ay be used only to pr om ote and accom p any the purchase of Mini-Circuits Parts. This guide may not be reproduced, modified, distributed, published, stored in an electronic database, or transmitted and the information containe d her ei n may not be exploited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from Mini-Circuits.
This guide is subject to change, qualifications, variations, adjustments or modifications without notice and may contain errors, omissions, inaccuracies, mistakes or deficiencies. Mini-Circuits assumes no responsibility for, and will have no liability on account of, any of the foregoing. Accordingly, this guide should be used as a guideline only.
Microsoft, Windows, Visual Basic, Visual C# and Visual C++ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LabVIEW and CVI are registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Delphi is a registered trademark of Delphi Technologies, Inc. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Agilent VEE is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Python is a registered trademark of Python Software Foundation Corporation.
All other trademarks cited within this guide are the property of their respective owners. Neither Mini-Circuits nor the Mini-Circuits USB/Ethernet Smart RF Power Meter are affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by the owners of the above referenced trademarks.
Mini-Circuits and the Mini-Circuits logo are registered trademarks of Scientific Components Corporation.
13 Neptune Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA Phone: +1-718-934-4500 Email: Web:
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – General Information ........................................................5-9
1.1 Scope of the User Guide ..................................................................................... 5
1.2 Warranty ............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 5
1.4 General Safety Pre cauti o ns ................................................................................ 6
1.5 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Service and Calibration ....................................................................................... 7
1.7 Contact Information ............................................................................................. 7
1.8 Technical Description ....................................................................................... 7-9
1.8.1 Features of Mini-Circuits power sensors .................................................................. 7
1.8.2 Intended Applications .............................................................................................. 8
1.8.3 Conformity ............................................................................................................... 8
1.8.4 Supported software environments ........................................................................... 8
1.8.5 Model Selection Guide ............................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 – Installation and S e t up ................................................. 10-15
2.1 Software Setup ..................................................................................................10
2.2 Installation .................................................................................................... 11-10
2.3 Power Sensor Physical Setup ...................................................................... 13-15
Chapter 3 – Using PWR Smart Power Se ns ors ............................. 16-37
3.1 USB Interface ............................................................................................... 16-20
3.2 Ethernet Interface (RC suffix models only) .................................................. 21-22
3.3 Main Screen ................................................................................................. 23-26
3.3.1 Left Side of Screen (Fig. 3.3) ................................................................................. 23
3.3.2 Top Center of Screen (Fig. 3.3) ............................................................................. 24
3.3.3 Bottom Center of Screen (Fig. 3.3) ........................................................................ 24
3.3.4 Right Side of Screen (Fig. 3.3) ............................................................................... 24
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Table of Contents
3.4 Real-Time Graph................................................................................................26
3.4.1 Real-Time graph indicators and functions (Fig. 3.4) ............................................... 26
3.5 Relative Frequency Points Table ................................................................. 27-27
3.6 Creating and using Offset Files .................................................................... 28-29
3.7 Data Record Window ................................................................................... 30-32
3.7.1 Left side of Screen (Fig. 3.7).................................................................................. 30
3.7.2 Right side of Screen (Fig. 3.7) ............................................................................... 30
3.7.3 View Graph ............................................................................................................ 31
3.7.4 Open Data File ...................................................................................................... 31
3.7.5 Create Excel File ................................................................................................... 32
3.8 Firmware Update (Supported models only) .................................................. 33-34
3.9 Compact View ....................................................................................................35
3.10 Working with multiple sensors .................................................................... 36-37
Chapter 4 – Peak Power and Pulse profiling ...................................... 38
4.1 Configuring sample period & Trigger (Peak power only) ....................................38
4.1.1 Trigger Options (Fig. 4.1) ...................................................................................... 38
4.1.2 Output Options (Fig. 4.1) ...................................................................................... 38
4.2 Pulse Profile Analysis .........................................................................................39
4.2.1 Pulse profiling display options (Fig. 4.2) ................................................................. 40
4.2.2 Markers for Graphs ................................................................................................ 40
4.2.3 Zoom Graph Configuration .................................................................................... 41
4.2.4 Zoom on Pulse config window ............................................................................... 41
4.2.5 Calculated parameters........................................................................................... 42
Chapter 5 – Revision History ............................................................... 43
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1 Chapter 1 – General Information
1.1 Scope of the User Guide
This User Guide provides general introduction, installation instructions and operating information for Mini-Circuits PWR series of USB and Ethernet smart power sensors. For detailed instructions on specific measurement applications using Mini-Circuits measurement applications software see the
Application Measurement guide.
1.2 Warranty
See the Mini-Circuits website for warranty information.
1.3 Definitions
Note: A note advises on important information you may need to ensure proper operation of the equipment.
There is no risk to either the equipment or the user.
A caution advises about a condition or proced ure which can cause damage to the equipment (no danger to users).
A warning alerts to a possible risk to the user and steps to avoid it. DO NOT proceed until you are sure you understand the warning .
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1.4 General Safety Precautions
Please observe the following safety precautions at all times when using Mini-Circuits smart power sensors.
1. Note the maximum input power rating in the datashee t and the conditions
specified for it. Exceeding these values may damage the power sensor.
2. Do not exceed the operational safe power levels for extended periods of time.
1.5 Introduction
Traditionally, when you wanted to measure signal power from electronic components or circuit boards, you’d have to connect them to a bulky and expensive bench-top power meter. Not anymore. Mini-Circ u its PW R power sensors offer a whole new approach, using a quick, simpl e, USB or Ethernet connection to turn your Windows
PC or laptop into an RF/Microwave power
meter. The PWR series offers a low-cost replacement solution for conventional RF/Microwave power
meters, but goes even further by adding portability, easy data storage, advanced data­processing capabilities, and remote operation via Ethernet. Unlike most conventional bench-top instruments, they’re self-calibrating and compensate automatically for temperature. They’re quick and easy to use, whether you’re in the field or helping someone complete a remote test installation over the phone.
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1.6 Service and Calibration
The only user-performed service possible for the PWR models is external cleaning of the case and connectors as needed. Do not use any detergents or spray cleaning solutions to clean the PWR unit. To clean the connectors, use an alcohol solution, and to clean the PWR case, a soft, damp cloth. The recommended calibration cycle for Mini-Circuits PWR series smart power sensors is once a year. Calibration service is available from Mini-Circuits. For details; see Ordering, Pricing & Availability Information link from individual model pages on the website.
1.7 Contact Information
Mini-Circuits inc. 13 Neptune Ave Brooklyn, NY 11235 Phone: 1-718-934-4500 General Fax: 1-718-332-4661 Sales / Customer Service Fax: 1-718-934-7092
For regional offices and tech support see
1.8 Technical Description
1.8.1 Features of Mini-Circuits power sensors
Pocket-sized portability
Automatic frequency calibration & temperature compensation
Turns a laptop or PC into a low-cost replacement power meter
Effective, easy-to-use software
User-friendly GUI for any Windows® 32- or 64-bit computer (command-line support for Linux
Multiple data display and output optio ns , including Excel
Data averaging
Relative measurements
Scheduled data recording with user defined spec limits
Multi-sensor support (up to 24), display options, and management tools
Measurement Applications suite to simplify many common test scenarios
Remote operation via TCP/IP networks
DLL COM objects for both ActiveX, and .NET supporting LabVIEW
, Delphi®, C++, C#,
Visual Basic
, and more (see programming handbook and application note AN-49-001
for details)
Download and install in seconds all required software from
For specific model features, performance data and graphs, outline drawing, ordering information and environmental specifications, see our catalog at:
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1.8.2 Intended Applications
Mini-Circuits PWR series smart power sensors are intended for indoor use in:
- Lab and test equipment setups for both manual and automated measurements
- Remote location monitori ng
- Automatic, scheduled data collection
- Evaluation of high-power, multi-port devices with built-in virtual couplers/attenuators & other software tools
The models can be used by anyone familiar with the basics of electronics measurements.
1.8.3 Conformity
Mini-Circuits PWR series power sensors conform to all requirements for the following international standards
RoHS – The models comply with EU directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances
for 6 substances.
USB 2.0 – The models meet the specifications of the Universal Serial Bus Ver. 2.0
communication standard as described by USB-IF.
USB HID – The models meet the requirements for Universal Serial Bus Human
Interface Devices according to USB-IF’s Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices firmware rev. 1.11.
TCP/IP – The RC suffix series models’ Ethernet communication complies with the
specifications of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) as defined in RFC 791 and RFC 793.
HTTP – The RC suffix series models’ support all requirements for commun ic at ing with
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as defined in RFC 1945.
Telnet – The RC suffix series models’ support all requirements for communicating with
the Telnet protocol, as defined in RFC 854.
1.8.4 Supported software environments
Mini-Circuits PWR series power sensors have been tested in the following operating systems: 32 bit: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP Windows 98 64 bit: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Linux The power sensors will work with almost any software environment that supports ActiveX or .Net including: C++, C#, CVI
, Delphi®, LabVIEW® 8 or newer, MATLAB® 7 or newer, Python,
Agilent VEE
, Visual Basic®, AutoIT, Visual Studio® 6 or newer, and more
Additionally the HTTP and Telnet protocols can operate from almost any computer with a network connection. For more information see
Mini-Circuits programming manual on our website.
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1.8.5 Model Selection Guide
Frequency Range
Input Power
Min Max
PWR-2.5GHS-75 100 kHz 2.5 GHz 75 CW -30 +20 30 70 USB
PWR-4GHS 9 kHz 4 GHz 50 CW -30 +20 30 70 USB
PWR-4RMS 50 MHz 4 GHz 50 RMS -35 +20 30 140 USB
PWR-6GHS 1 MHz 6 GHz 50 CW -30 +20 30 70 USB
PWR-6LGHS 50 MHz 6 GHz 50 CW -45 +10 30 110 USB
PWR-6LRMS-RC 50 MHz 6 GHz 50 RMS -45 +10 30 300
PWR-6RMS-RC 50 MHz 6 GHz 50 RMS -35 +20 30 300
PWR-8FS 1 MHz 8 GHz 50 CW -30 +20 10 70 USB
PWR-8GHS 1 MHz 8 GHz 50 CW -30 +20 30 70 USB
PWR-8GHS-RC 1 MHz 8 GHz 50 CW -30 +20 30 250
PWR-8P-RC 10 MHz 8 GHz 50
& Avg
-60 +20 0.002 450*
For additional details and ordering information, click on model P/N.
*With Ethernet disabled, increases to 600mA with Ethernet control enabled
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2 Chapter 2 – Installation and Setup
System requirements for the PWR models are a computer (Pentium II or better) with support for USB HID. To run the GUI program a Windows operating system for either 32 or 64 bits is also required. The RC models can also be operated remotely over a network with mains power (100-220V) supplied using the included power adaptor.
2.1 Software Setup
If you have had any problems installing the software, we’re here to help.
Try following these complete step-by-step instructions. If you still experience problems, give us a call at Mini-Circuits Worldwide Technical support. It’s (718) 934-4500 or e-mail for North America, or go to tech_support.html for other regional numbers and addresses.
2.1.1 First save all work in progress and close any other programs that may be running.
2.1.2 Next, Insert the Mini-Circuits CD into the CD-ROM drive, or download the full CD
software from If installing from files downloaded from the web - unzip the downloaded files to a temporary folder on your desktop or C: drive, then open the file folder you created and double-click the “Install” icon.
2.1.3 If installation from the CD does not start automatically, run
install.exe from the <CD drive> root directory.
Figure 2.1.3 CD file listing window
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2.2 Installation
2.2.1 The installer window should now appear. Click the “Install Now” button.
Figure 2.2.1 Installation window
2.2.2 The license agreemen t should now appear. To proceed, click “I Agree” and
the “Continue” button.
Figure 2.2.2 License agreement
2.2.3 The installation program will launch. Click the “OK” button to continue.
Figure 2.2.3 Installation Program window
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2.2.4 The destination directory window will appear. At this point it’s a good idea to
take a second and confirm the full destination address for the software. In most cases, the default will be your computer’s hard drive (C:)\Program Files (x86)\Mini-Circuits Power Met er\. Or Change it then click the large button at the top to continue.
Figure 2.2.4: Destination Directory window
2.2.5 The Program Group window will appear. This window allows you to select the
program group under which the link for the smart power meter program in the Start Menu will be created. If you change the Program Group for this software, be sure to record that information together with your destination address. Click on “Continue” to proceed.
Figure 2.2.5: Program Group Window
2.2.6 In a second or two, your installation will be complete. Click “OK” to
close the installer.
Figure 2.2.6: Installation complete
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2.3 Power Sensor Physical Setup
2.3.1 For CW and RMS power sensors, align the red dot at the Power Sensor
USB connection with the one on the supplied cable and press in until you hear a ‘click’.
2.3.2 For Peak power sensors, simply connect the standard USB cable supplied to
the USB port.
1. Note the maximum rating power input in the datasheet and the conditions
specified for it. Exceeding these values may damage the power sensor.
2. Do not exceed the operational safe power levels for extended periods of time.
2.3.3 For USB control, connect the USB type A plug of the supplied cable to the
computer USB port and begin testing. In RC models the RJ45 connector remains unconnected when in USB control.
Figure 2.3.1: Plug cable into unit
Figure 2.3.3a: Connections for USB control of a CW or RMS RC model
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