Minew Technologies
MS56 MiniBeacon
Datasheet V1.0
The MiniBeacon MS56PX is developed and produced including hardware and firmware all by MINEW
Technologies. It is built-in a battery holder and a coin battery, it can work as a standalone system.
Moreover, MS56PX is based on CC2540/CC2541 BLE 4.0 module and built-in an advanced power management
unit, the advanced power management unit helps MiniBeacon to save at least 20% battery energy than
other beacons without this unit.
AAbboouutt MMiinniiBBeeaaccoonn
- Built-in MiniBeacon firmware
- Built-in a 1000mAh CR2477 battery
- Bluetooth low energy technology compatible
- Excellent link budget (up to 97dB)
- Suitable for long distance applications
- Accurate digital RSSI
- High performance and low power 8051 core MCU
- AES security coprocessor
Image 1
- iBeacon License
- FCC Regulation (FCC Part 15)
- CE Regulations (Included EN300328, EN301489, EN60950, EN62479)
FFeeaattuurree && AAddvvaannttaaggee
- Application for advertisement and proximity location
- Supports both iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.3+ system
- Built-in pairing password to prevent others changing the settings
- MiniBeacon name, UUID, Major, Minor values and broadcasting interval can be changed by customer
- Battery capacity intelligent detecting and notification feature
- Supports soft reboot function, no longer required to take out the battery to reboot the device
- MiniBeacon serial ID can be customized, it will help customer to easily distinguish which one is which
- Placed a button on the board used to activate / shutdown beacon device
- Supports the connectable and non-connectable broadcasting mode
- Supports the OAD function
- Publishes the free upgraded firmware regularly
- Built-in JTAG port for other customized application firmware as a standalone system
- The customer’s logo can be printed on the housing if required
- Customized housing and firmware services will be welcomed
TEL: +86-755-8886 8480 FAX: +86-755-2982 5342 EMAIL: sales@rfodm.com URL: www.rfodm.com
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Minew Technologies
RRaappiiddllyy ttoo BBuuiilldd aa HHoouussiinngg ffoorr yyoouurr BBeeaaccoonn
MS56 consists of silicone rubber housing and iBC08 kernel. The iBC08 kernel is a small iBeacon unit with a
matt-white plastic housing in fact, its size is 33 x 34 x 15mm. Based on the iBC08 kernel, it quite easy and
rapidly to build a housing for your beacons in low cost.
How easy and rapidly?
1) we would like to provide many different housing designs for you to choose;
2) we can help you to build a housing in 15 days, but the rights of casing belongs to you;
Is it truly low cost?
Sure. Please give us an email or phone call, further detailed quotation will be sent to you in 24 hrs.
Datasheet V1.0
Image 2 Image 3
OOppeerraattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
1. Activate MiniBeacon as below method before using device
1.1 Press the BUTTON and keep holding 10 seconds, the Blue LED will light on 5 seconds and then off;
it means that MiniBeacon was wakening up and starts to broadcasting. See image 4 and 5.
2. Shutdown MiniBeacon as below method
2.1 Press the BUTTON and keep holding 10 seconds, the Blue LED will flash 5 times and then off;
it means that MiniBeacon was on sleeping mode and stop broadcasting.
Blue LED
Image 4
Image 5
* Please be noted the color difference was caused by the shooting.
TEL: +86-755-8886 8480 FAX: +86-755-2982 5342 EMAIL: sales@rfodm.com URL: www.rfodm.com
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