Minew Technologies
C3 Mini USB iBeacon
Datasheet V1.01
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Model Description
C3-B Black casing, mini USB iBeacon, RoHS
C3-W White casing, mini USB iBeacon, RoHS
TEL: +86-755-8886 8480 FAX: +86-755-2982 5342 EMAIL: sales@minewtech.com URL: www.minewtech.com
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Minew Technologies
The Mini USB iBeacon C3 is a mini USB iBeacon with ARM core chipset nRF51822 and leverage BLE 4.0
technology; it is powered by USB slot, accurate hardware and robust firmware. It is designed for the
commercial advertising and indoor location-based service.
Minew Beacons broadcast 2.4GHz radio signals at regular and adjustable intervals. MiniBeacon can be
heard and interpreted by iOS and Android BLE-enabled devices that are equipped with many mobile apps.
C3 Mini USB iBeacon
Datasheet V1.01
- Programmed MiniBeacon standard firmware
- Mini USB iBeacon;
- The max. 60 meters advertising distance
- Ultra-low power consumption chipset nRF51822 with ARM core
- Plug and play;
C3 Mini USB iBeacon
Image 1
- iBeacon MFi License (iBC-14-00582)
- FCC Regulation (FCC Part 15.)
- CE Regulations (Included EN300328/301489/60950/62479)
- Supported iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.3+ system;
- Compatible with Apple iBeaconTM standard;
- Compatible with all Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) devices;
No Battery Needed
- No battery needed, powered by USB slot;
- Reboot the device via command without any tools;
OTA and J-Link
- Supported upgrade via Over-The-Air;
- Reserved J-Link port on the board for programming;
Connection Mode
- Advertising mode, non-connectable;
- Configuration mode, connectable;
Configurable Parameters
- UUID, Major, Minor, Device Name, Password etc.
- Special Configuration APP;
Transmission Power Levels
- 8 adjustable levels, range from 0 to 7
- Transmission power range: -30dBm to +4dBm;
Long Range
- The max. Range 40 meters in the open space;
- The range depends on the physical environment;
- 8 characters password (Lock/Unlock parameters);
- Broadcast the encrypted data if needed;
- AES HW encryption
Easy to Deployment
- Plug and play;
TEL: +86-755-8886 8480 FAX: +86-755-2982 5342 EMAIL: sales@minewtech.com URL: www.minewtech.com
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