Minelab SD2200v2 instruction Manual

The Minelab SD2200v2
© Minelab Electronics Pty Limited
This work is copyright. Ap art from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process
without prior written permission from
Minelab Electronics Pty Limited
1 18 Hayward A venue,
T orrensville, SA 5031
4901-0042-1.1 November 2002
The Minelab SD2200v2Page 2
The Minelab SD2200v2
Instruction Manual
Page No.
1. Introduction ................................................................................................3
2. List of Parts ................................................................................................5
3. Unpacking and Assembly..........................................................................6
4. Control Box .................................................................................................8
4.1 Rear Panel Controls ........................................................................ 8
4.2 Front Panel Controls ..................................................................... 10
5. Operation ................................................................................................. 12
5.1 Quick Start Instructions................................................................. 1 2
5.2 Operating Instructions .................................................................. 1 3
6. Auxiliary Parts......................................................................................... 23
6.1 Battery ........................................................................................... 23
6.2 Battery Chargers........................................................................... 23
7. Detecting T echniques ............................................................................. 25
7.1 Searching...................................................................................... 25
7.2 Prospecting Tips........................................................................... 26
7.3 Hints for Maximum Gold Recovery ............................................... 27
7.4 Identifying Target Signals ............................................................. 27
7.5 Pinpointing.................................................................................... 28
7.6 Digging the Target ........................................................................ 29
7.7 Salty Environments ....................................................................... 30
8. Maintenance............................................................................................ 31
9. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 32
10. Specification............................................................................................ 33
11. Warranty .................................................................................................. 34
12. Accessories ............................................................................................ 35
12.1 Search Coils ................................................................................. 35
12.2 Batteries........................................................................................ 36
12.3 Corporate Clothing ....................................................................... 36
Page 4 The Minelab SD2200v2
1. Introduction
The SD2200v2 has been developed by improving and redesigning the SD2100 technology to include a number of new functions. The new features of the SD2200v2 are: two discrimination settings, automatic ground balance, audio boost control and auto tuning control. Minelab is confident that you will find this detector to be the finest available for the detection of metallic objects in highly mineralised environments.
The SD2200v2 can “see” deeper than any conventional detector available on the market. Its simple operation means that the beginner and professional will find it easy to use. Its superior ability to cancel mineralisation using automatic ground balance, as well as discriminating between ferrous and non-ferrous items, makes this machine easier and faster to use than ever before. It will re-open old gold fields where mineralised, or “hot” ground and too much rubbish have shielded many nuggets from the prying “eyes” of other detector operators.
Minelab has studied the role that magnetic soil chemistry or so-called mineralisation plays in obscuring nuggets and has developed Multi-Period Sensing (MPS) technology . This technology enables detection of met allic targets, both large and small, even in the most mineralised or “hottest” ground. The unit also provides an automatic ground balancing facility , which makes maintaining optimum ground balance a simple operation in a variety of ground types.
Included into the circuitry of the SD2200v2 are memory chips. These allow the detector to remember the last ground balance and tune settings when switched off. These memory functions also assist in the accurate discrimination of ferrous targets in highly mineralised soil plus assist the audio booster built into the machine.
We trust you will find this detector a pleasure to use with its stable and effective ground balancing, superior depth capability and sensitivity .
Since there may be a range of options available in this detector type,
equipment may vary according to the model or country of issue. Certain
descriptions and illustrations may differ (in this manual) from the exact
model that you have purchased. In addition, Minelab reserve the right to
respond to ongoing technical progress by introducing changes in design,
equipment and technical features at any time.
Instruction Manual Page 5
Figure 1 - SD2200v2 Parts List
Page 6 The Minelab SD2200v2
2. List of Parts
The SD2200v2 is packed in a single box containing the detector and an 1 1” Double ‘D’ coil. The following parts are included (see figure 1):
Part Item Number
1. 1 1” Double ‘D’ Coil with Skidplate 2021-001 1
2. 1 1” Monoloop Coil with Skidplate (accessory) 2021-0027
3. 18” Monoloop Coil with Skidplate (accessory) 2018-0028
4. 8” Monoloop Coil with Skiplate (accessory) 2021-0009
5. SD2200v2 Control Box
6. Complete Shaft Assembly 8012-0029
7. Armrest (2 halves) 8001-0014
8. 1½” Nylon Bolts (2) 4001-0001
9. Nylon Wing Nuts (2) 4002-0003
10. Armrest Cover 8001-0012
11. Armrest Strap 8005-0019
12. 6V 12Ah Gell Cell Battery 031 1-0024
13. Battery Backpack & Harness 3001-0028
14. Battery Cable 301 1-0043
15. 12V Car Charger 0312-0024
16. Mains Charger Region Spec
17. Headphones 4523-0018
18. Bungy S trap 8006-0002
19. Teardrop Washers (4) 4005-0006 2” Nylon Bolts (2) 4001-0003 Nylon Wing Nuts (2) 4002-0003 Velcro T ape and Hook 8507-0001/2
20. SD2200v2 Instruction Manual 4901-0042
21. Warranty Card Region Spec
22. ‘Attention’ Card 5303-0006
23. Rubbish Bag 5302-0006
24. SD2200v2 Field Guide 4903-0024
25. Carton and Insert
Instruction Manual Page 7
3. Unpacking and Assembly
a) Place the two armrest halves (7) on either side of the shaft assembly
(6) and ensure that the bolt holes line up.
b) Slide two nylon bolts (8) through the holes and screw nylon wing nuts
(9) onto the bolts with a couple of turns.
c) Slide the ‘T’ section on top of the control box (5) into the assembled
armrest (7) (with the detector stand at the rear). Tighten the nylon
wing nuts (9) by hand. d) Push the armrest cover (10) over the assembled armrest (7). e) Ensure that the lower shaft has two teardrop rubber washers (19)
installed. They should always be full thickness and should be replaced
regularly as they wear out. f) Push the lower shaft into the mounting bracket on the coil (1) and
ensure that the coil decal faces the front. g) Align the holes in the coil mounting bracket and the lower shaft. Push
a nylon bolt (19) through the holes and fit a nylon wing nut (19) which
should be tightened by hand. DO NOT over tighten as the coil housing
may be damaged. h) Adjust the shaft length and coil angle for a comfortable position. Minelab
recommends that the shaft length be set to give a comfortable sweep
length of approximately 2 metres (see section 7 for more details on
detecting techniques). i) Wind the coil cable around the shaft and plug the coil connector into
the coil socket on the control box. Ensure that the cable is firmly
attached to the shaft without strain and cannot move around, especially
near the coil. Fasten the cable to the shaft with the supplied Velcro
straps (19). Leave enough slack at the bottom of the cable near the
coil to allow the coil angle to be adjusted without placing strain on the
coil cable. If the cable is able to move around, especially near the coil,
it will be ‘seen’ by the detector and cause random noises, which can
be very confusing. Note: Always ensure that the Power switch on the control box is turned
“Off” before connecting or disconnecting the coil.
Page 8 The Minelab SD2200v2
j) Fit the battery (12) into the battery bag (13). k) Plug the headphones (17) into the socket in the cap of the battery. l) Put on the battery bag (13). Ensure that the Power switch on the control
box is set to “Off”. Plug the connector on the bag cable into the Power
connector on the control box. This cable connects the battery and
headphones to the detector. The bungy cord (18) can be attached to
the knuckle on the shaft to take some of the weight when prospecting.
An adjustable hand strap on the handle allows you to relax and flex
your fingers without putting the detector down.
Figure 2 - SD2200v2 Battery Assembly
Instruction Manual Page 1
4. Control Box
4.1 Rear Panel Controls
4.1.1 Power Switch
The Power switch controls the power supply from the battery to the control box. Always switch the detector “Off” before connecting or disconnecting the coil or battery , and when not in use.
4.1.2 Channel Switch (Ch1, Ch2, Both)
The Channel switch selects the channel used for searching: Ch1, Ch2 or Both. Searching is usually done in the Both position which gives the
maximum sensitivity to the greatest range of targets. When detecting in highly noisy ground, the selection of Ch1 rather than Both might improve the stability of the threshold. However, sensitivity to cert ain types of targets is reduced when using only Ch1 and is not recommended.
4.1.3 Threshold
The Threshold is used to adjust the loudness of background sound. Minelab recommends a soft audible headphone signal which is comfortable to listen to for extended periods.
4.1.4 Boost Switch (Shallow, N, Deep)
The Boost switch can be used to enhance the signals produced by different types of targets.
In the Shallow position, signals from small targets close to the surface of the ground will be amplified, allowing easier detection of such targets. This option is best suited for quiet ground. For normal detecting conditions use the N position which responds to all signals without boosting. The Deep position is recommended when looking for big targets at greater depth in noisy ground. In this mode random soil signals are smoothed, making small changes in the audio signal from large deep targets easier to hear . It may , however, mask some signals from very small t argets near the surface.
Page 2 The Minelab SD2200v2
4.1.5 Tune
The T une control is used to lower the effects of electromagnetic interference from sources such as power lines, radio transmitters and other metal detectors. The Tune control is engaged by pressing the push button switch. If electromagnetic interference is experienced when using the detector, simply press the T une button once to automatically select the best detection frequency.
4.1.6 Tone
The Tone control can be adjusted to suit an individuals hearing by changing the pitch of the background threshold tone.
Figure 3 - Rear Panel Controls
Instruction Manual Page 3
4.2 Front Panel Controls
4.2.1 Ground Balance Mode (Fixed or Tracking)
To get the best from your SD2200v2, it is important to know how different ground conditions affect the detecting process. Ground contains not only sand, but also many different chemicals, minerals and salts. These extra components are referred to as ground mineralisation. This ground mineralisation will often produce a sound from the detector, known as “ground noise”.
The SD2200v2 has the ability to cancel out the effects of ground mineralisation so that it minimises ground noise, while retaining maximum sensitivity to metal targets. Cancelling out the effects of ground mineralisation is referred to as “ground balancing”. This ensures that welcome signals from objects such as gold are not confused with unwelcome ground noise. The SD2200v2 has automatic ground balance which adjusts to minimise the effects of ground mineralisation when set in Tracking mode.
4.2.2 Iron Discriminate Switch (Disc, All Metal, Disc + ID)
This switch allows you to select between simple discrimination (Disc mode) and discrimination with tone identification (Disc + ID mode), or to turn off the discrimination altogether (All Metal mode). In the case of All Metal mode, the detector will give varying volume and pitch signals but this information does not indicate the type of metal in the object found. In Disc mode, a strong signal from a ferrous (iron) object will cause the threshold to be ‘blanked’ or silenced.
In Disc + ID mode, a strong signal from a ferrous object will cause the threshold to be ‘blanked’, just as it does in Disc mode. In addition, a signal of medium strength will trigger the ID mode. In this mode, non-ferrous objects usually produce a tone with a steady pitch while a ferrous object will usually produce a tone with a varying pitch. Repeated sweeps across the target might be required to confirm whether the tone is steady or varying. Note, however, in this mode some non-ferrous object s can also produce a tone with varying pitch, making the operator more likely to mistake a non-ferrous object for a ferrous object. This mode of discrimination should not be trusted until the operator has sufficient experience with listening to the tones produced and comparing them with the objects detected.
Page 4 The Minelab SD2200v2
If the signals are too weak for accurate discrimination in either of the discriminating modes, the detector will return to the All Met al mode signal. While in the Disc + ID mode, a signal which is too strong to be discriminated will produce a rapidly pulsing signal with constant pitch. This is called an overload signal. A target producing this sound should not be interpreted as being a ferrous target but be investigated.
4.2.3 Discrimination Level Adjust
The discrimination Level Adjust gives the operator the ability to select the sensitivity and likelihood of a target being ferrous or non-ferrous. The same control also affects how the detector recognises mineral effects in the ground as opposed to metal targets, when ground tracking.
Figure 4 - Front Panel Controls
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