Minda RX-400 Operating Instructions

MINDA Portable Receiver
Operating Instruction
Rev 1.0 Ju ne 2000
Tactical Technologies Inc.
1701 Se cond Ave
Fo lsom, P A 19033
RECEIV ER R X-400 - Q ui ck guide
Each 'MINDA' TX-400 recei ver ca n display t w o stat us indications from up to f our different transmitt er units, coded 1- 4 and all operating with the same group code. Pressi ng t he RED butto n on a 'key-fob' st yle transmitt er should light the Red LED on the receiver, whilst t he BLACK one lights the Green LED.
'BEEP' mode is se lec ted by moving t he O n/Off switch in the direction away from the eight LED's, and 'SILENT' mode is selected by moving the On/Off switch towards the eight LED's.
Briefly press ing the 'Re s et' b utto n w ill c ancel any a ud ib le ale rt, init iate a ' la mp-te s t' and ext inguish any LED's that may have been illuminated prior to resetting.
Additional alerts pr ovided
1. A Transmitter Low - Batter y alert causes the appropriate LED indicat or on the receiver to ' bli nk' out briefly about once per seco nd.
2. A Re c e iver ja mming a lert will cause a s e ries of aud ible 'beeps' t o be generated. I f t his occurs you should move to an interference-fr ee locat io n and as soo n as the interfer ence clears the 'beeps' w ill c ea s e .
When using the 'MINDA' system over a line-of-sight path you are likely to obtai n a working distance in excess of 100 yards, w hereas in a busy str eet , hotel or st at ion the range will be noticeably less.
It is recommended that, before using a 'M I NDA' system in a 'live' operational situation, you carry out a few tests in the location(s) of interest to confirm consistent and reliabl e operation.
A system, comprising tr ansmitter(s) and receiver , w ill have be en s upplied progr a mmed w ith a specific 'Gr oup Identity' out of t he 255 possible codes availab le. This is set during prod uctio n to '94' (hex.) unless an alternative gr oup code ident it y has been req uested by a par t icular customer.
Indi v idual tra nsm itte rs w ill a ls o ha ve be en pro g r a mmed w ith a Unit Identity ( 1 ,2, 3 o r 4), which will be shown on the labe l o n the bac k of the c as e . The micro -pro c e s s or cont r o lled receiver will o nly respond to signals from those transmitt er s sending the same 'group-code' identit y t hat it has been pre-pr ogr ammed to accept . This capability minimi zes the risk of interf er ence betw een similar systems that happen to be operating within radio range of one another.
'MI NDA' transmitter and recei ver units can be reprogr am med to dif f er ent codes if r equired, but this operation req uires the use of wor k shop facilit ie s includin g a P C, sof twar e and a s p e c ia l interfac e unit. Contact your s upplier f or more det ails.
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