• The meter is s uppl i ed c ompl ete wit h a
9V battery. Slide off the battery
compart ment cover on the back of the
meter. I nst all the b att ery int o th e b at ter y
clip connector while observing polarity.
• Always remove the electrode
protective cap before taking any
measur emen t. If the elec tr ode has been
left dr y, soak th e tip (bottom 2.5 cm) in
rinse solution (M10000B) for a few
minutes to reactivate it.
• Connect the pH electrode to the BNC socket on the top of
the meter.
• Make sure that the meter has been calibrated before taking
any measurements (see Calibration Procedure).
• Immerse the tip (2.5 cm) of the pH electrode into the sample.
• Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key.
• Allow the reading to stabilize before taking measurements.
• After measurements, switch the meter off and store the
electrode with a few drops of storage solution
(MA9015) in the protective cap.
• Remove the protective cap from the electrode.
• Rinse tip off with distil l ed w at er or a sm all
quantit y of pH 7.
• Immerse the electrode tip into a new sachet
of pH7 c ali brati on s olution and all ow th e reading
to stabilize.
• Adjust the pH7 (OFFSET) calibration trimmer to
display "7.0 pH".
• Open a n ew sach et of pH4 c alibrati on solution
and use a small quantity to rinse the electr od e.
• Immerse the electrode tip ins i d e the pH4 sachet
and allow the reading to stabilize.
• Adjust the pH4/pH10 (SLOPE) calibration
trimmer to read "4.0 pH".
• The calibration is now complete and the
meter is r ead y t o tak e me as urements.
• It is s ugges ted th e met er be c alibr ated at least
once a month, after a prolonged period of
inactivity, and after electr od e r epl ac em en t.
When th e battery bec omes weak the meter
will display " ".
When th e low batt ery in dicat or app ears, the
battery has only about 50 hours of working
time left. A low battery will result in
unreli able measur em en ts .
Prompt battery replacement is required.
Batter y repl acem ent m ust only tak e place in
a non-h azardous ar ea using an alk aline 9V
Turn the meter off, slide the battery
compart m ent cover loc ated at t h e rear of the
meter off and repl ace the 9V bat ter y wi th a
new one. Mak e sure the batt ery c ontacts are f ully engaged in
the con nect or, s eat th e batt ery in its c ompar tm ent an d r eplac e
the cover.