Milwaukee MW100 User Manual

MW100 RANGE 0.0 to 14.0 pH
RESOLUTION 0.1 pH ACCURACY (@25°C) ±0.2 pH TYPICAL EMC DEVIATION ±0.1 pH pH ELECTRODE SE220 (included) ENVIRONMENT 0 to 50°C, 95% RH max. BATTERY TYPE 1 x 9V alkaline (included) BATTERY LIFE approximately 300 hours of use DIMENSIONS 143 x 80 x 32 mm WEIGHT 220 g (with battery) meter only
M10004B pH 4.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs) M10007B pH 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs) M10010B pH 10.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs) M10000B Electrode rinse solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs) MA9015 Electrode storage solution, 220 mL bottle SE220 pH elec trode with BNC c onn ector and 1 m cabl e MA950 Portable m et er w all m ou nti ng kit
This instrument is warranted from all defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of purchase. The electrode is warranted for a period of six months. If during this period, the repair or replacement of parts is required, where the damage is not due to ne gligence or err oneous operation b y the user, please r eturn the parts to either dealer or our office and the repair will be effected free of charge.
Note: We reserve the right to modify the design, construction and appearance of our products without advance notice.
• The meter is s uppl i ed c ompl ete wit h a 9V battery. Slide off the battery compart ment cover on the back of the meter. I nst all the b att ery int o th e b at ter y clip connector while observing polarity.
• Always remove the electrode protective cap before taking any measur emen t. If the elec tr ode has been left dr y, soak th e tip (bottom 2.5 cm) in rinse solution (M10000B) for a few minutes to reactivate it.
• Connect the pH electrode to the BNC socket on the top of the meter.
• Make sure that the meter has been calibrated before taking any measurements (see Calibration Procedure).
• Immerse the tip (2.5 cm) of the pH electrode into the sample.
• Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key.
• Allow the reading to stabilize before taking measurements.
• After measurements, switch the meter off and store the electrode with a few drops of storage solution (MA9015) in the protective cap.
• Remove the protective cap from the electrode.
• Rinse tip off with distil l ed w at er or a sm all quantit y of pH 7.
• Immerse the electrode tip into a new sachet of pH7 c ali brati on s olution and all ow th e reading to stabilize.
• Adjust the pH7 (OFFSET) calibration trimmer to
display "7.0 pH".
• Open a n ew sach et of pH4 c alibrati on solution and use a small quantity to rinse the electr od e.
• Immerse the electrode tip ins i d e the pH4 sachet and allow the reading to stabilize.
• Adjust the pH4/pH10 (SLOPE) calibration trimmer to read "4.0 pH".
• The calibration is now complete and the meter is r ead y t o tak e me as urements.
• It is s ugges ted th e met er be c alibr ated at least once a month, after a prolonged period of inactivity, and after electr od e r epl ac em en t.
When th e battery bec omes weak the meter will display " ". When th e low batt ery in dicat or app ears, the battery has only about 50 hours of working time left. A low battery will result in unreli able measur em en ts . Prompt battery replacement is required. Batter y repl acem ent m ust only tak e place in a non-h azardous ar ea using an alk aline 9V battery. Turn the meter off, slide the battery compart m ent cover loc ated at t h e rear of the meter off and repl ace the 9V bat ter y wi th a new one. Mak e sure the batt ery c ontacts are f ully engaged in the con nect or, s eat th e batt ery in its c ompar tm ent an d r eplac e the cover.