Milwaukee MI 411 User Manual

MI 411
Free & Total Chlorine
and pH Meter
Dear Custom er , Thank you for choosing a Martini product. This manual will provide you wit h th e necessary information for the correct use of the instrument. Please read it c arefully before us ing the meter. This instrument is in compliance with
SPECIFICATIONS: Free & Total Chlorine
Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L Cl2 Resolution 0.01 mg/L (0. 00 -3.50 mg/L);
0.10 mg/L (above 3.50 mg/L)
Precision ±0.04 mg/L @ 1.50 mg/L Method Adaptation of the USEPA
method 330. 5 an d St an d ar d Method 450 0-Cl G.
Range 6.5 to 8.0 pH Resolution 0.1 pH Precision ±0.1 pH @ 7.2 pH Method Adaptation of the phenol red
Light Source Tungsten l amp Light Detector Silicon Photocell and 525 nm
narrow band interference filter
Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F);
100% RH max.
Battery Type 1 x 9 volt Auto-S hut of f After 10 ' of no n -use Dimensions 192 x 104 x 52 mm
(7.5 x 4.1 x 2”)
Weight 380 g
To change parameter between Free &Total Chlorine and pH, press and hold for 3 seconds, the ZERO key. The selected parameter will be displayed as “Cl” (chlorine) or “PH ” on the di splay.
1• Turn the meter on by
pressing ON/OFF. The last selected parameter is displayed on the Liquid
Crystal Display (“Cl” or “PH”). 2• Choos e the parameter that you want t o m easure. 3• Fill the cuvet with 10 mL of
unreact ed sample, up t o the
mark, and replace the cap. 4• Place the cuvet into the
holder and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the
groove. 5• Press ZERO and “SIP” wi ll b link on the display. 6• After a few sec onds the display wi ll show “-0.0-”. The met er is no w zeroed and ready for meas urement.
For Free Chlor i ne m easurement
7 •Add 3 drops of DPD 1 reagent and 3 drops of DPD 2 reag ent to an empty cuvet. 8• Immediately add 10 mL of unreacted sample. Replace the cap and shake gently.
9• Immediately r einsert th e cuvet into the
holder and ensure that th e notch on the cap is positioned securely on the groove
10• Press READ and “SIP“ will b li nk during
11• The in s trument directly displays
concentration in mg/L of free or total chlorine.
• Bromin e (positi ve error)
• Chlor ine dioxid e (positive error)
• Io dine (posi tive error)
• Oxidized Manganese (positive error)
• Chromiu m (positive er ror)
• Ozone (p ositive error)
For Total Chl orine meas ure me nt
12• Remove the the cuvet and add to the reacted sample 3 drops of DPD 3 reagent. Replace th e cap and swirl gently.
13• Reinsert the cuvet int o the holder and position securely into the groove.
14• Wait for 2 minutes 30 seconds then press
READ and “SIP” will blink during
measurement. 15• The instrument dirrect ly displays concentration i n mg/L of total chl orine.
For pH measur em e nt
16• Fill a cuvet with 10 mL of
unreacted sample up to the mark.
17• Add 5 drops of pH-0 reagent.
Replace the cap and shake gently.
18• Insert the cuv et into t he hold er
and ensure that the notch of the cap is positioned securely into the
groove. 19• Pres READ and “ SIP” will b link durin g measur ement. 20• The instrum ent d ir r ect ly d isp lay t h e pH valu e.
This prompt app ears for 1 second each time the instrum ent is t ur ned on.
Sampling In Progress. Flashing “SIP” prompt appears each time the meter is p erf or m ing a measurem ent.
“-0.0-”, the meter is in a zeroed s t ate and measur ement can beperformed.
The blink ing “B AT” ind ic at es thatb th e battery v oltage is getting low an d th e batt er y needs to be replaced.
“-bA-”, the battery is dead and must be repl aced. Onc e this indication is displayed, the meter will lock up. Change the battery and restart the meter .
“Conf”, the meter has lost its configuration. Contact your de aler or th e nearest Martini Customer Service Center.
ERROR MESSAGES On zero reading
• Blinking “-0.0-” indicates that the zeroing procedure failed due to a low signal-
tonoise ratio. In this case press ZE RO again.
• “no L”, the instrument cannot adjust the light level. Please check that the sam ple does not contai n any debris.
• “L Lo”, there is not enough light to perform a measurement. Pleas e c heck t h e pr epar ation of the zerocuvet.
• “L Hi”, there is too much light to perform a measurement. Please check the preparation of t he zero cuvet.
On sampl e reading
• “-SA-”, there is too m uch
light for the sample measurement. Please check if the right sample cuvet is inserted.
• “Inv”, the sample and
the zero cuv e t are inver ted.
• “ZErO”, a zer o readi ng w as not taken. Follow the instruction in the measurement procedure for zeroi ng them eter.
• Under range. A blinking “0.00”
indicates that the sample absorbs less light than the
zero r eference. Check the procedure and make sure you use the same cuvet for reference (zero) and me asurement.
• A flashing value of the
maximum concentration indicates an over range
condition. The concentration of the sample is beyond the programmed range: dilute the sample an d re-run t he test.
Bat tery replacem en t mus t on ly tak e place in a non-haz ardous en vir onment. S i m pl y r otat e t h e battery cover on t he back of the meter. Detach the battery from the terminals and attach a fresh 9V battery while paying attenti on to the cor rect polarity. Insert the battery and replace the cover.
MI504-100 Free & Total Chlorine reagent set (100
MI509-100 pH reagent (100 tests) MI511-100 Free & Total Chlorine and pH reagent
set (100 tests)
MI0001 Glass cuvets (2 pcs) MI0002 Caps for cuvets (2 pcs) MI0003 Stoppers for cuvets (2 pcs) MI0004 Tissue for wipping cuvets (4 pcs) MI0005 9V battery (1 pc)
WARRANTY This instrument is warranted against defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of purchase. If during this period the repair or replacement of parts is required, where the damage is not due to negligence or erroneous operation by the user, please return the meter to either distributor or our office in the original packing and
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