Milton Roy Roytronic P+ Instruction Manual

Instructions Manual
Roytronic Série P
Electronic Metering pumps
10. Grande Rue
27360 Pont Saint Pierre (FRANCE)
TEL: +(33) 232-683-000 FAX: +(33) 232-683-093
Lit# 1990.7 8/2007
For file refer ence, ple ase record the following data: Model No. : ______________________________________
Serial Nr:_________________________________________
Installation Date:: ________________________________
Installation Location:______________________________
When ordering replacement parts for your LMI Metering Pump or Accessory, please include complete Model Number and Serial Number of your unit.
Carefully read and understand all precautions before
installing or servicing any metering pump
1.0 Precautions .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Unpacking check list ................................................................................................................ 5
3.0 Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Pump l oc at io n an d in st al lat io n ................. ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......... ..... ........ ........ 6
3.2 Pump mounting ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Flooded suction........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2.2 Suction lift - Wall bracket mount ....... ........ ...... ........ ..... ......... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ...........6
3.2.3 Suction lift - Tank mo un t.......... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... ........ ...... ..............6
3.2.4 Suction lift - Shelf mou nt.......... ...... ........ ...... ........ ......... ..... ......... ..... ........ ...... ........ ...... ..............7
3.3 Tubing connections ...................................................................................................................7
3.4 Four-Function Valves (4-FV).....................................................................................................7
3.5 Four-Function Valve Installation ...............................................................................................8
3.6 FastPrime
................. ................... ............................................................................................8
3.7 Foot valve/Suction tubing installation .......................................................................................8
3.8 Inject i on c h eck v al v e an d dis c h arg e t ubi ng i n st all at io n............... ......... ..... ........ ...... ........ ...... ...9
4.0 Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Control panel...........................................................................................................................10
4.2 Start-up and adjustment.......................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Start-up/Priming for FastPrime
heads ............ ........ ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ........ ...... ........ ....... 11
4.2.2 Start -u p/ Pr im ing fo r p ump su pp lie d wit h 4- FV .... ......... ..... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......... ..... .... 11
4.2.3 Start -u p/ Pr im ing wit h out 4- FV.................. ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... . 12
4.3 Output adjustment...................................................................................................................12
4.3.1 Total pump output ................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.2 Calib ration in Int e rn al m od e............. ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... .........12
4.3.3 Calib ration in Ext er n al mo d e....................... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... ............13
4.4 Methods of ext ernall y tr iggeri ng or paci ng P
3 P+7, and P+8........................ ..........................13
5.0 Spare Parts Replacement and routine maintenance...................................................................................14
5.1 Depressurizing the discharge line (for pumps equipped with a 4-FV only) 14
5.2 Depressurizing the discharge line (for single ball FastPrime
heads o nl y) . ........ ...... ........ .... 14
5.3 Liquifram
(Diap hra gm) repla cem en t.... ......... ........... ........... ........ ........... ......... ........... ........ ....15
5.4 Cartr id g e va lve a n d O- Ri ng r ep la c em ent......... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... ........ ...... .16
5.5 Inject i on c h eck v al v e par ts re pla c eme nt............. ......... ..... ......... ..... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ .... 16
5.6 FastPrime
valve O -R in g re p lac em en t. ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ..... ......... ........ .... 17
5.7 Stro k e l e ngth setting r e p la c e me n t ... ... ..... ... ...... ..... ... ..... ... ...... .. ...... ... ..... ... ...... ..... ... ...... .. ...... . 17
5.8 EPU wiring diagram.................................................................................................................18
5.9 Liquid e nd p art s list ...... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... ........ ...... .........18
6.0 Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................................19
7.0 Annex : Figures............................................................................................................................................ I - XI
The following precautions should be taken when working with LMI metering pumps. Pleas e r e ad th is sec t ion c areful ly p ri or to installation.
Protective Clothing
ALWAYS wear protective clothing, face shield, safety glasses and gloves when working on or near your metering pump. Additional precautions should be taken depending on the so l utio n being pump e d . Refe r to MSDS preca u t ions from your s o lution suppli e r .
Water Pre-Prime
All LMI pumps are pre-primed with water when shipped from the factory. If your solution is not compatible with water, disassemble the Pump Head Assembly. Thoroughly dry the pump head, valves, seal rings, balls and Liquifram
(diaphragm). Reassemble head assembly
tightening screws in a crisscross pattern. Refill the pump head with the solu tion to be pumped before priming the pump. (This will aid in priming. )
Solution Compatibility
Determine if the materials of construction included in the liquid handling portion of your pump are adequate for the solution (chemical) to be pumped. LMI pumps are tested b y NS F f o r u s e o n muria t i c a c i d a n d s o d i u m h ypochlor i t e . Al way s re f e r to t h e s o lution supplier and the LMI Chemical Resistance Ch art for compatibility of your specific LMI metering pump. Contact your local LMI distributor for further information.
Tubing Connec tions
Inlet and outlet t ubin g or pipe size s must n ot be re duce d. Outlet tu bing size must no t be incr ea sed. M ake ce rtain th at any tubing is SECURELY ATTACHED to fittings prior to start-up (se e S ecti on . , Tu bin g C on necti on s). A L WAYS u se LMI su ppli ed t ubin g wi th y our pump, as the tubing i s specifi ca lly d e s igned for use wi th th e pump f i t ting s . I t is recommended that all tubing be shielded and secure to prevent possible injury in case of rupture or accidental damage. If tubing is exposed to sunlight, black UV resistant tubing should be installed. Check tubing frequently for cracks and replace as necessary ..
Vinyl Tubing
Your carton may contain a roll of clear vinyl tubing; this is only for connection to the return line of the FastPrime
Head and must not be
used as discharge tubing.
Fittings and Machine Threads
All LMI pumps have straight screw machine threads on the head and fittings and are sealed by the O-rings. DO NOT use Teflo n
tape or pipe
dope to seal threads. Teflon
Tape may only be used on the 1/2" NPT thread side of the Injection Check Valve, the stainless steel liquid end connections, or if
piping is directly connected to the pipe threads of the suction or discharge fittings.
Always adhere to your local plumbing codes and requirements. Be sure installation does not constitute a cross connection. Check local plumbing codes for guidelines. LMI is not responsible for improper installations.
Back Pressure/Anti-syphon valve
If you are pumping downhill or into low or no pressure system, a back pressure/antisyphon device such as LMI’s Four-Function Valve should be installed to prevent overpumping or syp ho ni n g. Con tact your LM I di st r i bu to r fo r f urther infor mation.
Electrical Connections
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, the metering pump must be plugged into a properly grounded grounding-type receptacle with ratings conforming to the data on the pump control panel. The pump must be connected to a good ground. Do n ot us e adapters! All wiring must conform to local electrical codes. If the supply cord is damaged, it mu s t be r eplaced by the manufacturer, s tocki ng di strib u tor, or authorized repair center in order to avoid a hazard.
Line Depressurization
To reduce the risk of chemical splash during disassembly or maintenance, all installations should be equipped with line depressurization capability. Using LMI’s Four-Function Valve (-FV) is one way to include this feature.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
WAR NI N G : To r e du c e t he risk of el e ct r i c s ho c k , i n s ta l l on ly o n a ci r c u it p ro t e ct e d b y a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).
2.0 Introductio n
LMI is the world’s most versatile manufacturer of economical and efficient metering pumps. This manual addresses the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting proce­dures for manually and externally controlled pumps. LMI has a worldwide network of stocking representatives and authorized repair centers to give you prompt and efficient service.
Please review this manual carefully. Pay particular attention to warnings and precautions. Always follow good safety procedures, including the use of proper clothing, eye and face protection.
This man u al is fo r Roytron ic™ Series P+ pumps.
2.1 Spécifications
P+XX1 & P+XX8 P+XX2 to P+XX7
Operating temperature
14 to 113°F
–10 to 45°C
14 to 113°F –10 to 45°C
110 to 120 V 220 to 240 V
50 to 60 Hz 50 to 60 Hz
Max. Current
0.66 A 0.34 A
39 W 42 W
Fuse Sp ecific a t ion
1.25 AHT (5 x 20 mm) 1.25 AHT (5 x 20 mm)
Unpacking che ck list
Your carton will contain many or all of the following items. Please notify the carrier immediately if there are any signs of damage to the pump or its parts.
- Metering pump ( See annex fig. 1)
- Foot va lve (See annex fig. 2)
- Vinyl tubing (for Fastprime
) (See annex fig. 3)
- Ceramic foot valv e weight (See annex fig. 4)
- Injection check - valve (See annex fig. 5)
- Four-Functi on Valve(O ptional ) (See annex fig. 6)
3.0 Installation
3.1 Pump Location and Installatio n
Locate pump in an area convenient to solution tank and electrical supply.
The pump should be accessible for routine maintenance, and should not be operated in ambient temperatures above 113°F (45°C). If the pump will be exposed to direct sunlight, LMI black, UV resistant tubing should be installed
3.2 Pump Mounting
The pump can be mounted in one of two ways:
A. FLOODED SUCTION (ideal installation); or B. SUCTION LIFT - when suction lift is less than 5 feet (1.5 m) for solutions having a specific gravity
of water or viscosity of less than 100 cSt (centistokes). For denser or more viscous solutions, consult distributor. Your LMI metering pump must be mounted so that the suction and discharge valves are vertical.
NEVER position pump head and fittings horizontally.
3.2.1 Flooded Suction
For flooded suction the pump is mounted at the base of the storage tank. This installation is the most trouble-free, and is recommended for very low outputs, solutions that gasify, and high­viscosity solutions. Since the suction tubing is filled with solution, priming is accomplished quickly and the chance of losing prime is reduced. A foot valve is not necessary in a flooded suction installation.
When pumping downhill or into low or no pressure system, a back pressure/anti-syphon device should be installed to prevent overpumping or syphoning.
Although popular for all solutions, LMI recommends flooded suction installations for all high­viscosity fluid applications.
- INCORRECT (See annex fig. 7)
- CORRECT (See annex fig. 8)
3.2.2 Suction Lift - Wall Br acket Moun t
The pump may be mounted using an LMI Wall Mount Bracket Assembly directly above the solution tank. A pump mounted in this manner allows for easy changing of solution tanks or drums
3.2.3 Suction Lift - Tank Mount
The pump may be mounted on a molded tank provided there is a recess to keep the pump stationary.
3.2.4 Suction Lift - Shelf Mount
The pump may be mounted on a shelf (customer supplied) maintaining a suction lift of less than 5 ft ( 1.5 m). (See annex fig. 9 and fig. 10)
3.3 Tubing Connections
The pressure created by the pump can rupture vinyl tubing, which is only for connection to the return line of the FastPrime
C. Before installation, all tubing must be cut with a clean square end. D. Valve and head connections from the factory are capped or plugged to retain pre-prime water.
Remove and discard these caps or plugs before connecting tubing.
To assemble tubing into the fittings:
1. Put coupling nut (A) over tubing.
2. Press on tubing sleeve (B) about one inch (25 mm).
3. For 1/4" or 6mm tubing, (10mm) tubing protrudes from the sleeve (B). For all other tubing
push tube to the bottom of groove in end cap (C).
4. Tighten the coupling nut (A) onto the fitting (D). Legend figure : (See annex fig. 11) A : Coupling nu t
B : Tubing sleeve
C : End cap D : Fitting
3.4 Four-Function Valves (4-FV)
Your pump may be equipped with a 4-FV, or standard discharge valve. If your pump is not equipped with a four-funct ion valve and you feel it is need ed in your application, it can be purchased as an accessory. Contact your local LMI stocking distributor. The features of a 4-FV are listed below. (see fig.12 – 13)
1. Pressure Relief: If the discharge line is over pressuriz ed, the valve opens sending sol ution back to the supply tank.
2. Line Depressurization: Opening the relief knob provides line drain back to the supply tank.
3. Anti-Syphon: Pre v ents syphoning when pumping solution downhill or into a vacuum.
4. Back Pressure: Supplies approximately 1.7 bars (25 psi) back pressure to prevent overpumping
when little or no system back pressu re is present.
3.5 Four-Function Valve Installation
To install the 4-FV, remove valve housing and upper cartridge screw in the valve and hand tighten. An additional 1/8 - 1/4 turn may be necessary to prevent leakage.
6.35 mm. (1/4") tubing connects to the side of the valve and acts as a return line to the solution tank. To ensure priming, this tubing must NOT be submerged in the solution.
Legend figure : (See annex fig. 14) A : 6.35 Tubing,
C.:Discharge, D.:To solution tank or drum,
E.:Bottom tubing in fitting Push and hold while tightening connector, F.:To Pump Head
This return line tubing must be secured to ensure pumped solution will safely return to supply tank
3.6 FastPrime
The FastPrime™ Head is equipped with a valv e that allows for opening the head t o atmospheric pressure. When installing a pump equipped with a FastPrime
Head connect the 3/8" outer diameter clear vinyl tubing provided with the pump to t he barbed nozzle. Route t h e v inyl return line b ack t o t he solution tank. This tubing must not be submerged in the solution.
system (See annex fig. 15)
3.7 Foot Valve/Suction Tubing Installation
The Foot Valve acts as a check valve to keep the pump primed in suction lift applications. The foot valve is designed to be submersed in the solution tank or drum and must sit in a vertical position at the bott om.
Position approximately 2 inches (50 mm) off the bottom if the tank or drum contains sediment. The ceramic weight, when installed, helps position the foot valve in a vertical position.
1. Attach the foo t valve to one end of the suction tubing (see Tubi ng Conne ctions , Section 3.3).
2. Slide the ceramic weight over the tubing end until it contacts the top of the foot valve coupling nut.
3. Place foot valve and tub ing into the solu tion tank. Che ck that t he foot valve is ver t ical and
approximately 2 inches (50 mm) from the bottom of the tank or drum (see illustration). Connect the other end of the tubing to the suction side of the pump head (bottom side) (see Tubing Connections, Section .3.3).
- INCORR E C T Tilt e d side ways w i ll not prime ( See annex fig. 16)
- CORRECT Foot valve must remain vertical
Legend figure : (See annex fig. 17) A : Return lines must not
be submerged
B : Use ceramic weight C : 2.0 in. (50 mm) for sediment
3.8 Injecti o n Che c k V alv e an d D is ch arg e Tubing Installation
The Injection Check Valve prevents backflow from a treated line. Install the injection check valve at the location where chemical is being injected into the system. Any size NPTF fitting or pipe tee with a reducing bushing to 1/2" NPTF will accept the injection check valve. Use Teflon
tape or pipe dope to seal the pipe threads only. When installing the Injection Check Valve, be sure to position it so that the valve enters the bottom
of your pipe in a vertical position. Variations left and right within 40° are acceptable (see illustration).
After cutting an appropriate length of tubing, connect tubing to the injection check valve then back to the discharge side o f the pump hea d. Make sure it does no t crimp or come into contact with hot or sharp surfaces (see Tubing Connections, Section 3.3.).
Typical injection check valve installation
Legend figure : (See annex fig. 18) A : 1" Pipe tee.
B : Reduction 1' to 1/2". C : Injection check valve. D : Flow
E : CORRECT Use Teflon tape here on pipe th reads only. F : Do NOT use Teflon tape on machined threads.
G : 40 ° Variation accep table. H : Injection check valve. I : Flow.
liquid ends
are not
4.0 Operation
4.1 Control panel (Fig. 19)
1. Power/Mode Selection Button: This button allows convenient starting and stopping of the pump.
For pumps with external control capability (P
3, P+7, P+8) this button switches pump operation between internal and external modes. When operating in internal mode the Pulse Indicator Light will flash green. When operating in external mode the Pulse Indicator Light will flash yellow.
2. Speed Adjustment Knob:
This knob provides adjustment of the stroking speed. For pumps with
this knob (P
1, P+7, P+8) turning this knob clockwise increases stroke frequency (speed) from a
minimum of 1 stroke per minute.
3. Stroke Adjustment Knob:
This knob provides adjustment of the stroke length. Turning this knob clockwise increases the stroke length, which results in a higher amount of chemical displaced per stroke. It is recommended that the stroke range stay between 20% and 100%.
4. Pulse Indicator Light:
This light will flash gree n whe n pu mpin g in inter n al mode, and will flash yellow when pumping in external mode. The light is on between strokes and off during the actual stroke.
5. Low-Level Indicator Light:
This light wi ll tu rn red when a Lo w- Lev el Se nso r re gist ers a low che mical le ve l. Th is wi ll turn off th e pump . Y ou mu st have a Low-Le v el Sens or connect ed to the pump through the Low-Level Connector for this function to operate.
6. Low-Level Connector (3-Pin) Fig.20:
This connector is for the connection of a Low-Level Sensor (48413). The low -le v e l s witch inp ut co nn ec t ion s a r e always active for all models in all functional modes. If the fluid level drops below the l eve l spec ifi ed by t he Low-Lev e l Sens or, t he pump wil l stop and the Low-Level Indicator Light will turn on. The pump is designed to recognize an open circuit as full, and a closed circuit as empty. The pin functions are as follows:
1. Low level signal
3. No connection
4. Low level return
7. External Control Connector (5-Pin)Fig.21: This connector is for the connection of various options
and accessories that can be used to externally control the pump. The pin functions (and the wire color for the standard LMI external control cable) are as follows:
1. Remote On/Off Signal (Brown)
2. Ground/Common (White)
3. External pulse signal (Blue) (used only with P
3, and P+7 pumps).
4. 18 Volt DC. Supply voltage (Black)
5. 4-20mA, input signal (Green/Yellow) (used only with P
8 pumps).
Some of the accessories available for use with P+ Series metering pumps are listed below. Note that an
Adapter Cable (48488) is needed when connecting any of the MICROPACE(TM) units (Fig.23).
A/D Converter (MP-100) - for translating a -20 milliamp signal into pulses.
Divider (MP-400D) - for reducing the frequency of high frequency pulses.
Multiplier (MP-500M) - for increasing the frequency of low frequency pulses.
D. Pulse Tra nsmitter (48489) - for pulsing i n ti me with another LMI Elect ronic Metering Pump. E. RFP Flowmeter and Programmable Divider - for pacing the stroke frequency off of the system
F. FC Flowmeter/Contactor - for pacing the stroke frequency from the system flow.
4.2 Start-up and Adjustment
The pump is normally self-priming if suction lift is 5 ft (1.5 m) or less and the steps below are followed
Pumps are shipped from the factory with water in the pump head to aid in priming.
4.2.1 Start-Up/Priming for FastPrime™ Heads
Read this entire section completely before proceeding.
When all precautionary steps have been taken, the pump is mounted, and the tubing is securely attached, you may now start priming the pump.
1. Plug in or switch the pump on.
2. While the pump is running, set the Speed Adjustment Knob and the Stroke Adjustment Knob
at 100%.
3. Turn The FastPrime
knob 1 to 2 turns counter-clockwise.
4. The suction tubing should begin to fil l w ith solution from the tank.
5. A small amount of solution will begin to discharge out the return line of the FastPrime
Once this happens, turn the knob clockwise P until hand tight and SHUT THE PUMP OF F.
6. The pump is now primed.
7. Proceed to output adjustment, Section 4.3
4.2.2 Start-Up/Priming for Pump Supplied with 4-FV
Read this entire section completely before proceeding.
When all precautionary steps have been taken, the pump is mounted, and the tubing is securely attached, you may now start priming the pump.
1. Plug in or switch the pump on.
2. While the pump is running, set the Speed Adjustment Knob and the Stroke Adjustment
Knob at 100% .
3. 1/4 t urn open the reli ef side (black knob) of the 4-FV.
4. The suction suction tubing should begin to fill with solution from the tank.
5. A small amount of solution will begin to discharge out the return line of the 4-FV. Once this happens, 1/4 turn or release the knob and SHUT THE PUMP OFF.
6 . The pump is now primed.
7. Proceed to output adjustment, Section 4.3.
4.2.3 Start-Up/Priming for without 4-FV
Read this entire section completely before proceeding.
When all precautionary steps have been taken, the pump is mounted, and the tubing is securely attached, you may prime the pump.
1. Plug in or switch on the pump.
2. While the pump is running, set the speed knob and the stroke knob at 100%.
3. The suction tu b i n g should begin to fill with so l ution from the tank .
4. Once the solution begins to exit the pump head on the discharge side, SHUT THE PUMP OFF.
5. The pump is now primed.
Proceed to output adjustment, Section 4.3.
If the pump does
not self-
remove the
FV on the
side of
the pump head.
Remove the check
valve and for water
or solution into the
port until the head
is filled. Replace
valve,then follow
start up/Priming
If the pump does
not self-
remove the
discharge check
valve and pour
water or solution
into the port until
the head is filled.
Replace valve,
then follow start
up/priming steps
+ 22 hidden pages