Warning notices must be observed to ensure personal safety as well as that of others, and to
protect the product and the connected eq uip m ent . These w ar ning notices are accompanied
by a clarification of the level of caution to be observed.
Qualified Personnel
This device/system may only be set up and operated in conjunction with this manual.
Qualified personnel are on ly authorized to install and operate this equipment in accordance
with established safety practices and standards.
Warning: This product can only function properly and safely if it is correctly transported,
stored, installed, set up, oper at ed, and maintained.
Note: Always use product in accordance with specifications.
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Note: Please follow the installation and operating procedures to ensure a quick,
trouble-free installation, and to allow for the maximum accuracy and reliability of your
Milltronics Weighing System.
The Milltronics Weight Lifter (MWL) mechanically raises and lowers the static
calibration weights used to calibrate Milltronics belt scales. It stores the weights
securely between the belt strands, above the calibration-weight support arms, and
allows the operator to lower and apply the weights safely without having to lean into the
The MWL is manually operated, and utilizes a high mechanical advantage to enable
weights up to 225 Kg (500 lb) to be applied with very limited effort. The crank handle can
be attached to either the left or right crank body. It uses 4 revolutions for full range of
motion, and can be removed and stored for safety on the locking ball-pin which secures
the MWL when it is not in use.
Two lifting pads support a base-bar weight above the calibration-weight supports of the
belt scale: either flat bar or horseshoe style calibration weights are available. Locating
notches in the base-bar weight engage the calibration weights securely on the lifting pads
in the stored position, and the worm gear drive locks the lifting pads in place. A manuallyapplied locking-pin secures the MWL when the calibration-weights are in the stored
The MWL is designed to work with the following Milltronics belt scales:
•MUS-STD MIlltronics Standard Universal Scale
•MUS-HD Milltronics Heavy-Duty Universal Scale
•MSIMilltronics Single Idler Scale
•MMIMilltronics Multiple Idler Scale (combination of 2 MSI Scales)
Belt Scale Manuals can be downloaded from the Milltronics website at:
The Milltronics belt scale must be completely installed before you install the MWL.
Please refer to the belt scale installation manual for installation details.
Note: Check that there will be sufficient clearance for the MWL. (See detail, Check
Clearance for Conveyor Belt: page 8.) Clearance can be created artificially by
shimming the idlers in the scale area.
The MWL installation has eight stages:
•Drilling the crank body mounting holes
•Mounting the crank bodies
•Mounting the torque shaft
•Installing the crank handle
•Testing the unloaded MWL
•Installing the calibration weights
•Testing the loaded MWL
•Shimming the MWL (if required)
1. Drill left and right crank body mounting holes
•Refer to the appropriate MWL installation drawing for your Milltronics belt
•Measure and mark the locations of the mounting holes for each of the crank
bodies. The left-handed unit turns clockwise to raise weights and the righthanded unit turns counter-clockwise: handing is marked on the crank bodies.
•Drill these holes as specified for 12mm (1/2") mounting hardware.
•Refer to the shim thickness tables on page 15 to determine whether you need to
shim the MWL. Shimming is not always required: it is more likely to be required
with the MUS scale, and less likely with the other models.
•If necessary, select and position the appropriate size shim(s).
•Loosely mount each crank body to the conveyor stringers using 12mm (1/2")
bolts, nuts, and washers.
Right-hand (counter-clockwise rotating) Crank Body Shown
Crank body
Input shaft
Locking ballpin tethered
to crank body
Shim (if required)
Wash er
Note: The crank bodies must be left loose to allow for the torque shaft installation.
3. Mount torque shaft / Check clearance for conveyor belt
•Leave the locking ball-pins in place to hold the lifting pads of both crank bodies
in the raised position.
•Place the torque tube over the connecting shafts of the left and right crank
•Loosely install the bolts, nuts, and washers that hold the torque tube onto the
connecting shafts.
•Hand tighten the bolts, nuts, and washers that mount the crank bodies to the
•Hand tighten the bolts, nuts, and washers that hold the torque tube onto the
connecting shafts.
Torq ue Tub e
Connecting shaft (2)
Lifting-pad in raised position (2)
Check Clearance for Conveyor Belt
•Ensure there is 10mm (0.38") minimum clearance from the top of the torque tube
to the underside of the return belt: inadequate clearance will cause the belt to
•Allow additional clearance for belt sag.
•If necessary, shim the idlers in the scale area until the clearance is adequate.
(See the Belt Scale Instruction Manual for detailed shim procedures.)
Min.10mm (0.38") clearance to underside
of return belt + allowance for belt sag