PlumbingBrushesFittingBrushesAir HVACBrushesRefrigerationElizabeth TubeBrushesChimneyPartsSoldering MaintenanceWireBrushesChipBrushes Anti-SeizeLubricantsDustersBryanPlaters PlumbingToolsDrainCleanerAbrasives CondenserBrushesGregHeatExchanger ToolsBrushesToiletThreadSealTapes John Brooms Chimney Brushes HeatShielding Screw Drivers In One SpecialtyToolsInOneThreadSealTapesCord TammyLubricatingOil PliersSixinOneBrushBarbequeWhisk
Clean-Fit Products
A Century of Brushmaking Excellence
Clean-Fit Products’ manufacturing and
distribution facility in Mentor, Ohio
Clean-Fit Products
Mill-Rose Industrial
The Mill-Rose Company has an extensive network of local distributors throughout the country to assist with
product recommendations and support.To place an order, contact a distributor in your area or call
Customer Service at 800.321.3598for the distributor nearest you.
For custom-designed brushes, contact our engineering department at 800.321.3533.
Ordering Procedure
Mill-Rose Company warrants all Clean-Fit products to be free from defects
in material and workmanship.Mill-Rose’sliability is limited to replacing any
product proven defective, when returned prepaid to our factory. Returns
must be authorized prior to shipment. No other warranty is expressed or
implied. Mill-Rose neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume
any liability in connection with the sale of its products.
About The Mill-Rose Company
TheMill-RoseCompanyisthelargestU.S.manufactureroftwisted-in-wirebrushesusedinvirtually every type of industry throughout the world. Mill-Rose is a multi-division, family-owned organizationnow in its fourth generation that takes pride in its history of serving satisfied customers. Ourcompany-wide philosophy has always been “The customer is king” and we believe knowledge,integrityandtrustarethecornerstoneonwhichsolidrelationshipsarebuilt.Mill-Roseknowsabout solidrelationships,havingservedmanyofitscustomersoverthepast100years!
Mill-Rose experienced significant growth from its humble beginnings in 1919, and today operatesmanufacturingandwarehousefacilitiesthroughouttheUnitedStatesandMexico.A64,000square footproductionfacilityinMentor,Ohioand33,000squarefootproductionfacilityinMexicofeature the latest in manufacturing techniques and quality-control programs. Production was recentlycomplementedbyanew70,000squarefootU.S.distributioncenterwithstate-of-the-artinventory management and distribution.
Mill-Roseisuniquelysuitedtomanufacturebrushesastinyas.018”indiameterupto15”wirewheel brushesusingadiverserangeofmetalsandnaturalorsyntheticfibersforbristlematerial.Production runsvaryfromhigh-volumestandardorcustomorders,tosmall-volumespecialtyorders.Stylesand types of brushes include, but are not limited to, twisted-in-wire, strip brushes, staple set, end, cup,wheel, drawn and more. Mill-Rose manufactures well over 100,000 standard and not-so-standard items.
About Clean-Fit Products
Strong demand for Mill-Rose brushes by the plumbing, heating and cooling industry led to theformationofClean-FitProducts,afast-growingdivisionservingprofessionalcontractorsthrough wholesalersandDo-It-Yourselfhomecenters.WhileClean-FitProducts’principleproductlineis brushes, the division offers thousands of complementary products including a complete line ofabrasives, PTFE thread sealants and specialty tools. Several years ago a brand by the name of BlueMonster®wasdevelopedofferingPHCcontractorshigh-end,timesavingproducts.ABlueMonster tradecharacterwasspeciallydevelopedtohelpmarketthebrandwhichcontinuestogrowatarapid pace.The Blue Monster brand is widely recognized by the trades for quality and reliability.
About Mill-Rose Laboratories
Mill-Rose Laboratories manufactures a complete line of disposable and reusable cytology brushes,snares, baskets and related products for the Gastrointestinal and Pulminary areas of medicine.Mill-RoseLaboratoriesistheleadingsourceforbiopsy/microbrushesandstainlesssteelwireforms usedinabroadrangeofmedicalproducts.Onanygivenday,Mill-Roseengineersareworking withmedicalpersonnelfromaroundtheworlddevelopingnewproprietaryitemsthathelpproperly diagnose and lead to life-saving treatments.
PTFE Thread Compounds & Tapes2
3-Wrap Full-Density Teflon®Tapes, Packing and Pipe Thread Sealants and Cord Packing
706591/4” x 520”101000.5 lbs. 706601/2” x 260”1447205.5 lbs.706611/2” x 520”1447207.5 lbs. 706623/4” x 260”1005005.0 lbs.706633/4” x 520”1005007.0 lbs.706641” x 260”1206008.0 lbs.706651” x 520”12060011.0 lbs.
708851/2” x 1429”452705.5 lbs.708863/4” x 1429708871” x 1429”271625.75 lbs.708882” x 1429”2716211.40 lbs.
”271625.0 lbs.
Blue Monster PTFE Thread Seal Tape is available in a point-of-sale shelf and counter display.
Blue Monster®GasGuardPTFEThreadSealTape
Monstrous 1000” roll! Color coded yellow for easy identification by gas companies worldwide.
BlueMonsterGasGuardPTFEthreadsealing tape is designed specifically for gas lines.Thisisafullormaximum-densitythread sealing tape. Blue Monster Gas Guardtapeisapprovedbyrelevant authorities and used by the gasindustryworld-wide.It’scolor-coded yellowsofittersandinspectorscaneasilyrecognizeitasanapproved tape.Ideallysuitedfornaturalgas,propaneandbutanelines.Useon threadsofapprovedgaspipingsystems.DonotuseBlueMonsterGas Guard ThreadSealTapeonoxygensystems.
Blue Monster Gas Guard PTFE Thread Seal Tape is available inan attractive point-of-sale shelf and counter display.
Cat #Description Std. Pkg. Master Pkg. Wgt./Pkg.
708261/2” x 1000”301804.0 lbs.708273/4” x 1000”241445.0 lbs.
world-wide.It’scolor-codedyellowsofittersandinspectorscan easily recognize it as an approved tape.
Applications:Ideallysuitedfornaturalgas,propaneandbutanelines.Use on pipe made from galvanized steel,iron,brass,copper,aluminum,stainless steel, polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC,CPVC,ABSandfiberglass.DonotuseGas Thread Seal Tape on oxygen systems.
Mill-Rose3-WrapYellowGasSealTapewasfoundtosealfittings carryingnaturalgasatpressuresupto4,347PSIor30,000kPawhen appliedasperinstructions.Note:Pressureratingsarerelativetothe quality and torque of the fittings and the amount of tape used.
Temperaturerange:-400˚Fto+500˚F(-268˚Cto+260˚C)PTFEis completelystableupto+500˚For+260˚C.Decompositionisslowupto 750˚F or 400˚C. Decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames.
Tensilestrength:10-17 N/mm
Green Full-Density Oxygen Thread Seal Tape
Mill-RoseFull-DensityGreenThreadSeal Tapeisoverfivetimesheavierthan commonsealingtapessoyoucanuseit andneverworryaboutcontaminating systems.Becauseitisdegreased; it has no residual lubricant, unlikecommon tapes made with petroleumasalubricant.Specificallydeveloped foroxygeninstallations,Greenthread sealtapeisbothsafeandreliabletouse;itischemicallyinertand won’t support combustion.
Oxygen sealant tape is a degreasedversionofGasSealTape.MeetsMilSpec T-27730A(A-A58092)andhasthe approvalofmostgascompanies:AIRCO (USA),BritishOxygenCo.(UK),CANOX (Canada),CommonwealthInd.Gases (Aus.) and Air Liquid (France).
ReferenceMill-Rosespecificationsheet for additional uses and applications.
Cat # DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
708501/2” x 260” Rolls10.40 lbs.708523/4” x 260” Rolls8.30 lbs.708541” x 260” Rolls6.50 lbs.
Display Packaging - Green PTFE Thread Seal Tape
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
70861708627086370865Wire Rack Display1.25 lbs.
1/2” x 260” 10 Pk. Dispenser3/4” x 260” 6 Pk. Dispenser1” x 260” 6 Pk. Dispenser
usedregularlyonoxygenfittingsatpressuresupto2,173.9PSIor 15,000kPa.Note:Pressureratingsarerelativetothequalityandtorque of the fittings and the amount of tape used.
Temperature range:-450˚Fto+500˚F(-268˚Cto+260˚C)PTFEis
Just 3 wraps is all you need for leak-proof joints.
Mill-Rose3-WrapRedThreadSealing TapeisaPTFEtapedesignedspecifically toseallinescarryingsteam,waterand otherliquids.Thisisafullor maximum-densitytape.Unlike most thread sealing tapes onthemarket,3-Wraptapehas notbeenstretchedduringthe manufacturingprocess.Stretchinglowerstheapparent density of tape by increasing its porosity.As stretched tape is moreporous, more tape is required to obtain an effective seal.
Applications:Use 3-Wrap Red Waterline Tape on pipe made from
701891/4” x 520” Rolls10.14 lbs.707961/2” x 260” Rolls10.14 lbs.707971/2” x 540” Rolls10.3 lbs.707983/4” x 260” Rolls8.18 lbs.708013/4” x 540” Rolls8.35 lbs.707991” x 260” Rolls6.44 lbs.708741” x 540” Rolls6.88 lbs.
Display Packaging - 3-Wrap Red Waterline Tape
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
708751/2” x 260” 40 Pk. Counter Disp. 12.0 lbs.708763/4” x 260” 24 Pk. Counter Disp.11.4 lbs.708771” x 260” 24 Pk. Counter Disp.11.4 lbs.708781/2” x 260” 10 Pk. Dispenser 1.5 lbs.708793/4” x 260” 6 Pk. Dispenser 1.6 lbs.708811” x 260” 6 Pk. Dispenser 1.6 lbs.
Mill-Rose3-WrapRedWaterlineSealTapewasfoundtosealfittings carryingwateratpressuresupto4,347PSIor30,000kPawhenapplied asperinstructions.Note:Pressureratingsarerelativetothequalityand torque of the fittings and the amount of tape used.
Temperaturerange:-450˚Fto+500˚F(-268˚Cto+260˚C)PTFEis completelystableupto+500˚For+260˚C.Decompositionisslowupto 750˚F or 400˚C. Decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames.
Tensilestrength:10-17 N/mm
Blue Monster Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape
Blends with high-end finishes including chrome,stainless steel and nickel for dependable,leak-proof joints..
Blue Monster® Silver-Seal Tape creates dependable,leak-free joints on plumbing fixtures made with chrome,stainless steel and nickel finishes.The silver color of this professional-grade tape blends with high-end finishes minimizing any exposure. Unsightly thread seal tape previously exposed on high-end fixtures, cheapening their appearance, is a thing of the past. Best of all, contractors can rely upon the sealing quality of Blue Monster Silver-Seal tape; it’s thicker and creates a more effective seal with less tape.
Composition:99.6% PTFE < 0.4% PigmentColor:Silver
Thickness:0.0035” +/-10% (0.0889 mm +/-10%)Density:0.8g/cmElongation:100%
PSI rating:10,000 PSI (69,000 kPa) water and oil
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Master Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
706581/2” x 520” roll303603.0 lbs.
Temperaturerange:-450completely stable up to +500
to +750
F or +4000C. Decomposition will occur on contact with naked
F to +5000F (-2680C to +2600C)PTFEis
F or +2600C. Decomposition is slow up
Tensilestrength: 115N/mm
Build sales at the point-of-purchasewiththisBlue Monster Silver-Seal PTFE ThreadSealTapeshelf/ counter display.
Just3wrapsisallyouneedfor dependable,leak-proofjointsonlines carrying steam, water and other liquids.Thistapeisalsocompatiblewithmost gases,butforgaslines,Mill-Rose3-Wrap YellowGasSealTapeisrecommended.
Composition:100% pure virgin PTFEColor:WhiteThickness:0.0025” +/-10% (0.0635mm +/-10%)Density:0.7g/cm
Standard Quality White Thread Sealant Tape
Just because it is white, do not confuse Mill-Rose Better Quality PTFE Sealant Tape with the cheaper, stretched white tape currently on the market as a commodity. Unlike those stringy, flimsy tapes, that are stretched razor thin before you get them, Mill-Rose Standard Quality ThreadSealTapeissixteenpercent(16%)thickerandcertifiedtocomply with the provisions of MilSpec MIL-T-27730A .
Composition:100% virgin PTFEColor:WhiteThickness:.003 +/- 10%Density:0.6g/cm3 +/- 10%Elongation:More than 50%PSI rating:3000 PSI (68.95 mPn)Temperaturerange:-4500F to +5000F (-2680C to +2600C)Combustion:Does not support combustionShelf Life:Indefinite
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
709881/2” x 260”1445 lbs.709891/2” x 520”1446 lbs. 709901/2” x 1296”14411 lbs.709913/4” x 260”1447 lbs.709923/4” x 520”1449 lbs.709933/4” x 1296”14416 lbs.709941” x 260”14410 lbs.709951” x 520”14412 lbs.709961” x 1296”14422 lbs.
Elongation:>50%PSI rating:10,000 PSI (69,000 kPa) water and oilTemperature range:-450
completely stable up to +500
F or +4000C. Decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames.
750Tensilestrength:1000 PSI
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Master Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
701931/2” x 100”101000.07 lbs.701901/2” x 260”101000.17 lbs.702001/2” x 520”101000.34 lbs.702021/2” x 1,296”50520 4.24 lbs.701953/4” x 260”8800.15 lbs.701963/4” x 520”8800.30 lbs.708063/4” x 1296”503365.64 lbs.702031” x 260”6600.16 lbs.702091” x 520”6600.32 lbs.708071” x 1296503366.75 lbs.
Display Packaging - White PTFE Thread Seal Tape
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
1/2” x 100” - 40 Pk.Counter Dspl1/2” x 260” - 40 Pk.Counter Dspl1/2” x 520” - 40 Pk.Counter Dspl1/2” x 260” - Carded
F to +5000F (-2680C to +2880C)PTFEis
F or +2880C.Decompositionisslowupto
11.2 lbs.11.4 lbs.11.6 lbs.
10.71 lbs.
PTFE Cord Packing
This self-forming, self-lubricating,non-toxiccordpackingismadeof 100%purePTFE.Itisresistanttomost liquidsandgases.PHrangefrom0to
14.Temperaturerangefrom-450˚Fto +450˚F. PSI range is 1500 to 3000.
Blue Monster Industrial Grade Thread Sealant with PTFE
Formulated for extra lubrication on metal pipe threads, BLUE MONSTER Industrial Grade Thread Sealant with PTFE is a slow-drying,soft-setting, non-hardening pipe thread compound.BLUEMONSTERhasahigh bulkdensity,whichmeans therearemoresolidsinthe formulation.Recommended for on-site or assembly line work. It is lead-free, non-toxic and will not harden or separate in the can.
Blue Monster Industrial Grade Thread Sealant
BLUE MONSTER Industrial Grade Pipe Thread Compound is a slow-drying,soft-setting, non-hardening pipe thread compound.Specially formulated with superb “sticking” character-istics, BLUE MONSTER applies evenly and quickly to threads. Recommended for on-site or assembly line work, BLUE MONSTER is lead-free, non-toxic and will not harden or separate in the can.
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
760002 . oz. Squeeze Tube244 lbs.760011/4 pint / 4 . oz. / 118 ml2415 lbs.760031/2 pint / 8 . oz. / 237 ml2423 lbs.760051 pint / 16 . oz. / 473 ml1222 lbs.760171 quart / 32 . oz. / .95 liter1248 lbs.
Meets Mil. Spec.TT-S-1732
Temperature Range: -50ºF (-45ºC) to +400ºF (204ºC)Pressure ratings:Gases up to 3,000 PSI (211 kg/cm
Liquids up to 10,000 PSI (703.1 kg/cm2)
pw/dwv/swStandard 14Standard 61
Not recommended for use on oxygen systems.Use Clean-Fit 3-wrap Oxygen PTFE Tape.
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
760072 . oz. Squeeze Tube244 lbs.760091/4 pint / 4 . oz. / 118 ml 24 15 lbs.760111/2 pint / 8 . oz. / 237 ml2423 lbs.760151 pint / 16 . oz. / 473 ml1222 lbs.760191 quart / 32 . oz. / .95 liter1248 lbs.
Meets Mil. Spec.TT-S-1732
Temperature Range: -50ºF (-45ºC) to +400ºF (204ºC)Pressure ratings:Gases up to 3,000 PSI (211 kg/cm
Liquids up to 6,000 PSI (422 kg/cm2)Not recommended for use on oxygen systems.Use Clean-Fit 3-wrap Oxygen PTFE Tape.
pw/dwv/swStandard 14Standard 61
Blue Monster Stay-Soft Thread Sealant with PTFE
Specially formulated for residential and commercial fire sprinkler systems
Blue Monster Stay-Soft PTFE enriched pipe thread compound does not harden and allows for pre-fab application to threads weeks before system assembly and pressurization. Stay-Soft is non-seizing and allows for easy disassembly of any threaded connection years
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
760231/4 pint / 4 fl. oz. / 118 ml 24 18 lbs (8.2 kg)760251/2 pint / 8 fl. oz. / 237 ml2426 lbs (11.8 kg) 760271 pint / 16 fl. oz. / 473 ml1225 lbs (11.3 kg)760291 quart / 32 fl. oz. / .95 liter1250 lbs (22.7 kg)
Approved for use onallmetalthreadedconnections,FlowGuard
, Blazemaster®, andCorzan® pipe and fittings.
Meets Mil. Spec.TT-S-1732
Temperature range: -15ºF (-20ºC) to +400ºF (204ºC)Pressure ratings:Gases up to 5,000 PSI (351.5 kg/cm
Liquids up to 10,000 PSI (703.1 kg/cm
after assembly. Easy clean-up and indefinite shelf life.
Mill-RoseStainlessSteelThreadSealing PTFETapeisauniquethreadsealingtape whichpreventsstainlesssteelfittingsfrom gallingorseizingduringassemblyand disassembly.Thetapeisthickerand denserthanmosttapes.Theadded thicknessanddensityensuresan effectivesealupto12,000PSI.Do not use on Oxygen systems - SeeGreen Oxygen Tape in this section.
Applications:Stainlesssteelpipesystems,including joints and connections, bolts, nuts,valves, flanges, studs, threaded fittings,bushings,plugsandassemblies.Alsousedfor protectionfromcorrosion,seizing,galling,rust carbon fusion and galvanized pitting.
Blue Monster® Nickel Guard® Anti-Seize ThreadSeal Tape
Easyassemblyanddisassemblyof threaded components
• 10% Nickel Flake Content
• A clean and efficient alternative to anti-seize compounts
• A nickel impregnated PTFE thread sealing tape designed for stainless steel fittings
• Anti-seize assistance up to
F (1,4550)C)
Auniquethread sealing tape that prevents stainless steel fittings from galling or seizing during assembly anddisassembly.Thistapeisimpregnatedwithnickelpowderwhichactslikebearingplates,keepingthe surfaceofthemale/femalethreadsapart.Furtherprotectionisprovided withthisthickeranddensertapethatensuresan effective seal.Blue
Monsterfor stainless steel pipe and fittings but it is compatible with a wide range
Nickel Guard®Anti-SeizeThreadSealingTape is recommended
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
708911/2” x 260” Rolls10.41 lbs.708923/4” x 260” Rolls8.51 lbs.708931” x 260” Rolls6.82 lbs.
F or +4000C. Decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames.
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
708941/2” x 600”101.14 lbs.708953/4” x 600”81 lb.
of piping materials for use with a wide range of gases and liquids.Additional features include no curing time, effective across a broad range of temperatures, and it’s non-toxic and non-flammable.
completely stable up to +500on contact with naked flames. Upon decomposiiton, the remaining copper powder will assist disassembly. Nickel flake will melt at 2,651
+/- 10%
F to +500oF (-268oC to +260oC) PTFE is
F or +260o C. Decomposition will occur
F or 1,455oC.
Copper-Filled PTFE Tape for Anti-Seize Thread Sealing
A clean copper based, high-temperature,anti-seizematerialforprotectionfrom corrosion,seizure,galling,rustcarbon fusion,galvanicpitting.Thecopper acts like ball bearings.This tapemaintainsitselasticitywhere temperaturesreachashighas 500˚F-direct flame. Meets ULrequirements for seal tests.
Applications: Bolts, studs,threaded fittings and couplings,valve shafts, cylinder heads,manifoldsandanyotherconnectionin a hostile environment (boilers, ovens,exhaustmanifolds,hotwaterstorage tanks,pumps,burnerassemblies,turbo charger fittings, etc.)
Temperature range:Thetapeiscompletelythermallystableat
temperaturesbetween-450˚Fto+500˚F(-268˚Cto+260˚C)PTFEin thetapewillslowlydecomposeupto750˚For400˚C.Decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames. Upon decomposition, theremaining copper powder will assist disassembly.The copper flake willmelt at 1981˚F or 1083˚C
Reference Mill-Rose specication sheet for additional uses & applications.
Anti-Seize Lubricants & Tapes
Blue Monster® Copper Guard® Anti-Seize ThreadSeal Tape
Easyassemblyanddisassemblyof threaded components
• 10% Copper Flake Content
• A clean and efficient alternative to anti-seize compounts
• A copper impregnated PTFE thread sealing tape
• Anti-seize assistance up to
F (1,0840C)
Designed to permit the easy assembly and disassembly of threaded components. It takes the place of messy and potentially contaminating
anti-seize compounds. Blue Monster
Copper Guard®Anti-Seize Tape is manufactured from a copper filled PTFE resin that provides excellent lubricity and helps prevent galling during assembly and disassembly of components.When wrapped around a thread, Mill-Rose Blue Monster
Copper Guard
Anti-Seize Tape seals it from corrosive substances or any dirt or grit likely to cause seizure.Apply to any threaded compo-nent made from galvanized steel, steel, iron, brass, copper, aluminum,titanium and magnesium. It is not recommended for stainless steel.
Blue Monster® Copper Anti-Seize Lubricant
Copper anti-seize lubricant for use on all metal pipe and ttings.
Mill-RoseBlueMonsterCopperAnti-Seize is a specially formulated copper-basedlubricant for high temperature up to 1800°F(982°C) and high pressure environments.BlueMonsterCopperAnti-Seizelubricant willnotbleed,separate,orsettle.Prevents pressureleakageandseizingresultingfromhigh temperature, freezing, heavy loads, corrosion, and vibration.
completely stable up to +500oncontactwithnakedflames.Upondecomposiiton,theremainingcopper powderwillassistdisassembly.Copperflakewillmeltat1,984
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
7602410 oz. / .625 lb. / 283 g 129.5 lbs.7602616 oz. / 1 lb. / 454 g1215.2 lbs.
•Copper anti-seize lubricant for use on all metal pipe and fittings.
•TemperatureRangeUse:Gases: -0°F (-17°C) to 1800°F (982°C)Liquids: -0°F (-17°C) to 1800°F (982°C)Brushable to: 10°F (-12°C)PourPoint:32°F(0°C)
0.0045” +/- 10% (0.115mm +/-10%)
+/- 10%
-450oF to +500oF (-268oC to +260oC) PTFE is
F or +260o C. Decomposition will occur
F or
Blue Monster® Nickel Anti-Seize Lubricant
Pure nickel anti-seize compound for use on stainless steel pipe and ttings.
Blue Monster Nickel Anti-Seize is anextreme service anti-seize lubricant for useinahightemperatureenvironment(upto 2600°F/1427°C).Foruseinapplications where copper, lead, moly-disulfide,chlorides,andfluoridescannotbe tolerated.BlueMonsterNickelAnti-Seize lubricant is chemically inert and can be
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
760201/2 pint / 8 . oz. / 237 ml1210 lbs.760221 pint / 16 . oz. / 473 ml1219 lbs.
•High teperature lubricant for use on stainless steel, PVC, CPVC,nylon,polypropylene,plasticsandallmetals.
•TemperatureRangeUse:Gases: -0°F (-17°C) to 2600°F (1427°C)Liquids: -0°F (-17°C) to 2600°F (1427°C)Brushable to: 10°F (-12°C)PourPoint:32°F(0°C)
used with most chemicals that are unstable with copper-type compounds.Provides excellent resistance to chemical oxidation and/or corrosion.Prevents rusting, seizing, welding, or galling. Not for use on potable water systems.
Blue Monster 1-Step Weatherproof PVC Cement Blue and Clear Formulas
Self-priming PVC glue simplifies installations
BlueMonster1-StepPVC cementisaself-priming PVCpipegluethat requiresnoadditional primer.BlueMonster’s 1-stepjoiningprocesssimplifiesinstallationsbyreducinglaborandoffers fastercuringtimesbeforepressuretesting.Idealforunder-the-sinkjobs andhomeremodels.UseonallclassesofrigidandflexiblePVCpressure pipe, including Sch. 80, up to 6” in diameter and 8” dia-meteronnonpressurerigid and flexible PVC pipe.
Clear PVC Cement
Blue Monster® Drain Banger
Professional strength, odorless drain opener
Blue Monster Drain Banger devours hair,grease, soap and oils that slow and plug drain lines in less than 60 seconds! Blue Monster Drain Banger is a hot water activated non-acid drain cleaner designed to be used by professional contractors only. It is odorless and will not harm plumbing fixtures, porcelain or septic systems.
Blue PVC Cement
Cat #Description Std. Pkg. Wgt./Pkg.
Blue Monster Open Mesh
Blue PVC Cement
760301/4 pint / 4 fl. oz. / 118 ml 24 10 lbs.760321/2 pint / 8 fl. oz. / 237 ml2416 lbs.760341 pint / 16 fl. oz. / 473 ml1215 lbs.760361 quart / 32 fl. oz. / .95 liter1228 lbs.
Clear PVC Cement
760311/4 pint / 4 fl. oz. / 118 ml 24 10 lbs.760331/2 pint / 8 fl. oz. / 237 ml2416 lbs.760351 pint / 16 fl. oz. / 473 ml1215 lbs.760371 quart / 32 fl. oz. / .95 liter1228 lbs.
Medium Body - Low VOC
Blue Monster 1-Step PVC cement emits lessthan 510 grams per liter VOC when tested according to SCAQMD method 316 A.
*Use without primer where acceptable by local code.
•Devours hair, grease, soap, oils and other organic materials thatslow and plug drain lines in less than 60 seconds!
pw/dwv/swStandard 14Standard 61
Blue Monster® Microbubble Gas Leak Detector
Detects even the smallest of leaks
Blue Monster®Microbubbleleakdetector
is a sensitive solution formulated to detect even the smallest of leaks in air and gas lines, tanks, cylinders, valves,fittings, pipelines, and other suspect areas.BlueMonster’sdependableformula provides long lasting leak detection up to 10 minutes after application. Ideal for identifying leaks in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, this easy-to-use leak detector is equally effective on natural gas, propane, butane, air, nitrogen,chlorine, CO2, and most other gases. Not for use on oxygen systems.
Cleanhands,tools,equipment,andhardsurface areas with these convenient scrubbing towels.
BLUE MONSTER scrubbing towels are pre-moistened,heavy-duty cleaning towels dispensed from a handy,flip-top container.They are saturated with a safe,effective cleaning solution combined with a tough,dual-texturedtoweltoloosen,dissolveandabsorb dirtandgreaseleavingyourhandsclean.Oneside is rough for scrubbing and the other side is smooth.Thesetowelsrequirenowaterandleavehandsfeeling conditioned and clean with no left-over residue.
Blue Monster
Compression Seal Tape
Stops problem leaks under pressure without turning off the water source!
Blue Monster® Compression Seal Tape features self-fusing layers that form a waterproof compression seal.Sealleakswhileunderpressure-upto150PSIonany typeofrigidpipingmaterial,fromgalvanizedandcast iron to copper and all types of plastics and rubber.
BlueMonsterCompressionSealTapecontains noadhesiveandisidealforcrisisandlong-term applications.Thistapesealsbycompression,sopulling thetapeastightaspossibleformsachemicalreaction that fuses the layers of tape into a mass of silicone.
Cat #DescriptionStd. Pkg.Master Pkg.Wgt./Pkg.
7709575 10” x 12”Towels2032057 lbs.
Keep hands, tools and hard surfaces clean from...
• Adhesives• Asphalt• Heavy Soil
• Flux• Grease• Grime
• Oils & Inks• Paint• Pipe Dope
• Tar• Lubricants• Caulk
• Pipe Cements• Urethanes & More
Free Hand & Nail Brush included in each container!
alkalineorchlorineandcanwithstandsubmersion up to 3 days.
ASTM D2240, D2240,A-A-59163,ASTM D-149,
Monster CompressionSealTapespecificationsmeet other international standards not included in this list.
IEEE1202forflammability,self-extinguishesand will not propagate a flame.
All Purpose Lubricating Oil with Zoom Spout
Thehighestqualityturbinelubricatingoil!Idealforuse onindustrialequipment,electricmotorsfrom1/3HP to5HP,shoptools,bearings,shaftsandvirtuallyall mechanical linkages.Available in a 4 ounce container with the patented Zoom Spout.
Blue Monster Power Deuce Brushing ToolTwo Brushes in One!
Multi-function brush cleans fittings and tubing for stronger joints.
The Power-Deuce is a multl-function brushing tool that prepares the inside of copper fittings and outside of copper tubingwithouthavingtochange tools.The Power-Deuce is a self-
cleaning brush with rust-proof,stainless steel bristles for plumbing andHVACprojects.Aheavy-dutyABS housing is impact resistant and protectsbristlessotheyretaintheirshapeand prolongs brush life.