Quick User manual for MilkSense & Bscale
Table of Contents:
Quick User manual for MilkSense & Bscale ......................................... 1
Preparation for Measuring with Bscale ............................................... 2
Preparing the MilkSense Device .......................................................... 3
First Breastfeeding Measurements (Combined Measures) ............... 4
Calibrating the MilkSense ..................................................................... 6
Regular Use ............................................................................................ 7
Safety Precautions ................................................................................. 8
Please read carefully the safety precautions at the end of the user manual
before using the devices.
Preparation for Measuring with Bscale
Software Installation
Install the MilkSense PC Suite software from the included CD:
1. Run the setup.exe file and click OK on the dialogue boxes that appear.
2. Once you run the software, it is recommended that you select a new data
file name (choose File New in the menu bar).
3. Enter the name of the child in the main screen.
Weighing Empty Infant Seat
1. Connect the Bscale to the infant seat.
Tighten the grip by pulling the strip (A) and
place the handle in its socket (B).
2. Connect the Bscale to the computer using
the USB cable provided.
3. Launch the program.
4. Click the button.
5. Change the Measuring Type to Weigh Empty Seat
(click the down arrow to open the drop-
down menu and select the option from the list).
6. Weigh the infant seat by raising it, as
illustrated in the figure (ensure that the
scale is hung in midair not resting on
anything). The software window will display
the weight. Place the infant seat and click
Preparing the MilkSense Device
1. Insert 3 AAA alkaline batteries into the back of the
device. Pay attention to the direction in which the
batteries are placed. Wrong placing might damage
the device.
2. Filling the device with liquid: Use the supplied
liquid to moisten the sponge until it is completely
soaked. Re-soak the sponge twice a week.
Placing the device on the breast
The electrodes should be laid horizontally on the top
of the breast and above the areola, directly above the
nipple. It is important to place the device accurately
by aiming the locator bar to the upper edge of the
In Case of Fallen Breast
Elongate the Locator bar until the electrodes’ height is above the fold of the