Mikster WRC-2010H User Manual

ver. 1.07
INDU WRC-2010H Controller
User’s Manual
Sp. z o.o.
41-250 Czeladź, ul. Wojkowicka 21
Tel. 0 32 763–77–77
Fax: 0 32 763–75–94
v1.07 29.05.2008
INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
1. STRUCTURE, APPLICATIONS, POTENTIAL.....................................................................................................4
2. “INDU WRC-2010H” - CONTROL PANEL............................................................................................................4
3. “INDU WRC-2010H” - START OF OPERATION..................................................................................................6
4. PROCESS PROGRAMS......................................................................................................................................6
4.1. Manufacturing process programming............................................................................................................6
4.2. Execution of program stored in memory .......................................................................................................8
4.3. Program execution interruption .....................................................................................................................9
4.4. Automatic process activation.........................................................................................................................9
4.5. Editing of parameters set during controller operation..................................................................................11
5. CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................................12
5.1. User’s functions...........................................................................................................................................13
5.1.1. Time and date setting ...........................................................................................................................13
5.1.2. Setting menu language.........................................................................................................................13
5.2. Service functions 1......................................................................................................................................15
5.2.1. Controller parameter setting .................................................................................................................15
5.2.2. Setting of step parameters....................................................................................................................20
5.2.3. Alarm setting.........................................................................................................................................22
5.2.4. Parameter setting for pause mode, stop mode and key functions F1..F4............................................26
5.2.5. I/O output parameter setting.................................................................................................................27
5.2.6. Washing parameter setting...................................................................................................................31
5.3. Service functions 2......................................................................................................................................31
5.3.1. Test for digital outputs...........................................................................................................................31
5.3.2. Key test.................................................................................................................................................32
5.3.3. Diode test..............................................................................................................................................32
5.4. Washing ......................................................................................................................................................33
5.4.1. Washing programming .........................................................................................................................33
5.4.2. Washing activation................................................................................................................................33
6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................34
6.1. Display of additional measurements............................................................................................................34
7. HOW TO CONNECT THE CONTROLLER TO PC COMPUTER.......................................................................34
8. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................35
II INDU WRC CPU-01 MODULE............................................................................................................................36
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................36
2. MODULE FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................36
3. FIGURE..............................................................................................................................................................36
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................37
III. INDU WRC AI-01/6 MODULE ...........................................................................................................................38
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................38
2. MODULE FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................38
3. FIGURE..............................................................................................................................................................38
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................39
IV. INDU WRC DI-01MODULE..............................................................................................................................40
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................40
2. MODULE FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................................40
3. FIGURE..............................................................................................................................................................40
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................41
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
V. INDU WRC RO-01 MODULE............................................................................................................................42
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................42
2. MODULE FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................................42
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................43
5. C
VI. INDU WRC TO-01 MODULE............................................................................................................................44
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................44
2. MODULE FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................44
3. FIGURE..............................................................................................................................................................44
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................45
5. C
VII. INDU WRC COM-01 MODULE........................................................................................................................46
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................46
2. MODULE FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................46
3. FIGURE..............................................................................................................................................................46
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................47
VIII. INDU WRC PS-01 MODULE...........................................................................................................................48
1. MODULE ASSEMBLING....................................................................................................................................48
2. MODULE FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................48
4. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................................49
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
The INDU WRC-2010H Controller is a unit designed to control those industrial processes, in which temperature is the most important element, such as: smoke-chambers, brewing boilers, defrosting chambers, etc. Smoke­chamber control is the main purpose, for which this controller has been built, and this is reflected in the type of data being shown, controller operation procedure, etc. The controller consists of modules - users may fit their number and type to their own needs. The main module is the “Control Panel”, indispensable in any controller, which allows to:
- configure the whole controller
- set parameters controlling the process
- observe current measurements
Other modules, which may be added to the controller (in brackets: maximum number of modules of a given type):
- analog input module (2 modules – 12 input lines) – temperature measurements using the PT100
- digital input module (1 module – 11 input lines) – inputs signaling alarm, or additional external control signals
- relay output modules (6 modules – 32 output lines [1 module has 6 lines]) - relays to control executive
- communication module (1 module) – allows to communicate with the PC computer, and stores recordings of process course parameters
- power supply module (1 module) – the controller power supply – indispensable
Modules may be put together in any configuration.
All operations related to the controller activation, programming, etc., are executed through the control panel. Keys on the control panel are arranged in the following keypads:
- numeric display keypad (1) – displays process preset parameters [green], and current measurements [red]
- graphic display (2) - displays all information related to the panel configuration and operation
- NUMERIC keys with FUNCTION keys (3) – allow to operate the controller
- diodes signaling OUTPUT EQUIPMENT STATUS (4) – show status of output relays
Process control is divided into stages referred to as process cycles, each process may consist of 30 cycles, and each cycle is characterized by:
- currently executed process step
- preset chamber temperature
- preset bar temperature
- preset humidity
- preset cycle duration time
Process step is the information stored in the controller stating which outputs are to be active, and what is the condition for particular cycle termination. 16 process steps may be stored in the INDU WRC-2010H memory.
Information regarding status of working controller, as process number and name, or process step number and name, is shown on graphic display.
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
1. Numeric
2. Graphic
display keypad
4. Signaling diodes
3. Numeric keys with function
Fig. 1
The INDU WRC-2010H Controller “control panel”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
As soon as power is turned on, all numeric displays and diodes will light, and graphic display will show “WRC 2000 Init”. After some time displays and diodes will be switched off, which proves correct work of the system. The controller will switch to stand-by mode. Graphic display will show request to enter operator’s number, and then
password. Before operators are entered, it is enough to press “Enter” key twice.
4.1. Manufacturing process programming
Do the following in order to create a new program or edit an already existing one:
- press the “Configuration” key
- using arrows “left” - “right”, position the cursor so as to make the figure blink and to have the word
Programowanie” [“Programming”] displayed
press the “Enter” key
- password will be requested
enter the code “003011” and press “Enter”
- program selection list will be displayed
- using arrows “up” - “down”, select the program you wish to enter or modify
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
- selected program blinks
- press “Enter” key to edit the program
- first enter program name
(enter letter in position by pressing key with selected letter as many times as required, move to next position by
pressing right arrow )
- press “Enter” key
- start process cycle editing
- enter the number of cycle you wish to edit and press “Enter”
- select step number to be executed during the cycle
(using arrows “up” - “down”), and press “Enter”
- enter the cycle duration,
first hours, press “Enter” , then minutes, and press “Enter” again
- enter preset chamber temperature
and press “Enter”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
- enter preset bar temperature
and press “Enter”
- enter preset humidity
and press “Enter”
- shift between data you are entering with arrows
- this ends editing of a single process; if you wish to edit another cycle, enter its number and then proceed as
before, whereas if all cycles in a given program have been edited, then press “Stop” key
- thus you have completed program editing, now you can select another program for editing, or:
- press “Stop” key and thus end manufacturing process programming
4.2. Execution of program stored in memory
Do the following in order to execute any program previously saved in the controller memory:
- press “Start” key
- select the process using arrows “up” - “down”
to be executed and press “Enter”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
- enter product identification data by using numeric keys and arrows
- press “Start” key again
4.3. Program execution interruption
We are able to interrupt program execution any time without possibility to resume it; in order to do that press “Stop”
key . It is also possible to interrupt currently executed program, and then return to its execution; follow the procedure
below to do that:
- press ”Pause” key
- the controller will interrupt program execution and diode at ”Pause” key will go on
- the program will be resumed when ”Pause” key is pressed again, or when pause time passes (value set
during controller configuration, which is described later in this Manual).
4.4. Automatic process activation
The INDU WRC-2010H Controller allows to activate a program at any previously set hour. Follow the procedure below to allow for automatic activation of the controller:
- press “Clock” key
- select program, which is to be activated
and press “Enter”
- enter process start hour
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
- enter process start date (current date is prompted by default)
- press “Start”
- graphic display will show program name, date and program activation time, as well as current date and time,
the lamp at “Clock” key will go on
At specified hour the controller will automatically start execution of appropriate program from the first step. While the controller waits for process start, it is impossible to introduce any modification of settings.
You may cancel automatic process start by pressing “Stop” key .
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
4.5. Editing of parameters set during controller operation
It is possible to correct previously set parameters while the controller executes a program. Follow the procedure below (during program execution) to do that:
- press “Configuration” key
- using arrows “up” - “down”, select parameter that you wish to change (selected parameter blinks)
- enter the new value using numeric keys
and confirm with “Enter” key
- if it is necessary, modify next parameters
- press “Start” key after having introduced all changes
ATTENTION !!! Alterations introduced during controller operation are valid only until the end of manufacturing process. After closing the program, the controller “remembers” program with data set during the programming process. During the program data edition the time count as well as the control of condition of the cycle end – are stopped. The controller automatically returns to the normal mode of operation if no key was pressed for one minute.
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
The controller possesses very highly developed configuration functions, which allow to adjust its parameters and way of working to user’s individual needs. Suitable settings entered through the configuration menu are stored in the controller memory and used during its work.
Controller configuration has been divided into the following functions:
- user’s functions
- service functions 1
- service functions 2
- access control
Follow the procedure below to start editing selected functions:
- press “Configuration” key
- using arrows “left” - “right”, select functions you wish to edit
- press “Enter” key
- you will see on screen request to enter password for access to selected functions
- enter right code and press “Enter”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
5.1. User’s functions
These functions allow to set the following:
- time and date
- menu language
- so far other functions are inactive
5.1.1. Time and date setting
Follow the procedure below to set time and date:
- select function “Set clock”
- press “Enter”
enter time and then date using numeric keys
- as soon as you enter each item, press “Enter”
- press “Stop” key after entering all items
5.1.2. Setting menu language
Follow the procedure below to set language:
- select function “Language”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
- press “Enter”
- select one of 4 languages using arrow keys “left” - “right”
press “Enter”
4 languages are available:
- Polish
- English
- two languages defined by user and transferred to the controller via PC computer – instruction how to do this is
enclosed to the program for PC.
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
5.2. Service functions 1
In these functions it is possible to set the following:
- controller parameters
- step parameters
- alarms
- STOP and PAUSE mode parameters, and parameters of key functions F1..F4
- I/O output parameters
- washing parameters
5.2.1. Controller parameter setting
Follow the procedure below to set controller parameters:
- select function “Controller parameters”
- press “Enter”
Now begin editing controller parameters (parameters are stored in cells numbered from F01):
- select cell, which you wish to set using arrow keys “up” - “down”
- press “Enter”
- enter proper value for a given cell
- press “Enter”
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INDU WRC-2010H Controller – User’s Manual ver. 1.07
Repeat the procedure shown before until required values are set in each cell. The table below shows the meaning of individual cells:
F 01
ADDRESS FOR PC 1 1..32 Number in the RS - 485 network, by which
the PC computer recognizes the controller
F 02
F 03
F 04
V.tr. TO PC 0 0..1 Baud rate RS - 485 – connection with PC: 0
- 9600, 1 – 19200
MENU INFO 0 0..11 Menu INFO configuration
Display after button INFO press: 0 – 3 temperatures, 1 – channel 3, 2 – channelł 4, 3 – channel 5, 4 – channel 6, 5 – channel 7, 6 – channel 8, 7 – channel 9, 8 – channel 10, 9 – channel 11, 10 – channel 12, 11 – counter
END COND.TIME 1 0..99 Additional time to process end
F 05
F 06 F 07
F 08 F 09
NOT USED 0 0..2 0 - pause from button
1 - pause from program settings (work time pause time). Cycle time stopped during pause
2 - pause from program settings (work time pause time). Cycle time running during pause
NOT USED TEMP. UNIT 0 0..1 Temperature measurement unit
0 – 0C
1 – 0F ‘PLATE’ TEMP. 380 -99..999 Smoke temperature ‘SMOKE’ TEMP. 250 -99..999 Smoke-generator plate temperature
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