Mikrotron eosens TS3 User Manual

eosens TS3
High-Speed Handheld Camera
User Manual
T3 User Manual
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Reader Response
MIKROTRON strives to produce quality documentation and welcomes your feedback. Please send comments and suggestions to MIKROTRON. For technical questions, contact your local MIKROTRON sales office.
Mikrotron Mikrocomputer, Digital- und Analogtechnik GmbH Landshuter Str. 20-22 D-85716 Unterschleissheim Germany
email: sales@mikrotron.de
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T3 User Manual
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1, TS3 Product Overview
The first chapter contains general information regarding the TS3 product family, common applications for which the camera is used, and the basic guide to the component parts of the camera. Look here for the names and locations of all camera controls and indicators.
Chapter 2, Geng Started
This chapter guides the user through the camera setup process from unpacking the camera to
ttaching, connecting, or installing the pieces necessary to begin using the camera: i.e. the power
a supply and/or battery, lenses, mass memory devices, etc., as well as optional devices such as triggers, monitors, PCs, etc.
Chapter 3, Camera Setup
This chapter is about learning to use the TS3 user interface and setting the camera up for use, including naming the camera and setting up the time. It also covers controls for the built-in LCD display, connecting with an external display, and connecting the TS3 to a computer network.
Chapter 4, Recording with the TS3
Chapter 4 covers the recording process from setting up the recording parameters to Arming and Triggering the camera. It also covers bit selection, image processing and saving the imagery in its different formats.
Chapter 5, Synchronizing Cameras
Cameras may be synchronized to external timing devices as well as to other cameras. This chapter tells you how to do it on the TS3.
Chapter 6, TS3 Web-Applicaon
TS3 camera’s Web-Application makes it easy to control the camera from virtually any device that can attach to a network and run a standard internet browser. No need to load any software! Chapter 6 walks you through the Web-App and how to control the camera, and capture and manage imagery with it.
Chapters 7 and 8, FasMoon
FasMotion is MIKROTRON proprietary camera control software for setting up and controlling the TS3 with a PC via GigE connection. Chapter 7 covers the setup portion. Chapter 8 covers recording with FasMotion.
Appendices and Applicaon Notes
Technical details are to be found in these sections. They include a glossary of terms, camera and sensor specifications, lens FOV vs. resolutions t focus adjustment procedures, system optimization and much more.
ables, an index, connector schematics, and back
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T3 User Manual
Copyrights and Disclaimer .................................................................................................... i
Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................... i
Reader Response ...................................................................................................................................... i
Contact ...................................................................................................................................................... i
Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................ ii
Chapter 1, TS3 Product Overview ............................................................................................................. ii
Chapter 2, Geng Started ........................................................................................................................ ii
Chapter 3, Camera Setup
Chapter 4, Recording with the TS3 ............................................................................................................ ii
Chapter 5, Synchronizing Cameras ............................................................................................................ ii
Chapter 6, TS3 Web-Applicaon ............................................................................................................... ii
Chapters 7 and 8, FasMoon
Appendices and Applicaon Notes
1 TS3 Product Overview ........................................................................................................ 1
1-1 TS3 Product Descripon ...................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 TS3 Product Dierenaon ................................................................................................................. 2
1-3 TS3 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors ............................................................................................ 3
.......................................................................................................................... ii
.................................................................................................................... ii
........................................................................................................... ii
2 TS3 Geng Started ........................................................................................................... 7
2-1 Unpacking the Camera ....................................................................................................................... 7
2-2 Installing the Lens ............................................................................................................................... 7
2-3 Powering Up, Charging, and Power Down ........................................................................................... 8
2-4 TS3 Memory and Mass Storage Opons ............................................................................................ 10
3 TS3 Camera Setup ............................................................................................................ 13
3-1 Camera Display and Menu Navigaon Buons .................................................................................. 13
3-2 Using the Touchscreen ...................................................................................................................... 14
3-3 Controlling the Displays .................................................................................................................... 15
3-4 Connecng to a PC via Ethernet ........................................................................................................ 16
3-5 Using the TS3 with a PC .................................................................................................................... 17
3-6 TS3 Name the Camera ...................................................................................................................... 18
3-7 Seng the Time .............................................................................................................................. 19
3-8 Storage Setup ................................................................................................................................... 20
3-9 Conguraon and Camera Informaon ............................................................................................. 21
3-10 Reset .............................................................................................................................................. 21
4 Recording with the TS3 .................................................................................................... 22
4-1 Seng Frame Rate and Resoluon ................................................................................................... 22
4-2 Seng Shuer Speed ....................................................................................................................... 24
4-3 Low Light Mode ................................................................................................................................ 25
4-4 Seng Bit Depth 4-5 Conguring the Trigger
4-6 Black Level Calibraon ...................................................................................................................... 27
4-8 Autosave .......................................................................................................................................... 29
4-10 Image Processing ............................................................................................................................ 32
4-11 Custom Color Correcon
.............................................................................................................................. 25
.................................................................................................................... 26
................................................................................................................. 33
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Table of Contents Connued
4-12 Saving Images to Mass Storage ....................................................................................................... 35
5 Synchronizing Cameras ................................................................................................... 37
5-1 Sync In .............................................................................................................................................. 37
5-2 Sync Out ........................................................................................................................................... 38
5-3 Master/Slave Setup .......................................................................................................................... 39
5-4 External Source Sync ......................................................................................................................... 40
6 Using the Web App .......................................................................................................... 42
6-1 Web App Overview ........................................................................................................................... 42
6-2 Camera Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 43
6-3 Storage Sengs Tab .......................................................................................................................... 44
6-4 Record Sengs ................................................................................................................................. 45
6-5 Record Controls ................................................................................................................................ 46
6-6 Display Sengs Tab .......................................................................................................................... 47
6-7 Arm, Trigger, Live, and Review Buons ............................................................................................. 47
6-8 Review Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 48
7 FasMoon Setup .............................................................................................................. 50
7-1 Install FasMoon Camera Control Soware ...................................................................................... 50
7-2 Connect the Camera to a Network .................................................................................................... 52
7-3 FasMoon Applicaon Window ........................................................................................................ 53
7-4 Controlling the Image Displays .......................................................................................................... 54
7-5 Name the Camera ............................................................................................................................. 56
7-6 Camera Time and Date ..................................................................................................................... 56
7-7 Connect to a TS3 Outside FasMoon ................................................................................................ 57
7-8 Storage Setup ................................................................................................................................... 59
7-9 Conguraons .................................................................................................................................. 60
7-10 Reboot and Power Down ................................................................................................................ 60
7-11 Camera Informaon ........................................................................................................................ 61
8 Recording with FasMoon ............................................................................................... 62
8-1 Seng Frame Rate and Resoluon ................................................................................................... 62
8-2 Seng Shuer Speed ....................................................................................................................... 63
8-3 Seng Bit Depth .............................................................................................................................. 64
8-4 Conguring the Trigger .................................................................................................................... 64
8-5 Black Level Calibraon ...................................................................................................................... 65
8-6 Record: Arm and Trigger ................................................................................................................... 65
8-7 Autosave .......................................................................................................................................... 67
8-8 Reviewing Captured Imagery: Playback............................................................................................. 68
8-9 Image Processing .............................................................................................................................. 70
8-10 Custom Color Correcon ................................................................................................................. 71
8-11 Saving Images to Mass Storage ....................................................................................................... 73
Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 75
Appendix A: Denion of terms ............................................................................................................. 75
Appendix B: TS3 Specicaons ............................................................................................................... 78
T3 User Manual
Table of Contents Connued
Appendix C: TS3 Record / Resoluon Tables ........................................................................................... 79
Appendix D: Power and I/O Connecons ................................................................................................ 82
Appendix E: Adjusng Back Focus ........................................................................................................... 84
Appendix F: Camera Status LEDs ............................................................................................................. 86
Appendix G: Contents of Frame.txt le ................................................................................................... 87
Appendix H: TS3 Updates ....................................................................................................................... 88
Appendix I: Physical Measurements ....................................................................................................... 89
Appendix J: Crop Factor .......................................................................................................................... 90
Appendix K: Paron Capture (CAP) File Format .................................................................................... 91
Applicaon Notes ............................................................................................................... 93
Applicaon Note 1: Histograms .............................................................................................................. 93
Applicaon Note 2: Understanding Bit Depth Applicaon Note 3: Trigger Posion and the Circular Buer
Applicaon Note 4: Frame Rate, Resoluon, and Exposure ................................................................... 101
Applicaon Note 5: Opmizing System for Image Transfers .................................................................. 102
Applicaon Note 6: Choosing an Image File Format
......................................................................................... 95
.................................................................... 97
.............................................................................. 109
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T3 User Manual
Table of Figures
Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View ........................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 1-2: TS3 Front View ...................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View .......................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open) ................................................................................................... 5
Figure 1-5: TS3 Boom View .................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-1: Baery Access Door ............................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-2: Baery Charge Indicator on Status Bar ................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-3: Mass Storage ........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 2-4: USB-OTG on the TS3 ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3-1: System Menu ....................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-2: Touchscreen Menu ............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-3: Touchscreen Calibraon ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-4: LCD Display Controls ............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 3-5: HDMI Controls ...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-6: TS3 to PC Connecons ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3-7: Network Menu ..................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3-8: Stac IP Dialog Box ............................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-9: Web Browser Screen ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3-10: TS3 in Windows Explorer .................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-11: Camera Name Menu .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-12: Keypad Dialog Boxes .......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-13: Time Format Menu ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 3-14: Storage Menu ..................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-15: Session ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-16: System Explore Dialog: File Stacks ...................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-17: File Acon Dialog ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 4-1: Frame Rate and Resoluon Menu ......................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-2: Advanced Record Sengs .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-3: Shuer Speed Menu ............................................................................................................ 24
Figure 4-4: Low Light Menu .................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4-5: Trigger Posion .................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4-6: External Trigger .................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4-7: Black Level Calibraon and Sengs ...................................................................................... 27
Figure 4-8: Camera LED .......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4-9: Progress: Armed TS3 ............................................................................................................ 28
Figure 4-10: Recording Progress: Triggered TS3 ...................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-11: Autosave Dialog ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 4-12: Playback Buons ................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-13: Image Pipeline .................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 4-14: Image Processing Opons ................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-15: White Balance Dialog ......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-16: Custom White Balance ....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-17: RGB Control Dialog ............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 4-18: Save Dialog Boxes .......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 5-1: Sync In Sengs Dialog .......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5-2: Sync In Per Second ............................................................................................................... 38
Figure 5-3: Sync Out Per Frame .............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 5-4: Sync Pass Thru ...................................................................................................................... 39
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T3 User Manual
Table of Figures Connued
Figure 5-5: Master and Slave Cameras ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 5-6: External Sync: Local Grouping ............................................................................................... 40
Figure 5-7: External Sync: Distributed Grouping ..................................................................................... 41
Figure 6-1: Address bar (Chrome) .......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 6-2: Applicaon Window Camera Tab .......................................................................................... 42
Figure 6-3: Camera Tab .......................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 6-4: Network Conguraon Dialog .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 6-5: Storage Sengs Tab ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 6-6: Explore Window ................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 6-7: Record Sengs Tab .............................................................................................................. 45
Figure 6-8: Record Sengs Tab--Advanced Sengs ............................................................................... 46
Figure 6-9: Record Controls Tab ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 6-10: Display Sengs Tab ............................................................................................................ 47
Figure 6-11: Arm, Trigger, Live and Review Buons ................................................................................ 47
Figure 6-12: Web-App Review and Save ................................................................................................. 48
Figure 6-13: Video Review Tab ............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 6-14: Download Informaon Box ................................................................................................. 49
Figure 7-1: FasMoon Installaon .......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7-2: FasMoon Install Locaon .................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7-3: FasMoon Start Folder ......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 7-4: FasMoon Install Progress .................................................................................................... 51
Figure 7-5: FasMoon Installaon Complete .......................................................................................... 51
Figure 7-6: FasMoon “Find Camera” Icon ............................................................................................. 52
Figure 7-7: FasMoon “Find Cameras” Dialog ........................................................................................ 52
Figure 7-8: FasMoon Applicaon Window ........................................................................................... 53
Figure 7-9: Video Control Pane .............................................................................................................. 54
Figure 7-11: User Preferences ................................................................................................................ 54
Figure 7-10: View Menu ......................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 7-12: Gamma Comparison ........................................................................................................... 55
Figure 7-14: Time and Date Conguraon .............................................................................................. 56
Figure 7-13: HDMI Sengs .................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 7-15: Web-Applicaon ................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 7-16: Open TS3 Media in Windows Explorer ................................................................................ 58
Figure 7-17: FasMoon Storage Sengs Tab .......................................................................................... 59
Figure 7-18: FasMoon Camera Explorer ................................................................................................ 59
Figure 7-19: FasMoon Camera Menu ................................................................................................... 60
Figure 7-20: Camera Informaon ........................................................................................................... 61
Figure 8-1: Record Sengs Tab .............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 8-2: Shuer Sengs .................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 8-3: Trigger Conguraon ............................................................................................................ 64
Figure 8-4: Conguraon menu: Black Level Calibraon ......................................................................... 65
Figure 8-5: Record Progress Bar: Armed ................................................................................................. 66
Figure 8-6: Record Progress Bar: Triggered ............................................................................................. 66
Figure 8-7: Video Review tab and Video Controls ................................................................................... 67
Figure 8-8: Autosave Setup Dialog ......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 8-9: Video Controls (Playback) ..................................................................................................... 69
Figure 8-10: Image Pipeline .................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 8-11: Display Sengs .................................................................................................................. 71
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T3 User Manual
Table of Figures Connued
Figure 8-12: Custom White Balance ....................................................................................................... 72
Figure 9-1: Sync I/O Cable Drawing ........................................................................................................ 83
Figure 9-2: Sync I/O Camera Interface Schemac ................................................................................... 83
Figure 9-3: Focus Chart .......................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 9-4: C-Mount ............................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 9-5: Navitar 50mm f/95 Lens ....................................................................................................... 85
Figure 9-6: Camera Status LEDs .............................................................................................................. 86
Figure 9-7: Camera Update Screens........................................................................................................ 88
Figure 9-8: Physical Measurements ........................................................................................................ 89
Figure 9-9: Crop Factor 1280 x 1024 ....................................................................................................... 90
Figure 9-10: Crop Factor 1280 x 720 ....................................................................................................... 90
Figure 9-11: Crop Factor 800 x 600
Figure 9-12: CAP File Diagram Figure 10-1: Histogram: Linear Gradient
Figure 10-2: Histogram: Mono-tonal ...................................................................................................... 93
Figure 10-3: Histogram: Linear Gradient
Figure 10-4: High...Mid...and Low 8 Bits of the same Image ................................................................... 96
Figure 10-5: Circular Buer Fills and Images Shi Posion ...................................................................... 97
Figure 10-6: Circular Buer Fills and Images Shi Posion
Figure 10-7: Circular Buer Overowing ................................................................................................ 98
Figure 10-8: Circular Buer End Trigger
Figure 10-9: Packet Delay Spinner ........................................................................................................ 103
Figure 10-10: FasMoon Shortcut ........................................................................................................ 104
Figure 10-11: FasMoon Shortcut Properes
Figure 10-12: Memory Usage in Task Manager ..................................................................................... 107
......................................................................................................... 90
................................................................................................................ 91
................................................................................................. 93
................................................................................................. 94
...................................................................... 98
.................................................................................................. 99
....................................................................................... 104
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T3 User Manual
Table of Tables
Table 1-1: TS3100-L and TS3100-S Models ................................................................................................ 2
Table 1-2: Part Number Legend ................................................................................................................ 2
Table 1-3: Camera Part Locaons ............................................................................................................. 3
Table 2-1: Package Contents: ................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2-2: Lens Selecon .......................................................................................................................... 8
Table 2-3: ON / OFF Buon .................................................................................................................... 10
Table 2-4: Baery LED States ................................................................................................................. 10
Table 2-5: TS3 Mass Storage Funconality .............................................................................................. 12
Table 3-1: Menu Terminology ................................................................................................................ 13
Table 3-2: Network LEDs ........................................................................................................................ 16
Table 4-1: Frame Rates and Resoluons ................................................................................................. 22
Table 4-2: Frame Rates and Shuer Speeds ............................................................................................ 24
Table 4-3: Playback Control .................................................................................................................... 31
Table 4-4: Playback Rates ....................................................................................................................... 31
Table 4-5: Image File Save Opons ......................................................................................................... 35
Table 7-1: TS3 Network LEDs .................................................................................................................. 52
Table 8-1: Sample Frame Rates and Resoluons ..................................................................................... 65
Table 8-2: Camera Control Buons ......................................................................................................... 69
Table 8-3: File Save Opons ................................................................................................................... 73
Table 9-1: Denions ............................................................................................................................. 75
Table 9-2: Specicaons ........................................................................................................................ 78
Table 9-3: Resoluons, Rates, and Times ................................................................................................ 79
Table 9-4: Power Pin OUt ....................................................................................................................... 82
Table 9-5: I/O Connector Pin Out ........................................................................................................... 82
Table 9-6: Informaon Status ................................................................................................................. 88
Table 9-7: Crop Factor ............................................................................................................................ 90
Table 9-8: CAP File Format ..................................................................................................................... 92
Table 10-1: Image Transfer Performace ............................................................................................... 105
Table 10-2: Table Stats.txt Moderate_Performance System .................................................................. 105
Table 10-3: Missing Frames on a Busy System ...................................................................................... 107
Table 10-4: Benet from Jumbo Packets ............................................................................................... 107
Table 10-5: Finding the Correct Packet Delay Value .............................................................................. 108
Table 10-6: File Format Features .......................................................................................................... 110
Table 10-7: Save to SSD Benchmarks .................................................................................................... 110
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T3 User Manual
1 TS3 Product Overview
1-1 TS3 Product Descripon
The MIKROTRON eosens TS3 is a high-speed digital camera line with models capable of capturing high resolution 1280 x 1024 pixel images at 500 frames per second and smaller-resolution images at much higher frame rates. Recording image data at high frame rates makes it possible to play back high quality video sequences in slow motion, enabling the user a greatly enhanced ability to analyze events that occur much too quickly for human vision to perceive.
The TS3, with its many modes of operation, including its unique stand alone capabilities, and its high speed imaging performance, resolution and sensitivity, make it an excellent choice for many different applications. For ad hoc testing and troubleshooting, when setup time is precious, the TS3 comes through as a point and shoot camera. For multi-camera use or where the camera might be set up and left in mo e remote applications, its networking and master/slave capabilities come into play.
MIKROTRON high-speed cameras are used in hundreds of different industrial manufacturing sites to analyze motion in machinery and production line processes. Reduce jams, speed up line setup and changeovers, lower scrap and rejected material costs, and reduce downtime and maintenance expenses.
Hundreds of universities worldwide use MIKROTRON cameras for a variety of research studies. Animal locomotion,
mechanical engineering, flow visualization, combustion studies, biomechanics & kinesiology, physics, chemistry, tensile testing, and more.
High-speed cameras are used to determine the effects of blasts on structures or vehicles or determine the actual firing times of blast holes and the nature of the rock movement. Delay detonators provide the timing blasts needed under specific blasting onditions. Blast holes firing the incorrect times reduce rock fragmentation, effect blast movement, and can increase blast vibrations
Military customers worldwide use high-speed video to design and test weapons, counter measure and defensive systems and components. High-speed cameras are key for testing projectiles for determining ballistics, detonics and fragmentation characteristics; in airborne stores separation; and in vehicle armor design testing materials and survivability.
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1-2 TS3 Product Dierenaon
MIKROTRON sells a number of different TS3 high-speed digital camera models. These cameras are offered in either monochrome or color with various high-speed digital image recording capability using a wide range of recording rates, sensor resolutions, and on-board memory options. The cameras comprise an 8-bit (mono) or 24-bit(color) pixel resolution for HiSpec models, while the TS3 models boast 10-bit (mono) or 24-bit (color) resolutions. All cameras are equipped with a standard C­mount lens mount, and 1/4-20 tripod mount. Additional lens mount options are available.
TS3 cameras support the following modes of operation
Standalone operation The TS3’s built in 7” LCD display, SSD, SD Card, or USB download, and
• battery power allow it to be fully functional without th connection o a host PC.
Remote operation using MIKROTRON Web Application: With the Web Application, any host
• device with a common Web browser may be used to control the camera.
The TS3 camera housing is made of 100% machined aluminum with a hard black anodized finish. It is both attractive and extremely durable. LEMO connectors are used for critical power and Sync/ Trigger connections. An aluminum side panel door protects USB-OTG, HDMI, Gig-E, Sync/Trigger, and Power connectors as well as the SD Card slot when the camera is operating in stand alone mode. Power is supplied by an AC power adapter or a high-capacity Li-Ion battery.
Table 1-1: TS3100-L and TS3100-S Models
Camera Max Resolution / Frame Rate Standard
Optional Memory
Optional Solid-State Drive
TS3-100-L (Std): 800 x 600 @1250 fps 4GB 14mm 8GB 64GB / 128GB / 256GB TS3-100-S (Full): 1280 x 1024 @ 500 fps 4GB 22.9mm 8GB 64GB / 128GB / 256GB
Table 1-2: Part Number Legend
Component Opons Examples
Drive (GB SSD) None/ 064 / 128 / 256
Memory (GB) 4 / 8 TS3100LC4 = Std. Resolution, Color , 4GB (no SSD)
Sensor (Mono/Color) C / M TS3100SM4 = Full Resolution, Mono , 4GB (no SSD)
Model L / S TS3100SM8064 = Full Resolution, Mono , 8GB with 64GB SSD
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T3 User Manual
1-3 TS3 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Table 1-3: Camera Part Locaons
Camera Part Link to View
LED Indicators “Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View” / “Figure 1-2: TS3 Front View”
Arm Button “Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View”
Display Button “Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View”
Menu Button “Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View”
D-Pad (Directional Pad) “Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View”
Trigger Button “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View”
ON/OFF Button “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View”
Strap Attachments “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View” / “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
C-Mount “Figure 1-2: TS3 Front View”
C-Mount Lock Screws “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View” / “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
Lens Mount Holes “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View”
1/4-20 Tripod Mounts “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View” / “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
USB Port “Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View”
USB OTG Port “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
SD Card Slot “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
Gig-E Connector “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
Sync I/O Connector “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
HDMI Connector “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
Power Connector “Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)”
Battery Door “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
Battery Door Latch “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
Battery Clasp “Figure 1-5: TS3 Bottom View”
Figure 1-1: TS3 Back View
Note: See “Appendix I: Physical Measurements” on page 89 for dimensions.
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Figure 1-2: TS3 Front View
Trigger Button
Figure 1-3: TS3 Top View
Lens Mount Holes
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Figure 1-4: TS3 Side View (Door open)
Figure 1-5: TS3 Boom View
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2 TS3 Geng Started
2-1 Unpacking the Camera
Table 2-1: Package Contents:
TS3 Camera X TS3100XXX
C-Mount (factory installed and adjusted on the camera) X
F-Mount (factory installed and adjusted on the camera) X 1105-0200
DC Power Supply-- 110/220VAC, 50/60Hz, 12V @ 4.17A, with IEC 13 socket and 5-pin LEMO connector (no power cord included)
8 GB SDHC Card X 1105-0270
16 GB SDHC Card X 1105-0271
32 GB SDHC Card X 1105-0272
I/O Cable--1.3 meter with 8-pin LEMO camera connector and BNC connectors for Sync-In, Sync-Out, and Trigger-In
Wireless Dongle X 1105-0275
Documentation and Software (on thumb drive) X
Battery--Rechargeable Li-Ion 3.7V 15,600mAh (Battery comes fully charged from factory) X 1105-0050
Hoodman 7” LCD Display Cover for glare protectio X 1105-0330
MIKROTRON retails its cameras through independent distributors. MIKROTRON or its distributors can provide the accessory items required for camera operation according to each customer’s particular application needs.
STD OPT Part #
X 1105-0250
X 1105-0401
2-2 Installing the Lens
The camera is shipped with a C-mount lens adaptor installed and adjusted at the factory. To install a C-mount lens, follow these steps:
1. Select a C-mount lens for use with the camera.
NOTE: There are many C-mount lens formats and focal lengths available. The 22.9mm diagonal sensor of the TS3100L is larger than the light circle produced by many C-mount lenses. This is especially true for wide angle lenses, but it is dependent on lens design and format. Vignetting (darkening at the edges of the image), will occur when the image on the sensor, the size and location of which is dependent on resolution and image to set, is not covered by the image circle of the lens. (See “Table 2-2: Lens Selection .)
2. Remove the lens receptacle cover from the camera’s C-mount. This is a cover that is installed at the factory to protect the camera optics and sensor from dust contamination
NOTE: Whenever threading lenses on or off the camera, face the camera lens down so that any contamination on the threads will tend to fall away from the camera rather than into it.
3. Thread the C-mount lens into the lens mount located in the front of the camera. DO NOT overtighten the lens! The lens should be “finger tight” only--just tight enough that you can adjust focus and aperture without unscrewing the lens.
NOTE: Limit the time between removal of the receptacle cover and installation of the lens. Dust could settle on the face of the sensor cover glass and degrade the image quality.
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Table 2-2: Lens Selecon
Resolution Sensor Diagonal Required Lens Format
to avoid noticeable
Vignetting 1280 x 1024 22.9mm 1.3” 3.6 x 2.9M 1024 x 1024 17.5mm 1.3”* 2.9 x 2.9M
800 x 600 14mm 1” 2.2 x 1.7M
640 x 480 11.2mm 2/3” 1.8 x 1.3M 256 x 200 4.5mm 1/3” .72 x .56M
*The 17.5mm diagonal @ 1024 x 1024 is slightly larger than the 16mm specification or 1” C-mount lenses. Many, but not all 1” format lenses will satisfactorily cover this resolution
This table assumes that the images are centered (no custom offset applied). (See “Table 9-3: Resolutions, Rates, and Times” on page 79.)
Note: All F-mount lenses will easily cover the full 22.9m full resolution image plane.
2-3 Powering Up, Charging, and Power Down
Field of View From 10M with 50mm Lens
The camera can be powered by its rechargeable 3.7V Li-Ion battery or the external 12V power supply. Both are included with the camera. The battery is fully charged at the factory and is shipped outside the camera to avoid accidental discharge. The battery door is located on the underside of the camera.
Figure 2-1: Baery Access Door
The Li-Ion battery will power the TS3 for up to several hours, depending on configuration and mode of
NOTE: When a new battery is installed, it must go through one complete discharge/recharge cycle to
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calibrate its internal “gas gauge.” Until that time you will find that the % of charge shown on the lower right of the camera display as well as on any camera control software will not be correct. (See “Figure 2-2: Battery Charge Indicator on Status Bar” on page 9.)
Removing the Baery
1. Turn the TS3 upside down to access the battery compartment.
2. Slide the battery door latch to the “open” position. The spring loaded door will open
3. Move the battery clasp away from the edge of the battery. (See “Figure 2-1: Battery Access Door”.)
Installing the Baery
1. Open the battery door (follow steps 1-2, above).
2. Look into the battery compartment and notice the connector at the bottom and the battery strap.
3. Position the battery strap within the compartment so that it has enough slack to accommodate the battery but will not bunch up when the battery is installed..
4. Orient the battery appropriately and slide it into the compartment.
5. With the battery seated properly in the compartment, the battery clasp will close, securing it in place.
6. Fold the loose end of the battery strap over the top of the battery and close the battery access door.
Figure 2-2: Baery Charge Indicator on Status Bar
7. Slide the battery door latch closed.
8. The TS3 should now power up. If it does not, please follow the instructions below for connectin the DC power supply and charging the battery.
9. Press the Menu button once to get the menus and status bar to appear on the LCD display.
Aaching the External DC Power Supply
The 12V DC Power Supply operates on 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz. The socket is a standard IEC 13, used worldwide for all types of electronic equipment. The power supply is shipped without power cord so that the user may use one appropriate for local power outlets.
1. Attach a power cord to the power supply and connect it to an AC power outlet.
2. Attach the power supply output cord to the camera via LEMO connectors. Note that the LEMO connector is keyed: the red dot on the connector will face the LCD side (back) of the camera.
Note: If the camera was powered down before connecting the power supply, it will now power up. While operating on battery power the Battery Status on the Status bar will show a negative number -88%. (See “Figure 2-2: Battery Charge Indicator on Status Bar”.) When connected to a power supply (with the battery installed) the number becomes positive. If no battery is present it changes to A/C>.
Charging the Baery
The TS3 battery does not charge automatically when the camera is attached to an external power supply while operating. Changing mode is initiated by pressing the ON/OFF button. When the battery is present while the camera is attached to an external power supply, the ON/OFF button will toggle the camera through three states: 1)normal operation; 2)charging (non operational); 3)O .
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Note: Pressing the ON / OFF button toggles the camera between three Modes if both the battery and external power supply are present. It toggles the camera between two Modes: On /OFF if either the battery or the external supply is not present. (See “Table 2-3: ON / OFF Bu on” on page 10.)
Powering Down
If you press the ON/OFF button while the camera is operating, you will get see a message on the display asking if you wish to turn the camera off. If you click “OK” the camera will either power down or begin charging. If click “Cancel” or “MENU” the camera will return to its previous operating state. If you do nothing, the camera will wait approximately 60 seconds, then either begin charging or power down--it will not return to operating mode until it is powered up again.
Table 2-3: ON / OFF Buon
X X 1. Operating Power / Camera / Battery (Green, Amber, or Red) Batt: xx
X X 2. Charging Power / Battery (Green, Amber, or Red) (LCD o )
X X 3. O None (LCD o )
X 1. Operating Power / Camera / Battery (Green, Amber, or Red) Batt: xx%
X 2. O (LCD o )
Table 2-4: Baery LED States
X 1. Operating Power / Camera / Battery (Blue) A/C
X 2. O None (LCD o )
The Battery LED changes color depending on the level of charge.
Baery Charge
Operang / Charging Charge Status LED Behavior
Operating >15% Green
Charging > 15% Blinking Green
Operating < 15% > 5% Amber
Charging <15% >5% Blinking Amber
Operating <5% Blinking Red
% Indicator
Charging <5% Blinking Red
Operating Not Installed Blue
2-4 TS3 Memory and Mass Storage Opons
The TS3 camera is equipped with 4GB or 8GB of internal high-speed internal memory. Images stored in this memory may be reviewed on the camera, external monitor via HDMI, or PC, then saved to any of four types of mass storage devices:
1. Solid State Hard drive (optional) in talled in the TS3 at the factory.
2. SD Cards (SDHC) inserted by the operator into the SDHC slot on the side of the TS3.
3. USB devices such as thumb drives or USB external hard drives connected via the USB port.
4. Memory devices on a networked PC using FasMotion software (not Web Browser).
12-26v 3A
Internal High-Speed Memory
2/4/8 GB
USB Port
T3 User Manual
TS3 Solid State Hard Drives (Internal SSD)
Solid state hard drives (SSDs) are available as an option on the L and S series. (See “Table 1-1: TS3100-L and TS3100-S Models” on page 2.) These drives serve as mass storage devices for the camera and are installed in the camera at the factory. Image data from the TS3’s high-speed internal memory may be downloaded to the SSD, thus making room for the next high-speed image capture. While the SSD does not add to the recording time of the camera (the number of images it can record in one session), it does allow the user to download large quantities of image data without ever connecting the TS3 to a PC or other external device.
SD Card
The TS3 is shipped with a 16GB high performance SD Card. This card has two functions
It can be used as a mass storage device for downloading and distributing images. SD Cards and card readers are very commonly used storage devices among PC users and photographers.
Any field software updates for the TS3 from MIKROTRON will be installed via the SD Card.
Note: An SD Card when used for a software update must be reformatted before it can be reused as a mass storage device. See “Appendix H: TS3 Updates” on page 88.
Figure 2-3: Mass Storage
USB Thumb Drive
USB Port
Internal High-Speed Memory
(2GB or 4GB or 8GB)
USB Hard Drive
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USB Port
The TS3 will act as a Host to any USB mass storage device connected at the USB port. (See “TS3 Top View” on page 4.) Image data may be saved to these devices.
USB-On The Go!
The USB-OTG port allows the camera to be connected as a slave to any PC using a USB-A to USB-Micro-B cable. Once connected via the TS3’s OTG port, any mass storage device on the camera can be accessed by the PC. This includes an SD Card, Solid State Drive, or thumb drive in the USB port. To use this option
1. Power up the camera.
2. Install thumb drive and/or SD Card in the camera.
Attach the camera to the PC via the camera’s USB-OTG port, which is next to the SD Card slot on the
3. side of the camera. (See ”TS3 Side View (Door open)” on page 5.) As each device is located by the PC an Autoplay window on the PC will open. This is a very simple way to transfer image data to a PC. This is for file access only --there is no way to control the camera via USB-OTG.
When you are finished, you need to eject the media from the PC. Click on the “Safely Remove Hardware and eject Media” icon on your computer’s task bar and select “Eject MIKROTRON Camera.”
Figure 2-4: USB-OTG on the TS3
Note: Any device that is connected to the camera aer the camera and PC are connected will not be seen by the PC.
Table 2-5: TS3 Mass Storage Funconality
Target Drive(s) Function
TS3 Utilitie
System/Storage/Explore SSD/USB/SDHC Move, Copy, Delete, review metadata of Image file
System/Storage/Format SSD/USB/SDHC Format drive
System/Storage/Eject USB/SDHC Safely Eject Media
Review/Save SSD/USB/SDHC Save image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
Record Stil SSD/USB/SDHC Save a single still Image
Autosave SSD/USB/SDHC Autosave image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
FasMotion Utilities
Storage/Explore PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Move, Copy, Delete, review metadata of Image file
Storage/Format SSD/USB/SDHC Format drive
Review/Save PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Save image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
Record Still PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Save a single still Image
Autosave PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Autosave image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
PC via Gig-E Connection
Explore SSD/USB/SDHC Open, Copy files, multiple files, directories From TS3 to PC only
Web Application SSD/USB/SDHC Open, Copy files (one at a time) from TS3 to PC only
Storage/Browse SSD/USB/SDHC Move, Copy, Delete (1 file at a time), review metadata of Image file
Storage/Format SSD/USB/SDHC Format drive
Review/Save SSD/USB/SDHC Save image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
Record Still PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Save a single still Image
Autosave PC Drives+SSD/USB/SDHC Autosave image Data from Internal High-Speed Memory
PC via USB-OTG: SSD/USB/SDHC Move, Copy and Delete all files and directories to and from TS3
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3 TS3 Camera Setup
3-1 Camera Display and Menu Navigaon Buons
The Display Buon, Menu Buon, and Direconal Pad (D-Pad) are found on the back of the camera to the right of the LCD. (See “TS3 Back View” on page 3.)
When the camera powers on for the first time, the default display is a live image with no menu displayed.
Pressing the Display (DISP) Button while toggles the LCD between four modes: 1) Display off; 2) Display on; and 3) Display on with Information bar; 4) Display on with Information bar and Histogram. When there is captured video to review, playback controls are added to modes 3 and 4.
The Menu Button toggles the on screen menus on and off . While navigating menus, the Menu button is used to go backward through levels of the menu. For example, if you are navigating a Menu pressing the Menu button will return you to the Menu Bar. (See Menu Terminology, below.)
The D-Pad is used to move within menus and dialogs. It has an “OK” button in its center for selecting menu items and options
While navigating through menus, the current location is indicated by a change of color from white or green to gray. When navigating a Menu, the drop down selections will always appear in the left most column. The selected menu will appear in white letters in the Menu Bar. Selected or Enabled items turn green once the cursor is moved away from them.
Table 3-1: Menu Terminology
Menu Bar Across the top of the display: Touch Menu Icon*, System, Record, Control, Display, Review
Menu Having Made a selection from the Menu Bar, a drop down Menu Appears, such as the
System Menu shown below. Present status for items in the selected menu are listed. Element The menu options i.e. Name, Network, etc. are called Menu Elements Dialog Box Having chosen an item from a menu, a dialog box may open such as the Frame Rate and
Resolution. (See”Frame Rate and Resolution Menu” on page 23.) This is often a place
where the user may make choices and/or input data. Status Bar The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the display. Information includes (from left to
right): Operating Mode (Live= live view, CAP= recording, REVIEW= playback); ROI= Resolution;
FPS= Frame rate; EXP= Exposure; Trigger Position; and ower /Battery Status (A/C= no battery,
xx% = battery charge)
Figure 3-1: System Menu
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3-2 Using the Touchscreen
The TS3 7” display uses touchscreen technology that allows the user to navigate through the menus and enter data with the touch of a finger rather than via the D-Pad.
A special icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen is present whenever Touch is enabled. Pressing this icon acts the same as pressing the MENU button: it toggles the menus on and off and allows you to navigate backwards through menus and dialogs.
Note: the TS3 touchscreen uses “resistive” technology that is sensitive to a light touch of a fingernail or stylus. Unlike “capacitive” technologies used in many smartphones and tablet PCs, it is not very sensitive to the flesh of a fingertip
To enable the Touchscreen:
1. Navigate to the System Menu, then to Touchscreen using the D-Pad.
Figure 3-2: Touchscreen Menu
2. If the touchscreen is currently disabled, there will be a “Disabled” button in the Touchscreen menu. If you click on that, it will turn green and the text will change to “Enabled.”
Whenever the Touchscreen is enabled there will be an icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Pressing on this acts the same as the MENU button.
The touchscreen is calibrated at the factory. Routine calibration of the touchscreen in not necessary. Calibration of the touch screen may be done if you feel that the screen is sensing your touches inaccurately. For example if you use the alpha-numeric keyboard and you are not always getting the intended character where you are touching it, you should re-calibrate the touchscreen.
To calibrate the Touchscreen:
Calibration of the touchscreen is very
simple and only takes a few seconds.
1. Navigate to the System Menu/ Touchscreen/Calibrate.
2. When you select “Calibrate” you will see a warning message: “Are you sure you want to re-calibrate the touchscreen?” Select “OK.” (This is there to prevent you from accidently calibrating th touchscreen while handling the camera.)
Figure 3-3: Touchscreen Calibraon
3. The Calibration screen, “Figure 3-3: Touchscreen Calibration", will appear and prompt you to touch a cross hair at each corner of the screen, then in the center. Be careful to touch the cross hairs accurately. It is best to use a stylus or other blunt plastic object
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3-3 Controlling the Displays
Seng Defualt Gamma in User Preferences:
User Preferences is in the System/Configuration menu.
The Default Gamma setting is used both to set the defualt output Gamma for displayed and saved images, and to set the Gamma for the LCD display. Gamma of 1.0 (linear) is recommended unless you intend to encode your images with 2.2 Gamma.
LCD and HDMI setup in the Display Menu: There are three menu elements in the Display menu that
control the behavior of the displays. These are:
LCD Adjust
LCD Dimmer
The Image Adjust dialog opens when you click on the Edit button in the Image Adjust menu. The controls here adjust only the way images are displayed on the LCD. They do not change the images in camera memory or images that are or will be saved.
Figure 3-4: LCD Display Controls
For any of the three controls here, LCD Brightness, LCD Contrast, and LCD Backlight, changes may be made either by clicking on the + and - boxes, which will change the associated item up or down in increments of 1, or you can click on the edit box itself to open a keypad. See “Figure 3-12: Keypad Dialog Boxes” on page 19.
LCD Brightness and Contrast have a range between -100 and 100 with a default value of 0. LCD Backlight has a range between 0 and 100 with a default value of 100.
Note: The Image Adjust, White Balance, and RGB Gain elements do not control the LCD display. These are part of the image processing pipeline that directly influence the saved image. (See “Image Pipeline” on page 32.)
The LCD Dimmer is a timer that turns the LCD display off after a number of minutes. There are four choices:
O --the display will not “time out ”
1 Min. The display will go dark after 1 minutes of non-use.
5 Min. The display will go dark after 5 minutes of non-use.
10 Min. The display will go dark after 10 minutes of non-use.
Figure 3-5: HDMI Controls
HDMI Display
While the 7” WVGA 800 x 480 display on the TS3 is perfectly adequate for setting image captures and even reviewing video, watching the same video on a large flat panel display makes sharing the imagery with others much easier. With the TS3 there is no need to download images to a PC to view them on a large display. Use a standard HDMI cable to connect the TS3 to an HDMI compatible display.
The HDMI output control is also accessed in the Display menu. The HDMI output can be Enabled and Disabled here and the resolution 640 x 480, 720p, or 1080p may be selected. (Any resolution not supported by a display attached to the TS3 will be Grayed out and the button not selectable. )
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12-26v 3A
Internal High-Speed Memory
2/4/8 GB
T3 User Manual
3-4 Connecng to a PC via Ethernet
The TS3 may be connected to a PC using the USB-OTG connection, (see ”2-4 TS3 Memory and Mass Storage Options” on page 10) or via the Gig-E port. While the USB-OTG connection is extremely useful for file transfers, an Ethernet connection has two major advantages:
1. It can be used to control the camera via the built-in Web Application or InMotion Camera Control software.
2. The camera and PC need not to be physically close to each other as with the USB-OTG connection which is dependent on cables that are limited in length (generally less than 4.5m).
Benets of TS3 Ethernet connecvity:
1. Once connected to a network, the TS3 may be accessed for file transfer and camera operation (including live views, recording, reviewing, etc.) by any PC on the network. Multiple cameras may be accessed and controlled on a network.
2. Using the camera’s Web Applicaon (built into the camera) any PC that has network access to a camera can control it without installing any software. This works with popular web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Figure 3-6: TS3 to PC Connecons
Internal SDD
Figure 3-7: Network Menu
Seng up Networking on the Camera
The TS3’s Networking settings may be configured manually or using DHCP. When shipped the cameras are set for DHCP. To change the setting
1. Navigate to the System Menu.
2. Select Network.
Choose between DHCP or Static. Choose DHCP in the camera will be placed on a network with a DHCP server running on it. Choose Static if the camera and any PCs used to access it are manually
If the TS3 is configured for DHCP and it does not find
a server, it will autoconfigure itself with an IP address
Most PCs will do the same. So, most of the time, if the TS3 is configured for DHCP and you connect it to a PC that is also configured for DHCP, they will automatically connect without any further configuration
Table 3-2: Network LEDs
LEDs on RJ-45 Connector Camera
Networking LED
Green (Connection Amber (activity Amber (activity
1 Blink = 10Mb Blinks for all
2 Blinks = 100Mb
network activit
3 Blinks =1Gb
Blinks for camera network activity onl
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If you choose to manually configure the network settings, there is a dialog box that opens to allow typing in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway. (If Touchscreen is enabled, you will be able to use it with the alphanumeric keyboard for input of these values.)
If you are unsure of these settings, please consult your network administrator. If you need the MAC address of the camera, it is listed in System/Information/Status.
Note: the camera must be connected to an active network when configuring the IP address.
3-5 Using the TS3 with a PC
To open the Networked TS3 in a Web browser to use the TS3 Web App:
1. Open a web browser on the PC. Of the available web browsers, Google Chrome has the best performance when using the Web App.
Figure 3-8: Stac IP Dialog Box
Type the camera’s IP address or camera name into the browser’s Location bar. For example, using the information from “Figure 3-9: Web Browser Screen”, you would type (IP address) or MIKROTRON_ts3 (the camera name) into the browser’s Location bar.
3. A camera control application within the camera does the rest. A control menu will appear in your browser that will give a live camera view and complete control over the camera operation Details on use of the camera’s web browser appear in Chapter 5 of this manual.
Figure 3-9: Web Browser Screen
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To open the Networked TS3 in a Windows Explorer menu:
1. Open either a web browser or Windows Explorer.
Type the camera name or IP address in the Location bar, preceded by \\. So, using the same
2. information as in the example above, type in either \\, or \\mikrotron_ts3.
When the camera is viewed in Explorer, you will see the camera name or IP address under Network. Opening that, you will see a directory called “media,” which contains directories for each mass storage device installed on the camera. (See “Table 2-5: TS3 Mass Storage Functionality” on page
Figure 3-10: TS3 in Windows Explorer
3-6 TS3 Name the Camera
Camera Name
When the TS3 leaves the factory its default name is TS3-xxx. For example, looking at “Figure 3-11: Camera Name Menu” the camera used for the screen shot was TS3-
17. The camera name can be used both for identification on a network and as part of the filename when saving images.
It may be beneficial to rename the camera according to its function, loyality, field of view, etc. depending on how the camera is to be deployed.
To change the camera name:
1. Navigate to the System Menu.
2. Select “Name.”
3. Move the cursor to the box showing the current name and click “OK” to open the alpha-numeric dialog where you will enter the new camera name. If enabled, you can do this using the Touchscreen. If not you will use the D-Pad.
4. Delete the present camera name using the Backspace button in the dialog box, then enter the new name in its place.
Figure 3-11: Camera Name Menu
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Caution: There are many symbols available on the keypad that are not valid for camera naming. If you enter symbols that are not usable, those characters and any subsequent characters will be stripped from the camera name as soon as you navigate away from the Name Menu.
Figure 3-12: Keypad Dialog Boxes
3-7 Seng the Time
Time Setup on the TS3 is located in the System Menu. There are two choices for setting the time the camera: User and NTP.
If you select User, the time and date are manually entered into the camera. The camera’s internal clock will maintain reasonable accuracy, but may drift over long periods of time. If NTP (Network Time Protocol) is used, the camera will get its time from an external NTP server via the Internet.
Seng the me Manually
1. Navigate to the System Menu and select Time.
2. Select the format you wish to use for the date and time: MM/DD/Y , DD/MM/YY, or YY/MM/DD.
3. Select 24-hour, if you wish to use a 24-hour display rather than a 12-hour.
Seng the Time via NTP
1. Connect the camera to a network with internet access. There is no need to attach the camera to a PC, although that is often the most obvious way to do it..
2. Navigate to the System Menu and select NTP.
3. Select an NTP server from the list. If there is a server that you would like to use that is not on the list, you may add it in the dialog box.
Figure 3-13: Time Format Menu
4. To exit the list, press the right arrow of the D-Pad and select OK. The TS3 will now connect to the NTP server and sync its clock. If the camera cannot connect with the server, it will pause operation for a couple of minutes while it re-tries. The camera will always poll the NTP server when it powers up if it has an Internet connection
Note: The TS3 will not poll the NTP server if the Internet connection is not made, either when the camera boots, or when exiting the NTP dialog. Between times when the camera polls the NTP server, it will maintain time with its internal clock.
5. Select “Zone” to set the camera to the local time zone.
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3-8 Storage Setup
The Storage Menu gives the user some amount of access and control of the Camera memory and any external memory installed i.e. USB thumb drive or SD Card.
The TS3 has 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB (depending on model and option) of internal high-speed memory used for capturing high-speed imagery. All of this memory may be used to capture one high-speed event, or it may be partitioned to capture multiple events. Total record time will depend on resolution, frame rate, and bit depth.
Configure Session:
Session selects the amount of memory to be used for capturing imagery, which dictates the number of frames captured as well as the capture time
1. Navigate to the System Menu.
2. Select Session
Use the touch-enabled slider to select the amount of memory for the session (in incrments of 256MB). Note that the number of frames and session time will change.
Figure 3-14: Storage Menu
4. When the slider is selected, the D-Pad may also be used. This is a good way to get the exact value you wish to use.
Explore allows you to access the SSD (Solid State Drive installed internally to the TS3), the SD Card inserted into the slot on the side of the camera, or a USB thumb drive connected via the USB port for file t ansfer:
1. Navigate to the System Menu.
2. Select Storage.
3. Select Explore
A selection menu will open allowing you to pick the storage device you wish to access: SSD, SDCard, or USB. Once you select the storage device, you will see the directory taken by the camera), Stacks (stacks of high-speed video saved as TIFF, BMP, JPEG files), and Video (AVI files)
choices: Stills (containing stills
Figure 3-15: Session
Figure 3-16: System Explore Dialog: File Stacks
Open the Stills, St double-clicking on your choice. This will open the dialog shown in Figure 3-16, displaying the list captured imagery and a thumbnail and brief description of the currently selected item.
Note: This list acts like a “spinner” when touch is enabled. Swiping the list up or down will make it spin, allowing you to move through the list quickly.
acks, or Videos folder by
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T3 User Manual
6. Double click on any item and a File Action dialog will open that will allow you to Copy or Move the item to another storage device on the system, or delete it.
7. When done, use the Menu or Back button to navigate away.
Eject, also on the Storage Menu, should be used whenever you wish to remove media from the TS3.
NOTE: Failure to eject SDCards or USB devices before removal may result in incomplete transfers.
The Format function on the Storage Menu should be used with some caution as formatting any media will remove any data on it.
3-9 Conguraon and Camera Informaon
TS3 Conguraons, which include all Network, Time, and all camera settings
can be Saved, Reloaded, or Reset to factory defaults.
1. From the System Menu, navigate to Configuration
2. Select Save to save the current configuration. The configuration may be saved as Configuration # or Configuration #2
3. Select Load to load a saved Configuration (Configuration #1, or #2
Figure 3-17: File Acon Dialog
4. Select Reset to load the factory default configuration
General information about the camera, including MAC address and versions of software, FPGA, Sensor and Gig-E are available in Information in the system Menu.
3-10 Reset
There are two levels of Reset available on the TS3, ‘So Reset,’ and ‘Hard Reset.’
The ‘Soft Reset’ is similar to a PC reset or warm boot. It does not change any settings or power the system down, it simply restarts the user interface and clears out any error conditions. All user configurations and all image data are preserved.
The ‘Hard Reset’ resets the camera configuration back of its factory settings. This eliminates the current user settings as ell as any saved configurations (Co fig 1 and Co fig 2) and erases any image data in the camera. For these reasons, the Hard Reset is very seldom done. There may be instances when you will directed to do a Hard Reset a er performing an update or maintenance task, but it is not done routinel .
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