User’s Operating Manual
Made in Bulgaria
In order to use the device for a maximum long time and without problems, as well
as to be able to use all of its options, please read carefully the whole instruction
manual and observe the directions in it.
The standard set of STINGER 2 comprises:
- searching frame 1x1m;
- monitor unit with built in accumulators;
- recharge device for 220 V;
- recharge device for 12 V;
- detailed instruction manual for operation.
If an y o f t he se it em s a re mi ss in g, im m ed i a t e l y i n f o r m us , o r o u r au tor i z e d
de al er w h e r e yo u pu r c ha se d yo ur d e t ec to r.
STINGER 2 has the following buttons for control:
- Button „ON – OFF / CLEAR“ for switch on and switch off of the device and for automatic
nullification to the soil conditions.
- Buttons „SELECT“, „“ and ““ serve for work with the menu and the settings, choice of
modes of discrimination and movement.
- Button „Auto GEB“ - serves for automatic setting of the device to earth conditions of a
working terrain, and for memorization of definite objects or soil.
- Button „MODE“ - used for switching between digital and graphic display of the indications for
discrimination – ID1 and ID2 and switching between the Dynamic and the Static mode.
- Button „VCO / DISCR“ - serves for switching between the mode of discrimination and the
„VCO“ mode (multi – frequency sound) which also appears as common mode of searching for
all metals.
1. Assembling of the device:
Assembling the STINGER 2 is simple and you don’t need any special tools.
When use the round coil 45cm. or 22x32cm.: The bearing rod is assembled by inserting of the
lower part into the upper one. Choose the desired length of the whole construction and the fixing
clamp is tightened between both parts of the bearing rod. The lower part of the bearing rod is put
with the opening between the ears of the coil and the plastic bolt is tightened by choosing the
position of the coil to be parallel to the ground surface. Don't over-tighten the plastic bolt and nut
to not damage the threading of the bolt! The coil cable is wind up tightly around the bearing rod
and is switched to the terminal of the monitor unit. Upon switching of the cable of the coil to the
monitor unit, tighten the well the metal nut of the coupling to the terminal of the box. Upon
switching off, unscrew the nut completely and pull out the coupling without pulling or twisting
the cable of the coil. This way, you will prevent the cable and the conductors in it from
breakdown or short circuit. Fi na ll y ad ju st sea rc h coi l an gl e to yo ur pr ef er en ce and
yo u ar e r ea dy .
NOTE: Do not allow the cable to flop loosely over the search coil. Since the detector is
sensitive enough to „see“ the tiny wires in the cable, a floppy cable can cause false signals
as the search coil senses the moving wires.
The searching frame (coil) is approached to the surface of earth by paying attention to
avoid presence of metals within its range. T he ca bl e i s s u b - co nn ec te d t o t he de v ic e.
Upon switching of the cable of the searching frame to the monitor unit, tighten the well the metal
nut of the coupling to the terminal of the box. Upon switching off, unscrew the nut completely
and pull out the coupling without pulling or twisting the cable of the coil. This way, you will
prevent the cable and the conductors in it from breakdown or short circuit.
When use the search frames 1x1m. or 2x2m.: The search frame should be held approximately 4 to
6 inch (10 to 15cm.) to ground surface while searching. Do not allow one end of the frame to be
higher than the other. Make sure that no large metal objects are close to the search frame for
initial adjustment. Also, check your shoes or boots since most of them contain metal parts and
you would receive a signal response any time you step near to the coil.
In order to avoid interference of the metal parts of the electronic unit, be sure to carry the
STINGER 2 on the side of your body that is away from the search frame.
The device is switched on through pressing of „ON – OFF / CLEAR“ and yo u se e on
th e display: Start Detector, the serial number of the device and the software version. S t ar ts
ba la nc in g to the gro un d co nd it io ns dur i n g w hi ch ti me the di s p la y sh ow s
"C LE AR " an d yo u ca n he ar a s in gl e sou nd . Th is l as ts f or 3 – 4 s ec ., t he n it i s
fo ll ow ed by a do ub le sh or t sou nd an d th e de v i ce i s tur ne d on in ge ne r al mod e
of " VC O " or la s t us ed mod e. If yo u wis h to wo rk in a mo de of dis cr im in at io n
"D IS CR ", y ou ha v e t o p us h th e b ut to n "VC O / D IS C R" , a t wh ic h t he de vi c e i s
sw it ch ed i n t o d i s cr i mi na t i on mo de a nd t he dis pl a y sh ow s "N OR MA L DI S CR ".
2. Working with the device in "VCO" mode
In this mode the display shows "VCO". Constantly shown are the level of signal in digital or
graphical appearance, the capacity of the accumulator, chosen power, the sensitivity, the level of
co – working of the sound and the working mode, as follows:
- 1st row to the left – the working mode – VCO, the chosen power P1 or P2 and the sensitivity of the
device – S1, S2 or S3.
- 2nd row to the left - capacity of the battery in percent: 0%-100% or time to work.
- 3rd row to the left – the mode and the speed of searching – Dynamic or Static. The device can work
in 8 modes of speed of searching – 4 static (for precise localization of an object) – „Static 1“ - „Static
4“, and 4 dynamic (for searching while moving) - „Dynamic 1“ - „Dynamic 4“.
„Static“ are static modes of searching, i. e., the device constantly reacts to metal located within
the range of the coil. They are suitable for localization of the precise position of an already
located metal, and one can also work in those modes permanently. The fastest one is „Static 1“
mode, and the slowest one - „Static 4“.
„Dynamic“ are dynamic modes of operation with different speed of searching. The difference in
these modes is in the time for automatic nullification of appeared signals, i. e., the device is
constantly additionally setting itself, but with various speed in various modes. The fastest one is
the „Dynamic 1“ mode, and the slowest of all the dynamic modes is „Dynamic 4“. In these
modes, the device reacts to metal objects within the range of the coil only upon movement of the
coil above them.
- 4th row to the right – „Level“ - the level of signal from the registered metal in figures – from 0 –
1000. If there is signal of metal within the range of the coil, disturbances or influence by soil,
upon short pressing of "ON – OFF / CLEAR", this indication will become "0". After removal
of the source of the signal from the coil range, indication will become of negative value. In order
to be nullified, you have to push again "ON – OFF / CLEAR". During searching above ground
surface, the indication for the level of signal hesitates (-1... 0... +1) or more, depending on the
degree of mineralization of soil. For example, in order to understand how strong is the signal
from the soil on a definite location, one can lift the searching coil in the air and the device to be
nullified with short pressing of "ON – OFF / CLEAR". Then, the coil is brought close to the
ground surface and one can se opposite „Level“ what is the indication of the signal of the soil.
Upon a signal from the soil of up to „Level: 20“ one can operate in "NORMAL DISCR" mode,
but at higher levels of mineralization one has to switch to "auto discr" or "AUTO DISCR", which
features are explained below.
Searching metal objects is made by moving search coil toward ground surface – fig.1 , fig.2
Wrong Correct
The search coil should not touch the ground during your sweep. The pole length should be
adjusted to allow this without having to lift the detector with your elbow or shoulder. The search
coil should rest about one inch above the ground while you are standing erect. The angle of the
search coil should allow the bottom to be parallel to the ground.
2.1 Setting of working parameters in "VCO" mode
setting of the threshold of co – working of the sound "Thresh" – this is the level of signal after
passing of which a sound is heard. The device may be set at such strength of signal to react with
sound. This is done with change in the parameter "Thresh. For this purpose, through the buttons
"◄ and ►" desired value can be selected from „0“ to „20“. The lower the value of „Thresh“,
the greater the sensitivity of the device. For instance, if at a balanced device the constant signal
from soil is "1" and we have chosen for "Thresh" a value of "1", then a sound signal is going to
appear when the general signal becomes greater than "1". If for "Thresh" a value of "6" has
been chosen, then the device is going to react with sound at a considerably stronger signal – value
greater than "6". Greater values of "Thresh" can be selected if the general signal from the
background of soil changes within wider limits, in order the device to be calm, aiming a sound
signal not to be produced which is not due to detected metal, but the greater the value of
„Thresh", the more sensitivity of the device decreases!
At a presence of de-balance, one has to press shortly "ON – OFF / CLEAR", as at this,
the searching coil has to be close to the ground, at the distance of search to be. Continuous
pressing of "ON – OFF / CLEAR" for more than 4 sec will turn off the device, as this is
accompanied by 3 short sound signals.
Should within the range of the coil there falls an object, it produces a signal which is
displayed on both indicators ID1 and ID2 and on the indication „Level“ of the intensity of the
signal. Should this signal is louder than the threshold chosen of the sound „Thresh“, a sound is
heard with a frequency which depends on the sound level. The greater the signal from an object,
the louder the frequency of sound. This is a very convenient mode for precise localization of the
location of an object.
Pinpointing a Target
A good method for pinpointing is "X-ing" the target with the search coil. Remember that the
target's response sound is always greatest when the target is directly under the center of the search
coil. To "X" a target, sweep the search coil over the target from side to side and then from front to
back until you can identify the center of the X— the spot on the ground where the target response
sound is the greatest. Pinpointing a target in Discriminate Mode is probably best done by "X-ing"
as well. Remember that the detector will beep just as the target passes under the center of the
search coil. Slowing the sweep speed down will help you pick out the center of the X, but
remember that the search coil must always be moving slightly for target detection.
Another easy method is to sweep the coil from side to side across the target in very short sweeps
as you slowly move forward and backward across the target. Slow down the sweep rate and