It’s time to rethink the way you approach rapid prototyping
Let us introduce you to the latest generation of Mikroe development boards – E a s y P I C v 8
Time saving embedded tools
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
Table of contents
Introduction 5
Development board overview 6
Power supply unit 8
Detailed description 8
Voltage reference 9
Programming voltage 9
PSU connectors 10
Power/debug, USB-C connector 10
Power 12VDC, external power supply 10
Battery power supply 11
Power redundancy and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) 12
Powering up the development board 12
Dual power supply 12
CODEGRIP – programmer/debugger module 14
Device setup 15
PGC/PGD switches 15
DBG selection 15
Connectivity 16
MCU sockets 18
How to properly install the MCU into the DIP socket? 18
VCAP and VCC 19
Crystal oscillator 19
INPUT/OUTPUT section 20
PORT buttons 20
UP-PULL-DOWN switch 20
2x5 pin headers 21
1x20 GLCD graphical display connector 22
1x16 LCD character display connector 25
Click boards
Communication 28
CAN 28
Additional GNDs 31
What’s Next? 34
sockets 26
All images shown in the manual are for illustration purpose only.
P A G E 4
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
The EasyPIC v8 is a development board designed for the rapid
EasyPIC v8 off ers two display options, allowing even the basic 8-bit PIC
development of embedded applications, based on 8-bit PIC
microcontrollers (MCUs). Redesigned from the ground up, EasyPIC v8
off ers a familiar set of standard features, as well as some new and
unique features, common for the 8th generation of development
boards: programming and debugging over the WiFi network,
connectivity provided by USB-C connectors, support for a wide range
of diff erent MCUs, and more.
The development board is designed so that the developer has everything
that might be needed for the application development, following the
Swiss Army knife concept: a highly advanced programmer/debugger
module, a reliable power supply module, a huge set of connectivity
options including USB (DEVICE), USB to UART, CAN, etc.
EasyPIC v8 board off ers a number of diff erent DIP sockets, covering a
wide range of 8-bit PIC MCUs, from the smallest PIC MCU devices with
only 8 pins, all the way up to 40-pin "giants".
The development board supports the well-established mikroBUS
MCU devices to utilize them and display graphical or textual content.
One of them is the 1x20 graphical display connector, compatible with
the familiar Graphical Liquid Crystal Display (GLCD) based on the
KS108 (or compatible) display driver, and EasyTFT board that contains
TFT Color Display MI0283QT-9A, which is driven by ILI9341 display
controller, capable of showing advanced graphical content. The other
option is the 2x16 character LCD module, a four-bit display module
with the embedded character-based display controller, which requires
minimal processing power from the host MCU for its operation.
There is a wide range of useful interactive options at the disposal:
high-quality buttons with selectable press levels, LEDs, pull-up/pull-
down DIP switches, and more. All these features are packed on a
single development board, which itself uses innovative manufacturing
technologies, delivering fl uid and immersive working experience. The
EasyPIC v8 development board is also an integral part of the Mikroe
rapid development ecosystem. Natively supported by the Mikroe
Software toolchain, backed up by hundreds of diff erent Click board
designs with their number growing on a daily basis, it covers many
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connectivity standard, off ering fi ve mikroBUS™ sockets, allowing
access to a huge base of Click boards
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
diff erent prototyping and development aspects, thus saving precious
development time.
P A G E 6
board overview
The EasyPIC v8 development board features a clean and intuitive layout, allowing the
user to instantly understand how to set it up and how to easily tune it according to
needs. The development board is divided into several sections, arranged so that all the
related interactive components such as switches, buttons, indicators, and connectors,
are logically positioned and grouped together.
Each section of the development board contains components important for reliable
operation of the board itself. The Power Supply Unit (PSU), the CODEGRIP programmer/
debugger module, and fi ve mikroBUS™ sockets are located at the upper section of
the development board. This is where the MCU is powered from, programmed, and
interfaced with various Click boards
The PSU module provides a clean and well-regulated voltage for the development
board. It can use a wide range of external power sources, including a battery, an
external 12V power supply, and a power source over the USB-C connector. It supports
the power supply redundancy function (power ORing) for uninterrupted operation.
The onboard PSU module regulates, fi lters, and distributes the power across all the
connected peripherals. The development board is equipped with two touch-sensitive
buttons labeled as POWER and RESET. These buttons are used to power up the board
and reset the MCU. Their sleek design and fl awless responsiveness add up to the whole
experience. These touch-sensitive buttons are resistant to wear over time and do not
exhibit any bouncing eff ect, unlike mechanical switches.
The powerful CODEGRIP module, an integrated programmer/debugger module
supports a wide range of diff erent 8-bit PIC MCUs, produced by Microchip. It allows
in-place programming and debugging of all the supported MCUs, off ering many
useful programming/debugging options and seamless integration with the Mikroe
software environment. It also off ers some powerful and unique features such as the
programming/debugging over WiFi; a feature that will revolutionize the way that the
embedded applications are developed.
The CODEGRIP module uses the USB-C connector for a reliable and secure connection
with the personal computer (host PC). It does not require any additional drivers
because it utilizes a HID driver model, natively supported by the computer's operating
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
system (OS). The USB-C connector is also used to power the development board,
simplifying the cable management.
The EasyPIC v8 development board off ers fi ve improved mikroBUS
allowing interfacing with a vast amount of electronic circuits and reference designs,
standardized under the Click board trademark. Click boards
are simple to use, require
no additional hardware confi guration and can be easily connected to the development
board by inserting them into any of the available mikroBUS
of the mikroBUS
socket allows even easier interfacing with the Click board™ line
of products: it has a sturdier design which helps to align the Click board
sockets. A new design
To read more about development improvements and huge benefi ts off ered by the
and Click board™ line of products, visit the offi cial Mikroe web page at
The EasyPIC v8 development board is equipped with two display connectors, located
in the middle section of the board. One connector is a 1x16 pin header used for
connecting a character-based LCD in 4-bit mode. The second display connector is a
single row 20 pin header, which supports monochromatic GLCD and EasyTFT board.
The 1x20 pin graphical display connector is accompanied by two 4-pin connectors
(4-pin FFC connector and 1x4 pin header), which are used for the touch panel
connection. The development board also provides the required circuitry, allowing the
resistive touch panel to be interfaced with the installed MCU. Both the LCD and GLCD
display connectors support a PWM-driven (dimmable) or fi xed backlight functionality.
The I/O section occupies the lower part of the development board and contains
available MCU pins routed to 2x5 pin headers for easy access. There are confi gurable
pull-up or pull-down resistors and buttons for applying logic states to MCU pins.
LED indicators provide visual feedback of logic states for each pin. The MCU pins are
divided into groups, following the grouping concept used on the MCU itself (PORTA,
PORTB, PORTC, PORD and PORTE). The I/O section is where the most interaction with
the MCU takes place.
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Communication options such as USB-UART, USB (DEVICE) and CAN are also included.
All the connectors are positioned at the edges of the development board, so they can
be easily accessed. This is also true for the power connectors, as well as for an external
RJ12 ICD connector. This allows clean and clutter-free cable management.
The EasyPIC v8 development board is equipped with the onboard CODEGRIP module and supported by a powerful CODEGRIP Suite, enabling complete control over the
programming and debugging tasks. It is also used to confi gure various other options
and settings, providing visual feedback through its clean and comprehensive Graphical
User Interface (GUI). Detailed explanation on how to confi gure and use the CODEGRIP
module fi nd at the following link:
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
Power supply unit
The power supply unit (PSU) (1) provides clean and regulated power, necessary for
proper operation of the development board. The host MCU, along with the rest of the
peripherals, demands regulated and noise-free power supply. Therefore, the PSU
is carefully designed to regulate, fi lter, and distribute the power to all parts of the
development board. It is equipped with three diff erent power supply inputs, off ering
all the fl exibility that EasyPIC v8 needs, especially when used on the fi eld. In the case
when multiple power sources are used, an automatic power switching circuit with
predefi ned priorities ensures that the most appropriate will be used.
The PSU also contains a reliable and safe battery charging circuit, which allows a
single-cell Li-Po/Li-Ion battery to be charged. Power OR-ing option is also supported,
providing uninterrupted power supply (UPS) functionality when an external or USB
power source is used in combination with the battery.
Detailed description
The PSU has a very demanding task of providing power for the host MCU and all the
peripherals onboard, as well as for the externally connected peripherals. One of the key
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requirements is to provide enough current, avoiding the voltage drop at the output.
Also, the PSU must be able to support multiple power sources with diff erent nominal
voltages, allowing switching between them by priority. The PSU design, based on a
set of high-performance integrated devices produced by Microchip, ensures a very
good quality of the output voltage, high current rating, and reduced electromagnetic
At the input stage of the PSU, the MIC2253, a high-effi ciency boost regulator IC
with overvoltage protection ensures that the voltage input at the next stage is wellregulated and stable. It is used to boost the voltage of low-voltage power sources
(a Li-Po/Li-Ion battery and USB), allowing the next stage to deliver well-regulated
3.3V and 5V to the development board. A set of discrete components are used to
determine if the input power source requires a voltage boost. When multiple power
sources are connected at once, this circuitry is also used to determine the input
priority level: externally connected 12V PSU (2), power over USB (3), and the Li-Po/LiIon battery (4). The transition between available power sources is seamless, providing
uninterrupted operation of the development board.
(1) This image is only for demonstration purpose, please do not
remove the PSU plastic cover nor touch any of the components
below. The development board can be permanently damaged.
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
Figure 1: Power supply unit view
The next PSU stage uses two MIC28511, synchronous step-down (buck) regulators,
capable of providing up to 3A at their output. The MIC28511 IC utilizes the HyperSpeed
Control® and HyperLight Load® architectures, providing an ultra-fast transient
response and high effi ciency for light loads. Each of the two buck regulators is used
to supply power to the corresponding power supply rail (3.3V and 5V), throughout the
entire development board and connected peripherals.
Voltage reference
The PSU is able to provide a very accurate, programmable voltage reference (VREF) (5)
in the range from 0V to 4.096V. VREF is very useful for many diff erent applications
including A/D and D/A converters, comparators, etc.
The programmable VREF design is based on several diff erent ICs produced by
Microchip: the MCP1501, a high-precision buff ered voltage reference IC is used to
provide a very precise VREF of 4.096V for the MCP4726, a 12-bit D/A converter (DAC)
with integrated EEPROM. The MCP4726 DAC is controlled and programmed by the
CODEGRIP module, over the I2C interface. Finally, the MCP606, a single rail-to-rail
operational amplifi er is used to provide an additional buff ering at the output. By using
a 4-pole DIP switch (6) located in the VREF section of the development board, it is
possible to route VREF to four diff erent MCU pins:
ON (up): connects VREF to the MCU pins (RA0, RA1, RA3, and RC0)
OFF (down): disconnects VREF from the MCU pins (RA0, RA1, RA3, and RC0)
Programming voltage
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Not all PIC MCU devices support low voltage programming. Therefore, the PSU module
has to provide the required high voltage (VPP) for the programming of such devices.
The VPP is controlled by the CODEGRIP module automatically, it depends on the
programmed MCU and can’t be modifi ed by the user. To provide a suffi cient voltage
level, the MIC2250, a high-effi ciency, low EMI boost regulator is used. It is used to
provide 14V for the operational amplifi er circuit composed of a dual operational
amplifi er, labeled as MCP6H02T, and produced by Microchip. This circuit has a fi xed
gain, allowing the CODEGRIP programmer/debugger module to reach up to 14V for
the high-voltage programming of various PIC MCU devices.
N O T EIn order to protect host MCU and development board, VREF values higher then
3.3V can only be set if the board voltage is previously set to 5V.
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
PSU connectors
As explained, the advanced design of the PSU allows several types of power sources to
be used, offering unprecedented flexibility: when powered by a Li-Po/Li-ION battery,
it offers an ultimate degree of autonomy. For situations where the power is an issue,
it can be powered by an external 12VDC power supply, connected over the 5.5mm
barrel connector. Power is not an issue even if it is powered over the USB cable. It can
be powered over the USB-C connector, using power supply delivered by the USB HOST
(e.g. personal computer), USB wall adapter, or a battery power bank.
There are three power connectors available, each with its unique purpose:
POWER/DEBUG, USB-C connector
BATTERY, standard 2.5mm pitch XH battery connector
POWER 12VDC, barrel type male 2mm x 6.5mm power connector
Power/debug, USB-C connector
The development board can be powered over the USB-C connector, labeled as POWER/
DEBUG. This connector provides power from the USB host, USB power bank, or USB
wall adapter. When powered over the USB connector, the available power will depend
on the USB power source capabilities.
When using a PC as a power source, the maximum power can be obtained if the host
PC supports the USB 3.2 interface and is equipped with USB-C connectors. If the host
PC has a USB 2.0 interface, it will be able to provide the least power, since only up to
500 mA (2.5W at 5V) is available from the host in that case. Note that when using
long USB cables or USB cables of low quality, the voltage may drop outside the rated
operating voltage range, causing unpredictable behavior of the development board.
N O T EIf the host PC is not equipped with the USB-C connector, a Type A to Type C USB
adapter may be used (included in the package).
Power 12VDC, external power supply
An external 12V power supply can be connected over the 12VDC barrel connector.
When using an external power supply, it is possible to obtain an optimal amount of
power, since one external power supply unit can be easily exchanged with another,
while its power and operating characteristics can be decided per application. The
development board allows a maximum current of 2.8A per power rail (3.3V and 5V)
when using an external 12V power supply. The barrel-type connector is useful for
connecting wall-adapters.
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Maximum power ratings, along with the allowed input voltage range in the case when
the USB power supply is used, are given in the table below:
USB Power Supply
Input Voltage [V]Output Voltage [V]
Figure 2: USB power supply table
3.3 & 5
Max Current [A]Max Power [W]
0.8 & 0.8
Maximum power ratings, along with the allowed input voltage range in the case when
the external power supply is used, are given in the table below:
External Power Supply
Input Voltage [V]Output Voltage [V]
Figure 3: External Power supply table
3.3 & 5
Max Current [A]Max Power [W]
2.8 & 2.8
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
N O T EWhen connecting an external power supply over a barrel connector, make sure
that the polarity of the barrel connector is matched with its counterpart on
the development board, according to the image printed next to the male DC
Battery Power Supply
Input Voltage [V]Output Voltage [V]
Max Current [A]Max Power [W]
Battery power supply
When powered by a single-cell Li-Po/Li-Ion battery, the development board offers an
option to be operated remotely. Combined with the fact that the board can be remotely
programmed and debugged over the WiFi network, the EasyPIC v8 development board
allows complete autonomy, allowing it to be used in some very specific situations:
hazardous environments, agricultural applications, etc.
N O T EIt is advised to disable the battery charging circuitry if there is no battery
connected to the EasyPIC v8 development board. This can be done using
The development board uses a 2.5mm pitch XH battery connector. It allows a range
of Li-Po and Li-Ion batteries to be connected. The development board offers battery
charging functionality from both the USB connector and the external power supply.
The battery charging circuitry of the PSU module manages the battery charging
process, ensuring optimal charging conditions and longer battery life. The charging
process is indicated by a CHARGER LED indicator.
3.3 & 5
Figure 4: Battery Power Supply table
Using USB hubs, long USB cables, and low-quality USB cables, may cause a
significant USB voltage drop, which can obstruct the battery charging process.
0.7 & 0.7
The battery charging current can be configured by using the CODEGRIP Suite, which
offers a choice between 100mA and 500mA when the USB power supply is used,
or between 100mA and 200mA when the external 12V power supply is used. In the
case when the development board is powered OFF, the charging current will be set to
500mA by default (200mA with the external power supply).
If both the external 12V power supply and the USB cable are connected to the
development board, the battery will be charged from the external 12V power supply,
thus minimizing the USB power consumption.
Maximum power ratings at a fully charged battery, along with the allowed input
voltage range when the battery power supply is used, are given in the following table:
E a s y P I C v 8 M a n u a l
P A G E 11
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