Operate the helicopter in spacious areas with no people nearby.
! Warning: Do NOT operate the helicopter in the following places and situations
(or else you risk severe accidents):
in places where children gather or people pass through
in residential areas and parks
indoors and in limited space
in windy weather or when there is any rain, snow, fog or other precipitation
If you do not observe these instructions you may be held reliable for personal injur y or property damage!
Always check the R/C system prior to operating your helicopter.
When the R/C system batteries get weaker, the operational range of the R/C system decreases. Note that you
may lose control of your model when operating it under such conditions.
Keep in mind that other people around you might also be operating a R/C model.
Never use a frequency which someone else is using at the same time. Radio signals will be mixed and you will
lose control of your model.
If the model shows irregular behavior, bring the model to a halt immediately. Turn off all power switches and
disconnect the batteries. Investigate the reason and fix the problem. Do not operate the model again as long as the
problem is not solved, as this may lead to further trouble and unforeseen accidents.
! Warning: In order to prevent accidents and personal injury, be sure to obser ve the following:
Before flying the helicopter , ensure that all screws are tightened. A single loose screw may cause a major accident.
Replace all broken or defective parts with new ones, as damaged parts lead to crashes.
Never approach a spinning rotor. Keep at least 10 meters/yards away from a spinning rotor blades.
Do not touch the motor immediately after use. It may be hot enough to cause burns.
Perform all necessar y maintenance.
! Warning: Operate the helicopter only outdoors and out of people’s reach as the main rotor operates at high rpm!
! Warning: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters/yards away from the helicopter!
Novice R/C helicopter pilots should always seek advice from experienced pilots to obtain hints with assembly
and for pre-flight adjustments. Note that a badly assembled or insufficiently adjusted helicopter is a safety hazard!
In the beginning, novice R/C helicopter pilots should always be assisted by an experienced pilot and never fly
Throttle channel should be in motor OFF position while powering up.
When switching the R/C system ON or OFF, always proceed in the following order:
When switching ON:
Position the throttle control stick (on transmitter) to a position where the LOGO 10 motor does not operate.
Turn on the transmitter.
Turn on the receiver.
Connect the motor battery .
Operate your model.
When switching OFF:
Turn off the motor (move throttle control to a position where motor does not operate).
Wait until the rotor head has stopped spinning.
Disconnect the motor battery.
Turn off receiver.
Turn off transmitter.
19142countersunk screw M4x1020132washer 4 x 8 x 1
19152countersunk screw M3 x 820648self-tapping screw 2.9 x 16
19536socket head cap screw M3 x 1020741hex locknut M3
19611cylinder screw M3x3523702hex spacer 27 mm
19642socket head cap screw M3 x 12 flat head23702hex spacer 23 mm
20122washer 3 x 7 x 0,524851tail boom holde
20624self-tapping screw 2.9 x 1324881cylindrical pin 4 x 31.5
20642self-tapping screw 2.9 x 1624911horizontal stabilize
20728hex nut M327281driven belt gear, 40 Z
21891r od end 8 mm27601tail boom 565 mm
23701hex spacer, 38 mm 27621tail rotor rod, 545mm
23702hex spacer, 19 mm 27632rudder control guide
23841t hread rod M3
27242O-ring battery holders, 38x3,5 + 46x3,5
23791motor plate9091yoke
23801bearing case9331stabilizer control bridge
23822c anopy fixing bolt9351seesaw
23831s washplate guide bracket23142blade holde
24991motor adaptor plate23461rotorhead shaft
27201LOGO 10 mainframe right23582stabilizer blade 3 mm
27211LOGO 10 mainframe left23612ball bolt
13441C-Ring9652double ball-link
19154c ountersunk screw M3 x 815704balls
19403s ocket head cap screw M4x519002cylinder screw M2 x 3
20102washer 10x16x0,519028cylinder screw M2 x 8
23861f ixing colla
27251main gear, 200 teeth19212set screw M3 x 3
27311one-way hub19562socket head cap screw M3 x 16
27401main rotor shaft19651cap screw (yoke) M3 x 18
9691washout-block 20124Washer 3x7x0,5
9782mixing arm for slide bearing20152washer 4 x 12 x 1
9802bolt for no. 98120704hex nut M2
9812Y-rod20721hex nut M3
9822bolt + e-ring20742hex locknut M3
15702b all23202mxing arm, slide bearing 3x5x6
19022c ylinder screw M2 x 827501stabilizer bar 360 mm
23652s washplate27556dumper rubber 8x2,5 (4x), 7x2,5 (2x)
Main Gear, Bag 2
Wash-out / Swashplate Ba g 3
19653socket head cap screw M3 x 18
Main Rotor Head, Bag 7
9391seesaw bolt
19034cylinder screw M2 x 10
19722socket head cap screw M3 x 12
19752cap screw (blade holder) M3 x 25
Tail Rotor, Bag 5Landing frame, Bag 8
15701ball19544socket head cap screw M3 x 12
19021c ylinder screw M2 x 820124washer 3 x 7 x 0,5
19211set screw M3 x 320744hex locknut
19531s ocket head cap screw M3 x 1024952landing gear strut
19542s ocket head cap screw M3 x 1227752landing gear skid
19553socket head cap screw M3 x 14
19582socket head cap screw M3 x 25
20042washer 5 x 10 x 0.115676ball-links 2.5 mm
20745hex locknut M315692ball-links, angular 2.5 mm
24421t ail rotor case15704ball
24461t ail rotor lever + washer 3x4x10,515864control rod 60 x 2.5 mm
24501t ail rotor pitch plate19024cylinder screw M2 x 8
24521c ontrol ring20704hex nut M2
24551control sleeve27703control rod 30 x 2,5mm (swashplate)
24581t ail rotor housing
24601t ail rotor blades
24622t ail rotor blade holde
24632bushing 3 x 5 x 2.19412ball bearing 3 x 10 x 4
24661driven belt gea
24671gear drive
24681d riving pin 2 x 8 mm23514ball bearing 8 x 14 x 4
24761t ail rotor shaft24234ball bearing 3 x 8 x 3
24901vertical stabilize
27651d riven belt 490 XL24891ball bearing 4 x 9 x 4
Tail Boom, Bag 6
15602ball link 2 mm27901LOGO 10 canopy
19211s et screw M3 x 527921decals LOGO 10
9373ball bearing 4 x 13 x 5
13292ball bearing 10 x 19 x 5
14402ball bearing 6 x 10 x 2,5
Some electric motors (e.g. Kontronik, Plettenberg, Speed 700 Neodyme motors) are constructed such
that they cannot be moved along the
motor plate. If you are using one of
these motors, please use the motor
adaptor plate #2499. The plate is not
needed for Hacker motors.
Please check from the Mikado
website which pinion works best with
the motorset you have (on
www.mikado-heli.de go to LOGO 10
and click “Motorization”). When a
wrong pinion is chosen, the performance of your electric helicopter will
deteriorate and the motor or speed
controller can be damaged.
Do not tighten the set screw fully until
the final position of the pinion on the
motor shaft is determined. This is
done after installing the main gear.
There are two options for attaching
the pinion:
1. For securing the pinion, you may
flatten the motor shaft where the set
screw meets the motor shaft - without
making a flat surface on the motor
2. Alternatively, you may screw the
set screw directly onto the motor
shaft. For this it is required that the
set screw has an appropriate rim for
engaging the motorshaft (all Mikado
pinions have this rim). Note, howev er,
that after attaching the set screw
once, the rim becomes blunt and may
not be used again.
After having attached the freeway
hub of the main gear to the rotor shaft,
pull the rotor shaft slightly upward and
simultaneously push the main shaft
collar down onto ball bearing. Next
tighten the set screws. The rotor shaft
should turn easily and it should not
have any axial play.
too much backlashcorrect backlashtoo little backlash
4.2 Adjusting Gear Backlash
The gear backlash must be adjusted (see drawings). Excess backlash can cause premature wear of the
main gear and will lead to shorter flight
Should you have difficulty mounting
the 2x8 mm pin, carefully tap it with a
rubber hammer, or use a vice. The
5x10x4 bearings can also be mounted on the rotor shaft using a vice and
tapping the shaft softly with a rubber
hammer. If the tail rotor shaft shows
axial play after closing the two halves of the tail rotor case, use one or
two of the 5x10x0.1 washers which
are included in the bag.
It is important that the tail pitch plate #2450 is aligned properly on the
control sleeve #2455. In the case of
misalignment, the control sleeve may
be deformed. The mounted tail pitch
plate should be able to move on the
tail rotor shaft with little resistance.
All movable parts of the tail rotor
blade holders should be able to move
with little resistance. When there is
too much resistance, the tail rotor will
not react to subtle input and the gyro’s
maximum sensitivity cannot be fully