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thinkable. For instance we can take the Activity class, which outlines
something that is time based. You can set any property on it and set any
object type for that property. The visualization of that activity, which is
done trough one or many ActivityViews, can depend on the value of that
property. This makes for an unsurpassed, almost unlimited, flexibility. A
feature matrix would not do this flexibility justice.
Can I use the component in an application that I sell?
Yes, as long as you don't expose the component's API. There are no
runtime fees. You just have to buy one developer license for every
developer working with the component.
What IDEs do your component support?
Any that is Java Bean compatible. Since the whole component comes in
one .jar file it is very simple to include in your current environment. How
you do this differs between the IDEs, but usually you will include it in the
classpath and/or set it as an external library. Tests has been run against
netBeans 4.1+, JFormDesigner 2.0+, JBuilder X, JBuilder 2006. (JBuilder
2005 has a severe bug the hinders it from working with custom beans)
and Eclipse (Visual Designer and Swing Designer).
Which versions of Java do you support?
Java 1.4.0 and higher. Sub pixel (LCD) anti aliasing is even supported for
JDK 6.0!
How many simultaneous activities can the component handle?
We have an internal test that creates 100.000 activities and shows 10% of
them visually. It starts up and displays them in 8 seconds and consumes
95 MB of memory according to Windows Task Manager (which means the
actual component is actually using much less). We use no special
tweaking or command line arguments. Just the normal client VM and Java
Do the component support recurrent events/activities?
Yes. We have used the standard iCalendar specification from RFC 2445 as
a base and support all of the recurrence rules, including include and
exclude boolean operations. It has been Java-fied though and are
therefore much simpler to use, yet very powerful. It can even be used
separately for recurrence calculation. If you are to use medium to
advanced recurrence calculations that part in itself is probably worth the
money for the component.
Do you provide any standard dialogs?
What can the AShape framework do?
You can build an advanced shape framework with it, much like SVG