Chinook 200 Marine
Assembly and Use Instructions
The MNChinook 200-12M, MNChinook 200-24M, and MNChinook 200-48M
Micro Wind Turbines that generate clean renewable electricity anywhere the wind blows…
Available in 12, 24, and 48 Volt models.
Innovative design axial flux alternator using neodymium iron boron magnets.
Powder coated stamped aluminum chassis.
Maintenance-free, low friction double sealed bearing.
Extremely quiet injection molded blades with a new airfoil design.
Long-life yaw pivot slip-rings and wipers.
Easy installation.
Simple design for low cost and durability.
Made in USA.
Gluten Free.
MidNite Solar
17722 67th Ave Ne
Arlington, Wa 98223 USA
PH: (360) 403-7207 www.midnitesolar.com
F: (360)691-6862

MNChinook 200M Instructions
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3
Safety Precautions.................................................................................…………....…………….... 4
Specifications.............................................................................................................................…. 5
Package Contents.................................................................................................................…...... 6
Mechanical Assembly.........................................................................................................…...…. 7
Electrical Installation.......................................................................................................………...11
Turbine Operation....................................................................................................................... 14
Replacement Parts....................................................................….........................................….. 16
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MNChinook 200M Instructions
All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
• The information given in this user manual is believed to be accurate and reliable.
• MidNite Solar assumes no responsibility for omissions or inaccuracies.
• The user of this information and product assumes full responsibility and risk.
• The Chinook 200M Micro-Turbine is a source of electrical power. It must be installed in accordance with
all applicable electrical regulations and best practices.
• The Chinook 200M Micro-Turbine has moving parts, and Sharp Blades that may cause injury due to
poor installation and unsafe handling or operation.
• MidNite Solar assumes no responsibility for problems caused by unsafe or unsatisfactory installation or
Made in Arlington, Washington USA by:
MidNite Solar Inc.
17722 67th AVE NE
Arlington, WA 98223
PH: (360) 403-7207
Fax: (360) 691-6862
Please read this manual thoroughly before attempting to assemble, install or operate your Chinook 200M small wind
turbine. This will assure optimum performance and safety. This manual applies to:
MNCHINOOK-12M, 12V Turbine
MNCHINOOK-24M, 24V Turbine and
MNCHINOOK-48M, 48V Turbine.
A separate manual is supplied with the CDL (Chinook Diversion Load).
The MNChinook 200M has been designed to be simple, economic, durable, and yield excellent performance.
Thanks to its unique design; the Chinook 200M is not susceptible to corrosion in normal operating conditions. With
double sealed bearings and powder coated finish, the Chinook200M is made specifically for marine installations,
Applications include:
Cathodic protection
Monitoring sites
Remote homes / off grid
Wind-electric water pumping
Street lighting and road signage
Farm utilities (electric fencing, irrigation, etc.)
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MNChinook 200M Instructions
Safety must always be your primary concern during the assembly, installation and operation of your Chinook 200M turbine. Always be aware of the risks involved with mechanical and electrical installation work. If
in doubt about any issue regarding your turbine, please seek further assistance before proceeding.
Mechanical Safety Hazards
The main rotor is the most obvious and serious mechanical safety risk. When the turbine is oper-
ating at its rated speed, the blades will be very difficult to see due to the rotation speed. Never
approach the turbine while it is operating. Always shut down the turbine by activating the stop
switch. Ensure that the turbine is installed in a suitable location where nobody can approach
or interfere with the path of the rotor blades.
Working with tools of any kind can be dangerous. Your Chinook 200M turbine requires some basic
mechanical assembly with rudimentary hand tools. If you are in any doubt about how to use these
tools correctly, please seek advice from an experienced person.
Your Chinook 200M turbine will inevitably be installed upon a mast, tower or other mount. This may
mean working at height. Always ensure that all personnel in the immediate vicinity are aware of any
lifting / hoisting operations that will be occurring. Check there are no loose components or tools
likely to fall and cause injury during the lifting operation. Where possible, all assembly work should
be completed at ground level.
Ensure that the batteries are disconnected during the installation procedure.
Twist the turbine output wires together (to create a short circuit) during the mechanical installation
process. This will prevent the turbine from ‘spinning up’ during the installation.
Never install the turbine upside down or in any orientation other than that depicted on the installa-
tion instructions.
Install your turbine during a calm day.
When performing routine inspection or maintenance, always stop the turbine by activating a stop
switch or by shorting out the turbine output once disconnected from the battery.
Electrical Safety Hazards
The Chinook 200M generates rectified DC voltage. Even at these low voltages there are inherent
risks. Caution should always be used when connecting the Chinook 200M to the electrical system.
Ensure that you have followed the wire-sizing chart to ensure that the correct size of wire has been
selected. If wire of insufficient size is used, heat will build up in the wires causing a potential fire
hazard. A properly sized fuse or circuit breaker must be used in the wires connected to the battery.
This will stop the risk of short circuit currents and fire.
Batteries used in renewable energy systems can deliver a serious amount of current. A short circuit
in the battery circuit can lead to hundreds of amps flowing through the battery cables. This will
cause a heat buildup and ultimately an electrical fire. Batteries are also susceptible to explode
when shorted. Always use insulated electrical tools when working on the battery’s electrical
connections. Removing rings and jewelry is also a good idea.
Batteries are very heavy. Do not attempt to move batteries by yourself. Always use manual han-
dling tools and an assistant.
Always keep lead-acid batteries the correct way up. Do not allow the acidic electrolyte to spill or
come into contact with your skin or face. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions when
handling lead-acid batteries.
Please use common sense when installing and operating your turbine!
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MNChinook 200M Instructions
Turbine Name: Chinook 200 Marine
Part Number: MNCHINOOK200M
Nominal Voltage: 12 / 24V / 48V DC
Rotor Blades: Glass Reinforced Nylon
Rotor Diameter: 1 Meter (3.28 Feet)
Rated Wind Velocity: 14m/s (31.30 mph)
Rated Output: 200 Watts
Max Output: 250 Watts
Start-up Wind Velocity: 3.5m/s (7.8 mph)
Total weight: 6.3 Kg (14 lbs)
Tower mount: 1.5” Sch 40 Diameter pipe
Chassis Construction: Aluminum
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MNChinook 200M Instructions
Take your time,
check your work
and you will enjoy
your turbine for
years to come.
Package Contents
Your Chinook 200M Turbine will arrive containing the components shown below. If any of the components
are missing or damaged, please contact your dealer immediately.
3 Blades
1 Turbine Chassis (white)
1 Controller
1 Spinner (Nose Cone)
1 Blade mounting plate
Hardware Kit with Allen wrenches and Manual
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