Frequency Domain Voice Scrambler with Multi-Format ANI
Voice Inversion Scrambler with Multi-Format ANI
Manual Revision: 2009-06-26
Covers Firmware Revisions:
VS1xxx: 01.31.00 & Higher
Covers Hardware Revisions:
VS1xxx: 359B
Voice Inversion Scrambler
Operating Voltage 4.75-15.5 VDC***
Operating Current – VS-1200:
Power Save Mode (COR Operation) 2.5 mA typical
Power Save Mode (VOX Operation) 10 mA typical
Clear or Inversion Operation 29 mA typical
FFT Scrambling Operation 83 mA typical
Average w/COR Power Save (80-10-10 cycle) <17 mA*
Average w/COR Power Save (90-5-5 cycle) ~10.5 mA*
Operating Current – VS-1000 & VS-1050:
Power Save Mode (COR Operation) 2.5 mA typical
Power Save Mode (VOX Operation) 10 mA typical
Clear or Inversion Operation 17.5 mA typical
Average w/COR Power Save (80-10-10 cycle) <5 mA*
Average w/COR Power Save (90-5-5 cycle) <4 mA*
Operating Temperature -30 - +60 C
Frequency Response 300-3000 Hz**
Input Impedance >45 kΩ
Input Level (TX) 0.05-2.5 VPP
Input Level (RX) 0.05-2.5 VPP
Audio Output Impedance < 1200 Ohm
Dimensions ~1.6” L x 0.83” W x 0.21” H
* - The transmit and receive cycles are based on scrambled mode. When using clear mode, the consumption will decrease.
** - This is based on FFT scrambling. When using voice inversion this will vary.
*** - The VS-1000 and VS-1050 support 4.75 to 15.5 VDC. The VS-1200 supports 4.75 to 10 VDC. If a higher voltage input is
needed on the VS-1200 a 4.7 Volt Zener diode must be installed in series with the voltage input lead.
Total Code Combinations ~6.2 x 10^23
Actual Code Combinations ~4 Billion
Number of Selectable Keys 3
Levels of Security 4
Inversion 2100-4100 Hz (0-15 Hz resolution)
Level 1 16 bins
Level 2 32 bins
Level 3 64 bins
VS-1000 & VS-1050:
Number of Selectable Keys 4
Inversion Frequency Range 2100-4100 Hz (0-15 Hz resolution)
DTMF ANI Length Up to 6-digits
DTMF ANI Timing 60/40 msec (Programmable)
5-Tone ANI Length Up to 6-digits
5-Tone ANI Timing Programmable
G-Star ANI Range 0001-9999
G-Star ANI Timing 320 msec
Motorola’s MDC-1200 ANI Range 0000-FFFF
Motorola’s MDC-1200 ANI Timing ~180 msec
Kenwood’s FleetSync Unit ID Range 1000-4999
Kenwood’s FleetSyncUnit ID Timing ~100-150 msec
The VS-1200 is a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) based Frequency Domain voice scrambler offering a high level
of voice privacy. The DSP converts the analog signal into quantitized digital data. It then converts the “Time
Domain” signal into the “Frequency Domain”. This results in an audio “frequency spectrum”, which is then
partitioned into bins that are encrypted by the non-linear key generator. The digitized data is converted back to
the analog realm using a digital to analog converter.
The above technique and the lack of synchronization result in excellent audio quality, high security and enable the
VS-1XXX to be used in virtually any type of radio system. These systems include HF SSB, Conventional TwoWay, Trunking, Voting and Simulcast.
In addition to the scrambling functions the VS-1200 offers ANI and Emergency ANI encode in the following
• Motorola’s MDC-1200
• Kenwood’s FleetSync
• M/A-Com’s G-Star (aka GE-Star)
• 5-Tone (all formats)
Midian’s VS-1000 voice inversion scrambler provides an entry level of voice security for two-way radio
communications. The VS-1000 provides up to 16 different inversion frequencies that are selectable using 4-line
binary. These inversion frequencies are programmable using Midian’s KL-3. The VS-1000 is compatible with
Midian’s VPU series voice inversion scramblers.
Midian’s VS-1050 is a voice inversion scrambler with multi-format ANI encode. The VS-1050 has the same
scrambling features as the VS-1000, but adds ANI and Emergency ANI encode in the following formats:
• Motorola’s MDC-1200
• Kenwood’s FleetSync
• M/A-Com’s G-Star (aka GE-Star)
• 5-Tone (all formats)
1. Test the radio for functionality.
2. Program the radio per the Radio Programming Section of this manual.
3. Install the scrambler into the radio per the Hardware Installation Section of this manual.
4. Program the scrambler per the Product Programming Section of this manual.
Note: Midian is not responsible for any damage/loss resulting from the use of Midian’s products.
For any programming instructions for a particular radio, please consult Midian’s application notes for the VS-1xxx
series, if available.
Be certain to follow standard anti-static procedures when handling any of Midian’s products. For installation
instructions into a particular radio, please consult Midian’s application notes for the VS-1XXX, if available.
Before installing the scrambler, follow the alignment procedures starting on page 6.
For all diode protected inputs (i.e. PTT Input, Mode Input, COR Input) the voltage level to be required for a logic
low is less than 0.5 V and a logic high requires at least 2.1 V.
P1 – Connector Side
P1-1 – Green – PTT Input – Connect the PTT Input lead to the high side of the PTT switch.
P1-2 – Red – VIN +4.75-15.5 VDC – Connect to switched battery point in the radio. Connect to a regulated
voltage point in a vehicular radio if engine noise is present on the battery line. Keep this lead as short as possible.
The VS-1000 and VS-1050 support 4.75 to 15.5 VDC. The VS-1200 supports 4.75 to 10 VDC. If a higher voltage
input is needed on the VS-1200 a 4.7 Volt Zener diode must be installed in series with the voltage input lead.
P1-3 – Brown –Mode Select & VS-1200 Code Select – Connect to a momentary or latching switch. If a latching
switch then code select is not available.
P1-4 – Black – Ground – Connect to the nearest ground plane in the radio.
P1-5 – Blue – TX Audio In – The VS-1XXX must be installed in the TX audio path between the microphone and
the insertion point of CTCSS or other tone signaling. Break the TX audio path and connect to the side nearest the
P1-6 – Orange – Emergency Input – Future Use.
P1-7 – Yellow – RX Audio In – The VS-1XXX must be installed in the receive audio path after the CTCSS high
pass filter and where any tone signaling is picked off. This point needs to be given a constant level. If possible
connect to the high-side of the volume control where a constant level is available. Connect to the source of the
audio at the break.
P1-8 – Green/White – Au d io En ab l e O ut - This output is active during whenever the VS-1XXX beeps such as when
indicating mode. Connect this lead to a point in the radio, which will turn on the radio’s speaker power amp, allowing beep
tones to be heard.
P1-9 – White – PTT Out – Future Use.
P1-10 – Gray/White – RX Audio Out – Connect to the side closest to the receiver's speaker driver amplifier at the
above mentioned break point (see P1-7). In addition to outputting receive audio, this lead outputs beep tones
whenever applicable, such as when the mode switch is pressed.
P1-11 – Gray - Mode Out – If desired, connect to the cathode of an LED with a 1 K limiting resistor in series
connected to a voltage source up to 15 V. Failure to include a current limiting resistor in series with the LED will
cause damage. This output is used to provide a visual indication of scramble or clear mode. Another application
of this output is to provide a logic level (high or low (0-3.3 V)) to indicate mode to the radio’s mode indication icon
(if applicable).
P1-12 – Orange/White – TX Audio Out – Connect to the point nearest the modulator at the above-mentioned
breakpoint (see P1-5).
P1-13 – Violet – COR Input – Connect to a point in the rad io recei ver sque lch ci rcuit th at c hang es state when carrie r is
P2 – Non-Connector Side
P2-1 – Program Input – Connect the green clip lead from the KL-3 programmer to this point or Pad 3.
P2-2 – Program Output – Connect the yellow clip lead from the KL-3 programmer to this point or Pad 4.
P2-3 – Code Select 0 – This line would be connected to Binary Select 1. For 2-line to 4-line binary this would be
the least significant bit (LSB). Note: The VS-1200 can only use 1-line or 2-line binary as it is only capable of 3
codes. The VS-1000 and VS-1050 can support up to 4-linebinary for 16 codes.
P2-4 – Option 1 – Future Use
P2-5 – Code Select 1 – This line would be connected to Binary Select 2. In 2-line binary mode this is the most
significant bit (MSB).
P2-6 – Code Select 2 – This line would be connected to Binary Select 4. In 3-line binary mode this is the most
significant bit (MSB).
P2-7 – Code Select 3 – This line would be connected to Binary Select 8. In 4-line binary mode this is the most
significant bit (MSB).
P2-8 – Monitor/LTR Input – This input is currently available for use as a trunking delay input. Connect this input to
a point in the radio that goes low or high when a channel is acquired. Program the scrambler with the active
polarity. This input only needs to be connected when using leading ANI in the VS-1050 and VS-120 0.
P2-9 – Horn Output – Future Use
P2-10 – Option 2 – Future Use
P2-11 – Optional Input – Future Use