Output Impedance (TX)........................... 27kΩ if JU4 cut
Speaker Audio O utput................................... 1 W into 8Ω
Midian Electronics, Inc., warrants this product to be
free from defects in material and workmanship for
two years from date of shipment. If such malfunction
occurs, it will be repaired or replaced (at our option)
without charge f or m ateri als or labor i f returned to the
factory. This warranty does not apply to any parts
damaged due to improper use--including accident,
neglect, unreasonabl e use, and im pr oper i nstall at ion- or to unauthorized alterat ions or modifi cations of the
equipment . It does not ex tend to damage i ncurred by
natural causes such as light ning, f ire, f loods, or other
such catastrophes, nor to damage caused by
environmental extremes, such as power surges
and/or transients. It does not extend to
micr oprocessors, i f i t i s determ i ned by M idi an t hat t he
fail ure of a m icro is due to stat ic dam age, appli cati on
of improper voltages to the unit, or other problems not
related to cir c uit design. In such case or i n the case of
a desire to updat e the micro t o a diff erent versi on of
software, such request must be specified in writing,
and there will be a charge agreed upon by both
This product is warranted to meet published
specifications and to operate as specified only when
properly installed in radio equipment which complies
with U.S. F CC specifi cations and the applicabl e radio
manufacturer's specifications. Midian Electronics is
not responsible for any operational problems caused
by system design, outside interference, or improper
Dimensions: ...................................2⅞"H x 6½W x 8¾"L
Operating Temp..............................................0° to 50° C
Decode Format
MIdian’s TVS-2 Kryptic format (4-digit)
ANI Recall Stack Size .................................................10
Alias Database Si z e ..................................................137
Equipment for repair can be returned to the factory
without prior written authorization. A brief letter
describing the nat ure of t he def ect should be i ncl uded
with the merchandise. Repair by other than Midian
Electronics, Inc., will void this warranty. In-warranty
merchandise must be shipped, freight prepaid, to
Midian Electronics. Midian Electronics will return,
freight prepaid via UPS ground, the repaired or
replaced equipment to purchaser, within the United
States. Out-of-warranty repairs will be billed at the
rate of $60 per hour, plus replac ement parts.
This warranty appl ies to the original purchaser of the
equipment only. M idi an Elect ronics is not l iabl e under
this warranty, or any impl ied warranty, f or loss of use
or for other consequential loss or damage
experienced by the purchaser. Some states do not
permit the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties
or consequential damages. This warranty provides
special legal rights, and the purchaser may have
other rights that v ar y from state to state.
Copyright Notice
The information in this manual and any software in
this product remain the property of MIDIAN
ELECTRONICS, INC. Reproduction, duplication, or
disclosure is not permitted without the prior written
6 SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGES................................................................................................ 14
7 MENU SYSTEM MAP.............................................................................................................. 1 5
DDU-300 Manual Rev. 2006.02.22
The DDU provides the optimal ANI display decoder
solution for small and medium sized radio systems
such as those used by tax i fl eets, polic e department s,
constructi on c r ews, etc.
The last 10 ANI's received can be reviewed at any
time. It can store up to 137 aliases in its user
database. The user f riendly menu system m akes it as
easy to use as a cell phone. Additional features
include emergency status display and the ability to
automaticall y mute incoming l eading ANI's.
In additi on to the decode f eat ures, the DDU-300 offers
fleet managem ent funct ions includi ng selectiv e calling
of unit s, over the ai r reprogramm ing (OTAR), and the
ability to disable units remotely.
Installation Note: Midian products ut ilize CMOS integrated
circuits, which are susceptible to damage from high static
charges. Be sure to follow standard antistatic procedures
when handling, including using grounded workstations and
soldering irons and wearing groundi ng br acelets.
Radio Interf ace connector P1 is an 8-pin
RJ-45 styl e connect or i n the center of t he
back panel.
+V IN (P1- 5) [ Red]
The DDU can be powered either by an optional wall
transform er or by t he radio power supply. Connect thi s
wire to the radi o power source prov ided it is between
12 and 15 VDC.
If using a wall transformer, m ake sure the voltage i s
between 12 and 15 VDC and the current rating is at
least 800mA. Also, be certain that positive is
connected to the inside ring.
GROUND (P1-6) [Black]
Connect to radi o ground.
Connect to a poi nt in t he radio where receiv e audio i s
present at a constant lev el. If using PL or CTCSS, be
sure to connect to a poi nt after t he CTCSS high pass
fil ter. I f using the Squel ch Output of the DDU, be sure
the RX audio point is not muted when the squelch
output to the r adio is asserted.
Connect to the mic-hi input of the radio. The output
impedance of the DDU can be adjusted if necessary
by replacing leaded resistor R81 with an appropriate
PTT OUTPUT (P1-3) [Yellow]
This connection is only required if the DDU is
equipped with a microphone or handset.
This open col l ect or output provides a ground to k ey-up
the radio when transm itti ng. If c onnecting to a relay in
the radio, m ake sure the coi l is bypassed with a diode
to eliminate c ounter-EMF.
This output may also be assigned to be the repeater
access control output. See REPEATER SETUP for
more inform ation.
COR INPUT (P1-1) [Gray]
This connection is only required if using the internal
speaker auto-mute feature, busy lockout, or repeater
access control.
Connect to a point in the radio squelch or CTCSS
circuit that changes logic level when carrier (or
CTCSS) is detec ted. A radio whose circuit ry provides
a logi c -low or logic-high can readily turn Q1 on and off.
If onl y a high l ev el i s prov ided, i t m ay be necessary to
move R40 from its pull-up to it s pull-down position.
MONITOR OUT PUT (P1-7) [Orange]
This optional out put c an be used to contr ol t he moni tor
functi on of the r adio using the <MON ITOR> button on
the DDU. This is an open collector output which
changes state each time the <MONITOR> button is
This output may also be assigned to be the repeater
access control output. See REPEATER SETUP for
more inform ation.
SQ OUT/LTR IN (P1-2) [Brown]
This wire may be either a Squelch Output or a
Trunking Delay (LTR) input , but not bot h. T o use as a
squelch output, install jumper R85 and make sure
jumper J U5 i s not i nstall ed. To use as a trunki ng del ay
input, remove R85 and install J U5.
When used as a Squel ch Output , connect t o a point in
the radio which will mute the speaker when brought to
ground (or left floating). Program the appropriate
polarit y in the RADIO SETUP menu.
When used as an LTR Trunki ng Delay Input, connec t
to a point in the radio which goes from 0 to 5 VDC
when a channel has been acquired on the LTR
DDU-300 Manual Rev. 2006.02.22
trunking system. If not using LTR, leave this
There are two user configurable jumpers, JU1 and
JU4. Both are installed at the factory. JU1 allows
signaling audi o to be heard i n the loc al speaker. I f thi s
is not desired, c ut JU1.
JU4 control s the output im pedance of transmit audio.
See OUTPUT LEVEL below to determine if JU4 will
need to be cut.
Once the unit has been connect ed to the radio, several
adjustments must be made to achieve proper
operation. I t will be necessary to open the unit. Use t he
pictorial to identify the location of the following trim
pots: R2 and R32 near connector P3, R51 near IC U6,
and R105 near the volume c ontrol.
Use a service m oni tor to generat e a 1000 Hz test tone
at 2/3 of maximum system modulation (typically 3.3
kHz). Measure the voltage appearing at TP1 and
adjust R2 such that TP 1 is at 230mV RMS .
PLL alignment is performed at the factory and
normally does not
unlikely event PLL alignment is required, the
procedure is as follows:
1) Ground Pin 9 of U8.
2) Observe P in 4 of U8 wit h a frequency counter
or an oscilloscope.
3) Adjust R28 until Pin 4 is at 19.6 kHz.
4) Remove ground from Pin 9 of U8.
5) Adjust R26 until Pin 4 is at 27.6 kHz.
require any adjustment. In the
Once adjustments have been made, it will be
necessary to configure the DDU to meet the system
requirements. This is done via Menu Mode.
Be sure to set the ti me of day vi a TIME SETUP once
the DDU is operat ing as desired. O nce the ti me i s set,
be sure to leave the unit on at all times or else the
time will have to be reset. The time can only be set to
the nearest minute. Seconds are kept track of
internally and start running the instant the unit is
turned-on. It is a good idea to check the time clock
monthly as crystal and temperature variances affect
the accuracy.
To set the audio output level, adjust R51 such that
when the DDU sends a data packet, the radio is
modulated just below 100%. To send a packet first
press <SEND> at the CALL A UNIT prom pt fol lowed
by 4 digit s and <SEND>. If the output lev el cannot be
adjusted low enough, it will be necessary to cut JU4.
This changes the output from low impedance to high
If an opt ional mi crophone is install ed, the microphone
audio level must be adjusted. Cause the unit to go
into transm it m ode by holding down the <S END> key.
Speak loudly into the microphone at a normal
distance. Adjust R105 such that maximum system
modulat ion is achieved at peak voice.
Though the DDU has a volume control knob, it also
has an input audio pre-amplifier. While listening to
audio on the channel , adjust R32 so that the mini mum
and max imum volume control settings are at desired
The DDU operates either in Display Mode or Menu
Mode. In displ ay m ode, t he DDU normal ly displays the
last ANI received.
4.1.1 Reading the Display
ID (ANI) – This is the numeri c ID (or ANI) of the user
who last transmitted on the channel. When an
emergency ANI is received, this area will alternate
DDU-300 Manual Rev. 2006.02.22
between displaying the ANI and the message
'EMERGENCY' every 2 seconds.
TIMEST AMP – This is the t ime of day that the last ANI
was received. The timestam p is in 24-hour form at. In
24-hour format, 4 A.M. is displayed as 04:00 and 4
P.M. is displayed as 16:00. Note that the timestamp
changes only when a new ANI comes in, it is not
time-of-day clock.
USER NAME – This is the name of the user
associated with the numeric ID that was received. User
names are stored in a database. The database must
be confi gur ed before nam es can be displayed.
SCROLL LE FT I NDICAT OR – I ndi cates that ther e are
other ANI’s previously logged. Press the left
<SCROLL> button to view the previously logged
POWER / EMERGENCY LED – Glows green when
power is tur ned on. Blinks between orange and green
to indicate that an emergency ANI was received
recently. This indicator remains blinking until the
operator presses any key.
TRANSMIT / BUSY LED – This LED i s off when there
is no activity. It glows red during transmit. It blinks
green any ti m e t he radi o channel is busy (provided t he
COR input is connected).
4.1.2 Keypad Operation in Display Mode
<SCROLL> LEFT - When in Display Mode, the
keypad <SCROLL> keys are used to scrol l thr ough the
previously logged ANI’s. The scroll left indicator
remains present on the screen so long as there are
more previous entries to be viewed. The scroll left
indicat or disappears when the oldest entry is reached.
<SCROLL > RIGHT - A scroll right indicator will appear
on the right side of the screen when there are newer
entries available for viewing. Press the right
<SCROLL> button to view the newer entries. When
the last entry is reached, the right scroll indicator
<#> POUND KE Y – Repeatedly pressing the <#> key
will always return the DDU to display mode with the
last ANI rec eived being shown.
The Menu Mode provides the method for configuring
the DDU.
4.2.1 Navigating the Menus
Press the star key <*> whil e in Display Mode to place
the unit into Menu Mode. Upon entry to Menu Mode,
you will be in the Main Menu. The top line of the
display i ndic ates thi s. The bot tom l i ne di splays an i tem
available for selection, in this case the CALL
The scroll right symbol on the right side of the displ ay
indicat es that addit ional it ems are av ai lable. Press the
right <SCROLL> button to view the next available
item. The scroll left symbol will then appear, indi cat ing
that the left <SCROLL> button may be used to go
back to the previous i tem.
To select the displayed item, press the <SEND>
button (the <SEND> button acts like an ENTER key
when in m enu m ode). Upon select ion, the nam e of the
item will appear on the top line of the display. The
bottom line will present additional i tems for select ion.
Press the <#> key to return to the pr evious selec tion.
4.2.2 Calling a Unit in the Database
To plac e a call t o a unit in the database, f irst select
CALL from the Main M enu. Press the right < S CROLL>
button to di splay the f irst user in the database. Either
the User ID will be displayed, or the User Name (alias)
will be displayed. This is determined by the Call Entry
Mode setting.
<MONITOR> - This button always control s the moni t or
functi on of the radi o. Press <MONI TOR> to toggl e the
state of t he monitor output to the radio.
<SEND> - A ctiv ates the radio P TT switch, pl acing the
radio in transmit mode. This function applies only to
units equipped wit h a microphone.
NUMBER KEYS – The number keys perform no
function in display mode. They are used in menu
mode f or data entry.
<*> STAR KEY – Pressing the <*> will place the DDU
in Menu Mode at the main menu.
The left and right scroll indicators will appear on the
bottom line. This is the Select Mode. Use the
<SCROLL> k eys to locate the desired user withi n the
database. When the name is located, press the
<SEND> key to place the call. The <#> key m ay be
DDU-300 Manual Rev. 2006.02.22
used at any tim e prior to pressing <SEND> to cancel
the call .
To loc ate a user in the database more quickly, you can
enter one or more of the f irst few digits/letters of the
User ID/Name prior to pressing the right <SCROLL>
button. The DDU will search the database for users
matching the first few digits/letters.
4.2.3 Calling a Unit Not in the Database
To plac e a cal l to a unit which is not in the dat abase,
start by selecting CALL from the Main Menu or by
pressing a num ber key whil e in display mode. Instead
of pressing the r ight <S CROLL> button, simpl y key the
numeric ID of the user to be cal led using the keypad.
Press <SEND> to initiate the call. The left <SCROLL>
key may be used as a backspace key to correct any
errors made duri ng entr y. T he < #> key may be used at
any time prior to pr essing <SEND> to cancel the call.
4.2.4 Numeric vs. Alphanumeric Entry
There are two dif ferent data entry m odes avail able on
the DDU. As shipped f rom the factory, Numeric entry
is the default mode when calling a unit. As numbers
are entered, they appear on the bottom-left of the
display. Pressing the <*> key while in numeric entry
mode changes the mode to Alphanumeric.
In alphanumeric mode, you may type in letters and
numbers as described in t he next section. This allows
you to ty pe the nam e of a user in the dat abase without
havi ng to scr oll t hrough the nam es. Alphanum eri c data
appears on the bottom line of the display as it is
entered. You may make alphanumeric call entry the
default m ode by c hanging t he Call Entry Mode setting
in the CONSOLE SETUP menu.
4.3.3 E ntering Alphanumeric Data
Entering alphabetic charact ers into the user database
using the numer ic keypad is easy. All of the lett ers of
the alphabet appear above the numbers on the
keypad. F or ex ampl e, the let ters ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ appear
on the <2> key .
Alphabeti c charact ers are entered by pressing 2 digit s.
The first digit is the key with the desired letter
appearing on it . The 2
on that key. F or exam ple, the code f or the l etter ‘C’ is
23 since it i s the 3
is the 1
To enter num eric characters i n an alphanumeric fi eld,
press the <0> key followed by the desired digit.
Punctuation characters such as comma <,> and <->
do not appear on the keypad. Special codes have
been assigned to allow entry of those characters.
Please refer to the f ollowing chart
The code 10 is used to insert a space between
The user database makes day-t o-day operation of the
DDU much easier. You can use easy-to-remember
names instead of just number s.
4.3.1 User Database Features
The primary purpose of the user database is to
associate names with numbers. This way, when an
ANI comes in, the name of the person can be
displayed al ong with the ANI.
The DDU can store up t o 137 names and ID number s
in its database. The DDU retains the database
memor y even when switched off.
4.3.2 Setting Up the User Database
Begin by compiling a list of names and ID numbers.
Give some thought on how you are going to abbreviate
the names since only 14 characters per name are
available. To begin entering data, select Add User
from the USERS menu.
4.3.4 Numeric vs. Alphanumeric Entry
There are two dif ferent data entry m odes avail able on
the DDU. Numeric ent ry is f or entr y of User I D codes.
Alphanumeric entry is used when entering User
Names to the dat abase. W hen select ing a user in t he
database to be edited or del eted, ei ther mode may be
As shipped from the factory, numeric is the default
mode f or sel ect ing a uni t t o edi t or del et e. As num bers
are entered, they appear on the bottom-left of the
display. Pressing the <*> key while in numeric entry
mode changes the m ode to Alphanumeric. You may
make this the default by changing the Data Entry
Mode in the CONSOLE SETUP menu.
4.4.1 Locking and Unlocking Menus
The menu system incorporates a lock feature to
prevent unauthorized personnel from changing the
DDU configuration. The lock feature also serves to
DDU-300 Manual Rev. 2006.02.22
digit is the position of the letter
letter on the <2> k ey . The letter ‘T’
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