Midea MWMFL070CDR, MWMFL080CDR Owner's Manual

Washing Machine
Before using your washing machine,please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
Ins ide you w ill fin d many he lpful h ints on h ow to use and main tain your was hing machi ne pr ope rly. J ust a li ttle p reve nta tiv e ca re on y our p art can save y ou a gr eat de al of t ime and money ove r the l ife of y our was hing mac hine. You’ ll f ind many an swers to com mon prob lem s in the char t of tro ubl eshoo ting tip s. If yo u revi ew th e char t of Tr ouble shoot ing Tip s fir st, you m ay not ne ed to cal l for ser vice.
Read Th is Manu al
Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions .......................... ................................. ..
Overview of Washing Machine ......................... ..................
Install Washing Machine ............... ................................. ....
Operate Washing Machine ............... ................................. .
Checklist and Preparation before Washing Clothes ............
View of Contro l Panel ........................................................
Table of Washing Procedures ............................................
Maintenance ................... ................................. ...................
Select the p rocedure
Cleaning and Maintenance of Washing Machine Cabine t
Troubleshooting .......................... ................................. ....
Remove the problems........................................................
Appendix ...................... ................................. ....................
Care Label.................................................................
Product Specifications ...............................................
- If the supply cord is damaged,it must be replaced by the manufacturer,its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
- The new hose-sets supplied with the appliance are to be used and that old hose-sets should not be reused.
- This washing machine is for indoor use only.
- The openings must not be obstructed by a carpet.
- (This warning is only for EUROPEAN market )This ap­ pliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction con­ cerning use of the appliance in a safeway and underst­ and the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance.Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
- (This warning is not for EUROPEAN market)This appl­ iance is not intended for use by persons (including chi­ ldren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capa­ bilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction conc­ erning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
- Pull out its plug from the power socket before cleaning or maintenance.
- Make sure that all pockets are emptied.
Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
- Sharp and rigid items such as coin,brooch,nail,screw or stone etc.may cause serious damages to this machine.
- Pull out its plug and cut off water supply after the operation.
- Please check whether the water inside the drum has been drained before opening its door.Please do not open the door if there is any water visible.
- Pets and kids may climb into the machine. Check the machine before every operation.
- Glass door may be very hot during the operation.Keep kids and pets far away from the machine during the operation.
- Take care that power voltage and frequency shall be id­ entical to those of washing machine.
- Do not use any socket with rated current less than that of washing machine.Never pull out power plug with wet hand.
- To ensure your safety,power cord plug must be inserted into an earthed three-pole socket.Check carefully and make sure that your socket is properly and reliably earthed.
- Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continously supervised.
- Kids should be supervised to ensure that they do not pl­ ay with the machine.
- Packing materials may be dangerous to the kids. Please keep all packing materials (plastic bags,foams etc) far away from the kids.
- Washing machine shall not be installed in bath room or very wet rooms as well as in the rooms with explosive or caustic gases.
- Make sure that the water and electrical devices must be connected by a qualified technician in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and local safety regulations.
- Before operating this machine,all packages and trans­ port bolts must be removed.Otherwise,the washing machine may be seriously damaged while washing the clothes.
- Before washing the clothes at first time, the washing machine shall be operated in one round of the whole procedures without the clothes inside.
- Your washing machine is only for home use and is only designed for the textiles suitable for machine washing.
- Flammable and explosive or toxic solvents are forbidden.
Gasoline and alcohol etc.Shall not be used as detergents.
Please only select the detergents suitable for machine washing, especially for drum.
- It is forbidden to wash carpets.
- Be careful of burning when washing machine drains hot
washing water.
- Never refill the water by hand during washing.
- After the program is completed, Please wait for two
minutes to open the door.
- Please remember to disconnect water and power sup-
- The washing machine with single inlet valve only can
be connected to the cold water supply. The washing machine with double inlet valves can be connected to the hot water and cold water supply.
Safety Precautions
Overview of Washing Machine
Inlet pipe H (optional)
Inlet pipe C
Transp ort
Outlet hose (optionalsupport )
Detergent Box
ply immediately after the clothes are washed.
- Do not climb up and sit on top cover of the machine.
- Do not lean against machine door.
- Please do not close the door with excessive forces.If it is found difficult to close the door,please check if the excessive clothes are put in or distributed well.
- The household washing machine isn't intended to be built-in.
- Cautions during Handling Machine
1.Transport bolts shall be reinstalled to the machine by a specialized person.
2.The accumulated water shall be drained out of the machine.
3. Handle the machine carefully. Never hold each protr­ uded part on the machine while lifting. Machine door can not be used as the handle during the conveyance.
- Notes on disposal: This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throug-
hout the EU.To prevent possible harm to the env­ ironment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal,recycle it responsibly to promote the su-
stainable reuse of material resources. To return your used device,please use the collection systems or contact the retailer where the product was pur­ chased. They return and can take this product for environmental safe recycling.
H plug ( )
Service Panel
Detergent Drawer
Power Plug
Control Panel
Outlet Hose
Install Washing Machine
Install Washing Machine
Unpacking the washin g machine
Unp ack you r washi ng mach ine and c heck if t here is a ny dama ge duri ng the tr anspo rtati on. Als o make su re that a ll the it ems in th e attac hed bag a re rece ived. If th ere is an y damag e to the wa shing m achin e durin g the tra nspor tatio n, or any i tem is mis sing, p lease c ontac t the loc al deal er imme diate ly.
Dispose the packing ma terials The p ackin g mater ials of t his mac hine ma y be dang erous t o kids. P lease d ispos e them pro perly a nd avoi d easy to uch by ki ds. Ple ase dis pose th e relat ed pack ing mat erial s acc ordin g to the re levan t local r egula tions . Pleas e do no thr ow the pa cking m ateri als awa y toget her wit h the oth er dail y livin g rubbi shes.
Remove transport bol ts Bef ore usi ng this w ashin g machi ne, tra nspor t bolts mus t be remo ved fro m the bac kside o f thi s machi ne. Ple ase tak e the fol lowin g steps t o rem ove the b olts:
1.Lo osen al l bolts w ith spa nner an d then re move th em.
2.St op the ho les wit h trans port ho le plug s.
3.Ke ep the tr anspo rt bolt s prope rly for f uture u se. Select the location
Bef ore ins talli ng the wa shing m achin e, the lo catio n chara cteri zed as fo llows s hall be sel ected :
- Rig id, dry, a nd le vel sur face (i f not lev el, ple ase mak e it leve l with re feren ce to the fol lowin g figur e “Adju st Leg” )
- Avoi d dir ect sun light
- Suf fic ient ve ntila tion
- Roo m tempe ratur e is abov e 0 C
- Kee p far awa y from th e heat re sourc es such a s coal or g as. Mak e sure th at the wa shing m achin e will no t stand o n power c ord. Do no t insta ll the wa shing m achin e on the ca rpet fl oor.
Adjust Leg
1.Wh en posi tioni ng the wa shing m achin e, plea se fir st chec k if the le gs are cl osely a ttach ed to the cab inet. I f not, pl ease tu rn them t o their o rigin al pos ition s with ha nd or spa nner an d tight en the nut s with sp anner.
2.Af ter pos ition ing the w ashin g machi ne, pre ss fou r corne rs on top c over of w ashin g machi ne in se quenc e. If the w ashin g machi ne is not sta ble whe n being p resse d, this l eg shal l be adj usted .
3.En sure th e posit ionin g statu s of wash ing mac hine. L oosen t he lock n ut with s panne r
and t urn the l eg with h and unt il it clo sely co ntact s with th e floor. P ress th e leg wit h one han d and fas ten the n ut clos ely to th e cabin et with t he othe r hand.
4.Af ter bei ng lock ed prop erly, pr ess f our cor ners ag ain to ma ke sure t hat the y has bee n
adj usted p roper ly. If it is s til l unsta ble, it h as to rep eat Ste ps 2 and 3.
Con nect in let pip e Con nect th e inlet p ipe as in dicat ed in the f igure . For t he mode l which h as hot va lve , ple ase con nect the h ot vale t o hot wat er tap. E nergy w ill dec rease aut omati cally f or some p rogra m.
Ins tall in let pip e
1.Co nnect t he elbo w to tap an d faste n it
clo ckwis e.
2.Co nnect t he othe r end of in let pip e to the in let
val ve at the b acksi de of was hing ma chine a nd fas ten the p ipe tig htly cl ockwi se. Not es: aft er conn ectio n, if the re is any l eakag e wit h hose, t hen rep eat the s teps to c onnec t inlet pip e. The mo st co mmon ty pe of tap s hall be use d to supp ly wate r. If tap is s quare o r too big , the n stand ard tap s hall be c hange d.
5.Put a solid cylinder (e.g. pop cans) oppositely on the top cover of the washing machine from in
the left, right, front and back directions. If the cylinder keeps stable, the washing machine is positioned level. If it rolls, the washing machine is positioned unlevel. The rolling direction is the direction of lower ground surface. Then, the two legs in this direction shall be raised at the same time until the washing machine is level. Steps 1~3 are repeated to make the bottom legs closely against the ground and the nuts shall be locked tightly.
Pla ce outl et hose
The re are tw o ways to p lace th e end of ou tlet ho se:
1.Pu t it besi de the wa ter tro ugh.
Hol e plug
Thi s Hole pl ug is use d to jam th e hole on t he back cab inet.
Install Washing Machine
Install Washing Machine
1.Th is mach ine mus t be eart hed pro perly. I f the re is any s hort ci rcuit , earth ing can r educe
the d anger o f elect rical s hock. Thi s machi ne is equ ipped w ith pow er cord , which i nclud es plug , earth ing wir e at eart hing ter minal .
2.Washi ng ma chine s hall be o perat ed in a cir cuit se parat e from ot her ele ctric al appl iance s.
Oth erwis e, powe r prote ctor ma y be trip ped or fu se may be b urned o ut.
Operate Washing Machine
Checklist and Prepar ation befor e Washing Clothes Ple ase rea d this op erati on meth od care fully t o avoid t he trou bles of w ashin g machi ne and dam ages of c lothe s.
Che ck if the f irst- washe d cloth es will b ed deco loriz ed.
Aft er a whit e towel t ouche d with li quid de terge nt is use d to wash t he invi sible c orner s of the clo thes, c heck if t he whit e towel i s stain ed with clo thes' o rigin al colo r. As fo r the sca rves an d those c lothe s that ea sily get d ecolo rized a mong im porte d cloth es, ple ase was h them se parat ely bef ore was hing. As fo r the sta ins on sl eeves , colla rs and po ckets , use t he liqu id dete rgent a nd wash i t with br ush gen tly. Fin all y put the m into th e washi ng mach ine to ac hieve m ore ide al wash ing eff ect s. As fo r tempe ratur e-sen sitiv e cloth es, the y shall be wa shed as r equir ed in the l abels . Other wise, it ma y cause c olor ch ange or d istor tion.
Kee p in Mind :
Nev er put th e cloth es to be wa shed in w ashin g machi ne for a lo ng peri od of tim e. Oth erwis e it may ge t moldy a nd caus e spots . The refor e, plea se wash t he clot hes in ti me. The c lothe s also ma y get col or chan ged or di stort ed if the y are not w ashed a ccord ing to the s tated w ashin g tempe ratur e.
Clo thes th at can no t be wash ed by was hing ma chine
The c lothe s that ma y get dis torte d if bein g immer sed in wa ter: Tie s, wa istco ats, we stern -styl e cloth es, out er garm ents et c. may ha ve obvi ous shr inkag e if be ing imm ersed i n water ; the dec olori zed clo thes su ch as ble nded sp innin g cloth es of art ifici al fibe r etc.
2.Co nnect i t to the br anch dr ain pip e of the tr ough.
Electrical Connect ion
- As the m aximu m curre nt thro ugh the u nit is 10 A w hen you a re usin g its hea ting fu nctio n, ple ase mak e sure th e power s upply s ystem ( curre nt, pow er volt age and w ire) at y our hom e can mee t the nor mal loa ding re quire ments o f the ele ctric al appl iance s.
- Ple ase con nect th e power t o a socke t which i s corre ctly in stall ed and pr operl y earth ed.
- Mak e sure th e power v oltag e at your p lace is s ame to th at in the m achin e's rat ing lab el.
- Pow er plug m ust mat ch the so cket an d cabin et must b e prope rly and e ffect ive ly eart hed.
- Do no t use mul ti-pu rpose p lug or so cket as e xtens ion cor d.
- Do no t conne ct and pu ll out pl ug with w et hand .
- Whe n conne cting a nd pull ing out t he plug , hold th e plug ti ghtly a nd then p ull it ou t. Do not p ull pow er cord f orcib ly.
- If po wer cor d is dama ged or ha s any sig n of bein g broke n, spec ial pow er cord m ust be sel ected o r purch ased fr om its ma nufac turer o r servi ce cent er for re place ment.
Max. 100cm
Min. 60cm
Min. 60cm
Max. 100cm
Pos ition o utlet h ose pro perly s o that th e floor w ill not b e damag ed by wat er leak age.
- Whe n insta lling o utlet h ose, fi x it pro perly w ith a rop e.
- Pos ition o utlet h ose pro perly s o that the f loor wi ll not be d amage d by wate r lea kage.
Trou gh
Hose R etain er
Max. 100cm Min. 60cm
Min. 60cm
Max. 100cm
- If ou tlet ho se is too l ong, do n ot forc e it in to wash ing mac hine as i t will ca use abn ormal n oises .
Not es: If th e machi ne has ou tlet ho se supp ort, pl ease in stall i t like th e follo wing pi cture s.
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