Midco® International Inc.
4140 West Victoria Street
Chicago, Illinois 60646
toll free 866.705.0514
tel 773.604.8700
fax 773.604.4070
web www.midcointernational.com
e-mail sales@midcointernational.com
Quality Designed for Proven Performance
Economite HTD Series
Power Gas Burners
MADE in the USA
Midco International has developed a 400,000 BTU high
turndown burner. The Midco RE4400DS HTD burner is
a fully modulating gas burner using a linkage less air
fuel ratio control. The burner fires at 20,000 BTU’s low
fire and 400,000 BTU’s high fire. The burner is ETL
listed and comes complete with ignition system and gas
Linkageless Technology
Midco International is a world leader in power
gas burners for the past 70 years. We have built
reputation for excellence based on our innovative
designs, fine products and commitment to customer
service. Behind the technology and product
durability, you will find the true secret to Midco’s
success is our people. The spirit of teamwork, from
production line to the executive office and is an
integral part of the Midco pledge of putting our
customers rst.
Midco Advantage Over the Competition: Why buy a Midco burner over a competing
product? There are two excellent reasons - One: We Fire Test Every Burner before
shipping it out to you or your customer. Two: We stand on our reputation for excellent
post order support on all of the Midco burners. Which is a highly prized benefit that
is not always apparent or present when looking for the ‘best price’ in a product. We
stand by our motto: “Quality Designed for Proven Performance”.
RE4400DS HTD (High Turn Down)
20,000 BTU/Hr at low fire
400,000 BTU/Hr at high fire
8474 93
Printed in USA