Midco MPG 1.5G Service Manual

Date of Installation
Installation and Service Instructions
8471 51
MPG Series
Gas Burners
S A F E T Y I N F O R M A T I O N T E R M S : The following terms are used to identify hazards, safety precaution of special
notations and have standard meanings throughout this manual. They are printed in all capital letters using a bold type face as shown below, and preceded by the exclamation mark symbol. When you see the safety alert symbol and one of the safety information terms as shown below, be aware of the hazard potential.
DANGER: Identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING: Signifies a hazard that could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION: Identifies unsafe practices which would result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.
Midco International Inc.
4140 West Victoria St. - Chicago, Illinois 60646 tel 773.604.8700 fax 773.604.4070
web www.midcointernational.com e-mail sales@midcointernational.com
Quality Designed for Proven Performance
WARNING: If the information in these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result, causing property damage, personal injury or death.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any
phone in your building.
Immediately phone your gas supplier from another
building. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier call the fire department.
Installation and service must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
In the United States, installation must conform with local codes or in the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1-latest edition available from American National Standard
Institute. Further reference should be made to the recommendation of your fuel supplier. In Canada, installation must conform with local codes or in the absence of local codes, with Installation Codes for Gas Burning
Appliances and Equipment, CGA Standard CAN/CGA 1-B-149.1 or 2.
WARNING: Additions, changes, conversions and service must be performed by an authorized Midco representative, service agency or the fuel supplier. Use only MIDCO specified and approved parts.
INSTALLER: Inform and demonstrate to the user the correct operation and maintenance of the gas utilization equipment. Inform the user of the hazards of storing flammable liquids and vapors in the vicinity of this gas utilization equipment and remove such hazards. Affix this manual and associated literature to the burner.
USER: Retain this manual for future reference. If other than routine service or maintenance as described in this manual and associated literature is required, contact a qualified service agency. DO NOT ATTEMPT REPAIRS. An inadvertent service error could result in a dangerous condition.
Part 1 Installation
CAUTION: MPG-Series are not intended for outdoor installation and must be protected
from excessive moisture. Provide adequate clearance for service and proper operation.
Open basements will generally allow sufficient air infiltration, so special provisions will seldom
be required. If the heating plant is located in a separate furnace room or in an unusually tight basement, permanent means must be provided to supply an ample volume of fresh air for combustion and boiler room ventilation. A direct opening to the outside air should be provided sized on the basis of 1/2 square foot of free opening for each 1,000,000 BTU of burner rating when the vent connector is equipped with a barometric draft control, 11/2 square feet when equipped with a draft hood. If the ventilation opening is screened, it should be of 11/4" mesh.
Part 1
I Ventilation
The Midco power gas burner, MPG Series, is designed for firing natural gas or propane gas in most applications. The burner is a self-contained unit including a blower housing assembly, a burner gas manifold assembly, a burner cartridge, a flame safeguard, and a main and pilot gas train. The burner is easy to install, it includes mounting the burner to the gas utilization equipment, piping the main and pilot gas train and connecting the power supply. Before shipment every burner is operationally fire tested at the factory, for unassembled valve trains the pilot solenoid and ignition system is tested.
Burner Style Power Type Sensing Pilot Type Intermittent; Flame Rod Sensing, Spark Ignition(Standard)
Intermittent; UV Sensing, Spark Ignition (Optional) Interrupted; Flame Rod Sensing, UV Flame Scanner (Optional)
Pilot Safety Instantaneous Electronic Flame Safeguard
Voltage Standard
Controls 120/1/60 Motor 115/1/60
U.L. Listed -U.L.C. Listed Non UL 220V / 50HZ - Contact Factory
MPG 1.5G **
MPG 2.5G **
4" W.C.
4" W.C.
4" W.C.
4" W.C.
Natural Propane
Inlet Gas Pressure
MPG 1.5G
MPG 2.5G
0.13 - 1.20" W.C.
0.09 - 0.80" W.C.
0.08 - 0.70" W.C.
0.06 - 0.50" W.C.
Motor HP
(3450 RPM)
See Table 3
See Table 3
Burner Manifold Pressure
*1 MBH=1,000 BTU/HR ** High Turn Down Models available - contact factory
1. Values given based on 0" W.C. firebox pressure, altitudes to 2,000 feet. Derate burner for altitudes over 2,000 feet by 4% for each 1,000 feet over sea level.
2. Maximum inlet pressure both gases: 14" W.C. Refer to Section VI Piping for high pressure.
3. SCFM=Standard Cubic Feet/Minute
4. Requires special valve train - contact factory
Table 1: Burner Specifications
*1 MBH=1,000 BTU/HR. See Table 6 for gas pressure and air shutter settings
MPG 1.5G
MPG 2.5G
Maximum Capacity in MBH at
Combustion Chamber-
Back Pressure
0" W.C. .25" W.C. .50" W.C.
Back Pressure in " W.C.
MBH* at
Back Pressure
Table 2: Maximum Capacity at Specified Back Pressures
The opening should be located at least six feet above ground level to prevent accidental obstruction. If a direct opening to the outside air is not available, an amply sized air duct can be run to the nearest outside air source or if practical, open stairwells or building corridors connecting to an outside wall having a ventilating opening can be used for this purpose, provided that no possibility of accidental closure exists.
While the spark ignition pilot system performs successfully under moderate or momentary
back draft conditions, it is not intended for operation under sustained reverse draft, for example, in a building with large ventilating fans but with insufficient make-up air. Even if burner operation is successful under these conditions, they must be corrected to prevent the hazard of drawing flue gases into the building. Consult your local gas company when doubt exists concerning boiler room ventilation.
The heating system, both the gas utilization equipment and the distribution system, should be
in good operating conditions and sufficient to properly heat the building. It should be determined if any serious faults are present that would cause excessive fuel consumption, unsafe operation or improper heating, and measures taken to correct them.
Firing door catches should be filed off or otherwise arranged so that the door will open easily
to relieve pressure. No positive catches should be used. The use of a spring-type door holder is recommended.
Mount the burner to the gas utilization equipment. A tight seal between the mounting flange
and the front plate should be accomplished using the supplied high temperature rope. When installing the gas burner the distance from the flange to the blast tube edge should be the same as the gas utilization equipment wall thickness plus the flange gasket or rope thickness. That means the burner blast tube will be flush with the inner chamber wall after the burner has been installed. If the blast tube is extended into the combustion chamber possible damage to the burner may happen. See Figure 1 & 2 for reference.
Part 1 Installation
II Preparation of
the Gas Utilization
III Combustion
Figure 1: Dry Base Boiler with Combustion
Chamber Liner (Warm Air Furnace
Construction is Similar)
Figure 2: Wet Base Boiler with Unlined
Combustion Chamber
Figure 3: Scotch Marine Boiler
Figure 4: Warm Air Furnaces
I Ventilation
The MPG gas burner is designed for "in-shot" firing. It can be fired into the ash pit of a boiler
designed for solid fuels, or it can be fired into the primary heat exchanger of a boiler designed for liquid or gaseous fuels. The ash pit installation requires a refractory lining.
The combustion chamber serves to contain and promote combustion and to protect non-heat
exchange surfaces from direct flame contact. Built-up combustion chambers should be made of 2600° insulating firebrick. As an alternative, a monolithic floor can be cast in place, using a high temperature (2400°) light weight insulating refractory. Check with your supplier to determine the thickness which will yield equivalent insulating qualities.
The combustion chamber sizes given in Table 3 are based on the maximum rated burner
capacity. If the input is to be permanently set at a reduced rate the combustion chamber floor area can be reduced proportionately to the proposed input, with the length as closely proportioned to twice the width as possible.
Where recommended size combustion chambers (225,000 BTU/sq. ft.) can be
accommodated, the type of construction shown in Figure 1 should be used. If lack of space prohibits use of this construction, higher BTU values per square foot can be allowed for by using the constructions shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The back wall of the combustion chamber should be carried 2 or 3 courses higher and
overhung to deflect the flames from direct impingement on the rear heat exchanger surface. Hard firebrick should be used to prevent erosion of the brick by high velocity gases.
The burner is equipped with a mounting flange for direct attachment to the boiler front. The
burner nozzle must not extend into the combustion chamber. It should be sealed into the opening as shown in Figures 1 - 4.
The refractory lined combustion chamber can be omitted in "Scotch Marine" and "Steam
Generator" boilers or warm air furnaces that do not include ash pits. The burner is fired directly into the heat exchanger, requiring no refractory unless the combustion chamber is so short that flame would impinge excessively on the rear heat exchanger wall (this is particularly important in a warm air furnace). Refractory protection is recommended if the length of the primary chamber is less than 20% larger than the length given in Table 3. In any case, the burner entry wall must be refractory lined if it is not a heat exchanger surface.
WARNING: The chimney shall be inspected for unsafe conditions such as deteriorated masonry and excessive soot or other blockage or potential blockage. Installation must conform with local codes or in the absence of local codes with NFPA, ANSI Z223.1-latest edition.
WARNING: No movable vent connector damper is permitted on any power gas burner installation. The chimney should be inspected for unsafe conditions such as deteriorated masonry and excessive soot or other blockage or potential blockage. Check your local authorities for regulations covering barometric draft regulators on gas equipment.
WARNING: The vent connector shall not be connected to a chimney already venting solid fuel burning equipment, an incinerator or an open fire place.
The MPG burner does not depend on chimney draft. Combustion air is supplied by the forced
air blower, which is sufficient to supply adequate air for any normal application. This reduces the function of the chimney to remove of flue products from the boiler. A chimney height of 15' above the boiler flue outlet will generally prove ample if the recommended or larger vent connector and chimney diameters are used. The chimney must of course, extend several feet over the roof of the building, or adjacent buildings. Vent connector material should be 24 gauge or heavier steel, galvanized to resist corrosion. The horizontal run of vent connector should be pitched upward from the appliance flue outlet at least 1/4" to the foot. Avoid excess elbows or other constructional features that would create excessive resistance to flow of flue products. Fasten joints with sheet metal screws to prevent sagging. The vent connector should be maintained at least 6" from combustible building materials; more if it is uninsulated. Where it passes through partitions constructed of combustible materials a ventilated thimble should be used. Refer to your local building codes. The vent connector should be firmly cemented into the chimney but must not
Part 1 Installation
IV Chimney, Vent
Connector and
Draft Control
Gas Input,
MBH/Hr Width/Height " Length "
500 12" 26" 1000 15" 34" 1500 18" 42" 2000 21" 50" 2500 24" 58"
Table 3: Recommended Combustion
Chamber Minimum Required Dimensions
Max Input, Flue Pipe MBH/Hr Diameter "
700 9"
950 10" 1400 12" 1950 14" 2500 16"
Table 4: Recommended Size of Flue Pipe and Chimney - Based on Maximum Height of 15’ and Lateral Run of 15’
OTE: For actual vent diameter information refer to the ational Fuel Gas Code Handbook
- Latest Edition
III Combustion
extend beyond the inner face. Where two or more appliances use the same chimney, be sure not to enter the chimney with both flue pipes at the same level.
Do not arbitrarily reduce the
vent connector size, since a back pressure can build up, leading to possible leakage of flue products into the room.
Chimney construction can be
either of brick, preferably tile lined, or of steel. Joints in the chimney should be smooth and leak free to prevent uncontrollable air infiltration. They should be made so that condensation if any, will not collect in the joints or leak to the outside.
If the vent connector must be
extra long, the area of the pipe and chimney should be increased or the chimney height must be increased, or both. Never allow the horizontal length of the vent connector to exceed the height of the chimney.
Two kinds of draft control are acceptable; an A.G.A. type draft hood as illustrated in Figure 5,
or a barometric damper as shown in Figure 6. Use of a draft hood is usually limited to burners with lower range capacities, while a barometric draft control is suitable for all capacities. Application should depend on the requirements of the installation.
If a draft hood is used, it should be of the same size as the vent connector and is free
swinging without interference from surrounding objects so that the velocity pressure of the flue gases does not interfere with its operation. See Figure 5 for proper installation.
When any vent connector passes through a partition the draft control must be located in the
same room as the heating appliance. A device which will automatically shut off gas to the burner in the event of sustained backdraft is recommended if such backdraft might adversely affect burner operation or if flue gas spillage might introduce a hazard. If such a device is used, it shall
Part 1 Installation
Figure 5: Recommended Locations for Draft Hoods
Note: Figures 3 and 4 : Copyright by American Gas Association. Used by permission of the copyright holder.
Figure 6: Location for Barometric Draft Regulators
Note: Figures 3 and 4 :
Copyright by American Gas Association.
Used by permission of the copyright holder.
IV Chimney, Vent
Connector and
Draft Control
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