HMA 2 / HMA 2A Series
Direct - Fired Gas Burners
Two Stage Combustion Technology
Higher Temperature Rise
Wider Operation Range
Shorter, More Stable Flame
and Lower Overall Emissions
Midco’s Own Two Stage Technology
in Direct-Fired Gas Burners
Midco International’s innovative two stage combustion
burner is not just a modification or improvement of
the old, but a completely different approach to directfired combustion. The two-stage combustion improves
control of the flame process, meets and exceeds the
ANSI Standards while outperforming the competition.
By having two separate flames within the burner
combustion zone, the flame is more stable, shorter and
cleaner, permitting the reduction of emissions levels and
allowing for higher temperature rise and higher tolerance
to varying conditions when placed in the profile opening.
HMA 2 / HMA 2A
T wo Stage Combustion
Provides Unsurpassed
Flame Stability and
Lower Emissions
Burner Sections Available in
• Cast Iron
• Aluminum or
• Nickle Plated
Midco® International Inc.
4140 West Victoria Street
Chicago, Illinois 60646
toll free 866.705.0514
tel 773.604.8700
fax 773.604.4070
web www.midcointernational.com
e-mail sales@midcointernational.com
Quality Designed for Proven Performance

Specifi cations
* Firing rate Gas Manifold Pressure Drop Pilot Pilot Manifold Burner Turn- Flame Air Velocities
Pressure Across Burner Capacity Pressure down Ratio Length Across Burner
Up to 750,000 NG 4.2 - 8″ W.C. 0.05 to 1.4″ W.C. 12,000 Btu/hr NG 3.5″ W.C. 30 to 1 10″ full ** 800 fpm to
Btu/hr/ft LP 1.6 - 3″ W.C. LP 2.0″ W.C. fi ring rate 4,000 fmp ***
* Firing rate is dependent on the pressure drop across the burner.
** Flame length depends on design pressure drop and is measured from the end of the baffl e.
*** For other operating velocities contact our Engineering Department.
Features and Benefi ts
Two Staged Technology for
Direct-Fired Applications
Plus Flexibility in Confi guration
Straight, elbow and tee sections easily confi gure to desired
capacity maximizing effi ciency for installation and performance.
Burners may be ignited by proven pilot or direct spark. Pilots
are available for fl ame rectifi cation or ultraviolet detection. Hot
surface ignition systems are also available. Contact the Midco
OEM sales team for specifi cations.
12” Straight
Area = .65 sq. ft.
12” Straight Back Inlet
Area = .65 sq. ft.
Reduced NO2 and CO Emissions: Lower emissions
levels that are required to pass the ANSI Z83.4 and
Z83.18 standards.
Higher Temperature Rise: The two stage combustion
process lowers NO
factor in temperature rise.
Increased Capacity: Up to 750,000 BTU’s per foot.
(Higher BTU levels can be achieved if ANSI Z83
Standards for CO and NO
concern. Process heaters can fi re up to 1,000,000 BTU’s
a foot or more.)
Increased Differential Pressure Drop and Higher
Velocities: HMA-2 / HMA-2A burners can operate
between 0.05″ to 1.4″ W.C. differential pressure range
or in air velocity between 800 fpm to 4000 fpm.
Flame Stability: Two stage combustion provides better
fl ame stability and emission control, allowing for a
shorter fl ame and easier profi le confi guration.
emissions which is the limiting
emissions are not of a
6” Straight
Area = .32 sq. ft.
Area = .65 sq. ft.
tel: 773.604.8700 - fax: 773.604.4070 - web: www.midcointernational.com - e-mail: sales@midcointernational.com
6” Straight Back Inlet
Area = .32 sq. ft.
Reduced Shipping Costs: A smaller, lighter casting than
the competition’s, can cut your freight costs up to 50%.
Turndown: 30-1 turndown can easily be achieved with
proper modulation control and valves. (Higher turndown
possible depending on equipment design.)
Casting Choices: Burner sections are available in iron,
aluminum and nickle plated castings.
Area = .77 sq. ft.
Do you need assistance in burner selection or installation? Just call our OEM Sales
Team at Midco International direct today (toll free 866 705 0514) or visit our web site
at www.midcointernational.com to fi nd out more about our HMA line of burners.
Midco® International Inc. - 4140 West Victoria Street - Chicago, Illinois 60646 - toll free: 866 705 0515
8474 83
Printed in USA