Live Digital Console Control Centre with
64 Input Channels, 8 MIDAS Microphone
Preampli ers, 27 Mix Buses, 96 kHz Sample
Rate and Touring Grade Road Case
Live Performance digital console
control centre with up to
64 simultaneous input channels
8 award-winning MIDAS
microphone preampli ers
27 time-aligned and
phase-coherent mix buses
AES50 networking allows up to
156 inputs and 164 outputs
@ 96 kHz sample rate
Touring grade road case
featuring marine grade plywood,
aluminium extrusions and
composite density protective foam
Advanced MCA (mix control
association) channel control
and navigation
8 VCA (variable control association)
and 6 POPulation groups
Up to 28 assignable ⁄ octave
graphic equalisers
Up to 6 multi-channel digital signal
processing e ects engines
28 MIDAS PRO motorised
100 mm faders
Daylight viewable 15" full colour
TFT display screen
Fully interpolated touch
sensitive controls
Optional wireless remote control with
Dual redundant auto-ranging
universal switch-mode
power supplies
3-Year Warranty Program*
Designed and engineered
in England
The ground breaking PRO2 features
64 simultaneous input channels with
8 award-winning MIDAS Microphone
Preampli ers and 27 time-aligned
and phase-coherent mix buses.
Like all PRO Series consoles, the
PRO2 features managed latency
and 40 bit oating point processing
precision. Designed for use in high-
pro le live sound applications,
the PRO2 sets a new standard of
performance and portability in a compact digital console form factor.
AES50 audio networking technology allows the PRO2 to dynamically
assign up to 156 inputs and 164 outputs at 96 kHz sample rate to any of its
input channels and bus outputs on a scene-by-scene basis. This high level
of connectivity, coupled with the large channel and bus counts, makes the
PRO2 equally at home in theatres and clubs as it is in live concert touring,
outside broadcast and music festivals.
*iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc. All third-party trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of
the trademark nor a liation of the trademark owners with MUSIC Group.
Product names are mentioned solely as a reference for compatibility, e ects
and/or components. Warranty details can be found at
Product Information Document
Digital Mixers
Live Digital Console Control Centre with
64 Input Channels, 8 MIDAS Microphone
Preampli ers, 27 Mix Buses, 96 kHz Sample
Rate and Touring Grade Road Case
Award-Winning MIDAS Microphone Preampli er
The MIDAS microphone preampli er is considered by leading live sound and recording engineers
to be the very essence of the famous MIDAS sound. More than 40 years of design experience paired
with the nest choice of premium-grade components lead to the acclaimed warmth and depth bringing out subtle ambience, maintaining spatial positioning and more e ectively capturing a
precise sound image. The acclaimed sound of the award-winning MIDAS microphone preampli er
has inspired generations of live sound engineers to their best work, creating sonic panoramas that
have captivated audiences worldwide.
Since pristine sound always begins with the microphone preampli er, the rst point where the
signal enters the console, PRO2 features the latest generation of MIDAS microphone preampli ers,
which faithfully reproduce every sonic detail so no part of a performance will ever be missed.
Transparent and pristine sound, low noise and high common-mode rejection are all hallmarks of
this classic design.
Over the years many mix engineers have found this robust and overload-tolerant design takes on a
whole new dimension of sound when driven hard, the crystal-clear audiophile reproduction giving
way to just the right combination of harmonics, a warm and organic sound heard by millions of
concert goers and recorded for posterity on countless live albums over the years.
Digital Audio Networking
SuperMAC (AES50-Compliant) digital audio networking technology from KLARK TEKNIK
simultaneously provides high channel counts, ultra low and deterministic latencies, samplesynchronous and phase-aligned networked clock distribution, error detection and correction,
network redundancy, and ease of deployment and use – to meet the demanding requirements of
live concert touring.
PRO2 is compatible with all MIDAS PRO Series digital I/O units, as well as with any other
96 kHz-enabled AES50-equipped devices. Multiple PRO Series consoles can be connected together
to create either larger mixing systems, or multiple discrete mixing consoles can share a common
resource of networked and distributed I/O interfaces.
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Product Information Document
Digital Mixers
Live Digital Console Control Centre with
64 Input Channels, 8 MIDAS Microphone
Preampli ers, 27 Mix Buses, 96 kHz Sample
Rate and Touring Grade Road Case
Touring Grade Road Case
Rugged and built to last, the PRO2 Touring Pack includes a PRO2-RC Road Case, constructed from
rigid marine grade plywood and durable aluminium extrusions. Composite density foam provides
internal support and superior protection in transit, night after night, city after city.
Advanced Navigation Flexibility
PRO2 incorporates new and innovative methods of channel and mix bay navigation: FLIP Navigation,
FX Navigation, GEQ Navigation, and MCA Navigation. These four options allow an engineer to easily
and e ciently mix a large number of inputs on a compact control surface. PRO2 also features the
ability to display and control any output bus on the input control bay area. This navigation exibility
makes working with the console as simple as requirements dictate, or as deep and complex as a
user desires. PRO2’s new output section, which features 24 direct bus selection switches that
provide immediate access to up to 24 stereo pairs of output mix buses, also supports the new
navigation modes.
• When in FLIP navigation mode, and the FLIP button is engaged, selecting an output ips the
input faders to become the input channel send levels to the selected output. If the Collapsed Flip
(Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is ticked, then the console will only populate with the
input channels that are assigned to the selected output, otherwise all channels will be displayed.
• When the FX navigation button is engaged, selecting an output which is patched to an internal e ects processor, this mode will deploy that
e ects processor on the display screen and map the ASSIGNABLE CONTROLS to the e ects processor. If FADER FLIP is also engaged, the input
channel faders will become the contributions to the e ects processor. If COLLAPSED FLIP (Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is selected,
the operator will only be presented with input channels that are sending to that e ects processor.
• When the GEQ navigation button is engaged, selecting an output which has a graphic equaliser (GEQ) assigned, this mode will present the
GEQ on the VCA faders. Scrolling the VCA faders left and right will provide access to all 31 GEQ faders. If FADER FLIP is also engaged, the input
channel faders will become the contributions to the selected mix. If COLLAPSED FLIP (Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is selected, the
operator will only be presented with input channels which are sending to that mix.
• If the MCA navigation button is engaged, when an output (mix) is selected, the MCA faders for that output will be deployed on the VCA
fader bank. When MCA navigation is engaged, the MCA faders control the contributions of their members only to the currently selected bus.
This is a unique and powerful mixing tool, which puts MIDAS in a class of its own for innovation and usability.
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Product Information Document
Digital Mixers
Live Digital Console Control Centre with
64 Input Channels, 8 MIDAS Microphone
Preampli ers, 27 Mix Buses, 96 kHz Sample
Rate and Touring Grade Road Case
Integrated E ects Processors and Graphic Equalisers
The PRO2 can simultaneously provide up to 6 multi-channel digital signal processing engines
for a wide choice of virtual e ect devices, which range from dual-mono delay units, stereo
modulation and numerous diverse reverberation simulations, multi-band compression, dynamic
EQ and multi-channel dual-function dynamics processing. Up to 28 ⁄ octave KLARK TEKNIK DN370
Graphic Equalisers (GEQs) are provided, which can be patched into any output.
PRO2 provides comprehensive automatic latency management of all internal routing and processing
latency – and also includes compensation for external analogue inserts. All audio samples are
synchronised before summing, resulting in absolute phase coherence at the outputs, without the
comb ltering e ects of many of its Competitor's products that often result in speci c frequencies
being cancelled out completely.
All e ects processors and GEQs are custom-designed to function within this automatic latency
compensation system. This ensures a phase-coherent, sample-accurate mix regardless of whether
the devices are used as channel inserts or on auxiliary buses.
Not satis ed with the existing motorised fader choices in the marketplace, MIDAS created the
PRO FADER, rated for up to a million cycles – three times that of other leading manufacturers -
and providing high linearity, robustness, and smooth feel during operation. This decision yielded
many other bene ts, including total quality control over the manufacturing process and lower
costs that could be passed on to customers.
As a digital console manufacturer, MIDAS has a perspective on the actual application of motor
faders that a component manufacturer would not have. The multi-disciplinary development
project combined mechanical design, electronic hardware and software optimisation with a
rigorous testing programme and an investment in material science to produce the best possible
performance in actual operation in MIDAS PRO Series consoles. Semi-precious metals are used for
the wiper ngers for their hard-wearing properties, and precision resistive tracks were created that
o er highly linear positional accuracy, coupled with long-term durability and even response in use.
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