Introducing the PRO1
The PRO1 breaks new ground for MIDAS
digital consoles, featuring an all-new,
lightweight aluminium frame, PRO1 is the
rst stand-alone MIDAS digital console,
and sets new standards of portability and
performance for a “compact” digital console.
PRO1 is easy to congure and operate.
Engineers who are new to MIDAS digital can
relax, enjoy the PRO1’s sample-synchronous
audio quality, and mix from well within their
comfort zone.
Engineers familiar with MIDAS can just load
their existing showle straight into the PRO1,
regardless of which MIDAS digital console it
was created on, and carry on working.
In addition to the PRO1’s 40 primary input
channels, it features 8 aux returns, all of
which feature 4-band MIDAS parametric EQ
and insert points. These 8 aux returns can
be used as returns for the PRO1’s internal FX
processors, or as additional mic channels,
if enough mic inputs are available on the
network I/O hardware.
A total of 48 input channels have routing to
27 mix busses. These busses comprise 16
user-congurable aux busses, which can be
mixes, subgroups or mix minus groups, and
8 matrix busses. The Matrix busses source
from inputs, as well as groups, and so can
be used as 8 additional auxes (monitor mix
and FX sends) which provides a total of 24
mixes (plus L, R & Mono) for monitor mixing
duties. All busses can be linked as stereo pairs
(except the MONO buss).
As with all MIDAS digital consoles the audio
paths can be routed to multiple destinations
and the console format can be recongured
live on a scene-by-scene basis.

Daylight Viewable Display Screen
Assignable Controls
24 x Analogue MMic/Line Inputs
with MIDAS Mic Pre’s
2 x AES3 Inputs
3 x AES3 Outputs
Local Monitor B L&R
100mm Motorised Faders
Talk Mic Input
Multiple Clocking Options