1.11 Condensation
1.10 First time start-up
Time delay— the unit is equipped with a built-in3-minute start delayincluded to protectelectrical
components and contacts. After this time delay, the unit will automatically be restarted. Even a
brief interruption of the power supply willactivate the startdelay and preventthe unit from starting
immediately. Additional interruptions of the power supply during the delay period will have no effect
on the 3-minute countdown.
Water flo w switch— the uni t is equi pped with a fl ow switch th at is switch ed on when eno ugh wate r has
flowed through the unit and that isswitched off when the waterflow becomes too low. (E.g. When the
filter pump is switched off).
Whe n the swi mming pool w ater is be ing hea ted b y the heat pum p, the incoming a ir is coo led down qui te
a bit , which c an ca use con densatio n on the fins of t he evaporat or. Con densed vol umes can atta in several
litres per hourunder highatmospheric humidity.Sometimes, this is wrongfullyinterpretedas a waterleak.
Dep endin g on the start ing temperature of the po ol wa ter a nd the ai r temperature, it can take s everal days
for the water to reach th e desired tempe rature. Coveri ng the pool ca n dra sti cal ly redu ced this per iod.
When all connections have been made and checked, you should follow these steps:
1. Turn on th e filte r pump. Chec k for l eaks and verify f low to and from the p ool.
2. Turn on the electrical power supply to the unit, then press the ON/ OFF key on the electronic control
pan el. The u nit sho uld start wh en the time de lay period h as lapsed .
3. When the unit has been running for a couple of minutes, check if the air leaving the unit is cooler.
4. Check the performance of the flow switch as follows: with the unit running, turn the filter pump off.
The unit should also switch off automatically. If not, the flow switch must be readjusted.
5. Al l the uni t and fil ter pum p to ru n 24 hours a day until the d esired pool water tempe rature is reache d.
When theset temperature is reached,the unitswitches itself off.The unitwill now automatically restart
(as long as your filter pump is running) when the temperature of the pool water experiences a drop of
more than 1 below the set temperature.℃
Note- Inorder for the unitto heat the pool(or spa),the filterpump must be running sothat thewater can
circulate through the heat pump. Without this circulation, the heat pump will not start.