Midas mct056b6w640480lmlc User Manual

Midas Components Limited
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Telephone +44 (0)1493 602602 Fax +44 (0)1493 665111 Email sales@midasdisplays.com Website www.midasdisplays.com
Number: Version: Date:
No. Date Description Item Page
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Table of Contents
1.0 General Description--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.0 Electrical Characteristics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
3.0 Mechanical Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
4.0 Pin Definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.0 Interface Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
6.0 Control Command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
7.0 Outline Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
8.0 User’s Guide --------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------7
9.0 Reliability Test Items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
10.0 Package Specification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
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MC T 057 A 6 * W 320240 L M L * * * * *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121314 15 16
1 = MC: Midas Components
2 = T: TFT A: Active Matrix OLED
3 = Size
4 = Series
5 = Viewing Angle: 6: 6 O’clock 12: 12 O’clock O: All round
6 = Blank: No Touch T: Resistive Touchscreen C: Capacitive Touchscreen
7 = Operating Temp Range: S: 0 to 50Deg C B: -20+60Deg C W: -20+70Deg C E: -30+85Deg C
8 = No of Pixels
9 = Orientation: P: Portrait L: Landscape
10 = Mode: R: Reflective M: Transmissive T: Transflective S: Sunlight Readable (transmissive) W: White on Black (Monochrome)
11 = Backlight: Blank: None L: LED C: CCFL
12 = Blank: No Module/board C: Controller board module
13 = Blank: None V: Video
14 = Blank: None B: Bracket
15 = Blank: None H: Host Cable
16 = Blank: None K: Keyboard
F/Displays/Midas Brand/Midas Active Matrix Display Part Number System 09 Nov 2011.doc
Easy TFT is target to the users updating their product from monochrome LCD to TFT displays or new
products fast developing, our solution can provides a simple and reliable way to control TFT displays. M7-M series include small screen with CPU port from 2.3” to 3.5” as well as screen with RGB port from 3.5” to 7”, meeting the requirements for various applicati ons from customers.
1.0 General Description
1. The bottle neck of MCU speed is solved: compared with the black and white module, the data volume of color screen is much larger and require rapid data refresh while updating interface, which cannot be satisfied by traditional MCU, otherwise the responding speed of whole system will be very slow.
2. The data storage space of common MCU is within 64K, which is not enough to store one picture for TFT displays; our module adopts an 2Mbyte-8Mbyte FLASH to store picture data and this is quite enough for common interface design.
3. The technology of TFT displays change quickly and the driver IC updating fast, the product life time can’t be guaranteed. The software and hardware is required to change often in order to adopt the new displays, which brings a lot of extra work. Our solution can help customer to solve the problem, when there is screen change, we can adopt it on our mainboard, the consumer don’t need to changing their software and hardware.
4. The adoption of alphabetic string command for module control is simple and clear; only need MCU output “Hello World” from the UART
5. The RAM on the module is virtualized as a USB flash disk, the user copy pictures from computer to the module, saving a lot of work like general modeling and compiling etc. and development time is shortened.
2.0 Electrical Parameters:
Input voltage 5V±5% Current <220mA Backlight on
Color Depth Operating T emperature Storage Temperature Luminance Display Mode
65K colors
-30----80ć 200cd/m² (type)
3.0 Mechanical Parameters (mm)
Size of panel Size of module Size (VA)
126.50*100.00 640*480 Dots
144.80*110.50*16.00 max
4.0 Pin Definition
eton ceps emaN
eton ceps METI
J1 on module is communication port and K1 is reset key.
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