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Trademark Information
Software Defined Indoor Unit™ (SDIDU™) is a product and trademark of CarrierComm, Inc.
Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or
The software allows for partitioning resources and prohibiting access of sensitive
information. The design of the software also prevents users from intruding on
other users and/or resources on the network. Security measures include:
Encrypted passwords
Multilevel configuration permissions
Network data encryption
Accounting and logging features provide protection from and information
Local connection of a PC to a SDIDU™ can be accomplished via a serial or
network port. The connection requirements are listed below. Serial
PC with serial port and DB-9 to HD-15 SDIDU™ cable
Serial communications software (e.g. Hyperterm) Network
PC with 10/100 Ethernet interface
CAT 5 patch cable for connecting PC to SDIDU™ NMS port
Web browser, or
Telnet or SSH client, or
SNMP manager Remote
Remote connection from a PC to a SDIDU™ can be accomplished via a serial
communication connection or an internet connection. The connection
requirements are listed below.
Use the browser’s default settings. Refer to Section 6.2.1 and Section 6.2.2 for
intructions for obtaining a web browser.
The web interface also requires the use of Sun Java JVM version 1.2.2 or above.
Refer to Section 6.2.3 for intructions for obtaining Sun Java JVM.
2.1.4 Telnet/SSH client
When accessing the software via the CLI interface, use a telnet or SSH client. An
SSH client is similar to a telnet client except it accesses the target over a secure
Windows provides a Windows Standard telnet client that may be accessed
through the command prompt. An alternate telnet client may be used.
Refer to Section 6.2.4 for downloading PuTTY, a popular Telnet / SSH Client for
2.1.5 SNMP
Configure SNMP manager for accessing the Target (Connected Product).
2.1.6 HyperTerminal
When connecting via a HyperTerminal program, use the following settings:
The settings may be reconfigured based on system requirements.
2.2 Access rights for users
The system has five user access levels for configuring and viewing data through
the user interface. User accounts can be added and deleted for different access
levels. The five user levels and their corresponding user rights are described
2.2.1 User Level 1 – Monitor
User has minimum access rights and can only view the following pages:
The web interface is a feature-filled graphical interface for configuring and
monitoring the terminal. Access to web interface is provided via a web browser
and a normal or secure connection.
To access the web interface:
1. Open a web browser (browser requirements are discussed in Section
2. Type the IP address of the SDIDU™ in the address bar and press GO.
3. A popup window will prompt for a user name and password.
4. Enter a user name and password then press OK.
5. Upon successful authentication, the Starting Information Screen (Figure 3-
The CLI provides a text based interface for configuring and monitoring the
terminal. The CLI is accessed by doing one of the following:
Using Ethernet interface,
1. Telnet / SSH to the terminal (using IP address of the terminal).
2. Enter a user name and password at the login prompt.
Using Serial interface,
1. Establish an RS232 connection using a serial terminal.
2. Enter a user name and password at the login prompt.
Upon successful authentication the ”General Information Screen” is displayed
(Figure 3-2). Switch to the “Main Menu” screen by pressing the M-key. From the
“Main Menu,” the user can navigate through various interface screens.
User Interface Manual
Figure 3-2. CLI starting information screen. How to use CLI screens Menu Screens
Menu screens are used to navigate between functions. They display a list of
navigation choices. Each choice is listed with a character encased within [ ]
braces, or “hotkey.” Press the “hotkey” to switch to the corresponding screen. For
example, in Figure 3-3, enter ‘a’ / ‘A’, to switch to the “General Information” screen
(the “General Information” screen is displayed in Figure 3-2).
Further references to “hotkey” in this document will refer to the
character encapsulated in [ ] brackets for the individual parameter.
Note Configurable Screens
Configurable screens are used to set various parameters. Figure 3-4 shows the
“General Network Configuration” screen, which is an example of a configurable
screen. Parameters are listed with their values and a “hotkey.” Press the “hotkey”
to configure the corresponding parameter. For example, enter ‘a’ / ‘A’, to edit IP
address, then press “Enter Key”. Some parameters may have a set list of values.
For example, the DHCP Client parameter has two values: Enabled and Disable.
To edit this type of parameter, press the corresponding “hotkey” (in this case “E”),
then press the “Space Bar”-key, to scroll through different values. Once the
desired value is displayed, press the “Enter”-key. If the parameter is displayed
without a “hotkey,” it indicates a read-only parameter.
ccm_SDIDU_v2Traps.mib: SDIDU™ product version 2 trap MIB file
The SNMP agent interface uses these MIB files to configure the system. SNMP Agent Parameters
The SNMP agent interface configurable parameters are described in the following
WEB and CLI interfaces can be used to configure the SNMP
parameters below. Change in any of the parameters below
If the agent is configured in “v3 only” or “v1-v2-v3” mode, SNMPv3 “admin” user
can configure the SNMP users. There are 4 possible levels of users. User levels
are same as described in Section 2.2.
The SNMP agent does not support level based access if the agent is configured
as “v1 only” or “v2 only” mode. In the case of v1 and v2 modes of operation,
Level1 access is given to the read operation and Level4 access is given for the
write operation. Thus, in v1 and v2 modes of operation, the user has full access to
system configurations if a valid write community string is used.
reconfigures the agent
User Interface Manual
. SNMP Mode
The SNMP agent can be configured to operate in any of the following modes:
v1 only
v2 only
v3 only
If the agent is configured to run as v1 only, v2 only or v3 only, then the user can
access the agent only using SNMP v1, v2 or v3 respectively.
If the agent is configured to operate in the v1-v2-v3 mode, then the user can
access the agent using SNMP v1, v2 or v3.
The SNMP agent is disabled by selecting the disable mode.
SNMP v1 and v2 provides a weak security by using the
community strings. The user can always configure the SNMP
agent to operate in “v3 only” mode, which uses authentication as
well as encryption for secure transaction.
A trap is an SNMP message issued by an SNMP agent that reports an event.
The Trap Version parameter configures the SNMP trap version. The SNMP agent
uses the specified version to send the traps to configured trap managers. Auth Trap Enable
If enabled, SNMP agent generates Authentication failure trap on authentication
failure in any request. Read Community
A community string is an SNMP security password. The Read Community string is
used in read operation of SNMP v1 or v2, and allows the SNMP manager to issue
Get and GetNext messages. Write Community
The Write Community string is used in write operation of SNMP v1 or v2, and
allows the SNMP Manager to issue Set messages. Trap community
The Trap Community string allows the SNMP agent to issue Trap messages. SNMP Auth Password
The SNMP Auth Password is used in only SNMP v3 mode of operation and is the
authorization password for the “admin” user. SNMP Priv Password
The SNMP Priv Password is used in only SNMP v3 mode of operation and is the
privacy password for the “admin” user. Trap Manager
Trap Manager configures the trap manager’s IP addresses. A maximum of four
Trap managers can be configured. The SNMP agent sends the traps to all the
configured trap managers.
3.2 Navigation Tree
The Navigation tree shown describes the location of each user interface screen.
Nested screens are indented under the screen from which they can be accessed.
1. IP Address - Enter the IP Address for the terminal. If unsure contact your
network administrator.
2. IP Netmask – Enter the appropriate netmask depending on the class of
the network. If unsure contact your network administrator.
3. IP Gateway – Enter the gateway IP Address for your subnet. If unsure
contact your network administrator.
4. Ethernet Address – MAC or Hardware address of the terminal.
5. DHCP Client – When enabled, network parameters are obtained
dynamically from a DHCP server. The other parameters on the page
cannot be modified when DHCP is enabled. WEB Configuration
1. Navigate to AdministrationÆNetwork Configuration and click on the
General Menu in the left panel.
2. All General Network related parameters are displayed with current/present
3. To revert to previous values, press Reset button.
4. To change parameters, enter new values and press the “update” button.
5. The page is refreshed and displayed with the updated or current/present
6. If parameters are not updated with the entered values, the values entered
may be invalid for that parameter.
3-13 CLI Configuration
1. Navigate to AdministrationÆGeneral Network MenuÆ Network
2. All General Network related parameters are displayed with current/present
3. To edit an individual parameter, enter its hotkey, edit its value and press
the Enter key.
4. To revert to the previous value, press the “Esc” key while editing the value.
5. When editing the DHCP Client parameter, scroll through the options using
the Space Bar key and press Enter to select an option.
6. To update the edited parameter, press the hotkey for “Update”.
7. The page is refreshed and displayed with the updated or current/present
8. If parameters are not updated with entered values, the value entered may
be invalid for that parameter. SNMP Configuration
1. Select a parameter from the MIB section ccmSDIDUSysCfgNetworkIP.
2. Use the SNMP GET command to get the value of the required parameter.
3. Use the SNMP SET command to set the value of the required parameter.
4. The SNMP agent will return the actual value upon successful set or get
operation. Upon failure, the SNMP agent will return an error if the value set
is out of range, or the agent is not able to get or set the value, or the user
does not have access rights to the selected parameter.
3.3.4 SNMP Configuration
User Interface Manual
User Access Level: Level 3 Description
Figure 3-8 shows the screen used to configure the following SNMP related
1. SNMP Mode – The mode in which SNMP Agent is currently configured.
2. Trap Version – The Trap Version in which SNMP Agent is currently
configured .
6. The page is refreshed and displayed with the updated or current/present
7. If parameters are not updated with entered values, the values entered may
be invalid. SNMP Configuration
1. Select a parameter from the MIB section
2. Use the SNMP GET command to get the value of the required parameter.
3. Use the SNMP SET command to set the value of the required parameter.
4. The SNMP agent will return the actual value upon successful set or get
operation. Upon failure, the SNMP agent will return an error if the value set
is out of range, or the agent is not able to get or set the value, or the user
does not have access rights to the selected parameter.
3.3.5 Syslog Configuration
User Interface Manual
Figure 3-9. Syslog Configuration. Description
Figure 3-9 shows the screen used to configure the following Syslog related
1. Syslog IP - Enter Syslog IP Address for the system. If unsure contact your
network administrator.
2. Syslog Facility - Select Syslog facility for the system. If unsure contact
your network administrator.