MICROTRONIX DX-4400, DX-4400-TI-4K, DX-4400-TI-2K User Manual

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London, ON Canada N6L 1E3
User Manual
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Document Revision History
This User Manual provides operating instructions and information the Microtronix DX-4400, SD/HD/2K/4K SDI Text & Graphic Overlay Inserter, (Model Part Numbers: DX-4400-TI-2K and DX-4400-TI-4K).
The following table shows the document revision history.
Mar. 30, 2017
Beta Release
Feb 14, 2017
Add 4K support
July 12, 2017
Add commands for output mode, chroma key for the PiP Text Inserter mode. Added ancillary data enable/disable command for the PiP Text Inserter and Dual Text Inserter modes.
Aug 2, 2017
Add user defined commands used to configure toggle and DIP switch actions.
Aug 23, 2017
Add information about licensing of 4K product.
Sep. 20, 2017
Add frame delay command for Dual & PiP modes. Add double buffer option to allow running overlay with a single buffer. This will improve performance for overlays with lots of updates. Add ability to run QML scripts.
Nov. 2, 2017
Add QML application example for display of time, date and scrolling news feed. Updated information on Serial/Network port user connections. Fixed bug in QML scripts that required running in single buffer mode. Added TZ command and changed TS command to change system time too.
Feb. 22, 2018
Re-formatted document layout with section numbering. Fixed memory leak bug in QML.
April 11, 2018
Added Low Latency Dual mode and Dual mode with Zoom.
Aug. 10, 2018
Added feature to Savesets that allows the database to be used in memory thereby reducing flash wear and allow Saveset replication. Added Low Latency 4K mode. Reduced command response to improve speed.
Nov. 6, 2018
Fix Compliance Appendix information and other minor edits
Jan. 8, 2019
Document Web UI feature and add Index
Feb. 20, 2019
Add Z4K and LPiP Modes. Update zoom description.
Mar. 4, 2019
Updated available fonts of Table 7
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How to Contact Microtronix
Sales Information: sales@microtronix.com Technical Support: support@microtronix.com
General Website: http://www.microtronix.com FTP Upload Site: http://microtronix.leapfile.com
Phone Numbers:
General: (01) 519-690-0091 Fax: (01) 519-690-0092
Product Design Customizations
Microtronix can customize the functionality of the DX-4400 – SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter software to customer requirements. Contact Microtronix sales (sales@microtronix.com) with your
Safety Critical & Life System Applications – Notice to User
The Microtronix DX-4400 SDI Video product family is not designed or approved by Microtronix for use in safety­critical or life-critical system or application in which a failure or malfunction may result in one (or more) of the
following outcomes:
(a) death or serious injury to people, (b) loss or severe damage to equipment/property, or (c) environmental harm.
Microtronix assumes no liability for any consequential damages – whether direct or indirect – if the product is used in this type of Application.
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Table of Contents
1 Key Product Features .............................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Supported Functionality ................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Product Variants ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Package Contents ............................................................................................................................ 11
2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Text and Graphics Overlay OSD Features ...................................................................................... 12
2.2 Other Features ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.3 User Connections ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 RS-232 Control Port .................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2 USB Serial Port ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Ethernet Port ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Hardware .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Enclosure Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Power Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.5.1 DC Power Connector ................................................................................................................ 15
2.6 Environmental Operating Limits ....................................................................................................... 15
3 Operation ................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Powering on the DX-4400 ................................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Default Configuration and Video Mode ............................................................................................ 17
3.4 OSD Layers ...................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 LED Status Indicators ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.6 External Control of the DX-4400 ...................................................................................................... 18
3.6.1 Serial Control Mode of Operation ............................................................................................. 19 USB 2.0 to RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit ....................................................................... 19 USB Serial Port .................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.2 Network Control Using Raw TC/IP ........................................................................................... 19
3.6.3 Network Control Using Web UI ................................................................................................. 20 Connecting to the Web UI ................................................................................................. 20 Default Static Network IP Address .................................................................................... 21 DHCP Assignment of Network IP Address ........................................................................ 21
3.6.4 Serial/Network Control – Command Port Syntax ..................................................................... 22
3.6.5 Manual Mode of Operation ....................................................................................................... 23 Toggle Switch Settings ...................................................................................................... 23 DIP Switch Settings ........................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Setting DX-4400 Mode of Operation ................................................................................................ 23
3.7.1 Set Mode Commands ............................................................................................................... 25 Example - Set Mode Command ........................................................................................ 26
3.8 Overview of Overlay Fields .............................................................................................................. 26
3.8.1 Coordinate System and Field Position ...................................................................................... 27
3.8.2 Color and Transparency ........................................................................................................... 28
3.8.3 Text Overlay Fields ................................................................................................................... 28 Available Text and Symbols Available Font & Symbol ...................................................... 28 Text Overlay Command Syntax ......................................................................................... 29 Example: Text Drawing Style Options ............................................................................... 30 Example: Sample of DX-4400 Font Styles ........................................................................ 31
3.8.4 Graphic Overlay Fields ............................................................................................................. 32 Rectangle Shapes ............................................................................................................. 32 Example of Drawing an Ellipse. ......................................................................................... 33 Circle and Ellipse Shapes .................................................................................................. 33 Example of Drawing an Ellipse. ..................................................................................... 33 Line Shape ......................................................................................................................... 33 Example of Drawing a Line ............................................................................................ 33
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Page 5 of 125 Graphic Overlay Command Syntax ................................................................................... 33
3.8.5 Image Overlay Fields ................................................................................................................ 35 Image Field File Formats ................................................................................................... 35 Image Overlay Command Syntax ...................................................................................... 35 Example: Image Field Overlay Display.............................................................................. 37
3.8.6 QML Field Commands .............................................................................................................. 37 QML Image Overlay Command Syntax ............................................................................. 38 Example: QML Field Example of Time, Date & Scrolling News Feed Overlay ................. 38
3.9 Video Path Settings & Control.......................................................................................................... 40
3.9.1 PiP Size and Position Commands ............................................................................................ 40 Example: Configuring Side By Side Display Using PiP Commands ................................. 42 Example: Switching between two inputs using a Full Screen PiP ..................................... 42
3.9.2 Video Zoom Commands ........................................................................................................... 43 Example: Configuring a Split Screen Display Using PiP and Zoom Commands .............. 44
3.9.3 Video Output Mode Commands ............................................................................................... 45 Conversion of Video Formats ............................................................................................ 46
3.9.4 Video Background Color Command ......................................................................................... 46
3.9.5 Video Alpha Commands ........................................................................................................... 47 Example: Alpha-blending of Computer-generated Graphics Overlay ............................... 48
3.9.6 Video Buffering and Frame Delay ............................................................................................. 49 Video Frame Delay Compensation Commands ................................................................ 49 Example: Setting Frame Delay of SDI Output ............................................................... 50
3.9.7 Miscellaneous Video Path, Status & Report Control Port Commands ..................................... 51
3.10 Time Commands .............................................................................................................................. 51
3.11 Database Saveset Commands ........................................................................................................ 52
3.11.1 Saveset Default Commands ..................................................................................................... 52
3.12 User Defined Commands ................................................................................................................. 53
3.12.1 Configuring Toggle Switch Functions ....................................................................................... 53 Example 1: Toggle Switch Control of PiP Window Functions ........................................... 54 Example 2: Toggle Switch Control of ARM Graphics Overlay Fields ................................ 54 Example 3: Controlling the Display of a Single Text Field................................................. 55
3.12.2 Configuring DIP Switch Functions ............................................................................................ 55 Example: Control of PiP Window Size via DIP Switch Settings ........................................ 56
3.13 Miscellaneous Control Port – System Status & Report Commands ................................................ 57
3.13.1 Serial Port Command Buffer Reset .......................................................................................... 57
3.14 ARM SoC Processor ........................................................................................................................ 57
3.15 Network Interface ............................................................................................................................. 57
3.16 Linux OS Root Account Login .......................................................................................................... 57
3.16.1 Default Linux OS User Login .................................................................................................... 58
3.16.2 Mounting Removable File Systems .......................................................................................... 58
3.16.3 Copying Files ............................................................................................................................ 58
3.16.4 Adding New Font Files .............................................................................................................. 58
3.16.5 Date and Time Configuration .................................................................................................... 59 Time Zone .......................................................................................................................... 59 Linux OS System Time ...................................................................................................... 59 Accessing NTP Servers ..................................................................................................... 59
4 IP Core Firmware .................................................................................................................................... 60
4.1 IP Core Firmware Files .................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.1 IP Core Firmware Upgrades ..................................................................................................... 60
4.2 Firmware Licensing of 4K Features ................................................................................................. 61
4.2.1 IP Core License Installation ...................................................................................................... 61
5 Using the Web UI .................................................................................................................................... 62
5.1 Connecting to the Web UI ................................................................................................................ 62
5.2 Overview of Web UI ......................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.1 Web UI Menu ............................................................................................................................ 63
5.3 Web UI – General Environment Menu ............................................................................................. 63
5.3.1 General Environment – Mode of Operation Page .................................................................... 63
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5.3.2 General Environment – Manage Savesets Page ..................................................................... 64 Use of Savesets ................................................................................................................. 65
5.3.3 General Environment – Control Interface Page ........................................................................ 66
5.3.4 General Environment – Status Page ........................................................................................ 66
5.4 Web UI – Video Setup Menu ............................................................................................................ 67
5.4.1 Video Setup – Alpha Blend Page ............................................................................................. 67
5.4.2 Video Setup – Background Color Page .................................................................................... 68
5.4.3 Video Setup – Frame Delay Compensation Page .................................................................... 69 Video Setup – PiP Display Settings Page ......................................................................... 69 Video Setup – Video Control Page .................................................................................... 70 Video Setup – Video Output Page ..................................................................................... 71 Video Setup – Zoom Page ................................................................................................ 71
5.4.4 Web UI – Overlay Fields Menu ................................................................................................. 72 Overlay Fields – Graphic Field Page ................................................................................. 72 Use of Graphic Fields Page ........................................................................................... 72 Overlay Fields – Image Field Page ................................................................................... 72 Use of Image Field Page................................................................................................ 73 Overlay Fields – QML Script File Page ............................................................................. 73 Management of QML Script Files .................................................................................. 74 Overlay Fields – Text Fields Page ..................................................................................... 75 Use of Text Fields Page ................................................................................................. 75
5.5 Web UI – User-defined Commands Menu ....................................................................................... 76
5.5.1 User-defined Commands – Reset Page ................................................................................... 76
5.5.2 User-defined Commands – DIP Switches ................................................................................ 76 Use of DIP Switch Page .................................................................................................... 77
5.5.3 User-defined Commands – Toggle Switch Left Page ............................................................... 77 Use of Toggle Switch Left Page ........................................................................................ 78
5.5.4 User-defined Commands – Toggle Switch Right Page ............................................................ 78 Use of Toggle Switch Right Page ...................................................................................... 79
5.6 Web UI – File Manager Menu .......................................................................................................... 79
5.6.1 File Manager – DX Command Files Page ................................................................................ 79 Use of Command Files Manager Page ............................................................................. 80
5.6.2 File Manager – Font Files Page ................................................................................................ 81 Use of Image Files Manager Page .................................................................................... 81
5.6.3 File Manager – Image Files Page ............................................................................................. 81 Use of Font Files Manager Page ....................................................................................... 81
5.6.4 File Manager – QML Files Page ............................................................................................... 82
5.7 Web UI – System Configuration Menu ............................................................................................. 83
5.7.1 System Configuration – Authentication Page ........................................................................... 83
5.7.2 System Configuration – Date and Time Page .......................................................................... 83
5.7.3 System Configuration – Maintenance Page ............................................................................. 84
5.7.4 System Configuration – System Log Page ............................................................................... 85
5.7.5 System Configuration – Web Server Page ............................................................................... 86
5.7.6 System Configuration – Edit System Files Page ...................................................................... 86
5.8 Web UI – System Status Menu ........................................................................................................ 87
5.8.1 System Status – Command Line Page ..................................................................................... 87
5.8.2 System Status – System Logs Page ........................................................................................ 87
6 Extended Font Tables ............................................................................................................................. 89
6.1 Wingding Font .................................................................................................................................. 89
6.2 Extended ASCII Fonts ...................................................................................................................... 92
7 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................... 93
8 Product Warranty..................................................................................................................................... 94
8.1 Hardware Warranty .......................................................................................................................... 94
8.2 Firmware Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 94
8.2.1 Limited Liability ......................................................................................................................... 94
Appendix A: Description of the DX-4400 OEM Board ............................................................................... 95
A.1 DX-4400 OEM Board – Hardware Features .................................................................................... 95
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A.1.1 SDI Video Interfaces ................................................................................................................. 96
A.1.2 DB9 RS-232 Control Port, J10 .................................................................................................. 96
A.1.3 USB Serial Control Port, J11 .................................................................................................... 96
A.1.4 USB OTG Port, J4 .................................................................................................................... 96
A.1.5 RS-232 Serial Console Port, J5 ................................................................................................ 96
A.1.6 10/100/1G Ethernet Port, J2 ..................................................................................................... 97
A.1.7 Power Requirements ................................................................................................................ 97
A.1.8 12VDC Board Power Header, J7 & J8 ...................................................................................... 97
A.1.9 Fan Header, J9 ......................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix B: Establishing User Connections to the DX-4400 Product ...................................................... 99
B.1 Installation of USB to RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Software ........................................................... 99
B.1.1 ICUSB232V2 Software Drivers ................................................................................................. 99
B.1.1.1 Installation of ICUSB232V2 Serial Driver and Terminal Emulator Program ...................... 99
B.2 Establishing RS-232 Serial Communication to a PC ..................................................................... 100
B.3 Establishing TCP/IP Connection to the DX-4400 Product ............................................................. 102
B.4 Establishing SSH Connection to the DX-4400 Product ................................................................. 104
Appendix C: How to Image a New SD Card ............................................................................................ 106
C.1 From a Windows Machine .............................................................................................................. 106
C.2 From a Linux Machine .................................................................................................................... 106
Appendix D: Time Zone Names ............................................................................................................... 107
Appendix E: Regulatory Compliance Information .................................................................................... 112
E.1 Industry Canada (IC) ...................................................................................................................... 112
E.2 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity...................................... 114
E.3 CE Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................................... 116
E.4 RoHS/REACH Compliance Statement .......................................................................................... 119
Index ............................................................................................................................................................. 121
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Listing of Tables
Table 1: Description of SDI LED Status Indicators 18 Table 2: Command Port Acknowledgement Codes 22 Table 3: Operation of 2-Position Momentary Toggle Switch 23 Table 4: Operation of 4-Postion DIP Switch 23 Table 5: DX-4400 Modes of Operation 24 Table 6: Set Mode Command Syntax 26 Table 7: Text Font and Symbol Font Attributes 29 Table 8: Text Overlay Command Syntax 29 Table 9: Graphic Overlay Command Syntax 34 Table 10: Supported Image Formats 35 Table 11: Image Field Overlay Command Syntax 36 Table 12: QML Field – Image Overlay Command Syntax 38 Table 13: List of Supplied Example QML Files 39 Table 14: PiP Size & Position Command Syntax 41 Table 15: Zoom Command Syntax 43 Table 16: Video Output Mode Command Syntax 45 Table 17: Video Background Color Command Syntax 47 Table 18: Video Alpha Command Syntax 47 Table 19: Video Frame Delay Compensation Command Syntax 50 Table 20: Miscellaneous Video Path, Status & Report Control Port Commands 51 Table 21: Time Command Syntax 51 Table 22: Database Saveset Command Syntax 52 Table 23: Command Syntax for Saveset Default Values 52 Table 24: Toggle Switch – User Defined Command Syntax 53 Table 25: DIP Switch User Defined Command Syntax 55 Table 26: DIP Switch – User Defined Group Command Syntax 56 Table 27: Miscellaneous Control Port Commands 57 Table 28: Windings Character Table 89 Table 29: Windings 2 Character Table 90 Table 30: Windings 3 Character Table 91 Table 31: Extended ASCII Character Table 92 Table 32: Troubleshooting Symptoms 93 Table 33: RS-232 Serial Control Port, DB9 Pin Assignments 96 Table 34: RS-232 Serial Console Port, J5 97 Table 35: 12VDC 2-Pin Header, J8 97 Table 36: Fan 3-Pin Header, J9 98 Table 37: Microtronix RoHS/REACH Compliant DX-4400 SDI Video Products 119 Table 38: List of SCHC Compounds 119
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Listing of Figures
Figure 1: DX-4400 – SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter Product 14 Figure 2: 12Vdc 2.5A 100-240VAC Power Adapter 14 Figure 3: DX-4400 Layer Order 17 Figure 4: DC Power LED 18 Figure 5: SDI Input / Output Status LEDs 18 Figure 6: DX-4400 Web UI Home Page 21 Figure 7: Examples of the DX-4400 Text Drawing Styles 31 Figure 8: Examples of the DX-4400 Font Styles 32 Figure 9: Image Field Overlay Display 37 Figure 10: QML Field Example of Time, Date, & Scrolling News Feed Overlay 39 Figure 11: Side by Side Display Example 42 Figure 12: Split Screen Display Example 45 Figure 13: Example of Computer-generated Graphics Overlay with Transparency 49 Figure 14: DX-4400 Web UI Home Page 62 Figure 15: General Environment – Mode of Operation Page 64 Figure 16: General Environment – Manage Database and Saveset Page 65 Figure 17: General Environment – Control Interface Page 66 Figure 18: General Environment – Command Files Page 67 Figure 19: Video Setup – Alpha Blend Page 68 Figure 20: Video Setup – Alpha Blend Page 68 Figure 21: Video Setup – Frame Delay Compensation Page 69 Figure 22: Video Setup – PiP Display Settings Page 70 Figure 23: Video Setup – Video Control Page 70 Figure 24: Video Setup – Video Output Mode Page 71 Figure 25: Video Setup – Video Output Mode Page 71 Figure 26: Overlay Fields – Graphic Field Page 72 Figure 27: Overlay Fields – Image Field Page 73 Figure 28: Overlay Fields – Image Field Page 74 Figure 29: Overlay Fields – Image Text Page 75 Figure 30: User Defined Command – Reset Page 76 Figure 31: User Defined Command – DIP Switch Page 77 Figure 32: User Defined Command – Toggle Switch Left Page 78 Figure 33: User Defined Command – Toggle Switch Right Page 79 Figure 34: File Manager – Command Files Page 80 Figure 35: File Manager – Font Files Page 82 Figure 36: Overlay Configuration – QML Files Page 82 Figure 37: System Configuration – Authentication Page 83 Figure 38: System Configuration – Time and Date Page 84 Figure 39: System Configuration – Maintenance Page 85 Figure 40: System Configuration – System Log Page 85 Figure 41:System Configuration – Web Server Page 86 Figure 42:System Configuration – Web Server Page 86 Figure 43: System Status – Command Line Page 87 Figure 44: System Status – System Log Page 88 Figure 45: DX-4400 – SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter OEM Board 95 Figure 46: USB to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit 99 Figure 47: PuTTY Serial Port Session Settings 101 Figure 48: PuTTY Serial Port Terminal Settings 101 Figure 49: PuTTY Serial Port Settings 102 Figure 50: PuTTY TCP/IP Session Settings 103 Figure 51: PuTTY Terminal Settings 103 Figure 52: PuTTY SSH Session Settings 105 Figure 53: PuTTY SSH Terminal Settings 105
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1 Key Product Features

The key hardware features of the DX-4400 – SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Inserter includes:
Two 75Ω 3G-SDI input ports
Four 75Ω 3G-SDI output ports
o Two for overlay on output o Loop outputs for SDI input 1 and input 2
One DB9 RS-232 Serial Control Port
One USB Serial Control Port
One USB OTG Port,
One 10/100/1000 Ethernet Port, and
Integrated real-time clock with support for NTP & PTP protocols.

1.1 Supported Functionality

The DX-4400 SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter supports the following functionality:
Video Input formats::
o NTSC @ 29.97 fps (frames per second) o PAL @ 25 fps o 720p @ 25 / 29.97 / 30 / 50 / 59.94 / 60 fps o 1080i @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps o 1080p @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 / 50 / 59.94 / 60 fps o 1080psf @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps o 2048x1080p @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 / 50 fps o UHD 4K: 3840x2160p @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps (Dual Link, 3 Gb/s SDI, Quad and 2SI
o DCI 4K: 4096x2160p @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps (Dual Link, 3 GB/s SDI, Quad and 2SI
o YCbCr 4:2:2
Note: Support for 4K video is an optional firmware upgrade.
Video Output automatically adjusts to match the input video format
Text and Graphics Overlay OSD:
o Multiple overlay layers o Unrestricted independent text or graphic Fields per layer o Fields support text, rectangle, line, circle, ellipse, and graphic images. o Filled or open shapes o Size, color, transparency and position control o Configurable background color for text o Alpha blended text and background o Alpha blending of graphic components o Scaling of text and graphic images o Text scrolling and crawling for news-feed applications
User configurable frame delay from 1-20 frames
Digital zoom (video scaling) of PiP input
Supports the Qt Meta Language (QML) for enhancing user interface-centric applications
File storage of user configuration and text fields for auto system recovery after power-off
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User control via: RS232 Control port, USB Serial Control port, a raw TCP/IP connection using either; a Telnet (terminal emulator) Client, a SSH connection or through a Web UI browser interface.

1.2 Product Variants

The DX-4400 product has two variants:
1) PN: DX-4400-TI-2K – the SD/HD/2K Dual Channel -SDI Text & Graphics Inserter, which supports 2 independent SDI links at standard broadcast video resolutions including SD, HD, FHD and 2K.
2) PN: DX-4400-TI-4K – the SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Inserter supports all the features of the above product with additional support for 4K video resolutions in a dual-link 3G-SDI configuration.

1.3 Package Contents

The DX-4400 package contents include either the DX-4400-TI-2K or the DX-4400-TI-4K hardware product and the following items:
PN: 811-USB-RS-232 – the USB to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port MM Adapter Kit,
PN: 811- USB2HABM6 – a 6ft Mini USB 2.0 Type A to Mini B Cable Adapter,
PN: 811-USB-OTG – a 5" OTG Micro USB to USB Male-to-Female Cable Adapter,
PN: 2880SDC8 – 8GB microSDHC Class 4 Flash Card, (installed in microSD Card slot)
PN: 5883-PSC30U-120L6 – a 100-240VAC – 12VDC / 2.5A power adapter, and
User Manual & software utilities on CD.
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2 Introduction

The Microtronix SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter (PN: DX-4400-xx) is a high performance single/dual input Video Text Inserter supporting alpha blended text overlay / on screen display (OSD) on progressive, PsF and interlaced SD, HD, FHD, 2K and 4K video formats. It is designed for use in broadcast, professional video recording studios and embedded video information applications requiring live insertion of graphics and text streams onto a SDI video signal. Low-latency configurations enable the unit to operate with less then one frame of video delay between the input and the output.

2.1 Text and Graphics Overlay OSD Features

Features of the overlay on screen display (OSD) include:
ARM Linux graphics processor,
User selectable database Savesets to store field information,
Fields support Text, Rectangles, Lines, Circles, Ellipse and Image modes,
Text scrolling and crawling for news feed applications,
Text Field of up to 512 characters,
Alpha blending of the text for smooth edges,
Independent color selection of fields,
Configurable background color of text fields,
Transparency control,
Independent ON/OFF control of fields,
X-Y-Z position control, and
Scale-able text sizes
Note: The microSD Card is shipped pre-installed in the unit since the DX-4400 operating system must be
loaded from the card to enable the unit to operate
Warning: When installing the microSD Card be careful that it is sliding into the card slot or else the card will fall
inside the unit requiring it to be opened to retrieve it.

2.2 Other Features

Other features include:
User configuration of frame delay for video and ancillary data,,
Supports ancillary data and VBI content,,
Digital zoom (video scaling) of PiP input,
Digital zoom (video scaling) of video paths in Zoom Dual TI.
Low frame delay (less than one frame),
Real-time clock with support of NTP & PTP protocols for use in time and date applications,
Qt Meta Language (QML) supports enhanced user interface-centric applications
MicroSD card storage of user configuration, text fields, images (PNG, JPG, BMP, etc.) and graphic
User configuration of functions, and
Web UI user interface.
USB OTG (On-the-Go) Port can be mount a USB flash drive to upload files to transfer to the microSD Card
using standard OTG Micro USB to USB Male-to-Female Cable Adapter, (Microtronix PN: 811-USN-OTG).
Note: Not all features are supported across all video formats.
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2.3 User Connections

The user connects to the DX-4400 product using the RS-232 Control port, the USB Serial Port or through a raw TCP/IP connection via the Ethernet port.. For more information on using these interfaces refer to Section 3.6 titled External Control of the DX-4400.
The raw TCP/IP connection is always available for external user control through Ethernet. For Serial Control, the factory default connection is sets Serial Control to the RS-232 Control Port interface. To switch Serial Control to the USB Serial Port requires the user to establish a connection to the Command Port (via either Telnet or through the DB9 Serial port) and issue a Set Mode command to the unit per Table 6: Set Mode Command Syntax.

2.3.1 RS-232 Control Port

The RS-232 Control Port can be used to connect the DX-4400 to a computer to allow external control of text and graphics overlay. For Serial Control, the factory default connection assigns the Serial Command Port to the RS-232 Control Port interface.
A USB to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port Male-Male Adapter Kit (see Appendix B) is supplied to connect to the DB9 RS232 Serial port to a USB port on a PC. For more information refer to Appendix B.

2.3.2 USB Serial Port

The USB Serial Control Port can also be used to control the text overlay. It is a USB mini-B connector and has an integral serial port set at 115,200 baud operation (8,N,1) and no flow control. The port interfaces to a PC with a standard USB 2.0 – A to Mini-B (Male-Male) cable. Refer to section 3.6 External Control of the DX-4400 for more information on the use of this port.

2.3.3 Ethernet Port

A user can control the DX-4400 over Ethernet via:
a TCP Telnet client IP connection (using a Terminal Emulator) to the internal Command Port, (Refer to § Default Static Network IP Address.)
a TCP SSH connection to the Linux (Root) User port, or
a TCP browser Web UI connection to the DX-4400 integrated web server. (Refer to § 5.1 Connecting to
the Web UI.)
The TCP Telnet connection is always available for use by the external user in addition to the Serial port connection.
The RJ45 Ethernet port is a standard 10Base-T interface supporting data rates of 10/100Mbps and 1Gbps.
Note: The default static IP address is discussed in § Default Static Network IP Address.

2.4 Hardware

The DX-4400 product is available in either a chassis with a 120/240VAC wall adaptor as shown in the Figures below or optionally it can be purchased as an open-frame board for integration into an embedded video system.
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Figure 1: DX-4400 – SD/HD/2K/4K-SDI Text & Graphics Overlay Inserter Product

2.4.1 Enclosure Dimensions

The DX-4400 chassis enclosure has dimensions of (L x W x H) of 6.75" x 5.75" x 1.5" where the width dimension applies to the ends with the connectors.
The DX-4400 OEM Board (PN: M6297-TI-2K or M6297-TI-4K) has dimensions of (L x W x H) of 6.0" x 5.25" x
1.125" where the width dimension applies to the side with the BNC connectors.

2.5 Power Requirements

The DX-4400 product draws up to a maximum of 1.5 amps from a regulated 12VDC 2.5A 30W 100-240VAC 50/60Hz power adapter.. To ensure EMC regulatory compliance, the negative (ground) input of the DC supply is connected to frame ground.
The AC power adapter is shown in the figure below.
Figure 2: 12Vdc 2.5A 100-240VAC Power Adapter
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2.5.1 DC Power Connector

The DX-4400 product uses a chassis mounted 2-pin (male pins) secure circular bayonet locking connector made by Switchcraft PN: 17282-2PG-300 (Digi-Key: SC1206-ND). The mating connector on the power adapter is a Switchcraft PN: 16282-2SG-315 two-pin female socket connector (Digi-Key: SC2122-ND).

2.6 Environmental Operating Limits

The DX-4400 product is designed for the following ambient operating environment::
Temperature Range: 0C to 40C
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing.
The chassis is vented for heat dissipation and requires approximately 6" of physical clearance on the top and vented sides to provide adequate air convection to ensure proper device cooling.
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3 Operation

3.1 Powering on the DX-4400

The DX-4400 unit operates from at 12VDC from the supplied 120/240VAC power adapter. Each time the DX-4400 is powered on it requires the microSD Card installed in the card slot to enable it to boot the Linux Operating System contained on the card. The unit is shipped from the factory with the micro SD Card pre­installed in the card slot.
Warning: If it is necessary to install a microSD Card into the unit, be careful when sliding the card into the card
slot so as to not misalign the card to the card slot connector. Otherwise, the card may accidently fall inside the unit and will require the chassis to be opened to retrieve the card.

3.2 Modes of Operation

The DX-4400 product has several selectable Modes of Operation. Each mode has different capabilities and features. The available modes are:
1) Dual Text Inserter (Dual TI). In this mode the product provides two video channels with separate text and graphics overlays for each channel. Each channel supports the SD, HD, and 3G modes listed in the product specifications with ancillary data pass through.
2) Low Latency Dual Text Inserter (LDual TI). In this mode the product provides two video channels with separate text and graphics overlays for each channel without frame buffers in the path. Each channel supports the SD, HD, and 3G modes listed in the product specifications with ancillary data pass-through. There is no SDI alpha blending.
3) Zoom Dual Text Inserter (ZDual TI). In this mode the product provides two video channels with separate text and graphics overlays for each channel. Each channel supports the SD, HD, and 3G progressive modes (no interlaced or PsF modes) listed in the product specifications without ancillary data pass­through. Each channel supports separate zoom control.
4) Picture in Picture Text Inserter (PiP TI). This mode provides a single text inserter with a main input and a secondary input. Both inputs have scaling capabilities to allow for use as Picture in Picture (PiP), split screen or side by side configurations. The unit has a single text and graphics overlay and supports the SD, HD, and 3G modes listed in the product specifications. Ancillary data from input 1 passes through the unit to the output.
5) Low Latency Picture in Picture Text Inserter (LPiP TI). This mode provides a single text inserter with less than one frame of delay from input 1 to the output. Input 1 does not support PiP or Zoom. Input 2 supports PiP and Zoom. Ancillary data is supported on Input 1.
6) Dual Link 4K Text Inserter (4K TI). The unit provides a text and graphics overlay for one channel of 4K (Quad and 2SI mapped) video transported in the dual link modes listed in the product specifications. Ancillary data pass through is NOT supported.
7) Low Latency Dual Link 4K Text Inserter (L4K TI). The unit provides a text and graphics overlay for one channel of 4K (Quad and 2SI mapped) video transported in the dual link modes without frame buffers in the video path. Ancillary data pass through is supported in this mode of operation.
8) Zoom 4K Dual Link 4K Text Inserter (Z4K TI). The unit provides a text and graphics overlay for one channel of 4K (Quad or 2SI mapped) video transported in the dual link mode. For 2SI mapped video only, the input can be zoomed. Ancillary data pass-through is supported in this mode of operation.
NOTE: Support for 4K video is an optional product upgrade and is not available in the base
product configuration.
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Within each mode of operation, the unit auto detects the format of the input video from the modes supported, and outputs in the same format. Custom user configurations and parameters can be stored on the microSD Card file system for auto restoration during power ON/OFF cycles.
The Mode of Operation can be changed by using the Set Mode (SM) Command described in § 3.7.1 Set Mode Commands or via the Web UI as described in § 5.3.1 General Environment – Mode of Operation Page.

3.3 Default Configuration and Video Mode

The factory default startup configuration for the DX-4400 uses a database Saveset named "default" to store Fields required to configure the unit for the default configuration. The default is to use the database on the SD flash card. If you operate in a Mode that requires many commands – such as moving an image on the screen – you may want to switch the Saveset to use an in-memory database to reduce flash writes. (See IM Command of Table 23:
Command Syntax for Saveset Default Values.) This will also speed up the operation.
When powered up in the factory default configuration, the unit will operate as a PiP TI and pass the primary SDI 1 video through to the two outputs with text and graphic overlay items added. The DX-4400 will automatically output in the same video format as is detected at the SDI input.
If the input video format changes, the DX-4400 will momentarily switch off the output while the out format is adjusted to match the input. When the input format is detected and the video (pixel) clock is locked to the source, the video out path is enabled and the input video and ancillary data will appear at the output.
If the SDI input is disconnected, the unit continues to output in the last video format that was detected. If there is no input signal (or if it cannot be properly detected), the DX-4400 operates in the default video mode
and outputs the overlay information on a black background. In the Dual TI, LDual TI, ZDual TI, and PiP TI Modes, the video format will be 1920x1080p30. In the 4K TI and L4K TI Modes, the default video format will be 3840x2160p30 in quadrant mode.

3.4 OSD Layers

The DX-4400 uses a quad-core ARM Graphics Video Processor which supports two video paths shown in Figure 3 with a graphics video layer mixed on top of each SDI video input.
Figure 3: DX-4400 Layer Order
The top layer is the ARM Graphics Overlay Video which is the output overlay generated from the ARM Graphics Overlay Processor. This layer displays the Text, Graphic and Image Field information entered by the user using Text, Graphic or Image Overlay Commands.
The 2nd layer is the SDI Video, and the 3rd layer is the Black Background. The ordering of layers in the ARM video output is determined by their Z Layer number with the higher layer
numbers being at the top. If two Fields have pixels that occupy the same coordinates on the same Z-Layer, one will overwrite the other. The Field are rendered in the order they were defined (Text first, Image second followed by Graphic). The ID numbering assignments used for Text, Image and Graphic Fields are specific to each group.
When Graphic Fields on different Z Layers are placed at the same coordinates, they mix according to their transparencies. When a Field item is fully visible (no alpha assignment), all content that is on the layers below it will not be visible. When the Field is partly or fully transparent, it mixes with the layers below according to their transparencies.
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3.5 LED Status Indicators

The location of the 5 LEDs is shown in the following two figures.
Figure 4: DC Power LED
Figure 5: SDI Input / Output Status LEDs
The operation of the SDI status LEDs is summarized in the table below.
Table 1: Description of SDI LED Status Indicators
Description of LED Status
Valid Video
OFF: SDI 1 input has either no video, or an unsupported video format. ON: A signal is detected on the input.
Valid Video
OFF: SDI 2 input has either no video, or an unsupported video format. ON: A signal is detected on the input.
Overlay Active
OFF: Arm Overlay off or not valid ON: Arm Overlay on SDI video output 1.
Overlay Active
OFF: Arm Overlay off or not valid ON: Arm Overlay on SDI video output 2.
ON: Power OK

3.6 External Control of the DX-4400

The DX-4400 has three methods for interfacing an external user to the Command Port used to control the operation of the unit.
1) Network Control using a raw TCP/IP connection (to port 2121) over Ethernet from a Telnet or other terminal emulation client running on a PC.
2) RS-232 Control using the DB9 connector labeled "RS-232 Control".
3) USB Serial Control using the type B USB port labeled "USB Serial Port".
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4) Web UI Control using a standard web browser and a TCP Ethernet connection. This method of control is discussed in section (§) 5 titled Using the Web UI.
To utilize Serial Control requires the user establish a connection via either the RS232 port or the USB Serial port. The factory default connection sets Serial Control to the RS-232 Control Port interface.
To switch Serial Control from the RS-232 Control Port to the USB Serial Port requires the user to establish a connection to the internal Command Port (via either Network Control port or through the DB9 Serial port) and issue a Set Mode Command to the unit per Table 6: Set Mode Command Syntax.
Alternately, the user can use Network Control via a TCP/IP connection to the Command Port since it is always available for external user control through a TCP Ethernet connection.
Note: For the examples provided in the following sections, the Commands are executed via a Serial (RS232
or USB) connection or a Network TCP/IP connection to the Control Port of DX-4400 unit.
Warning: Only one Network Control port user connection can be active at a time.

3.6.1 Serial Control Mode of Operation

When Serial Control is used, the DX-4400 is controlled via Commands sent to the Command Port via either the
RS-232 Serial Control Port or the USB Serial Port using a terminal emulator program on a PC. Refer to Appendix B, section Establishing RS-232 Serial Communication to a PC page 100 for the recommended settings
for the PuTTY terminal emulator. Note: The Serial COM port of the computer connected to the DX-4400 should be configured for: 115,200
baud, 8-bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit and no XON/XOFF flow control.
The Command Port acknowledgement codes (supplied from the DX-4400 and received by the PC) are listed in
Table 2 below. USB 2.0 to RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit
Since most PC no longer come with a RS-232 Serial port, the DX-4400 product is supplied with a USB 2.0 to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit (PN: 811-USB-RS232 Kit) to connect the DB9F Serial Port on the unit to a
USB 2.0 port of a PC or laptop. The Kit consists of a USB 2.0 to RS232 DB9 Serial Adapter Cable (StarTech PN: ICUSB232V2) and a 6 foot male to female DB9 RS232 Serial cable. Refer to Appendix B titled Establishing
User Connections to the DX-4400 Product for more information. USB Serial Port
The USB Serial Control Port can also be used to control the text overlay. The port interfaces to a PC with a standard USB 2.0 – A to Mini-B (Male-Male) cable included with the product.
Since by default, the Serial Control Port is mapped to the RS-232 Serial port, to use the USB interface it is necessary to establish a connection to the Command Port (via either Network Control port or through the DB9 Serial port) and issue a Set Mode command to the unit per Table 6: Set Mode Command Syntax to switch Serial Control to the USB Serial Port. \

3.6.2 Network Control Using Raw TC/IP

The Network Control connection is used to sent commands to the DX-4400 over Ethernet, using a terminal emulator (Telnet, PuTTY) application to TCP port number 2121. The Ethernet address is either assigned via DHCP or by static IP address assignment (default
From either a Windows command prompt or Linux command line, you can establish a Network Control user connection to the Command Port of the DX-4400 using the following commands:
Window Client
Linux Client
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open <IP Address> 2121 telnet <IP Address> 2121
nc <IP Address> 2121 telnet <IP Address> 2121
Note: Refer to sections or below for information on the default static network IP address or
the DHCP assigned IP address.
TIP: To confirm the connection to the Command Port of the DX-4400, type RV to cause the unit to display
the revision of the software and the MAC & IP address.
Note: On a Windows PC, a Telnet Client is available from a Command Prompt window. Warning: In Windows 7 and 10 the Telnet Client is turned off by default. To get more information on enabling
the Telnet Client, search in Google with the term "Enabling Telnet Client on Windows".
TIP: PuTTY is a free PC terminal emulator utility which supports Telnet, SSH and Serial connections. Refer
to section Appendix B:, titled Establishing TCP/IP Connection to the DX-4400 Product form more information.
The Command Port acknowledgement codes (i.e. the DX-4400 response to user commands) are listed in Table 2 below.

3.6.3 Network Control Using Web UI

The DX-4400 supports a web server which offers the user the ability to configure, manage and maintain the unit using a web browser. All of the features available via the Serial Control interface or the Network Control interface (TCP/IP) are available through the Web UI. Connecting to the Web UI
To access the Web UI is it necessary to make an http connection using the IP address by the local DHCP network server. For example: (Refer to § titled DHCP Assignment of Network IP Address below for more information on obtaining the IP address.)
At the sign in (login) prompt enter the default Username and Password of admin and admin. The DX-4400 Web UI home page is shown below. For more information on using the Web UI refer to § 5 Using the Web UI.
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Figure 6: DX-4400 Web UI Home Page Default Static Network IP Address
The factory default Ethernet secondary static Network IP address is This assignment is stored in the ethenv (Ethernet environment) system file, namely /etc/dx4400/ethenv. This file can be edited using the Web UI under the System Configuration using the Edit System Files menu item. (See section 5.7.6 System Configuration
– Edit System Files Page for more information.)
Note: This feature is only available in software version 1.5.0 and beyond. DHCP Assignment of Network IP Address
When connected to an Ethernet Network, the DX-4400 unit uses DHCP to acquire an IP address from the Network. The unit self identifies to the DHCP Server as DX-4400_00-60-80-NN-NN-NN where NN represents the digits of the MAC address that can be found on the bottom of the unit.
Using the defined name, check with your Network Administrator who will be able to supply you with the IP address assigned by the Network DHCP Server. Alternatively, by using a Ping Command from the Command Prompt of a PC, it should be possible to get a response from the DX-4400 unit by typing:
ping DX-4400_<mac addr>
where <mac addr> is the address of the unit. For example if the nameplate label on the DX-4400 shows MAC Address of 00:60:80:40:00:02, then the Ping Command would be:
ping DX-4400_00-60-80-40-00-02
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If the ping does not work, to determine the assigned IP address, you can use a Serial connection to the Command Port either through the RS-232 Control Port or the USB Serial Port. (Refer to sections above for details). Once connected to the Command Port, use the RV command to display the IP address.
Also included on the CD is a Windows application installer ipscan25.exe (Advanced IP Scanner) that can be used to find all the devices on the local Network. If the DHCP Server did not recognize the name given locate the device with a MAC address starting with 00:60:80 that will be the DX-4400.

3.6.4 Serial/Network Control – Command Port Syntax

To control the operation of the DX-4400, Serial and Network Commands are sent to the Control/Command Port.. The Command structure and rules are as follows:
The Commands consist of ASCII alpha-numeric codes and are not case sensitive. All Commands are terminated with a carriage return (CR), a line feed (LF), or a semicolon. The use of a semicolon terminator allows more than one command per line to improve readability of script files.
Commands may be sent directly to the DX-4400 one character at a time using a Terminal Emulation program running on a connected computer, or they may be developed in a text editor such as Notepad and then uploaded to the DX-4400 by the Terminal Emulator program (example, HyperTerminal). The second method has the advantage of allowing the commands to be saved, viewed, edited and resent. The text editor used must save the configuration files as 8-bit ASCII data.
Space or tab characters before a Command or trailing a Command are ignored, as are spaces or tabs separating parameters within a Command.
ASCII string parameters are delimited with quotation marks. If a quotation mark or backslash character is required within a string (for example to display as part of a text overlay), then it must be preceded by a backslash character.
Valid and invalid Commands are acknowledged with a ‘+’ and ‘-’ response respectively. Carriage return, line feed, or semicolon characters without a preceding command are acknowledged with a ‘*’.
The Apostrophe (‘) character (when found outside of a quoted string) indicates that the remainder of the current line is a comment and will be ignored. The use of comment characters allows script files containing comments to be sent to the DX-4400 by a terminal program without generating error responses.
The Command Codes are extensible, additional commands and functionality can be added to the product as required. Contact Microtronix sales or technical support (support@microtronix.com) with your requirements.
Note: The Web UI can be used as an alternate user interface and provides a higher level of abstraction
minimizing some of the need to learn the command line syntax.
The Command Port acknowledgement codes are listed in the table below.
Table 2: Command Port Acknowledgement Codes
Response Code
Valid command received
Invalid command received
Valid CR, LF, semicolon, or comment line received
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3.6.5 Manual Mode of Operation

The operation of the DX-4400 can optionally be configured to be controlled using Command strings assigned to the momentary bi-directional Toggle Switch and the DIP Switches using User Defined Command as described in
Table 3 and Table 4 below.
In the Manual Mode operational settings can be controlled by both the DIP Switch and Serial commands sent to the Command Port (see § 3.6.4 Serial/Network Control – Command Port Syntax). In the case where a serial command is used to change a setting that is also controlled from the DIP Switch, the setting of the Switch will be temporally overridden. Changing the position of the Switch will return control of the setting to the DIP Switch.
The functions of the DIP and Toggle Switch are user programmable by User Defined Commands per § 3.12 User
Defined Commands and via the Web UI per § 5.5 Web UI – User-defined Commands Menu. The following section
describes the factory default configuration. Toggle Switch Settings
The Toggle Switch settings are user configurable to enable functions via Command Strings. The Command assignments are listed in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Operation of 2-Position Momentary Toggle Switch
Switch Movement
Toggle Left (TL)
Command strings defined by UDTL. (See Table 24)
Toggle Right (TR)
Command strings defined by UDTR. (See Table 24) DIP Switch Settings
The DIP switches can be grouped together to provide more options than string IDs 0 and 1. When the DIP switches are grouped the least significant digit is always the highest numbered DIP switch in the group. The Command assignments are listed in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Operation of 4-Postion DIP Switch
DIP Switch
DIP Switch 1
Command strings defined by UDD1. (See Table 24)
DIP Switch 2
Command strings defined by UDD2. (See Table 24)
DIP Switch 3
Command strings defined by UDD3. (See Table 24)
DIP Switch 4
Command strings defined by UDD4. (See Table 24)

3.7 Setting DX-4400 Mode of Operation

The DX-4400 product has several Modes of Operation with each mode offering different functions and operational features as described in Table 5 below. Since some features are specific to a Mode of Operation, not all user commands (used to control the feature) are applicable to all modes. For example, the PiP / Zoom commands function only in the PiP TI Mode. Therefore, in other modes these commands have no effect.
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The Modes of Operation of the DX-4400 is configured by the user using the Set Mode (SM) Command are described in the Table 6 below.
Table 5: DX-4400 Modes of Operation
Dual Text Inserter
(Dual TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a Dual Channel SDI Text Inserter (Dual TI ).
An overlay layer is added to the video on Input 1. The output is available on Output 1. A different overlay layer is added to the video on Input 2 and the output is available
on Output 2.
Input and 1 and 2 both pass all ancillary data including audio from the SDI input to the
corresponding SDI output.
Zoom and PiP functions are not supported. All the supported video modes are available except for the 4K modes. Each output
will automatically adjust mode to match the signal on the corresponding input. Refer to the Video Input Formats list (under § 1.1 Supported Functionality) for the supported modes.
Low Latency
Dual Text Inserter
(LDual TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a low Latency Dual Channel SDI Text Inserter (LDual TI). The delay through the video path is less than one frame.
An overlay layer is added to the video on Input 1. The output is available on Output 1. A different overlay layer is added to the video on Input 2 and the output is available
on Output 2.
Input and 1 and 2 both pass all ancillary data including audio from the SDI input to the
corresponding SDI output.
Zoom, Alpha and PiP functions are not supported. All the supported video modes are available except for the 4K modes. Each output
will automatically adjust mode to match the signal on the corresponding input. Refer to the Video Input Formats list (under § 1.1 Supported Functionality) for the supported modes.
Zoom Dual Text
(ZDual TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a Dual Channel SDI Text Inserter (ZDual TI)with zoom on both video paths. No ancillary data is passed through.
An overlay layer is added to the video on Input 1. The output is available on Output 1. A different overlay layer is added to the video on Input 2 and the output is available
on Output 2.
PiP functions are not supported. All the supported video modes are available except for interlaced and 4K modes.
Each output will automatically adjust mode to match the signal on the corresponding input. Refer to the Video Input Formats list (under § 1.1 Supported Functionality) for the supported modes.
Text Inserter
with PiP
(PiP TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a Text Inserter with PiP (PiP TI)supporting two inputs, one overlay, and two identical outputs.
Input 1 is the main input. The product automatically adjusts the output to match the
video detected on Input 1. All ancillary data (including audio) from input 1 is transported to both outputs.
Input 2 is a secondary input that is typically used for a PiP display. Ancillary data from
input 2 is discarded. Input 2 can be a different resolution or frame rate than Input 1, but if Input 1 is progressive, then Input 2 must be progressive, and if Input 1 is interlaced or PsF,, then Input 2 must be interlaced or PsF.
Both input 1 and input 2 can be down scaled and clipped, allowing for display as Side
by Side, or Split screen in addition to PiP display.
All the supported video modes are available except for the 4K modes. Refer to the
Video Input Formats list (under § 1.1 Supported Functionality) for the supported modes.
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Dual Link 4K Text
(4K TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a single channel, 4K Text Inserter (4Kl TI). Video inputs and outputs operate as SDI Dual Links with each port operating at 3 GB/s supporting 4K video at frame rates up to 30 fps.
3840x2160 and 4096x2160 resolutions are supported. Ancillary data from the inputs is discarded. Zoom and PiP functions are not supported. If you switch into 4K mode without a having a 4K IP Core License File installed, the
video is disabled.
Low Latency Dual
Link 4K Text
(L4K TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a single channel, 4K Text Inserter (L4K TI). Video inputs and outputs operate as SDI Dual Links with each port operating at 3 GB/s supporting 4K video at frame rates up to 30 fps. The delay is less than one frame.
3840x2160 and 4096x2160 resolutions are supported. Ancillary data and audio from the inputs is transported to the outputs. Zoom and PiP functions are not supported. If you switch into Low Latency 4K mode without a having a 4K License File installed,
the video is disabled.
Zoom Dual Link 4K
Text Inserter
(Z4K TI)
The DX-4400 functions as a single channel, 4K Text Inserter (Z4K TI). Video inputs and outputs operate as SDI Dual Links with each port operating at 3 GB/s supporting 4K video at frame rates up to 30 fps.
3840x2160 and 4096x2160 resolutions are supported. Ancillary data and audio from the inputs is transported to the outputs. Text overlay is supported for 2SI and Quad mapped video. High magnification zoom is supported for 2SI mapped video only.
If you switch into this mode without a having a 4K License File installed, the video is disabled.
Low Latency Text
Inserter with PiP
The DX-4400 functions as a Text Inserter with PiP (LPiP TI)supporting two inputs, one overlay, and two identical outputs.
Input 1 is the main input. The product automatically adjusts the output to match the
video detected on Input 1. All ancillary data (including audio) from input 1 is transported to both outputs. This input has a latency of less than 1 frame from input 1 to output. Zoom and PiP functions are not available.
Input 2 is a secondary input that is typically used for a PiP display. Ancillary data from
input 2 is discarded. Input 2 can be a different resolution or frame rate than Input 1, but if Input 1 is progressive, then Input 2 must be progressive, and if Input 1 is interlaced or PsF, then Input 2 can be progressive, interlaced or PsF.
Input 2 can be down scaled and clipped. Input two can support high magnification zoom with a latency of 2-3 frames or can
have latency 1-2 frames with zoom limits of 100% for 3G, 150% for HD and 300% for SD modes.
All the supported video modes are available except for the 4K modes. Refer to the
Video Input Formats list (under § 1.1 Supported Functionality) for the supported modes.
1) The Low Latency mode decreases the frame delay and is described in Section 3.9.6 Video Buffering and Frame Delay.
2) The REM Command can be used to display the current Mode of Operation.

3.7.1 Set Mode Commands

The Set Mode (SM) commands are used to select the Mode of Operation for the DX-4400 product and optionally assign the Serial Command Port to either the RS-232 Serial port or the USB Serial port.
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The SM command takes up to two arguments: the first is the mode to switch the DX-4400 into and the second is to assign the Serial Command Port to use for Command parsing. Changing between Modes takes several seconds during which time the output video is interrupted and no additional commands can be sent to the unit.
Table 6: Set Mode Command Syntax
Description of Command
SM – Sets the Mode of Operation where <Serial> is optional and can be either RS232 or USB
SM DUAL <Serial>
Selects the Dual Text Inserter Mode (Dual TI)
SM LDUAL <Serial>
Selects the Low Latency Dual Text Inserter Mode (Dual TI)
SM ZDUAL <Serial>
Selects the Dual Text Inserter Mode with Zoom (Dual TI)
SM PIP <Serial>
Selects the PiP Text Inserter Mode (PiP TI)
SM 4K <Serial>
Selects the 4K Text Inserter Mode (4K TI)
SM L4K <Serial>
Selects the Low Latency 4K Text Inserter Mode (4K TI)
SM Z4K <Serial>
Selects the Zoom 4K Text Inserter Mode (Z4K TI)
SM LPIP <Serial>
Selects the Low Latency PiP Text Inserter Mode (LPiP TI)
SM <serial>
Assigns location of the Serial user connection of the Command Port Where <Serial> can be either RS232 or USB
Initialize Saveset Database to factory defaults
Restart the unit no changes
1) The factory default configuration assigns the Serial Control Port to the RS232 Port (instead of the USB Serial Port).
2) The commands accept the shortest unique string. For example, it is acceptable to specify SM LD instead of SM LDUAL.
3) Use of the Set Mode (SM) Command does not clear the user information stored in the Saveset Database. Example - Set Mode Command
To set the DX-4400 to operate as a PiP Text Inserter and to change the Serial Command port from the RS-232 Port (the factory default assignment) use the following command via the Control Port (Serial or Network):

3.8 Overview of Overlay Fields

To generate a Graphic Overlay / On Screen Display (OSD), Fields are defined to specify the parameters and features (attributes) of each object displayed. Four types of Overlay Fields are available:
1) Text Fields – display single line of ASCII characters and are defined using the ‘T’ Command.
2) Graphic Fields – displays shapes (Circle, Ellipse, Line, and Rectangle) and defined by the ‘G’ Command.
3) Image Fields – display an image from a user supplied file stored on the DX-4400 and are defined by the "I" Command.
4) QML Fields – run QML Script files stored on the DX-4400 and are defined by the "Q" Command.
All Fields are mixed together taking into account their transparency and position in the layer stack up (defined by the Z parameter of the field) to generate a single blended Overlay Layer that is mixed on top of the SDI input video channels.
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The video output of the Overlay Layer is updated by the ARM rendering the graphics to the video frame buffer. The amount of time required to render the graphic items is dependent on the number of items on the Overlay Layer.
All Overlay Fields are associated with a Saveset stored in the system Configuration Database. The DX-4400 always has a Saveset named "default" which cannot be deleted. You can create/delete your own named Savesets allowing the user to define different Overlay Configurations. When you delete a Saveset, all the Fields are removed from the overlay display.
For each Saveset, the Fields are numbered 1 through 999 by the ID parameter. Each of the four types of Fields (Text, Graphics, Images and QML) use separate ID values.
The Toggle and DIP Switch User Defined Command are numbered 1 through 15 by the ID parameter. (Refer to Table 24: Toggle Switch – User Defined Command Syntax and Table 25: DIP Switch User Defined Command Syntax for more information.)
By default, all Graphic Fields are visible and have default parameters (attribute settings). For example, the following Graphic Field Command draws a simple rectangle positioned with the top left corner at 100, 100. The rectangle has a length of 400 (X distance) and height of 200 (Y distance). The rectangle has a default border Color of white with white fill and no transparency.
G ID=1 S=rectangle X=100 Y=100 L=400 H=200 add user comment if required
Each Graphic Field can be turned on or off independently by the Visibility parameter V taking a value of YES or NO. For example, to turn off the visibility of the above rectangle enter the command.
G ID=1 V=no Turn graphic ID 1 visibility OFF
A Graphic Field is updated when a change occurs.

3.8.1 Coordinate System and Field Position

Each Overlay Field has three position coordinates referred to as X, Y and Z with a default value of zero. One or all of these coordinates may be used when defining a Field.
The coordinate system designates x=0000 and y=0000 as the top-left corner of the overlay for all video formats. This is the default position for all Fields.
The maximum value for the x and y coordinates is located at the bottom-right corner of the frame.
For Digital Cinema 2160p video formats the bottom-right corner is at coordinates x=4095, y=2159.
For UHD 2160p video formats the bottom-right corner is at coordinates x=3839, y=2159.
For 1080p, 1080i, and 1080PsF formats the bottom-right corner is at coordinates x=1919, y=1079.
For 720p video formats the bottom-right corner is located at x=1279, y=719.
For NTSC video format the coordinates are x=719, y=485, and for PAL format x=719 and y=575.
Note: Some monitors will not display the entire video frame, particularly when operating in NTSC or PAL
modes. Graphic Fields placed close to the edges of the overlay may not be visible on some monitors. Any Field or portion of a Field that extends beyond the edges of the Overlay will not be visible. The Z position allows you to stack the Fields on top of each other. If the alpha value is other than zero the Fields
will be blended with the higher Z value being at the top. Note: By default, all fields are at Z position 0, but fields with higher ID numbers are placed above fields with
lower ID numbers and will be blended above them. Note: When Fields of different types overlap, and the Fields have the same Z layer (or no Z layer has been
defined) the Fields may not appear in the same order after power cycling the DX-4400. This occurs
because as Fields are being defined, they are drawn in the order the commands are given to the
DX-4400, but at power up the Fields are drawn by their type and in order of ascending ID numbers
with Text Fields drawn first, followed by Image Fields, followed Graphic Fields, and then QML Fields.
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To avoid this behaviour, it is good practice to always define the Z position of objects when they

3.8.2 Color and Transparency

Text and Graphic Fields have a Color specified by SVG Color Keyword Name assignments – as defined by the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Specification – (see: http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvgsvg.html for a color chart) or by using Red, Green, and Blue Components in the range from 0 to 255.
There are two Color components for Graphic shapes: (1) the Foreground Color used for fill and (2) the Border Color used for the outline. The default Color is white (R255, G255, and B255).
For example, to change the fill Color of Graphic Field one to darkgoldenrod you can use either of the following Commands:
G ID=1 FC=darkgoldenrod G ID=1 FC=#184134011
The Foreground color has a Transparency property that can be controlled using the FA=aaa to set the Alpha value for mixing with underlying layers. Setting the Alpha value to 0 sets the foreground color to be fully visible and no content on lower video layers will be visible through the Color. An Alpha of 255 sets the Color fully transparent. At this setting the color will be completely invisible.
For example: sending a G ID=1 FA=192 command makes Graphic Field 1 approximately 75% transparent.

3.8.3 Text Overlay Fields

Each Text Field has a Background color that is used for the background of Text Fields. Background color is set in the same way as foreground Color, except the command used is BC=darkgoldenrod. The transparency for the Background color can controlled using the BA=aaa command to set the Alpha value from 0 to 255 (the default is fully transparent). A summary of the Text Overlay Commands is given in Table 8: Text Overlay Command Syntax below.
The following example Commands set the Foreground Color to Yellow and the Background Color to blue for Text Field 1 with partial (50%) visibility:
T ID=1 "Text: Yellow text on blue background, Alpha = 000" T ID=1 FC=yellow FA=128 BC=blue BA=0
1) When the text is partially transparent, its apparent color will be determined by the text color, the background
Color and the visibilities of the text and background.
2) When a text background is displayed, the total number of color / transparency combinations is limited. Small
changes in the color or transparency parameters of the text or background may not change the appearance
For each Text Field, a font / size combination can be selected using the T ID=1 N="Font Name" P=xxx command to select one of the font options in Table 7: Text Font and Symbol Font Attributes.
Each Text Field can be turned on or off independently by the Visibility parameter V taking a value of YES or NO. For example, to turn off the visibility of the above text enter the command.
T ID=1 V=no Turn Text ID 1 visibility OFF
After defining one or more Text Fields, all of the assigned Text Field strings can be listed using the follow Report Text Field Command (from Table 27: Miscellaneous Control Port Commands):
RET Available Text and Symbols Available Font & Symbol
The attributes of the text ASCI fonts and the extended font symbols available in the DX-4400 are listed in the
Table 7 below.
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Table 7: Text Font and Symbol Font Attributes
Font Name
Font Name
Fixed Width
Bitstream Charter
DejaVu Serif
Bitstream Vera Sans
Luxi Mono
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Luxi Sans
Bitstream Vera Serif
Luxi Serif
Courier 10 Pitch
Wingdings 2
DejaVu Sans
Wingdings 3
DejaVu Sans Mono
The default Saveset font is DejaVu Sans. The default font can be changed in a Saveset using D N="Font Name" The default pixel height and font attributes such as bold can also each be set using the D P=40 SB=YES (Default Pixel and Set Bold Commands) for the Saveset. Text Overlay Command Syntax
The command line syntax used for the Text Overlay Commands is listed in the table below.
Table 8: Text Overlay Command Syntax
Description of Command Syntax
T – Identifies a Text Command string to the Command Port parser
This is a unique ID number (1-999) that identifies the Text Field and must be the first parameter in the list
This functions the same as the ID parameter but if the value exists the X, Y, Z, etc parameters are reset to default.
Deletes the user defined Text Field specified by the ID number. Command parsing stops, no other arguments are checked. Example: T ID=1 DELETE
"Text String"
Text to overlay on the screen. The backslash character '\' is an escape character that allows you to insert the '"' or '\'
character into the string. The length of the string is restricted to command buffer length (1024) minus the overhead of the surrounding '"' (quotation marks), escape characters and the T ID=x minimum identifier.
Sets the X coordinate for the top left corner for the text. The default value is 0.
Sets the Y coordinate for the top left corner for the text. The default value is 0.
Sets the Z coordinate for the text which is used to determine the layer ordering for transparency. The layer ordering is from zero (the bottom of the stack) to the highest Z value being the top of the stack. The default value is 0.
Enable or disable Anti-Aliasing. It takes YES or NO as an argument.
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Description of Command Syntax
Sets the Anchor point for the field. The locations are TL (Top Left), TR (Top Right), BL (Bottom Left), BR (Bottom Right) or CT
(Center). The default is TL.
Rotation of the text with zero being horizontal. Positive rotations move clockwise and negative rotations move counter clockwise. The default
value is 0.
Sets the foreground Color for the text. The default color is white.
Sets the Alpha value for the Foreground Color. The range is from 0 to 255 with 0 being opaque and 255 being full transparent. The default is
Sets the Background Color for the text. The default color is black.
Sets the Alpha value for the Background Color. The range is from 0 to 255 with 0 being opaque and 255 being full transparent. The default is 255.
Font Name to use for the text. If the font name contains spaces the name must be enclosed in '"'. The default font is DejaVu Sans.
NOTE: Although the Text Command will accept any case and abbreviation, if the Web UI interface is used to edit the Text Commend string, the UI will only recognize the full font name.
Set font style Bold. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is
Set font style Italic. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is
Set font style underline. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is NO.
Set font Style strikeout. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is NO.
Set font style overline. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is NO.
Set font Pixel size. The default value is 12.
Set whether the Overlay text is on video path one or two. The default value is 1.
Sets whether the text is visible or not. It takes YES or NO as an argument. It accepts the shortest unique argument. The default is YES.
1) The Visible YES/NO Command can be used to turn display of the Text Field ON and OFF.
2) Once the font style and display assignments for the Text Field have been set, the text can be changed without re-entering the font style and display assignments. Example: Text Drawing Style Options
The following text listing of commands demonstrate some of the Text Drawing Style options of the DX-4000:
+ 95 hidden pages