MICROTRONIX DX-2200-SW-02 User Manual

4056 Meadowbrook Drive, Unit 126
London, ON Canada N6L 1E3
Jan. 10, 2012
Initial release
Nov. 12, 2012
Added Digital zoom feature.
Jan. 09, 2013
Added commands to show or hide a text string (this is in addition to the existing command to toggle visibility).
Feb. 14, 2013
Revised Serial Command structure. Added 1080i and 1080p video resolutions.
March 1, 2013
Added NTSC and PAL resolutions. Added text background & overlay transparency. Added ‘O’ commands for output mode control. Serial control mode changed to always be active.
March 12,
Added new commands to configure the control DIP & Toggle switches and changed the default DIP switch settings. Removed the ML command. Added font size 003 & 004. Add text field reset commands. Strings in RS232 commands must now be enclosed in quotations. Fixed a bug with I1, I2 commands in Overlay mode. Added preset PiP sizes and control of x, y gap. Increased number of text fields to 12. Changes to RS232 input to support comment lines and ignore leading white spaces.
May 17, 2013
Add Mode 7 – two images vertically stacked
June 27, 2013
Added new section & Table 9: Low Level Text Control Commands & Codes
Aug 14, 2013
Added new commands for a frame number counter text overlay. Added a three digit ‘Annn’ command to control transparency with greater resolution.
Aug 26, 2013
Added alpha blending transition effect in Alpha Blended Overlay Mode. (Table 6) Added additional Frame Counter modes of operation.
Aug 30, 2013
Added vertical and horizontal split screen in Alpha Blended Overlay Mode. Changed transition commands from T to TP… Added programmable size/position for the primary and secondary layers in Alpha Blended Overlay Mode
Sep 17, 2013
Added zoom control commands for center position and window selection. Changed zoom to be controlled for selected/non-selected input instead of by input connector number. Added alpha blending effects for secondary layer. Changed second alpha set by TPB / TSB commands to apply to both transition effects and split screen modes.
For Mode 5, changed ‘I1’,’I2’,’IT’ to switch inputs and ‘T’ to apply inverse alpha for
visibility reversal of the two inputs. Added support for setting size in Alpha Blended mode in percent.
Nov 28, 2013
Fix a problem causing improper configuration or no video output when the unit powers up with a saved configuration and the video inputs have been connected before power up. Add S0, S1, ST commands.
Document Revision History
This User Manual provides basic information about using the Microtronix DX-2200 Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher, (Model PN: DX-2200-SW-02). The following
table shows the document revision history.
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Mar 18, 2014
Add firmware update capability over RS232. Add SnnSN, SnnHN, SnnVN commands to change text field visibility without updating the display. Changes to command parsing.
Nov 14, 2014
Add support for Rev E PCB. Fonts are loaded at first use instead of power up so the unit starts faster. Add fonts containing selected Wingding characters Add selected extended ASCII characters to the Tahoma fonts.
Feb 11, 2015
Add new 'S' commands to support rectangle drawing and graphic images on the overlay. Add section about the DX-2200 Uploader. Add the 'L' commands to control the overlay layer. Add baud rate change command. Product now supports 48 fields on the overlay layer instead of 12. Add more information about image field transparency and background.
Jun 03, 2014
Add additional Tahoma fonts Add capability for G and S commands to operate on a range of fields Add S/GnnNm and S/GnnJmm commands.
Jun 25, 2014
Add additional Tahoma size 48 fonts and Bitstream Vera Mono Fonts Updated Model number due addition of SDI Loop Output port and new enclosure Update pictures of the enclosure and the DX-2200 board assembly
How to Contact Microtronix
Sales Information: sales@microtronix.com Support Information: support@microtronix.com
General Website: http://www.microtronix.com FTP Upload Site: http://microtronix.leapfile.com
Phone Numbers
General: (01) 519-690-0091
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Table of Contents
Document Revision History .............................................................................................................................. 2
How to Contact Microtronix .............................................................................................................................. 3
E-mail............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Website ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Phone Numbers ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Features ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Text Overlay OSD Features ......................................................................................................................... 9
Hardware ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Power Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 10
Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Display Modes ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Display Mode 1: Full-screen 2x1 Switcher ............................................................................................. 11
Display Mode 2: Picture-in-Picture ......................................................................................................... 11
Display Mode 3: Dual view, Picture-and-Picture .................................................................................... 11
Display Mode 4: Split Screen .................................................................................................................. 11
Display Mode 5: Alpha Blended Overlay ................................................................................................ 11
Display Mode 6: Standby Switcher ......................................................................................................... 12
Display Mode 7: Dual-view, Vertically Stacked ...................................................................................... 12
Sample Outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Default Startup Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 14
LED Status Indicators ................................................................................................................................. 14
Output Video Format .................................................................................................................................. 15
Video Output Modes 1 & 3 ...................................................................................................................... 15
Video Output Mode 2 .............................................................................................................................. 16
Default Output Video Mode .................................................................................................................... 16
Input Video Format ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Video Buffering and Delay .......................................................................................................................... 16
SERIAL & MANUAL Control ....................................................................................................................... 17
SERIAL Mode of Operation .................................................................................................................... 17
Serial Port Control Commands ........................................................................................................... 17
Input Selection SERIAL Commands ................................................................................................... 18
Input Auto Switch SERIAL Command ................................................................................................. 19
Alpha Blending Effects SERIAL Commands ....................................................................................... 20
Mode Control SERIAL Command ....................................................................................................... 24
Alpha Blended Overlay Size and Position SERIAL Commands ......................................................... 24
Picture-in-Picture Position & Size SERIAL Commands ...................................................................... 27
Alpha Blending Transparency SERIAL Command ............................................................................. 28
Baud Rate SERIAL Command ............................................................................................................ 30
Graphic Overlay SERIAL Commands ................................................................................................. 30
Sample Text Field Commands ............................................................................................................ 47
Low Level Text Control Commands .................................................................................................... 50
Frame Counter Overlay SERIAL Commands ..................................................................................... 51
Overlay Control SERIAL Commands .................................................................................................. 57
Layer Control SERIAL Commands ..................................................................................................... 57
Digital Zoom Command ...................................................................................................................... 60
User Interface Commands .................................................................................................................. 63
User Interface Function Configuration ................................................................................................ 63
Resetting DX-2200 Switches to Factory Default Configuration .......................................................... 64
Recommendations for DX-2200 Configuration ................................................................................... 65
DX-2200 Example Configuration Command File ................................................................................ 67
Output Video Format Command ......................................................................................................... 68
Configuration Flash Serial Commands ............................................................................................... 70
Other Serial Command Codes ............................................................................................................ 70
MANUAL Mode of Operation .................................................................................................................. 71
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Toggle Switch ...................................................................................................................................... 71
DIP Switch Settings ............................................................................................................................. 72
DX2200 Software Upload Utility ..................................................................................................................... 72
Firmware Update Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 72
Uploading Images ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Wingdings Font Table .................................................................................................................................... 74
Extended ASCII Fonts.................................................................................................................................... 75
Design Customizations .................................................................................................................................. 75
One Year Warranty ........................................................................................................................................ 76
Hardware .................................................................................................................................................... 76
Firmware ..................................................................................................................................................... 76
Limited Liability ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Appendix A: Updating IP Core On-Board Flash ............................................................................................ 77
Programming the Flash Device .................................................................................................................. 77
Appendix B: Internal Circuit Board Description .............................................................................................. 78
SDI Video Interfaces ................................................................................................................................... 78
RS-232 Serial Control Port ..................................................................................................................... 79
RS-232 3-Pin Header, J2 .................................................................................................................... 79
Power Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 79
Power Connectors .................................................................................................................................. 79
JTAG Header .......................................................................................................................................... 79
Reset Pushbutton SW1 .............................................................................................................................. 80
Board Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix C: Optional USB to RS-232 Serial Port Adapter ............................................................................ 81
Appendix D: Regulatory Compliance Information .......................................................................................... 82
Industry Canada (IC) .................................................................................................................................. 82
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity .................................................. 82
CE Declaration of Conformity ..................................................................................................................... 83
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Listing of Tables
Table 1: Description of LED Status Indicators ................................................................................................ 15
Table 2: Serial Port Command Acknowledgement Codes .............................................................................. 18
Table 3: Function of the Inputs For Each Display Mode ................................................................................. 18
Table 4: Input Selection SERIAL Command Codes ....................................................................................... 19
Table 5: Input Auto Switch Serial Command Codes ....................................................................................... 20
Table 6: Alpha Blended Overlay Transition Effects ........................................................................................ 21
Table 7: Mode Control SERIAL Command Codes ......................................................................................... 24
Table 8: Alpha Blended Size and Position Control SERIAL Command Codes .............................................. 25
Table 9: PiP Control Serial Command Codes................................................................................................. 28
Table 10: Transparency SERIAL Command Codes ....................................................................................... 29
Table 11: Alpha Blended Overlay Mode Transparency SERIAL Command Codes ....................................... 29
Table 12: Text and Symbol Fonts ................................................................................................................... 34
Table 13: Graphic Overlay SERIAL Command Codes ................................................................................... 42
Table 14: Low Level Text Command Codes ................................................................................................... 50
Table 15: Frame Counter Overlay SERIAL Command Codes ....................................................................... 55
Table 16: Overlay Control SERIAL Command Codes .................................................................................... 57
Table 17: Layer Control SERIAL Command Codes ....................................................................................... 59
Table 18: Digital Zoom Command Codes ....................................................................................................... 61
Table 19: User Interface Command Codes .................................................................................................... 66
Table 20: Output Video Format Command Codes ......................................................................................... 69
Table 21: Flash Serial Command Codes ........................................................................................................ 70
Table 22: Other Serial Command Codes ........................................................................................................ 70
Table 23: Operation of 2-Position Momentary Toggle Switch ........................................................................ 71
Table 24: Operation of the 4-Position DIP Switch .......................................................................................... 72
Table 25: Windings Character Table .............................................................................................................. 74
Table 26: Extended ASCII Character Table ................................................................................................... 75
Table 27: RS-232 Serial Control Port DB9 Pin Assignments ......................................................................... 79
Table 28: RS-232 3-Pin Header, J2 ................................................................................................................ 79
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Listing of Figures
Figure 1: DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher ................................................................................ 10
Figure 2: Digital Zoom PiP .............................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Dual-view – Custom Picture-and-Picture display with text and time code Frame Counter ............. 13
Figure 4: Dual-view – Vertically Stacked with text OSD ................................................................................. 13
Figure 5: Alpha Blended PiP with Text Overlay OSD ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: SDI Input LEDs ................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 7: SDI Out & Power LEDs .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8: Alpha Blended Vertical Split column 400 – Example 1a ................................................................. 23
Figure 9: Alpha Blended Vertical Split column 900 – Example 1b ................................................................. 23
Figure 10: Alpha Blended with scaling – Example 1a ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 11: Alpha Blended Vertical split with frame counter – Example 1b ..................................................... 26
Figure 12: Samples of active text and graphic logo ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 13: Samples of transparent text and background ................................................................................ 34
Figure 14: Sample of the available Tahoma font sizes ................................................................................... 36
Figure 15: Character set - codes 20-7F and A0-FF ........................................................................................ 36
Figure 16: Sample of Rectangle, Target Marker and Text .............................................................................. 42
Figure 17: Sample of Corner Markers, Target and Text ................................................................................. 42
Figure 18: Example 1 - red text OSD with white background ......................................................................... 48
Figure 19: Example 2 – sample of default text ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 20: Frame Counter text display – Example 2 ...................................................................................... 54
Figure 21: Frame Counter text display – Example 3 ...................................................................................... 54
Figure 22: JTAG Cable Connection ................................................................................................................ 77
Figure 23: DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Switcher Board ............................................................................. 78
Figure 24: USB to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit ................................................................................. 81
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
The key hardware features of the DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher (Model PN: DX-2200-SW-02) includes:
Two 75 SD/HD-SDI input ports Two 75 SD/HD-SDI output ports
o One the Switcher output o One loop through output of SDI input port 1
One DB9, RS-232 Serial Control Port
Note: With custom DX-2200 firmware, the RTS & CTS modem signals on
the DB9 Serial Port can be configured to operate as a second Serial Data Port and function as RS-232 Receiver and Transmitter signals. A custom serial “Y” cable is used to bring out the two ports.
Supported functionality:
Digital switching between 2 SDI inputs using switches or a serial control
port commands
Glitch-free video switching between SDI inputs and modes of operation  Video formats:
o 720p @ 25 / 29.97 / 30 / 50 / 59.94 / 60 fps o 1080i @ 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps o 1080p @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps o 1080psf @ 23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 30 fps o NTSC @ 59.94 fps o PAL @ 50 fps
Video Modes:
o 2x1 (Full-screen) Switcher o Alpha blended Picture-in-Picture with size and position control, o Dual view, Picture-and-Picture, o Split screen, o Alpha blended overlay, and o Standby switcher.
Text overlay OSD:
o Up to 48 independent Graphic Fields o Fields support Text, Rectangle, Corner Marker, Target Marker, and
Image Field types.
o Filled or open rectangles o Size, color, transparency and position control o Configurable background color for text o Alpha blended text and background o Alpha blending of graphic fields
Output video Frame Counter text overlay display,  Alpha blended video switching transition effects,  Digital Zoom: 28 steps of 0.25 from 1x to 8x,  User defined operation of DIP & Toggle switches
NOTE: The text/graphics overlay OSD is supported in progressive but not in
either interlaced or Progressive segmented Frame (PsF) video formats.
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
The Microtronix DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher (Model Part
Number: DX-2200-SW-02) is a high performance dual input SDI Video Switcher
supporting enhanced video capabilities including: 2x1 glitch-free video switching, picture-in-picture (PiP), picture-and-picture (PAP), Split-Screen, text overlay / on screen display (OSD), Alpha Blending and Digital Zoom. The product is available as a stand-alone product in an aluminum enclosure or as an open printed circuit board for incorporation into embedded video system. The unit is designed for use in broadcast, professional video recording and high-end surveillance applications.
To ensure glitch-free continuous/artifact free video output, the two input SDI video streams are firstly frame synchronized then switched during the vertical interval period when a frame is complete. Additional frame buffers are used to eliminate artifacts which can occur when operating in a PiP or PAP mode during which scalers or clippers are being used.
When processing interlaced video, a field detector is used to synchronize the input frame buffers and video processing to ensure the correct alignment of the video fields when switching between the video streams or swapping PiP or PAP displays. The output video format can be the same as the format detect on the SDI input 1 (SDI-1) video source, or can be programmed independently.
The product supports synchronized switching of SD / HD SDI video formats. Text overlay is supported on progressive video only.
The units can be configured to retain the user configuration in on-board flash during power ON / OFF power cycles.
Text Overlay OSD Features
The DX-2200 supports text overlay OSD in all display modes of operation. Features of the text overlay OSD include:
1) Display of 48 independent Fields of up to 96 characters.
2) Alpha blending of the text on the video screen.
3) Active Frame Counter.
4) Independent color selection of text fields.
5) Configurable background color.
6) Opacity control.
7) Independent ON/OFF control of text fields.
8) X-Y position control.
9) Permanent retention of text fields in flash memory.
10) Eight font / text size combinations.
The text is supplied to the DX-2200 Switcher through the RS-232 serial port. The user can optionally store the text fields in the on-board flash in which case they will be retained power ON/OFF power cycles.
NOTE: The Text/graphic overlay feature is supported in progressive video formats
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
The DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher is available as a stand-alone product supplied in an enclosure as show in Figure 1 below or as an open-frame board (for building into embedded video system) as shown in Figure 23 shown in
Appendix B.
Figure 1: DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Power Requirements
The DX-2200 Switcher is powered from a standard 5.5mm center positive 5-12Vdc
1.3A 10W (120/240VAC) regulated switching power adapter.
Display Modes
The DX-2200 Switcher supports the display of the SDI video either full-screen or in a variety of dual-viewer window modes. The display modes include:
o Mode 1: Full-screen 2x1 Switcher o Mode 2: Picture-in-Picture, o Mode 3: Dual view, Picture-and-Picture – side-by-side, o Mode 4: Split screen, o Mode 5: Alpha blended overlay, and o Mode 6: Standby Switcher. o Mode 7: Dual view, vertically stacked
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The Text Overlay (On Screen Display) is supported in all Display Modes for progressive video formats only. The Text Overlay is always the top layer in the output video mix.
The Frame Counter capability is supported in all Display Modes for progressive video formats only.
The Zoom capability is supported in all Display Modes. Either input can be zoomed. Except in Display Mode 4 (Split Screen), the zoom can be configured either as zoom percentage and center position, or as top left corner and size. In Display Mode 4, only the zoom factor can be set and the zoom position cannot be changed.
Display Mode 1: Full-screen 2x1 Switcher
In the Full-screen Switcher mode, the selected input is displayed full screen and the unit can switch from one input to the other.
Display Mode 2: Picture-in-Picture
In Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode, the selected input is displayed full and the other input is displayed as a picture in picture with configurable size, position and transparency (alpha blending). Using either the toggle switch or serial commands, the DX-2200 can switch between the inputs selected for display full screen and for the PiP.
Display Mode 3: Dual view, Picture-and-Picture
In the Picture-and-Picture (PAP) mode, the images are scaled to display both sources side by side. The selected input is displayed on the left side of the screen, and the other input is displayed on the right.
Using either the toggle switch or serial commands, the DX-2200 can switch inputs to interchange the left and right side images.
Display Mode 4: Split Screen
In the Split Screen mode, half of each input image is displayed. The left half of the selected input is displayed on the left side of the output video, and the right half of the other input is displayed on the right side of the output video.
Using either the toggle switch or serial commands, the DX-2200 can switch inputs to interchange the left and right side images.
Display Mode 5: Alpha Blended Overlay
In the Alpha Blended Overlay mode, both images are displayed with configurable alpha blending of the images. The selected input is displayed over a black background, with the non-selected layer mixed on top of it. The alpha of each input can be adjusted and the two images can be zoomed, moved, and re-sized in the output video.
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Display Mode 6: Standby Switcher
The Standby Switcher automatically switches between the two inputs sources. The selected input is the preferred source, but if no signal is available the other source will be displayed. The DX-2200 returns to the preferred source if the signal is restored.
Display Mode 7: Dual-view, Vertically Stacked
In the dual-view vertically stacked mode, the images are scaled to display both sources one above the other. The selected input is displayed at the top of the screen, and the other input is displayed below it.
Using either the toggle switch or serial commands, the DX-2200 can switch inputs to interchange the upper and lower images.
Sample Outputs
Samples of the various output display modes are shown in the following figures.
Figure 2: Digital Zoom PiP
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Figure 3: Dual-view – Custom Picture-and-Picture display with text and time code Frame Counter
Figure 4: Dual-view – Vertically Stacked with text OSD
Figure 5: Alpha Blended PiP with Text Overlay OSD
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Off 2 Off 3 Off 4 Off
Default Startup Configuration
The power up configuration is determined by both the DIP switch setting and the configuration saved in flash. The factory default setting has no saved configuration in flash and the following DIP switch settings:
Table 4: Default DIP switch (SW4) setting
The factory default power on or reset configuration is set to operate in Mode 1, the full-screen 2x1 video switcher. The unit will initially display SDI input 1 (SDI-1) on the output. If there is no input signal (or if it cannot be properly detected), the SDI output will display black.
User specific setups can be stored in flash to enable the DX-2200 to start in other modes, for example, with a PiP or PAP configuration or with a preset text overlay.
LED Status Indicators
The location of the 5 LEDs is show in the following two figures.
Figure 6: SDI Input LEDs
Figure 7: SDI Out & Power LEDs
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Mode of Operation
(Board D4)
SDI Input 1
OFF: SDI 1 input not available Flashing: SDI 1 input available ON: SDI 1 input available and selected as primary input
(Board D4)
SDI Input 2
OFF: SDI 2 input not available Flashing: SDI 2 input available ON: SDI 2 input available and selected as primary input
(Board D3)
ON: Power ok
(Board D5)
SDI Input1
OFF: SDI 1 input not available Flashing: SDI 1 input available ON: SDI 1 input available and selected as primary input
(Board D5)
SDI Input 2
OFF: SDI 2 input not available Flashing: SDI 2 input available ON: SDI 2 input available and selected as primary input
The operation of the LEDs is summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Description of LED Status Indicators
Output Video Format
The settings of the DX-2200 and the video source connected to SDI input 1 (SDI-1) determine the output video format. The output video has three Modes of operation:
Output Mode 1: The output video format is the same as the SDI Input 1 format. Output Mode 2: The output video format (resolution and frame rate) is set to a
specific format that was set by a SERIAL Control command.
Output Mode 3: The output video format is the same as the SDI Input 1 format
and the clock frequency is locked to the source frequency.
Video Output Modes 1 & 3
The default output video format is Mode 1 in which the SDI output is the same format as on SDI input 1. The mode can be changed by a SERIAL control command. Refer to Output Format SERIAL Command Codes (See Table 20) for details of the commands used to change the output video modes.
When operating in Output Mode 1 or Mode 3 (assuming the SDI-1 video source is recognized as one of the supported video formats) the DX-2200 will reconfigure itself to match the output video to the detected input format. Reconfiguration of the output video format momentarily stops video output. When no video is connected to SDI input 1, or if the format is not recognized, the unit will continue to operate without changing the output video format.
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Video Output Mode 2
When operating in Video Output Mode 2, the output video resolution and frame rate is determined exclusively by the setting programmed into the DX-2200 by a SERIAL Control command. See commands listed in Table 20.
Default Output Video Mode
The factory default output video format is 720p 60 fps. If the unit is powered up, or reset by the factory reset SERIAL command, or reset by pressing the reset pushbutton when the board is out of the enclosure, without a video source connected to SDI input 1, then it will operate at 720p, 60 fps. The default video mode can be changed by saving a configuration to flash while the unit is operating with a different video format.
Input Video Format
When a supported video format is connected to one of the SDI Input connectors, the DX-2200 will recognize the signal and illuminate the corresponding LED.
Depending on the operating settings of the DX-2200, the format of the video connected to SDI input 1 may determine the output video format. If the SDI-1 video format is changed the unit may switch to a different output video format. The format of the video source connected to SDI Input 2 (SDI-2) never has any effect on the output format.
If the video source connected to SDI Input 2 has a different resolution or frame rate than the source connected to SDI Input 1, the DX-2200 will apply frame repetition, frame dropping, or scaling as required to convert the video to the format that is being output.
The DX-2200 does not convert between progressive and interlaced video formats. If the video source connected to an input is interlaced (or PsF) when the output format is progressive, or if the video source is progressive when the output format is interlaced (or PsF), then the Input will not be recognized. The indicator LED will be OFF and the video source cannot be selected for display.
The Text Overlay OSD remains available when the input video sources are not present.
Video Buffering and Delay
When operating with progressive video, the DX-2200 uses two frame buffers in each input path. Each buffer will delay by a minimum of one frame and a maximum of two frames, giving a total delay of between two and four frames on each input. The frame buffers account for the majority of the video delay through the DX-2200. Other elements in the video processing path will add additional delays of a few lines of video.
When operating in interlaced video modes, an additional frame buffer is required in the video output path. This buffer adds an additional delay of between one and two frames to the video path.
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The actual delay will depend on the timing of the connection of the input signals and the phase relationship between the inputs if they are not locked to each other.
Depending on operation conditions, the video delay may remain constant, or may vary over time. The DX-2200 does not require the two video inputs to be synchronized, and the output video can either be locked in frequency to input 1, or use an internally video clock. When different video clocks are used, small differences between the clocks will cause the video delay to change. If the output clock is slower than the input clock, video will accumulate in the frame buffers until a frame is dropped to prevent buffer overflow. When the output clock is faster than the input clock, the length of video in the buffers will decrease until a frame must be repeated to prevent buffer underflow. If all video clocks are derived from the same source and are identical in frequency, the delay through the DX-2200 will remain constant.
The DX-2200 Switcher has two methods of control: SERIAL Control using the RS232 port, and MANUAL Control using the DIP switch and Toggle switch. SERIAL Control allows control full of the capabilities of the DX-2200, and MANUAL Control provides a subset of functions.
SERIAL Control is always active. In the factory default configuration the Toggle Switch and DIP switch are active.
The functions of the DIP switch and Toggle switch can be reconfigured by SERIAL Control commands to customize the Switcher so that the controls provide the set of functions required for a specific user application. The modified configuration can be saved on board in the flash configuration memory
SERIAL Mode of Operation
When SERIAL control is used, the DX-2200 Switcher is controlled via commands sent to the DB9 Serial Control Port.
The serial port of the computer connected to the DX-2200 should be configured for 115,200 baud, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Microtronix sells an optional USB to DB9 RS-232 Serial Port Adapter Kit, (PN: 811-USB-RS232-Kit) which can be used to connect the USB port of a PC or laptop to the Serial Port of the DX-2200. (See Appendix C.)
In the SERIAL mode commands sent to the Serial Control Port control the operation of the DX-2200. Commands consist of ASCII alpha-numeric codes and are not case sensitive. All serial commands are terminated with a carriage return (CR), a line feed (LF), or a semicolon. The use of a semicolon terminator allows more than 1 command per line to improve readability of script files.
Commands may be sent directly to the DX -2200 one character at a time using a terminal program running on a connected computer, or they may be developed in a text editor such as Notepad and then uploaded to the DX-2200 by the terminal
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Response Code
Mode of Operation
Valid command received
Invalid command received
Valid CR, LF, or semicolon received
Mode of Operation
Selected Input
Non-Selected Input
Display Mode 1:
Full-screen 2x1 Switcher
Full Screen Output
Not Visible
Display Mode 2:
Full Screen Background
Display Mode 3: Dual view,
Left Image
Right Image
Display Mode 4:
Split Screen
Left half of the source is is displayed as the left
Right half of the source is displayed
program. The second method has the advantage of allowing the commands to be saved, viewed, edited and resent. The text editor used must save the configuration files as 8 bit ASCII data.
Space or tab characters before a command or trailing a command are ignored, as are spaces or tabs following a comma that separates parameters within a command. Any characters on a line following a tick (') character are treated as comments. A comment may begin after a delimiter, or may follow a command with or without spaces or tabs between the command and the comment.
ASCII string parameters are delimited with quotation marks. If a quotation mark or backslash character is required within a string (for example to display as part of a text overlay), then it must be preceded by a backslash character.
Valid and invalid serial commands are acknowledged with a ‘+’ and ‘-’ response respectively. Carriage return, line feed, or semicolon characters without a preceding command are acknowledged with a ‘*’.
The command codes are extensible, additional commands and functionality can be added as required. Contact Microtronix sales or technical support with your requirements.
Table 2: Serial Port Command Acknowledgement Codes
The Input Selection SERIAL Commands, (see Table 4, Table 1, Figure 22), are used to select the SDI input. Switching between SDI inputs is supported at all video resolutions.
The following table shows the function of the selected input and the non-selected input for each Display Mode.
Table 3: Function of the Inputs For Each Display Mode
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
half of the output video
an the right half of the output video
Display Mode 5:
Alpha Blended Overlay
Mixed onto a black background.
Mixed on top of the selected input and background
Display Mode 6:
Standby Switcher
The preferred source. Displayed full screen if present
Alternate source displayed when preferred source not present
Display Mode 7:
Dual-view, Vertically Stacked
Displayed at the top of the screen.
Displayed at the bottom of the screen
Command Code
Mode of Operation
Input Selection Commands
Select input 1
Select input 2
Swap Inputs
In Display Mode 5, change the alpha of the non­selected input to the inverse of the current value to reverse visibility of the inputs.
In all other Display Modes, this command performs
the same functions as the ‘IT’ command.
The ‘I1’ and ‘I2’ Input Selection Commands can select a specific input, or the ‘IT’
command can be used to select the other input.
The ‘T’ command has a function that depends on the operating mode. In Alpha
Blended Overlay Mode, the ‘T’ command changes the alpha of the non-selected
input to the inverse of the current value. When Alpha Blended Overlay Mode has
the two inputs in the same location in the output video, the ‘T’ command has the effect of reversing the visibility between the two layers. In all other modes, the ‘T’
command performs the same function as the ‘IT’ command.
NOTE: Using the ‘T’ command to apply the inverse alpha to the non-selected
input provides the highest quality switch between the two inputs when operating in Alpha Blended Overlay mode when both inputs are overlaid with partial visibility. If Alpha Blended Overlay mode is reconfigured so
that the two inputs are not overlaid, then the ‘T’ command cannot be used
as a switching command and ‘I1’, ‘I2’, or ‘IT’ must be used instead.
Table 4: Input Selection SERIAL Command Codes
The Input Auto Switch Commands are used to set auto switch mode on or off.
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When auto switch is on, the DX-2200 will automatically switch inputs if the selected input source is not available for display, but the other input is available.
DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Command Code
Mode of Operation
Input Selection Commands
Toggle auto switch between on / off
Set auto switch off
Set auto switch on
Mode 5 (Alpha blended Overlay) does not support auto switch. Mode 6 (Standby Switcher) is not affected by the auto switch setting and will
always switch when the preferred input is not present but the other input is present.
Table 5: Input Auto Switch Serial Command Codes
In the Alpha Blended Overlay Mode (Mode 5), the DX-2200 uses alpha blending to provide Transition Effects and Horizontal or Vertical Alpha Split modes. The difference between the wipe Transition Effects and the Alpha Split modes is that the transition effects automatically move the alpha transition point across the video after the effect has been triggered, and the Alpha Split modes allow manual control of the position of the alpha transition.
In the Alpha Blended Overlay mode, the video from both inputs is mixed into the output video and each video source can be independently sized and positioned in the output video. The selected input is mixed onto a black background. The other input is mixed on top of the selected input. The Alpha Blending effects operate only within the output video window of the source to which the effect is applied and change the alpha blending of the source as it is mixed into the output video.
When Alpha Blending Effects are applied to the selected layer, they change the transparency of the layer and determine the mix between the selected layer and the black background behind it. When applied to the non-selected layer, the Alpha Blending Effects determine the mix between the non-selected layer and the layers behind it, which could be the black background, the selected layer, or a mix between them.
When the two inputs are the same size and in the same position in the output video, the Alpha Blending effects can be used to switch from one input to the other by changing the top layer in the mix (the non-selected layer) from fully visible to fully transparent. The Transition Effects will then provide an automatic progressive switch from one image to the other, and the Horizontal / Vertical Alpha Split modes will provide a split image where the change from one layer to the other can be set (and changed) by Serial Commands.
The Alpha Blending Commands beginning with ‘TS’ affect the selected layer, and the commands beginning ‘TP’ affect the non-selected layer.
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Mode of Operation
Transition Effect Commands
Non-selected Layer: Complete any transition effect immediately or exit from the Alpha Split Modes
Non-selected Layer: Wipe from Top to Bottom
Non-selected Layer: Wipe from Bottom to Top
Non-selected Layer: Wipe from Right to Left
Non-selected Layer: Wipe from Left to Right
Non-selected Layer: Fade
Non-selected Layer: Horizontal Alpha Split
Non-selected Layer: Vertical Alpha Split
The DX-2200 provides Wipe effects in 4 directions and a fade effect. The rate of change for the Wipe effect is programmable in units of pixels per frame with the
‘TPI’ or ‘TSI’ command. The rate of change for the fade is programmable in units of alpha per frame by using the ‘TPA’ or ‘TSA’ command. After the Transition
Effect completes, the Alpha blending value for the input is changed to a new value.
NOTE: If other commands that change the alpha of the transitioning input are
executed during a Transition Effect, they won’t be applied until the
transition completes.
The Horizontal Alpha Split and Vertical Alpha Split modes do not automatically move the transition point. They operate continuously until disabled by the ‘TP0’ or ‘TS0’ command, or by selecting a different Alpha Blending Effect. For each video frame, the initial alpha value is applied to the pixels before the transition row or column. For pixels after the transition point, a second alpha is applied. The ‘TPS’ or ‘TSS’ command sets the transition point to a specific row or column position. The row or column refers to a position within the output video window that the effect is applied to. For example if Input 1 is displayed in a 640x360 pixel window, then the range of transition points for the vertical split can be set at positions from 0 to 639 pixels, regardless of the output video format or the location of the 640x360 pixel window in the video. Unlike the Transition Effects, the Alpha Split modes do not permanently change the alpha of the input.
For all Alpha Blending Effects, the default alpha after the transition is the inverse of the initial value; A fully visible layer changes to fully transparent and vice-versa.
NOTE: If the initial alpha is set for half visibility, the transition effects will change
from half visibility to the inverse, also half visibility, and no change will be visible on the output.
The ‘TPB’ or ‘TSB’ command can be used to set a specific alpha value to be used after the transition instead of the default alpha. If the alpha set in the command is the same as the initial alpha, then no change will be visible at the output.
Table 6: Alpha Blended Overlay Transition Effects
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Non-selected Layer: Set the transition speed in units of pixels per frame for the wipe modes.
‘nnnn’ is a positive integer between 1 and 4 digits in length.
Non-selected Layer: Set the transition speed for the fade mode in units of alpha change per frame.
‘nnnn’ is a positive integer between 1 and 4 digits in length and between 1 and 255 in value.
Non-selected Layer: Set the transition point for the Split Screen
Modes. ‘nnnn’ is the row or column number and can be
between one and four digits in length.
Non-selected Layer: Set the alpha value used in the Horizontal and Vertical Alpha Split modes for pixels after the transition point. ‘nnnn’ is an integer of between one and four digits in length. The valid range for alpha is 0 to 255.Setting a value greater than 255 causes the DX-2200 to use the default alpha, which is the inverse of the initial alpha.
Selected Layer: Complete any transition effect immediately or exit from the Alpha Split modes.
Selected Layer: Wipe from Top to Bottom
Selected Layer: Wipe from Bottom to Top
Selected Layer: Wipe from Right to Left
Selected Layer: Wipe from Left to Right
Selected Layer: Fade
Selected Layer: Horizontal Alpha Split
Selected Layer: Vertical Alpha Split
Selected Layer: Set the transition speed in units of pixels per frame for the wipe modes.
‘nnnn’ is a positive integer between 1 and 4 digits in length.
Selected Layer: Set the transition speed for the fade mode in units of alpha change per frame.
‘nnnn’ is a positive integer between 1 and 4 digits in length and between 1 and 255 in value.
Selected Layer: Set the transition point for the Split Screen
Modes. ‘nnnn’ is the row or column number and can be
between one and four digits in length.
Selected Layer: Set the alpha value used in the Horizontal and Vertical Alpha Split modes for pixels after the transition point.
‘nnnn’ is a number of between one and four digits in length. The
valid range for alpha is 0 to 255.Setting a value greater than 255 causes the DX-2200 to use the default alpha, which is the inverse of the initial alpha.
Example 1a:
Set the DX-2200 to the Alpha Blended Overlay Mode (Mode 5), Set the alpha to full visibilty to provide a hard switch between the two input
images, and
Use the Vertical Alpha Split Mode to split the screen vertically with the split
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position at column 400.
DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
The SERIAL Commands are as follows:
M5 A0 TPS400 TP7
Figure 8: Alpha Blended Vertical Split column 400 – Example 1a
NOTE: It is possible for a user to create special wipe effects by writing software on
a PC to issue a continuous string of TPSxxx SERIAL commands to wipe the video across the display as desired by the user.
Example 1b:
Starting from Example 1, move the split position to column 900.
Figure 9: Alpha Blended Vertical Split column 900 – Example 1b
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Command Code
Mode of Operation
Mode Control Commands
Full screen 2x1 switcher mode
PiP mode
PAP (side-by-side) mode
Split-screen mode
Alpha Blended Overlay
Standby switcher mode
Vertcially Stacked mode
The Mode Control SERIAL Command selects between: 2x1 Full-screen Switcher, PiP, PAP Split Screen, Alpha Blended Overlay, Standby Switcher, and the Vertically Stacked modes of operation.
The Mode Commands are listed in Table 7 below.
Table 7: Mode Control SERIAL Command Codes
When operating in Alpha Blended Mode, the DX-2200 allows the size and position of the output video windows corresponding to the selected and non-selected inputs to be changed. By default, both windows occupy the full screen.
The video window of the selected input mixes onto a black background. The ‘BS’ commands control the size and position of the selected input’s window. The non­selected input is mixed on top of the video window of the selected input and the black background. The ‘BP’ commands control the size and position of the non­selected input’s window.
The size and position of the output windows can be set either in pixels, or as a
percentage of the output video size. To specify percentage, include a ‘%’
character after the size. If the value for any parameter is set to ‘0’ without a ‘%’ character, the DX-2200 will use the default value for that parameter.
If either the width or height parameters for a window are set to 9999, then the DX-2200 will calculate a value for that parameter to preserve the aspect ratio of the input video. If both the width and height are set to 9999, then the video will be full screen.
The minimum size (width or height) for a window is 32 pixels. The DX-2200 will accept a smaller value in the commands, but will never display less than 32x32 pixels.
If a window size larger than full screen is specified, the DX-2200 will reduce the size to full screen. If a position and size are specified that causes a window to
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
Mode of Operation
Mode Control Commands
Set the top left corner X position of the non-selected input window
Set the top left corner Y position of the non-selected input window
Set the width of the non-selected input window
Set the height of the non-selected input window
Set the top left corner X position of the selected input window
Set the top left corner Y position of the selected input window
Set the width of the selected input window
Set the height of the selected input window
Reset the Size and Position of the non-selected input window to Default
Reset the Size and Position of the selected input window to Default
Where ‘nnnn’ can be a number of pixels between one and four digits in length, or be followed by a % sign to specify a percentage of the output video size, eg ‘50%’. When specified in %, the value can be an integer between 0 to 100.
extend beyond the video, the DX-2200 will change the x and y position as required to fit the requested window size into the video. It is not possible to clip the video by placing a window partially off screen.
NOTE: If the window size is full screen, then it is not possible to move the window
because any change in position would cause the window to extend off screen.
If these commands are executed in a mode other than Alpha Blended Overlay, the parameters are stored by the DX-2200, but won’t have any effect until Alpha Bended Overlay mode is selected.
For interlaced video, the vertical position and height has a resolution of two pixels.
Table 8: Alpha Blended Size and Position Control SERIAL Command Codes
Example 1a:
Select the Alpha Blended Overlay Mode and scale both inputs to 1000 x 562 pixels and position them in the center of the output video. This example is designed for use when the switcher operates with 720p output video.
The SERIAL commands are as follows:
M5 BPW1000 BSW1000 BPH562 BSH562 BPX140
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BSX140 BPY80 BSY80
Figure 10: Alpha Blended with scaling – Example 1a
Example 1b:
Starting from Example 1, display the Frame Count in the upper right corner of the video, change to the alpha Vertical Alpha Split Mode with full visibility, and position the split at column 400. Note that the column number refers to the columns of the scaled output image, not to the input video size.
SFM4 SF1X2000 SF1Y0025 A0 TP7 TPS400
Figure 11: Alpha Blended Vertical split with frame counter – Example 1b
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DX-2200 – Dual-view 2x1 SDI Video Switcher
The position and size of the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) display is selected through character commands sent via the RS-232 port per Table 9 below.
The commands P1, P2, P3 and P4 set the PiP position to predefined values and take effect immediately. The pre-defined positions are referenced to the four corners of the screen and include a default horizontal and vertical offset from the corner that depends on the video resolution. The PAnnnn and PBnnnn commands may be used to change the offsets. If the combination of PiP size and the offsets does not fit within the output video, the offsets will be automatically reduced as required.
The commands PS01 through PS16 set the Pip size to predefined widths in units of 16ths of the screen width with height set to maintain the source video aspect ratio of the source. The W, H, X, and Y commands are used to configure a custom size and position of the PiP and do not take effect until a PU or PR command is received. This allows all parameters to be configured and then applied simultaneously.
The PU (PiP update) command sets the PiP size and position to values selected by W, H, X and Y commands. This command ensures the PiP window is not larger than the output video stream (display screen) and will ensure the entire PiP window is visible to the user. If the selected position would result in the PiP window being partially off-screen, the position will be adjusted so that no part of the PiP window is off-screen. For example, in the 1280x720 mode, if the PiP size is 640x360 and the selected PiP position is 700 pixels right and 400 pixels down, the PU command will place the window at 640 pixels right and 360 pixels down so it is completely visible.
The PR (PiP ratio) command is the same as the PU command except it ignores the height set by the H command and sets the height based on the width to keep the aspect ratio of the input video source. For example, if the command sequence is W0480, H0300, PR, the size of the PiP window will be 480x270 pixels.
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