Microtek ArtixScan 120tf, ArtixScan 4000t, ScanWizard Pro TX Reference Manual

Pro TX
The Preview Window
The Settings Window
Advanced Image Correction Tools
The Job Panel Window
Reference Manual
ScanWizard Pro TX
Reference Manual
for Windows & Mac OS
2003 by Microtek International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Microtek™, Artix™, ScanWizard™ Pro TX, and ArtixScan™ are trademarks of Microtek International, Inc. Macintosh® and Apple® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer , Inc. W indows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders.
Documents that you scan may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized use of such documents could be a violation of the rights of the copyright holder . Microtek bears no responsibility for the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
T o obtain optimal results fr om the Microtek scanning software and user's manual, you should be familiar with such Windows concepts as pointing, clicking, dragging, and selecting from menus and dialog boxed. If these things are new to you, refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
February 2003
Microtek Lab, Inc.Microtek Lab, Inc.
Microtek Lab, Inc.Microtek Lab, Inc.
Microtek Lab, Inc. 16941 Keegan A venue Carson, CA 90746 USA TEL: 310-687-5800 FAX: 310-687-5950 http://www.microtekusa.com
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Microtek International, Inc.Microtek International, Inc.
Microtek International, Inc. 6, Industry East Road 3 Science Based Industrial Park Hsinchu, 30077, T aiwan TEL: 886-3-5772155 FAX: 886-3-5772598 http://www.microtek.com
Introduction 1
ScanWizard Pro TX: The Interface ......................................................................... 2
Launching ScanWizard Pro TX................................................................................3
Using the Scan mode .........................................................................................3
Using the Batch mode........................................................................................ 3
Exiting from ScanWizard Pro TX.............................................................................. 4
The Preview Window 5
The File Menu .............................................................................................................. 6
The Working Folder Concept............................................................................ 6
New Working Folder ........................................................................................... 7
Load ScanWizard Working folder .................................................................... 7
Save Working Folder As..................................................................................... 7
Show Current Working Folder Path ................................................................. 8
The Scanner Menu ....................................................................................................9
Scanner Model ....................................................................................................9
Current Scanner Info ........................................................................................ 10
Scanner Probe ...................................................................................................1 0
Scanner Driver Manager (Macintosh only) ................................................. 11
Scanner Control .................................................................................................1 3
The View Menu ......................................................................................................... 14
Prescan Image #n..............................................................................................14
Zoom In/Out ........................................................................................................15
Resize Window to Fit ........................................................................................15
Bring Settings Window to Front .....................................................................16
Show/Hide Info/Job Panel/All Tag Windows ..............................................16
Show/Hide High (White) & Low (Black) Value Markers ...........................16
About (Macintosh only) ...................................................................................1 6
The Preferences Menu ........................................................................................... 17
Scan Material ..................................................................................................... 17
Film Size ...............................................................................................................18
Color Matching Setup ......................................................................................1 9
White/Black Points Setup ............................................................................... 23
Auto Clipping tab.......................................................................................... 23
Output Levels tab .........................................................................................24
Highlight and Shadow Markers Value tab.............................................. 24
Cursor Auxiliary Lines .......................................................................................25
Prescan Setup .................................................................................................... 26
Monitor Gamma Setup (PC only) ....................................................................27
Invert ....................................................................................................................28
Retain Scan Module after Scan (Mac only) ................................................ 29
More .....................................................................................................................29
Keep Overview Image (PC only) ................................................................ 30
Smoked Glass Background ........................................................................30
Warn if No Holder is Inserted....................................................................30
Auto Focus for Final Scan ..........................................................................31
Auto Overview...............................................................................................31
Working Color Space (Mac)/Color Space Mode (PC) ..........................31
Scan Quality ..................................................................................................31
Best Quality Multiple Sampling.................................................................31
Interpolation Mode ...................................................................................... 33
Memory Usage (Mac only)......................................................................... 33
Default Orientation ......................................................................................3 3
Scratch Directory (Mac only) ....................................................................3 4
Thumbnail Size (PC only)............................................................................. 34
The Correction Menu ............................................................................................... 34
The Help Menu ..........................................................................................................35
The Toolbar ................................................................................................................36
Scan Frame tool .................................................................................................3 7
Zoom tool ............................................................................................................. 39
Pane tool ............................................................................................................. 40
Dropper tool........................................................................................................ 41
The Tag Window tool ....................................................................................... 42
To create a tag window ..............................................................................4 2
To close tag window(s) ...............................................................................42
Adjusting shadow & highlight with Magic Diamonds.......................... 43
Adjusting color cast with Magic Diamonds (LCH mode only) ............43
The White & Black Eyedropper tool ............................................................. 43
To create the White and Black Eyedropper tool ..................................43
Adjusting shadow & highlight with White & Black
Eyedropper tools .......................................................................................... 44
Color information preview in pixel ................................................................. 44
To restore original settings .............................................................................45
Overview, Prescan, Scan ........................................................................................46
Overview button ................................................................................................. 46
Prescan button .................................................................................................. 4 6
Scan button ........................................................................................................47
Rulers, Unit of Measurement ................................................................................. 48
Preview Area..............................................................................................................49
Auxiliary information and Handy buttons ...........................................................50
Prescan image resolution ................................................................................50
Zoom in/out scale .............................................................................................. 50
Zoom-in ................................................................................................................50
Zoom-out ............................................................................................................. 50
Toggle for momentary flashing of White and Black Markers.................. 50
The Settings Window 51
Elements of the Settings window .........................................................................51
Job ...............................................................................................................................54
Type .............................................................................................................................55
Grayscale ............................................................................................................ 55
CMYK ....................................................................................................................55
Lab Color..............................................................................................................55
Web/Internet Colors .........................................................................................56
256 Colors (Default)/256 Colors (Custom) .....................................................56
Line art .................................................................................................................5 6
Black-and-White Diffusion ..............................................................................56
Resolution settings .................................................................................................. 57
A. Resolution list box ........................................................................................ 57
B. Resolution unit .............................................................................................. 58
Scan Frame and related settings.......................................................................... 59
Scan Frame settings .........................................................................................59
Scaling Setting ................................................................................................... 60
Output settings .................................................................................................. 61
Image Size ..................................................................................................................6 1
Unit of Measurement...............................................................................................61
Scan Frame options .................................................................................................6 2
Fixed Scan Frame .............................................................................................. 62
Fixed Output Size...............................................................................................6 2
Keep Proportion .................................................................................................6 2
Scanner Profile .......................................................................................................... 64
Image Category......................................................................................................... 65
Advanced Image Correction Tools 67
The LCH Color Model ............................................................................................... 68
AIC Tools in LCH vs Native Color Mode ...............................................................6 9
AIC Tools and your Image Type............................................................................. 70
Workflow for Optimizing Images............................................................................ 71
Accessing the AIC Tools.........................................................................................73
Elements of the Advanced Image Correction screen ......................................7 4
The Action Buttons and User-Defined Settings................................................ 7 5
Default button ....................................................................................................75
Revert button...................................................................................................... 75
Add to Menu button ..........................................................................................76
Cancel button ..................................................................................................... 76
OK button ............................................................................................................. 76
The Reset button...............................................................................................77
Loading/retrieving user-defined AIC settings .................................................... 78
Removing user-defined AIC settings .................................................................... 78
Dynamic Range tool .................................................................................................7 9
Eyedropper tools ............................................................................................... 80
White & Black Points tool (LCH color mode)......................................................81
Eyedropper tools ............................................................................................... 82
The W&B Points dialog box in Native color mode ....................................83
Gradation tool ............................................................................................................84
How to read the curve...................................................................................... 84
The Gradation dialog box................................................................................85
Eyedropper tool (Mac only) ............................................................................ 87
Color Cast tool ........................................................................................................... 88
Eyedropper tool ........................................................................................................89
Saturation tool ...........................................................................................................90
Selective Color tool ..................................................................................................9 1
How to use the Selective Color tool .....................................................................9 2
Tone Curve tool .........................................................................................................97
Filter tool .....................................................................................................................99
Blur filters..........................................................................................................100
Sharpen filters .................................................................................................. 100
Edge Enhancement filter............................................................................... 101
Emboss filter .....................................................................................................101
Unsharp Masking (USM) filter ......................................................................102
Gaussian Blur filter .......................................................................................... 103
Brightness and Contrast tool (Native Color Mode only) ................................ 104
Color Correction tool (Native Color Mode only)...............................................10 5
The Information Window 106
Mouse Pointer Position......................................................................................... 106
Color Input Meter ...................................................................................................1 07
Color Output Meter.................................................................................................107
Color Meter Options ...............................................................................................10 8
Sample Display Area..............................................................................................10 8
Creating Color Tag Windows................................................................................109
The Job Panel Window 111
Image type list box .................................................................................................1 12
Thumbnails of overview images.......................................................................... 112
Checked scan job ................................................................................................... 112
Current scan job .....................................................................................................112
Tool bar buttons...................................................................................................... 112
Selecting Multiple Scan Jobs ............................................................................. 113
Editing Multiple Scan Jobs ..................................................................................1 13
Appendix 115 A: Color Matching for Advanced Users 116
For Macintosh users..............................................................................................11 6
Calibrating your monitor.................................................................................116
Setting up the System (Monitor) Profile .....................................................1 16
Using images in third-party applications ...................................................1 17
A. Using ColorSync-savvy applications ................................................. 117
B. Using non-ColorSync-savvy applications ........................................118
For Windows users.................................................................................................119
System Monitor Profile Setup .......................................................................119
ICC Profile-Aware vs. non-ICC Profile-Aware applications ....................120
Color Matching Setup using ICC Profile-Aware applications ................ 121
Color Matching Setup using non-ICC Profile-Aware applications .......122
Color Matching Setup dialog button functions........................................ 123
Add Profiles button ......................................................................................... 123
Info button ........................................................................................................123
Preview button .................................................................................................123
Refresh button .................................................................................................123
B: Kodak Color Management System 124
KCMS Overview ....................................................................................................... 124
Some Background Information ....................................................................1 24
The Idea Behind Color Management ..........................................................124
How Color Management Works ...................................................................1 25
How CMS Translates between Devices ..................................................... 125
What are Device Color Profiles ....................................................................1 26
Where Do Color Profiles Come From?.......................................................... 126
A Word about Source and Destination ......................................................127
Controlling UCR & GCR...........................................................................................128
Controlling UCR and GCR with Professional CMYK Profiles....................128
Some Background........................................................................................... 1 28
UCR...................................................................................................................... 129
Advantages & Disadvantages to UCR ........................................................129
GCR...................................................................................................................... 130
Advantages & Problems of GCR ...................................................................130
Professional CMYK Profiles Package.................................................................131
What You Get with Pr ofessional CMYK Profiles Package ......................131
EUROPEAN PRINTING ST ANDARDS: ...........................................................131
U.S. CMYK SWOP PRINTING ST ANDARDS: ................................................132
JAP ANESE PRINTING ST ANDARDS:............................................................132
Check With Your Service Provider ............................................................... 133
C: Available File Formats for “Scan to File” Function” 134 D: Photoshop Color Settings 136
Calibrating your monitor........................................................................................ 137
RGB Setup with your monitor ICC profile ........................................................... 140
CMYK setup information .......................................................................................141
Profile setup information ......................................................................................142
Reference: The Preview window 1
This reference manual describes the various commands and features found in the ScanWizard Pro TX scanning software for Macintosh.
The reference information is organized in four parts, corresponding to the four major windows of the program:
Preview windowPreview window
Preview windowPreview window
Preview window
Settings windowSettings window
Settings windowSettings window
Settings window
Information windowInformation window
Information windowInformation window
Information window
Job Panel windowJob Panel window
Job Panel windowJob Panel window
Job Panel window
2 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Scan Job window
provides functions for managing scan jobs
Information window provides color
information on a selected area of the
Preview window
has commands and
tools for controlling
the scanner
ScanWizard Pro TX: The Interface
ScanWizar d Pro TX consists of four major windows: Preview, Settings, Information, and Job Panel.
All four windows appear automatically after ScanWizard Pro TX is started up (in either LCH or Native color mode) for the first time. Y ou may hide or show the InformationInformation
Information window by clicking on the Hide/Show toggle commands in the View menu of the
eview window.
Settings window contains the scanning parameters for the output image. It also
provides the advanced image correction
AIC tools for image editing in the scan
window under
LCH ” Color
Space Mode
Settings window under “ Native” Color Space Mode
Information window under “ Native” Color Space Mode
Information window
under “ LCH” Color
Space Mode
Reference: The Preview window 3
Launching ScanWizard Pro TX
ScanWizar d Pro TX operates in two modes, namely, the
Scan Scan
Scan Scan
Scan an d the
1) The
Scan ( o r s c an - to - application) mode, in which ScanWizard Pro TX is “acquired” through an image-editing software program like Adobe Photoshop. The output images are scanned and directly delivered (individually or in batches) to the image-editing application for further processing.
2) The
Batch ( o r scan-to-file) mode launches the ScanWizard Pro TX as a stand­alone application from the desktop program icon (and/or from the Apple menu for Mac/Windows Start menu for PC). The output images are scanned and saved to files individually or in batches.
Using the Scan mode
Scan Scan
Scan Scan
Scan mode refers to launching ScanWizard Pro TX from a TWAIN
compatible image-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. To operate ScanWizard Pro TX in the
Scan mode, launch your image-editing software. When the software program is ready, go to the File menu, and choose Import Import
Import Import
Import or
Acquire (depending on the software you are using) from its submenu. This will automatically launch ScanWizard Pro TX. The four major windows that form the interface of ScanWizard Pro TX will then appear on your screen.
Using the Batch mode
Batch mode of operating ScanWizard Pro TX allows you to set up scan jobs individually or in “batches”. It auto scans your multiple selections of originals and directly save them to a predesignated file.
T o launch ScanW izard Pr o TX in the
Batch mode-
Mac users:
Click your ScanWizard Pro TX application desktop or the Applet located in the ScanWizar d Pr o TX folder. You can also start the program from the Apple menu.
PC users:
Click on the ScanWizard Pro TX program icon on your desktop or go to the Start menu|Program|Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX|Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX
4 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Exiting from ScanWizard Pro TX
T o exit ScanW izard Pr o TX, go to the
eview window, and from the File menu,
choose the Quit command. Y ou may also quit the program by­Mac users:Mac users:
Mac users:Mac users:
Mac users: Press the
Apple+Q combination keys on your keyboard.
PC users:PC users:
PC users:PC users:
PC users: Click on the
Close button at top-right corner of the
eview window.
Reference: The Preview window 5
The Preview Window
Preview window is the primary window of ScanWizard Pro TX.
Overview button:
Previews the entire film
Prescan button:
Previews a high-
resolution image of the
selected scan job
Scan Material icon: Selects the type of scan material (Negative or Positive Film)
Scan button: Starts the scanning process.
Unit of
Choose from inch,
cm, mm, point, pica,
& pixel
Overview image of the currently selected scan job in Job Panel
T oolbar: (Left to right) Scan Frame, Zoom, Pane, and Tag Windows
Window Corner: Drag to proportionally resize the Preview window
Status bar: Provides
tips relative to the
selected tool in the
Prescan image
Handy buttons for
Zoom in/out
Eject button: Ejects the filmstrip/slide/ APS cartridge holder from the scanner
Scan Frame: Selects the area for final scan. Drag on corner/side to resize
White & Black Points Markers:
Pinpoint to the white & black points of current prescan image
Prescan Frame Option: When this option is set to “Scan Frame,” only the area enclosed by the Scan Frame is prescanned & scanned
Switch for momentary flashing of White & Black
Points Markers
Prescan Frame option showing “Scan Frame” setting icon
Film Size icon: Selects film size for 120 film (6 x 9 cm) suported scanners
6 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
The File Menu
The File Menu lets you do the following:
Create a new working folder for saving custom-made scanning settings
Load previously saved scanning settings in a working folder and apply to current scan session
Save a modified working folder to another folder for future use
Show the location of the working folder currently in use
Exit ScanWizard Pro TX
The Working Folder Concept
The ScanWizard Pr o TX Working Folder is a tool that helps you enhance your scanning productivity, especially when you have to perform several scanning jobs of the same type of originals. All of your favorite image setting context for previews or prescans, including AIC adjustments are automatically saved and kept in a default or user-defined Working Folder. Several sets of settings in various contexts can be saved. The accumulated settings are then retrieved and loaded into ScanWizard Pro TX, and auto-applied to a new set of originals (of the same type) during subsequent scanning sessions. This saves your time from performing needless repetitive adjustments.
(Macintosh) (Windows)
Reference: The Preview window 7
New Working Folder
This command creates a new working folder where a new set of custom image settings is saved.
To create a new working folder:
1. Choose New W orking Folder fr om the File menu.
2. When the browser dialog box appears, create a new folder name in the edit
Load ScanWizard Working folder
This command loads a previously saved working folder into your current scan session. The loaded working folder becomes the default settings for the current scan session.
To load a working folder:
1. Choose Load Working Folder from the File menu.
2. When the browser dialog box appears, select the folder to be loaded, and
click the Open button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Save Working Folder As
This command lets you save a modified copy of the current working folder to a separate or new location. The settings of the current working folder are saved first and then copied and switched to the new location. This is particularly useful when you want to work on a new working folder based on the settings of the current working folder .
To save a working folder:
1. Choose Save W orking folder As fr om the File menu.
2. When a dialog box appears, choose the folder where the scan settings will be
saved. Subsequent scan jobs setting are then saved to the specified folder .
8 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Show Current Working Folder Path
This command shows the foldername and location of the working folder in use by the current scanning session. By default, the current working folder has the same name as your scanner model (eg., ArtixScan 4000t), and is located in the same folder where your ScanWizard Pro TX is located. When you load or create a new working folder, the loaded or newly created folder then becomes the current working folder .
To show the current working folder: Choose Show Current Working folder Path from the File menu.
This command lets you exit ScanWizard Pro TX.
Reference: The Preview window 9
The Scanner Menu
The Scanner Menu lets you:
Show your scanner model or select a scanner if you have multiple scanners
Get information about your scanner
Get scanner information on the SCSI/USB chain
Easily manage the scanners being used by your system (Macintosh only)
Power -saving control during idle time
Scanner Model
The top item(s) of the scanner menu displays the scanner model currently in use and its respective SCSI or USB ID number . If you have multiple scanners on your system, all the scanners are shown with their respective SCSI or USB IDs, and the current scanner is shown with a check mark.
Only one scanner can be accessed at a time. To switch among various scanners, select the scanner to be used.
The scanner with its SCSI or USB ID number is displayed. The current scanner has a check mark
10 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Current Scanner Info
This command provides information about your current scanner. When you choose this command, a dialog box appears showing the scanner model, the SCSI or USB ID number , and the firmware version.
Scanner Probe
This command shows the scanner information on your SCSI/USB chain. If your scanner does not show in the dialog box, make sure your scanner is connected and turned on, and then click the Probe button. Please follow the scanner hardware installation guide for proper procedures on connecting your scanner.
Select your interface
card here
Click on the Probe
button to update
information or mount
a SCSI device if it's
not showing in the
dialog box
SCSI devices are shown with their corresponding SCSI ID numbers
The SCSI/USB Chain dialog box
Select your interface card here
Reference: The Preview window 11
Scanner Driver Manager (Macintosh only)
The Scanner Driver Manager keeps track of the scanners being used on your system and their corresponding bus/ID numbers. By keeping a record of this information, the Scanner Driver Manager allows ScanWizard Pro TX to start up faster, as searching for devices from other buses is no longer required.
When ScanWizard Pro TX is run for the first time right after installation, all pre­connected powered-on scanners and corresponding SCSI/USB ID or SCSI/USB bus are automatically detected and added to the Scanner List of the Scanner Driver Manager dialog box.
Find Scanners button
Whenever you change the SCSI/USB ID or SCSI/USB bus of a scanner or increase the number of connected scanners while ScanWizard Pro TX is running, you need to add the new devices to the list by following the steps below.
1. Go to the Scanner menu in the Preview window, and choose Scanner Driver
Manager. A dialog box will appear showing the current scanner list and the corresponding SCSI or USB bus/ID numbers of the scanners.
2. Click the Find Scanners button. Observe the newly found scanners being
appended to the scanner list.
: Any previously listed scanner which is inactive (not turned on or removed
from the system) will r emain in the list but is shown with a question mark (?).
3. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.
12 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Remove Scanner button
To remove a listed scanner from the Scanner List, do the following:
1. Choose Scanner Driver Manager from the Scanner menu.
2. Choose the scanner you wish to be removed from the list.
3. Click the RemoveScanner button.
4. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.
Update List button
The Update List button is used to refresh your scanner list. For instance, you may have three scanners on your system, with two of them currently turned off. When you choose Scanner Driver Manager, the dialog box may show a question mark in front of the two scanners that have been turned off. In this case, simply click the Update List button, and the scanner list will be refreshed and show only the connected one on the list.
Clicking the Update List button produces faster results than clicking the “Find Scanners” button. Update List simply searches the scanner models already on your list, while Find Scanners looks through all the buses and does a more thorough search of the system before giving you the results.
Scanner Probe button
See Scanner Probe command in the previous section.
Reference: The Preview window 13
Scanner Control
The film scanner provides an energy-saving feature whereby the scanning lamp switches to power-saving mode when the scanner r emains idle for a defined period of time. It will revert to full power mode as soon as the Overview, Prescan, or Scan/Batch button is clicked. Aside from saving power, the feature also helps extend the service life of the lamp and prevents the caking and deforming of film being scanned due to long period of exposure to lamp heat.
The default idle time to induce the scanning lamp into power-saving mode and the time needed for the lamp to warm up, revert to full power, and start the scanning, opeation varies among scanner models. Y ou may define your own idle and warm-up time intervals or disable the feature altogether by clicking on the “Scanner Control...” menu command. The following Scanner Control dialog box will then display to allow you to change the default settings.
Define idle time interval for Power Saving mode
to take effect (60 minutes maximum)
Uncheck check
box to disable
Power Saving
Define warm-up time
required for lamp to
revert to full power mode
14 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
The View Menu
The View menu lets you:
Select a prescan view of an image
Magnify or reduce (zoom in /zoom out) the prescan image
Resize the Preview window to fit
Bring the Settings window to the front
Show or hide the Info, T ag, and Scan Job windows
Show or hide the High (White) and Low (Black) V alue Markers
Show the ScanWizard Pro TX splash screen
Prescan Image #n
This command is available only after performing a prescan of the overview images in the Job Panel window. The number of commands indicates the total available number of prescanned images. Select the appropriate command to display the corresponding prescan image in the main Preview window for further editing. The selected command is shown with a check mark to indicate the image you are currently working and is on display.
Likewise, the Job Panel will highlight the image you have selected. Y ou may also make the selection from the Job Panel window instead of making it from the View menu. Clicking directly on any of the multiple overview images in the Job Panel will also display its corresponding prescan image in the main Preview window.
(Macintosh) (Windows)
Reference: The Preview window 15
Before resizing
After resizing
Zoom In/Out
These commands allow you to magnify (Zoom In) or reduce (Zoom Out) the prescan or scanned image in the Preview window.
Alternatively, you can use the magnifying glass tool in the Preview window's Toolbar or use the Handy buttons at the bottom of the Preview window to accomplish the same effect.
Resize Window to Fit
This command trims an oversized Preview window to fit the prescan image size under preview to provide more desktop space to display other ScanWizard Pro TX windows. This is done without affecting the image size.
In the example below, the Preview window at the left is oversized with plenty of extra idle spaces to its right and bottom. After executing the Resize command from the View menu, the extra spaces are trimmed and the Preview window is proportionally resized to accommodate the image size.
16 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Bring Settings Window to Front
This command brings the Settings window to the forefront, which is useful if you have the Settings window hidden behind other windows or if you have expanded your Preview window so that the Settings window is hidden behind it.
Show/Hide Info/Job Panel/All T ag Windows
These commands allow you to toggle between showing or hiding the Information, Job Panel window, and the T ag windows on your screen.
Show/Hide High (White) & Low (Black) Value Markers
These commands show or hide the Low & High Value Markers (White & Black Markers for Windows) in the Preview window. By default, the Markers are shown in the form of a circular crossbar. A white circle in the middle represents the Low Value (black point) Marker, and a black circle in the middle r epresents the High V alue (white point) Marker .
About (Macintosh only)
This command displays the ScanWizard Pro TX splash screen and shows the program's version number.
Reference: The Preview Window 17
The Preferences Menu
The Preferences menu lets you:
Choose the correct scan material
Choose the correct film size (for 6 x 9 cm film supported scanner only)
Specify color matching parameters
Set up White/black points
Show/hide auxiliary cursor lines
Control Prescan settings
Create effects like invert
Activate the smoked glass effect
Set other options, such as specifying a working directory for files
Activate Multiple-Sampling feature to maximize scan image quality (appli-
cable to scanners that supports this feature only)
Scan Material
This command allows you to select the correct scan material. Scan materials can be classified into two types:
35mm positive transparencies
35mm and APS negative films Make sure you specify the correct scan material, or you will get inaccurate
scanning results.
18 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
2. Alternatively, you can click the Scan Material icon from the Preview window
and then choose the correct scan material from the drop-down menu that appears.
To choose your scan material:
1. Choose the Scan Material command in the Preferences menu. From the
submenu that appears, select your scan material; a check mark will appear on the selected option.
(Positive transparency)
(Negative film)
Film Size
This command allows you to select the correct film size for 6 x 9 cm film supported scanners (e.g., ArtixScan 120tf). If your scanner does not support scanning 6 x 9 cm film, the Film Size command will not display.
To choose your Film Size:
1. When the 6 x 9 cm film holder is inserted, the Film Size command is
activated. You can choose the Film Size command in the Preferences menu. Then select your film size; a check mark will appear on the selected option.
2. Alternatively, you can click the Film Size icon from the Preview window and then choose the correct film size from the drop-down that appears.
Reference: The Preview Window 19
Color Matching Setup
Color Matching is an important feature of ScanWizard Pro TX that ensures consistent color — from the initial input stage when an image is captured by the scanner , to the final output stage when the image is output to your monitor or printer through either the Kodak CMS with ICC profile standard or Apple ColorSync™ technology (the latter applicable to Macintosh only).
Color matching is a critical component in the imaging process, because the color space of your monitor is different from that of your printer (in terms of output devices), just as the color space for RGB mode is different from the color space for CMYK mode (in terms of image types). For this reason, color matching was developed to allow an equivalent “mapping” of colors from one device or from one color space to another, ensuring that no major color shifts occur in the transference process.
More Color Matching details are discussed in Appendix A of the ScanWizard Pro TX User's Guide.
Macintosh, t h e first time you launch ScanWizard Pro TX, you are
prompted to set up color matching for your scanner. Under
Windows, you are asked to define color matching settings immediately right after ScanWizard Pro TX installation is completed. The Color Matching Setup command in the Preferences menu is used to redefine or change color matching settings whenever required after the initial setup.
20 Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Display using monitor compensation Mac users
: Before you pr oceed with specifying your Color Matching Setup options, you should find out whether the image-editing or page-layout application you are using to edit or process the scanned images is ColorSync-savvy or not.
This is because the settings in the Color Matching Setup dialog box will vary , depending on the image-editing application you are using. An example of a ColorSync-savvy application is Adobe Photoshop 5.02 (or later). An example of a non-ColorSync-savvy application is an earlier version of Photoshop, such as 4.0. A non-ColorSync-savvy application is a program that does not know how to r ead or handle embedded ICC profile information. In this case, the ICC profile data is ignor ed.
For ColorSync-savvy applications such as Adobe Photoshop 5.02 (or later), check this box, which pertains to how your monitor displays color, relative to the RGB Destination color space. Checking this box ensures that there are no unexpected color shifts between your selected RGB Destination space and your monitor. Checking or unchecking this check box af fects only the way the image data is displayed and not the image data itself.
The monitor selection shown here is the monitor set in your Monitor Control Panel. To verify this information, go to your Apple Menu, select Control Panel, then Monitor. Y our selected monitor will be shown, which should be the same as the entry in this dialog box.
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: This setting only af fects how the image is shown on the screen — not the final scanned image.
PC users
This option controls how the RGB destination data will be displayed. If this option is unchecked, the RGB data is displayed directly on the monitor . If checked, RGB destination data will be compensated according to the selected monitor type before it is displayed on the monitor .
This feature allows you to select the color monitor type that is used for displaying RGB data. The monitor profile will be applied only when the “Display using monitor compensation” option is checked.
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: If your monitor type is not listed, select Generic P22 or Generic EBU. These two profiles are compatible with most monitors.
Reference: The Preview Window 21
Native Mode RGB color matching
This option is available only for Native color space mode. This check box should generally be checked unless you want to scan raw color data, in which case you lose the compensatory effects of the Color Matching System. Take note that it is not desirable to scan in raw data and then perform data conversion, which will not generate the correct CMS effect.
This item is grayed (disabled) when you are under LCH mode.
Embed ICC destination profile in scan image
When scanning through an image application such as Adobe Photoshop 5.0 or later , check this box. This feature will enable ScanW izar d Pr o TX to embed the Destination ICC profile into the image data. The information will then be properly interpreted by Photoshop (or any ColorSync-savvy application for Mac).
For Mac users only:For Mac users only:
For Mac users only:For Mac users only:
For Mac users only: For non-ColorSync-savvy applications such as Adobe Photoshop 4.0, uncheck this box if turning it on causes any kind of problem (computer crashes, weird color effects, etc.).
RGB Destination
: A large number of RGB profiles is supplied by ScanWizar d Pro TX. If you do not see the ICC profile for your monitor or RGB device, contact your device manufactur er. To load a specific ICC profile fr om a different folder, click the RGB profile button (beside the drop-down menu), and select the profile you need.
Mac users
This feature lets you select the ICC profile in the ColorSync folder for outputting images to the RGB color space. Y ou may select fr om Scanner RGB, Monitor, RGB printer (e.g., inkjet printers), a special color space, or the Adobe Photoshop 5.0 (or later) internal color space profile. For Photoshop 5.0 (or later) users, you may export its internal color space to an ICC profile. If you are not sure what to choose, select your current monitor profile.
PC users
This feature lets you select the RGB output device (e.g., display monitor , or RGB­based printer) for matching the RGB-color family of images (including RGB colors, 48-bit RGB colors, and 256 colors image types).
If you are scanning through an ICC Profile-Aware application (Adobe Photoshop
5.0 or later) select Scanner RGB from the list. Refer to Appendix A of the ScanWizar d Pro TX User's Guide for more details on ICC Pr ofile-Aware applications.
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