microSYST migra PN User Manual

microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
User’s Manual
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Table of Contents
3.1 Tips and Tricks 8
3.2 Device Configuration 9
3.3 Display Elements 10
3.4 System and Device Start-Up 11
3.5 Profinet Interface 12
3.5.1 Communication 12
3.5.2 Configuration of the Profinet Controller 13
3.5.3 Profinet Device: Assign Name 17
3.5.4 Start of Profinet Communication 18
3.5.5 Send Data Frame (Profinet Output -> Display) 19
3.5.6 Receive Data Frame (Display -> Profinet Input) 19
3.6 Online Frame Layout (Interface Data) 20
3.6.1 Header 21
3.6.2 Data Unit 21
3.6.3 Trail 21
3.7 Displays with a Vertical Resolution > 64 Pixels 22
3.7.1 General 22
3.7.2 Controlling 23
3.8 Description of the Data Unit for Online Frames 24
3.8.1 Online Texts 25 Selecting a Character Set 25 Positioning the Cursor 26 Configuring Attributes 26
3.8.2 Texts, Graphics, Variables and Bargraphs 27 Querying Text 27 Adjusting Speed for Moving Screen Texts 27 Querying Graphics 27 Querying Variables 28 Setting the Variables 28 Increasing and Decreasing Variables 29 Positioning the Variables 29
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de Querying Bargraphs 30 Setting Bargraphs 30
3.8.3 Direct Graphic Control 33 Clear Display and Fill 33 Setting the Decimal Point 33 Reading Out the Decimal Point from the Display 33 Drawing a Rectangle 34 Scrolling 35 Displays with vertical Resolution < 64 Pixels 35 Displays with vertical Resolution > 64 Pixels 36
3.8.4 General Functions 37 Selecting Blinking Period Duration 37 Adjusting Brightness 37
3.8.5 Digital Inputs and Outputs 38
3.8.6 Macros 39 Start Macro Execution 39 Pause during Macro Execution 39 Stop Macro Execution 39
3.9 Response Frames 40
3.10 Multiple ESC-Sequences 41
3.11 Examples 42
3.11.1 Write Online Text „Hello“ (with response frame) 42
3.11.2 Query Text No. 0 43
3.11.3 Query Variable No. 1 43
3.11.4 Set Variable No. 1 to „3000“ 44
3.11.5 Increase Variable No. 1 44
3.12 Parallel Interface 45
3.12.1 Timing at the Parallels Inputs 45
3.12.2 Input Level at the Parallel Inputs 45
3.12.3 Querying Text 46
3.12.4 Querying Graphics 47
3.12.5 Setting the Variables 48
3.12.6 Querying Macros 49
4.1 Controller Board 53
4.2 Profinet Interface 55
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
5.1 Displayable Characters 56
5.2 Maintenance and Care 57
5.3 Declaration of Conformity 58
5.4 Warranty / Liability 58
5.5 Versions Overview 60
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Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
1 General
The large format, graphics compatible display can be used universally for displaying production data, or as an information board.
The modular design allows for cost-effective models of various size, and with different character heights and numbers of digits.
Especially important information can be colour-highlighted with the mul­ticolour model (MC).
Display Functions
Data transmission: Profinet IO (device), serial interface RS232 (or RS485)
or parallel interface (option).
Configuration with PC software (via serial port) Both texts (different font sizes and types) and graphics can be displayed Standard font, flashing font, moving screen text, scrolling, inverse display Monitor display, stored texts and graphics can be queried, variables can be
displayed, execution of macros
Variable size thanks to modular display design.
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
2 System Overview
Schematic diagram of the display unit at the interface:
Alphanumeric Display
Control Module for Display Unit
Graphics Compatible, Large Format LED Display with Profinet IO Interface, Parallel Inputs and Outputs (optional) and RS232 Interface
0 21 22 23
24 25 26 2
7 28 29 210
211 On / Off Select Strobe
Parallel Inputs (optional)
Profinet IO Controller
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3 Technical Data
General Specifications
Display type: LED dot matrix display Display: ASCII character set (Windows character sets), graphics Display colour: type SC: single colour, type MC: multicolour View: single or double sided Operating voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz, 110 V / 60 Hz or 24 VDC +/-20 % Housing: powder coated aluminum Housing dimensions: see chapter “device configuration” Mounting: articulated arm or hanging mount bracket for wall mounting Protection: IP54 or IP65 Operating temp.: 0 to +50 C (optionally -20 to +50 °C) Storage temp.: -25 to +70 C Graphics: max. 1000 Texts: max. 1000 (max. 255 moving screen texts) Variables: max. 1000 Macros: max. 1000
Character sets: max. 100
Profinet IO Data
Interface: 2 x Profinet IO (with integrated switch) Baud rate: 100 Mbit/s Standards: IEC 61158 / 61784 Profinet IO device RT (conformance class B) Profinet IO device IRT (conformance class C) Features: - Base: Siemens ERTEC200
- Real-time classes 1, 2 and 3
- MRP (media redundancy)
- Fast Startup
- Send clock = 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 ms
- Clock divider = 1…512 (RT), 1…16 (IRT)
- Output data width = 0…250 bytes
- Input data width = 0…250 bytes
- Vendor-/Device-ID = 01CFh / 0001h
The available flash memory capacity for graphics, texts, variables, char­acter sets and macros depends on the vertical resolution of the display:
Vertical resolution 64 Pixel: 64 KByte Vertical resolution > 64 Pixel: 448 KByte
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.1 Tips and Tricks
When putting on the power supply, the following sequence has to be ob-
o Connect the power supply cable to the display. o Connect the power supply cable to the power supply.
When disconnecting the power supply, the following sequence has to be
o Disconnect the power supply cable from the power supply. o Disconnect the power supply cable from the display.
Be sure to use a valid colour when creating texts.
Example: Green lettering may not be used with a red, single colour display (no display appears in this case).
When selecting x and y coordinates for the purpose of positioning,
the desired position must actually exist at the display (resolution in pixels).
Graphics, texts and variables to be displayed must properly fit into
the display unit.
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.2 Device Configuration
Number of pixels (horizontal x vertical): _________x_________
Display colour:
red green yellow white blue
single sided double sided
Operating voltage:
230 V / 50 Hz 110 V / 60 Hz 24 V DC
IP54 IP65
Temperature range:
0 to +50 °C -25 to +50 °C
Housing dimensions: ________x________x________mm
Housing colour: RAL _____________ Housing material: Aluminium profile
Stainless steel Sheet metal Interface:
Profinet IO RT RS 232 digital output RS 485 parallel interface USB
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.3 Display Elements
Alphanumeric display modules with 16 x 16, 64 x 8 or 64 x 16 dot matri­ces are utilized.
Attention: As far as the software is concerned, there is no difference be­tween modules with 16 pixel lines and modules with 8 pixel lines. The last 8 lines are simply not visible at a module with 8 pixel lines.
The following example depicts a module with 64 x 16 pixels including three different character heights:
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.4 System and Device Start-Up
The large format display performs internal memory and function tests during power-up (duration: less than one second).
If the display is not illuminated (and if the integrated functions LED blinks slowly, i.e. 1 Hz), the device is in the boot mode. This indicates that the software or the configuration data currently stored to the inte­grated flash memory are incomplete. This may result from a previously interrupted upload operation. If this is the case, uploading must be re­peated (with the help of the PC software).
If the test mode has been activated (S 4), a series of checkerboard pat­terns is displayed in a cyclical fashion.
If the test mode has not been activated, the following parameters (serial interface) appear at the large format display, depending upon the HEX switch settings at the device:
Device address (ID) Baud rate Number of data bits Type of parity bit Number of stop bits
These parameters have no meaning for the Profinet interface. After power-up, the first macro is executed (if one exists). If the display
unit is to be cleared again immediately, a corresponding macro must ex­ist!
The display unit then tries to connect with the Profinet IO controller.
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.5 Profinet Interface
Device name at delivery: None
Max. user data: 250 bytes output data, 250 bytes input data GSD file: Is part of the delivery
3.5.1 Communication
The communication between the Profinet controller and the display (Profinet device) happens in cyclic data traffic. The input and output data width is speci­fied by means of the configuration via the Profinet controller.
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.5.2 Configuration of the Profinet Controller
The Profinet controller must be configured properly in order to communicate with the Profinet device.
The following descriptions refer to the "HW Config" tool from Siemens and are intended to represent the principle. This works of course with the tools of other manufacturers.
First, the GSDML file (“GSDML-V2.2-microSYST-01CF-MifacePNIO-....xml“)
has to be added to the „device catalogue“ of the configuration tool (menu item „Options/Install GSD File...“). Then, the interface is shown in the cata-
logue view as follows:
Now you can choose between 3 different „Device Access Points“:
- DAP1 (no PDEV), if your Profinet controller does not know a „physical device“ (usually only with older Profinet controllers)
- DAP2 (standard, no MRP),
if the MRP ability of the interface shall not be activated.
- DAP3 (standard),
if the MRP ability of the interface shall be activated.
„Drag“ the needed „DAP“ to your Profinet system:
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Consider a meaningful name for the device and rename the interface (here “miface1”) accordingly:
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
In the next step the I/O data width of the cyclic Profinet communication must be defined.
The output data width must be at least 2 bytes higher than the largest data frame, that shall be transmitted via the RS interface.
(If no RS frames have to be sent, the output data width can be set to 0.)
The input data width must be at least 2 bytes higher than the largest data frame, that shall be received via the RS interface.
(If no RS frames have to be received, the input data width can be set to 0.)
There are Profinet IO modules with a data width of 1…250 bytes available:
Adjust the necessary “total I/O data width” with any combination of the mod- ules above (max. 4). Therefore “drag” the I/O-modules into the slots of the
Profinet interface and obey that a maximum of 250 output- and 250 input­bytes are allowed.
Example: 240 bytes output, 240 bytes input
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Example: 40 bytes output, 16 bytes input
Do not forget to define the I/O-addresses according to your needs!
The setting “Slot X1 / IO Cycle / Update time” should be 8 ms at least (avoid
unnecessary network load)!
After finishing the Profinet configuration, it must still be loaded into the Profinet controller:
- „Station/Save and Compile“
- „PLC/Download...“
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.5.3 Profinet Device: Assign Name
The Profinet device must be assigned (one time) the device name, which also was chosen in the Profinet controller configuration ("miface1" in the example above).
For this, connect the device to the Profinet network and establish its power supply.
Start the tool for setting the device name:
o Mark(click) the concerned device in the bus overview o Select the menu item „PLC/Ethernet/Assign Device Name...“ o Mark(click) the line with the corresponding device (see MAC-address) o Click „Assign name“ o Close window
Tip: If you want to find the device of the marked line, you can click on „Flash­ing on“. The LED 1 (green) of the corresponding interface starts to blink
migra PN
Large Format, Graphics Compatible Display with Profinet IO Interface
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microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach +49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
3.5.4 Start of Profinet Communication
After power-on of the device, the connection between the Profinet control­ler and the Profinet device is established automatically (this can last up to approximately 10 seconds). To let this happen, the PN controller must be correctly configured and the PN device must have the matching name.
The LED 2 (red) of the interface goes out, as soon as the Profinet connec­tion is established.
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