migan MPB ModbusRTU
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
User Manual
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
migan MPB ModbusRTU
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
3.1 Overall Specification 4
3.2 Device Configuration 5
3.3 Pin Assignments and Settings 6
3.4 Device Start-Up 9
4.1 Control Frame 12
4.2 Response Frame 14
4.3 Controlling Example 15
5.1 Displayable Characters 16
5.2 Maintenance and Care 17
5.3 Declaration of Conformity 18
5.4 Warranty / Liability 19
5.5 Versions Overview 20
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Page 2
migan MPB ModbusRTU
Modbus RTU /
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
1 General
This 7 segment displays are designed for professional use. Depending on
the type of device they are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
The modular design allows for cost-effective models of various interfaces
with different character heights and numbers of digits.
2 System Overview
The display is controlled with a ModbusRTU interface.
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Page 3
migan MPB ModbusRTU
indoor use: 60 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 mm
outdoor use: 100 / 200 / 300 mm
standard 1 line, multiple lines on request
230 VAC / 50 Hz, 110 VAC / 60 Hz or 24 VDC ±20%
see corresponding chapter
industrial version, powder coated aluminum
articulated arm, angle bracket, hanging on chain or
mounting frame
see chapter “Device Configuration“
see chapter “Device Configuration“
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
3 Technical Information
3.1 Overall Specification
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Page 4
migan MPB ModbusRTU
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
3.2 Device Configuration
Itemnumber :_________________________
for inside use for outside use
Character height:
60 mm 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 250 mm 300 mm
Number of lines: ________ Number of digits per line: ________
single sided double sided ____ sided
Operating voltage:
230 VAC / 50 Hz 110 VAC / 60 Hz 24 VDC
IP40 IP54 IP65 IP _____
Operating temperature:
with type for inside use: with type for outside use: special version:
0...+50 °C (standard) -20...+50 °C (standard) __________ °C
-25...+50 °C (optional with heating)
Housing dimensions: _________x_________x_________mm
Housing Material:
Aluminum profile Stainless steel Sheet metal
Device address : _________
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Page 5
migan MPB ModbusRTU
RxD 3 TxD 4 5 GND 6 7 8 9
Large Display Numeric LED with Modbus RTU Interface
3.3 Pin Assignments and Settings
9pol. Sub-D Female Connector “ModbusRTU”
Remark: Depending on DIP5 of the ModbusRTU-interface (see below) either the
RS232-pins or the RS485-pins may be used. The unused pins have to be left open.
Do not use a standard RS232-cable where all pins are connected. Otherwise the
ModbusRTU-interface may be destroyed!!!
9pol. Sub-D Male Connector “Configuration, RS232”
Remark: This connector should not be used by the customer! The configuration is already done by microSYST and must not be changed! Otherwise the correct function of
the display can not be guaranteed!
7pol. Mains Plug (230 VAC) or 3pol. Circular Plug (24 VDC)
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0, +49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
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