MicroSys Electronics miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN User Manual

miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN
User Manual (CRX06 Revision 2)
Table of Contents
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 2017
Table of Contents
1 General Notes .............................................. 4
1.1 Warranty ........................................................ 4
1.2 Links .............................................................. 4
1.3 Liability .......................................................... 4
1.4 Offer to Provide Source Code of Certain
Software ........................................................ 5
1.5 Symbols, Conventions and Abbreviations ..... 6
1.5.1 Symbols ........................................................ 6
1.5.2 Conventions .................................................. 6
2 Introduction ................................................. 7
2.1 Safety and Handling Precautions .................. 7
2.2 Short Description ........................................... 8
2.3 Shipping List .................................................. 8
2.4 Functional Coverage ..................................... 9
3 Quick Start Guide ...................................... 10
3.1 Prerequisites ............................................... 10
3.1.1 Minimum Requirements .............................. 10
3.1.2 Recommended Items .................................. 10
3.2 Board Preparation and Power-Up ............... 11
3.3 Operation .................................................... 12
3.3.1 U-Boot Startup............................................. 12
3.3.2 Linux ............................................................ 13
4 System Description ................................... 14
4.1 Block Diagram ............................................. 14
4.2 Feature Overview ........................................ 14
4.3 Mechanical Dimensions .............................. 17
4.3.1 MPX-LS1046A............................................. 17
4.3.2 SBC-LS1046A-TSN ..................................... 18
4.4 Connector Layout – Top .............................. 19
4.5 Power Supply .............................................. 20
4.5.1 Input Supply Rating ..................................... 20
4.5.2 Input Power Connector ................................ 20
4.5.3 Power Supply Structure ............................... 20
4.5.4 RTC Backup Battery .................................... 21
4.5.5 Current Measurement ................................. 22
4.5.6 Fuses .......................................................... 22
5 System Core, Boot Configuration and
On-Board Memory ..................................... 23
5.1 Processor NXP LS1046A ............................ 23
5.2 JTAG Chain ................................................. 23
5.3 Reset Structure ........................................... 23
5.4 Clock Distribution ........................................ 25
5.5 Boot Configuration ....................................... 27
5.6 NAND Flash ................................................ 28
5.7 QSPI Flash .................................................. 29
5.8 I²C Bus......................................................... 30
5.8.1 I2C-1 ............................................................ 30
5.8.2 I2C-2 ............................................................ 31
6 Peripherals ................................................. 33
6.1 Connector References ................................. 33
6.2 Module Connector ....................................... 34
6.3 Serdes usage .............................................. 34
6.4 LAN Connections ......................................... 34
6.4.1 SRD1 (XFI / SGMII) ..................................... 35
6.4.2 SRD6 (XFI / SGMII) ..................................... 36
6.4.3 SRD2 (QSGMII / SGMII).............................. 36
6.4.4 SRD3 (QSGMII / SGMII).............................. 37
6.4.5 TSN 1-4 Connections .................................. 38
6.4.6 TSN 5-8 Connections .................................. 39
6.4.7 MDIO1 addressing ....................................... 40
6.4.8 MDIO2 addressing ....................................... 40
6.5 PCIe Connections ........................................ 41
6.6 MicroSD Card Slot ....................................... 44
6.7 USB ............................................................. 45
6.7.1 USB1 ........................................................... 45
6.7.2 USB2 ........................................................... 46
6.7.3 USB3 ........................................................... 47
6.8 MCU Connector ........................................... 48
6.9 JTAG 1 Connector (Processor) ................... 49
6.10 JTAG 2 Connector (Carrier Components) ... 50
6.11 I2C / SPI Extension (JP1) ............................ 51
6.12 GPIO Extension (JP2) ................................. 51
6.13 Fan Connector (PWE) ................................. 53
7 Switches, Buttons and Jumpers .............. 54
7.1 Boot Device Switch ...................................... 54
7.2 Board Configuration Switch ......................... 55
7.3 Reset Button ................................................ 56
8 LEDs ........................................................... 57
8.1 RJ45 LEDs 10Gb ......................................... 57
8.2 RJ45 LEDs QSGMII .................................... 58
8.3 RJ45 LEDs TSN .......................................... 59
8.4 Power And Reset LEDs ............................... 61
8.5 RGB LEDs ................................................... 62
9 Software ..................................................... 63
9.1 U-Boot ......................................................... 63
9.2 Operating System Support .......................... 63
9.3 Flash Layout ................................................ 64
9.3.1 NAND Flash ................................................. 64
9.3.2 SD Card ....................................................... 64
Table of Contents
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 2017
9.3.3 QSPI Flash .................................................. 64
10 Appendix .................................................... 65
10.1 Acronyms .................................................... 65
10.2 Table of Figures .......................................... 66
10.3 Table of Tables ............................................ 66
11 History ........................................................ 68
General Notes 1
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
1 General Notes
Copyright MicroSys Electronics GmbH, January 2017
All rights reserved. All rights in any information which appears in this document belong to MicroSys Electronics GmbH or our licensors. You may copy the information in this manual for your personal, non-commercial use.
Copyrighted products are not explicitly indicated in this manual. The absence of the copyright (©) and trademark (TM or ®) symbols does not imply that a product is not protected. Additionally, registered patents and trademarks are similarly not expressly indicated in this manual.
1.1 Warranty
To the extent permissible by applicable law all information in this document is provided without warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose, or of non-infringement of any third party’s rights. We try to keep this document accurate and up-to-date but we do not make any warranty or representation about such matters. In particular we assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.
MicroSys Electronics GmbH neither gives any guarantee nor accepts any liability whatsoever for consequential damages resulting from the use of this manual or its associated product.
MicroSys Electronics GmbH further reserves the right to alter the layout and/or design of the hardware without prior notification and accepts no liability for doing so.
1.2 Links
We make no warranty about any other sites that are linked to or from this document, whether we authorise such links or not.
1.3 Liability
To the extent permissible by applicable law, in no circumstance, including (but not limited to) negligence, shall we be liable for your reliance on any information in this document, nor shall we be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect or punitive damages nor any loss of profit that result from the use of, or the inability to use, this document or any material on any site linked to this document even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall our liability to you for all damages, losses and causes of action whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence) or otherwise exceed the amount, if any, paid by you to us for gaining access to this document.
MicroSys Electronics GmbH Muehlweg 1 D-82054 Sauerlach Germany
Phone: +49 8104 801-0 Fax: +49 8104 801-110
General Notes 1
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
1.4 Offer to Provide Source Code of Certain Software
This product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the General
Public License (“GPL”) and under the Lesser General Public License Version (“LGPL”). The GPL and LGPL licensed code in this product is distributed without
any warranty. Copies of these licenses are included in this product. You may obtain the complete corresponding source code (as defined in the GPL)
for the GPL Software, and/or the complete corresponding source code of the LGPL Software (with the complete machine-readable “work that uses the Library”) for a period of three years after our last shipment of the product including the GPL Software and/or LGPL Software, which will be no earlier than December 1, 2010, for the cost of reproduction and shipment, which is dependent on the preferred carrier and the location where you want to have it shipped to, by sending a request to:
MicroSys Electronics GmbH Muehlweg 1 D-82054 Sauerlach Germany
In your request please provide the product name and version for which you wish to obtain the corresponding source code and your contact details so that we can coordinate the terms and cost of shipment with you.
The source code will be distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and licensed under the same license as the corresponding binary/object code.
This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information. MicroSys Electronics GmbH is eager to duly provide complete source code as
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General Notes 1
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
1.5 Symbols, Conventions and Abbreviations
1.5.1 Symbols
Throughout this document, the following symbols will be used:
Information marked with this symbol MUST be obeyed to avoid the risk of severe injury, health danger, or major destruction of the unit and its environment
Information marked with this symbol MUST be obeyed to avoid the risk of possible injury, permanent damage or malfunction of the unit.
Information marked with this symbol gives important hints upon details of this manual, or in order to get the best use out of the product and its features.
Table 1-1 Symbols
1.5.2 Conventions
denotes a low active signal
denotes the signal flow in the shown direction
denotes the signal flow in the shown direction
denotes the signal flow in both directions
denotes the signal flow in the shown direction with additional logic / additional ICs in the signal path
denotes a bidirectional pin
denotes an input pin
denotes the according signal to be routed impedance controlled and length matched
denotes an output pin
Pin 1
refers to the numeric pin of a component package
Pin a1
refers to the array position of a pin within a component package
denotes the negative signal of a differential pair
denotes the positive signal of a differential pair
denotes an optional not mounted or fitted part
Table 1-2 Conventions
Introduction 2
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
2 Introduction
Thank you for choosing the MicroSys SBC-LS1046A Single Board Computer system. This manual should help you to get the best performance and details out all of its features.
2.1 Safety and Handling Precautions
ALWAYS use the correct type and polarity of the power supply! DO NOT exceed the rated maximum values for the power
supply! This may result in severe permanent damage to the unit, as well as possible serious injury.
ALWAYS keep the unit dry, clean and free of foreign objects. Otherwise, irreparable damage may occur.
Parts of the unit may become hot during operation. Take care not to touch any parts of the circuitry during operation to avoid burns, and operate the unit in a well-ventilated location. Provide an appropriate cooling solution as required.
ALWAYS take care of ESD-safe handling! Many pins on external connectors are directly connected to the
CPU or other ESD sensitive devices. Make or break ANY connections ONLY while the unit is
switched OFF. Otherwise, permanent damage to the unit may occur, which is
not covered by warranty.
There is no separate SHIELD connection. All the metal sheaths of shielded connectors are connected to
GND. Also, all mounting holes of the carrier board are connected to
GND. The module’s mounting holes are not connected to GND Take this into account when handling and mounting the unit.
Table 2-1 Safety and Handling Precautions
Introduction 2
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
2.2 Short Description
The SBC-LS1046A-TSN is a small computer system consisting of
the MPX-LS1046A module, based on NXP’s LS1046A Multicore
Communications Processors
and the CRX06 carrier board.
It targets both
evaluation of the respective MPX-LS1046A SOM
direct usage as an industrial computing solution
This document gives you an overview on the board's connectors and how to take the first steps on the initial setup.
2.3 Shipping List
The SBC-LS1046A-TSN EvalKit package contains the following items:
The SBC-LS1046A-TSN system, mounted with cooling solution
Power Supply 12V DC stabilized / 2 A
Cable adapter for the power supply
USB cable type A – mini B
Micro-SD-Card with U-Boot and root file system
Introduction 2
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
2.4 Functional Coverage
The following table shows the coverage achieved by the SBC-LS1046A-TSN com­pared to the features which are available on the carrierboard:
Interfaces provided by CRX06 carrierboard
Interfaces available with the SBC-
SerDes 0
PCIe, port 2
SerDes 1
SerDes 2
SerDes 3
SerDes 4
PCIe, port 0
SerDes 5
PCIe, port 1
SerDes 6
SerDes 7
PCIe, port 3
TSN switch
TSN switch
2.0 / 3.0
2.0 / 3.0
1bit / 4 bit & boot device
(debug console)
TTL only
I²C 1
Multiple devices
I²C 2
Multiple devices
Signals on non-standard
Hardware watchdog with
trigger signal from module
RTC backup
Manual Reset
Reset / Power LEDs
2x red, 1x green
User LEDs
4x RGB
Table 2-2 Functional coverage
Quick Start Guide 3
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
3 Quick Start Guide
3.1 Prerequisites
Always make sure to handle the SBC-LS1046A-TSN unit ESD­safe! Otherwise, the unit may suffer permanent damage.
However, do not place the unit directly flat on a metal surface, as this may result in short circuits and damage to the board.
At first time operation unpack the unit and make sure that is clean and free of visible damage or foreign objects.
3.1.1 Minimum Requirements
To operate the board, you will at least need the following items:
an adequate power supply, delivering 12V DC (stabilized) / 2A minimum.
an USB cable (type A – mini B) adapted to connector ST5
a serial terminal, such as a PC with an USB port running a terminal Software
(e.g. TeraTerm, HyperTerminal, putty, ckermit...), or else a hardware serial console. Choose the following parameters:
(a) 115200 Bd (b) 8 Data bits (c) No parity (d) 1 Stop Bit
3.1.2 Recommended Items
The following items are not absolutely necessary, but strongly recommended for practical operation and development purposes:
Network connection to your local network installation
TFTP server available for downloading within the network (Hint: may run on the
same PC as the serial Terminal)
SD card as mass storage and/or boot media
Quick Start Guide 3
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
3.2 Board Preparation and Power-Up
Make sure the switches SW1 and SW2 are set properly in order to select the
correct boot source and board configuration
The board comes preconfigured to boot correctly on arrival.
Connect the mini USB cable to ST5.
Connect other peripherals (USB, LAN ...) as far as intended.
Connect the power line to the PWR connector, while the power supply is still
switched off.
Switch on power.
Figure 3-1 System setup example
Quick Start Guide 3
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
3.3 Operation
After Power-up, the green LED on the module should light up and any red LED should be off.
3.3.1 U-Boot Startup
When power is supplied the system will start. On startup, U-Boot will come up similar to the following:
The exact output may vary, depending on U-Boot and MPX-LS1046A module versions in use.
U-Boot 2017.07-qoriq (Mar 01 2018 - 10:17:21 +0100)
SoC: LS1046AE Rev1.0 (0x87070010) Clock Configuration: CPU0(A72):1600 MHz CPU1(A72):1600 MHz CPU2(A72):1600 MHz CPU3(A72):1600 MHz Bus: 600 MHz DDR: 2100 MT/s FMAN: 800 MHz Reset Configuration Word (RCW SD): 00000000: 0c150010 0c000000 00000000 00000000 00000010: 11338888 40000012 60044000 41000000 00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01036ffc 00000030: 20124104 00001000 00000096 00000001 Model: MPXLS1046 Board Board: MPXLS1046, boot from SD I2C: ready DRAM: Detected UDIMM Fixed DDR on board
1.9 GiB (DDR4, 64-bit, CL=15, ECC on) SEC0: RNG instantiated FSL_SDHC: 0 ppa_init: fdt_check_header() failed Waking secondary cores to start from fbcf0000 All (4) cores are up. Using SERDES1 Protocol: 4403 (0x1133) Using SERDES2 Protocol: 34952 (0x8888) NAND: 512 MiB MMC: *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Quick Start Guide 3
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
V 2.0
© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
Out: serial Err: serial SATA link 0 timeout. AHCI 0001.0301 32 slots 1 ports 6 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode flags: 64bit ncq pm clo only pmp fbss pio slum part ccc apst Found 0 device(s). SCSI: Net:
FM_TGEC_MDIO PHY@10: Revision 0x1a 11 1/1: ############################################################# ### ############################################################# ### #################################################### FM_TGEC_MDIO PHY@10: Firmware version:
FM_TGEC_MDIO PHY@11: Revision 0x1a 11 1/1: ############################################################# ### ############################################################# ### #################################################### FM_TGEC_MDIO PHY@11: Firmware version:
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 18432, count 128 ... Fman1: Uploading microcode version 108.4.9 PCIe0: pcie@3400000 Root Complex: no link PCIe1: pcie@3500000 disabled PCIe2: pcie@3600000 disabled Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 =>
3.3.2 Linux
For detailed setup instructions, refer to the text document “linux-fsl-sdk-v2.0-1703­mpxls1046.txt” delivered in the "Linux" directory along with the unit!
The text document mentioned here may refer to an older version.
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
4 System Description
This section describes all parts of the SBC-LS1046A-TSN system.
4.1 Block Diagram
4.2 Feature Overview
The SBC-LS1046A-TSN offers the following features:
QorIQ ARM Cortex A72 cores 4xCPU Processor
64-bit DDR4 interface
Default: 2GByte up to 4GByte up to 2100MT/s 4 x DDR4 (x16) single bank
Synchronous Memory
8-bit NAND Flash
Default: 512 MB up to 2 GByte
PCI Express port
3.0 / 8Gbps Lane x4 Root complex operations Serdes 4, 5, 0, 7
PCIe connector
USB 3.0 Phy
USB connector type A
USB 3.0 Phy
USB connector type A
Figure 4-1 Block Diagram (MPX-LS1046A Revision 2 on carrier CRX06 Revision 2)
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
QorIQ ARM Cortex A72 cores 4xCPU Processor
Serial Interfaces
Converted to USB (FT232), Available on USB connector type mini B
4-wire Extension Port LVTTL
400 kbps
Connected Devices:
TMP451AIDQF Temperature Sensor
RX-8803 RTC
IDT6V49205B Clock Generator
TLC59116 RGB LED Driver
400 kbps
Connected Devices:
SC18IS602BIPW I2C-to-SPI Bridge
MAX9611AUB Current monitor
PCA9517ADP I²C Buffer
10G Ethernet Controller
Serdes 1: XFI, SGMII
10Gbps 10/100/1000 Mbps
Serdes 6: XFI, SGMII
10Gbps 10/100/1000 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Serdes 2: SGMII
10/100/1000 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet Controller
10/100/1000 Mbps 10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
TSN Switch 1
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
TSN Switch 2
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
10/100/1000 Mbps
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
QorIQ ARM Cortex A72 cores 4xCPU Processor
System JTAG Controller
10 pin header
Power Management
Primary Supply
9-30V DC
5V DC / peak 8A
Backup Supply (RTC backup)
Battery CR2032
Table 4-1 Feature Overview
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
4.3 Mechanical Dimensions
4.3.1 MPX-LS1046A
The following drawing shows the mechanical outline of the MPX-LS1046A module that is plugged in the CRX06 carrier board.
This drawing is not to scale.
For 3D data files please contact MicroSys.
Figure 4-2 Mechanical Dimensions Module
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
4.3.2 SBC-LS1046A-TSN
The following drawing shows the mechanical outline of the SBC-LS1046A-TSN assembly.
This drawing is not to scale.
For 3D data files please contact MicroSys.
Figure 4-3 CRX06 Mechanical Dimensions
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
4.4 Connector Layout – Top
Figure 4-4 Top connectors
System Description 4
miriac SBC-LS1046A-TSN_User Manual
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
4.5 Power Supply
4.5.1 Input Supply Rating
The SBC-LS1046A-TSN system is run from a single DC power supply with the following ratings:
Maximum Input Voltage Operating Range:
9V - 30V DC
Nominal Input Supply Voltage:
12V DC
Typical Current Consumption (@12V / room temperature / U-boot prompt):
ALWAYS use the correct type and polarity of the power supply! DO NOT exceed the rated maximum values for the power
supply! This may result in severe permanent damage to the unit, as well as possible serious injury.
4.5.2 Input Power Connector
Part Reference
Würth Elektronik
691 382 010 002
Mates with:
691 381 000 002
(included in delivery)
GND 2 „+“
+VIN (= typ. 12V)
Table 4-1 Pinout PWR
4.5.3 Power Supply Structure
Input Power from PWR connector is fed to the primary step-down converter.
The primary step-down converter produces 5V DC / max. 8A peak from the
input supply which supplies both the LS1046A module and peripheral devices on the carrierboard CRX06.
System Description 4
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© MicroSys Electronics GmbH 20178
The 5V DC are fed to 7 secondary step-down converter in parallel, which
produces 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V, 1.0V, 0.88V DC / max. 4A peak each.
. The following diagram shows the Power Supply structure:
4.5.4 RTC Backup Battery
The RTC on the module is supplied from replaceable CR2032 battery.
Part Reference:
Renata Batteries
Used with:
CR2032 battery
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