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Regulations Information
FCC-B Radio Frequency Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
radiates radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
n Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
n Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
n Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
n Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.
w The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
w Shield interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the
emission limits.
FCC Conditions
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
n This device may not cause harmful interference.
n This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Safety Instructions
Read the safety instructions
carefully and thoroughly.
All cautions and warnings on the
equipment or user’s manual
should be noted.
Keep this equipment away from
humidity and high temperature.
The openings on the enclosure
are used for air convection and
to prevent the equipment from
overheating. Do not cover the
Never pour liquid into the
opening that could damage the
Keep the User’s Guide that
comes with the package for
future reference.
Lay this equipment on a stable
surface before setting it up.
Make sure the power voltage is
within safety range and has
been adjusted properly to the
value of 100~240V before
connecting the equipment to the
power outlet.
Do not leave the equipment in an
unconditioned environment with
a storage temperature above
equipment or cause an electrical
60OC (140OF) or below 0OC
(32OF), which may damage the
Place the power cord in a way
Always unplug the power cord
that people are unlikely to step
before inserting any add -on card
on it. Do not place anything on
or module.
top of the power cord.
To prevent explosion caused by
improper battery replacement,
use the same or equivalent type
of battery recommended by the
manufacturer only.
When installing the coaxial cable
to the TV Tuner, it is necessary
to ensure that the metal shield is
reliable connected to protective
earthing system of the building.
Always keep the strong
Always keep the battery in a
magnetic or electrical objects
safe place.
away from the equipment.
If any of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by a service
w The power cord or plug is damaged.
w Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.
w The equipment has been exposed to moisture.
w The equipment has not worked well or you can not get it work according to
User’s Manual.
w The equipment was dropped and damaged.
w The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.
Safety Guideline for Using Lithium Battery
(English) CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type
recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to manufacturer ’s instructions.
(French) (Français) ATTENTION: II y a danger d’ex;losion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer
uniquement avec une batterie du meme type ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut
les batteries usages conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
(German) (Deutsch) VORSICHT: Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch
denselben oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlenen gleich-wertigen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach
Angaben des Herstellers.
(Spanish) (Español) PRECAUCIÓN: Peligro de explosión si la batería es reemplazada incorrectamente. Cámbiela solo
por la misma o un tipo equivalente recomendado por el fabricante. Descarte usar baterías usadas de acuerdo con las
instrucciones del fabricante.
(Italian) (Italiano) ATTENZIONE: Pericolo di esplosione della batteria se sostituita in modo non corretto. Sostituire solo
con la stesso tipo o con uno equivalente come indicato nel manuale del produttore. Smaltire le batterie usate come da
(Polish ) (Polski) OSTRZEZENIE: Nieprawidlowa wymiana moze spowodowac eksplozje baterii. Zamiane mozna wykonac
wylacznie na baterie tego samego lub równowaznego typu zalecana przez producenta urzadzenia. Zuzyte baterie mozna
wyrzucac zgodnie z instrukcjami producenta.
(Hungarian) (Magyar) VIGYÁZAT: A nem megfelelo akkumul tor haszn lata robban svesz lyes. Kizárólag ugyanolyan,
vagy a berendezés gyártója által ajánlott, egyenértéku típust használjon. Az elhasznált akkumulátorokat a gyártó
utasításának megfeleloen ártalmatlanítsák.
(Czech) (Ceština) UPOZORNENÍ: Nebezpecí výbuchu pri chybné vým ene baterie. Nahradte pouze stejným nebo
ekvivalentním typem doporuceným výrobcem zarízení. Použité baterie zlikvidujte podle pokynu výrobce
(Traditional Chinese )(繁體中文)注意: 若電池若未正確更換 ,可能會爆炸。請用原廠建議之同款或同等級的電池來更換。請依原廠指示處理廢棄電池。
(Simplified Chinese ) (?蔨いゅ)猔種: 璝?璝ゼタ谔??脄?ノ蒁?ぇ蹿┪单?:????ㄌ蒁ボ?瞶???
(Indonesia) (Bahasa Indonesia) PERHATIAN: Bahaya ledakan dapat terjadi jika salah memasang baterai. Ganti baterai
hanya dengan jenis yang sama atau setara sesuai rekomendasi pabrik peralatan tersebut. Buang baterai bekas sesuai
petunjuk pabrik
(Serbian) (Srpski) OPREZ: Ukoliko baterija nije ispravno postavljena, postoji opasnost od eksplozije. Zamenu izvršite
koristeci iskljucivo istu ili ekvivalentnu bateriju koju preporucuje proizvodac opreme. Odbacite iskorišcene baterije u
skladu sa uputstvima proizvodaca.
(Netherlands) (Nederlands) LET OP: Er is explosiegevaar als de batterij niet goed geplaatst wordt. Uitsluitend te
vervangen door een batterij van hetzelfde of een gelijkwaardig type,zoals aanbevolen door de fabrikant. Gooi batterijen
weg volgens de plaatselijke instructies.
(Romanian) (Româna) ATENTIE: Pericol de explozie daca bateria este înlocuita incorect. Înlocuiti doar cu acelasi tip sau
echivalent recomandat de fabricantul echipamentului. Evacuati bateriile folosite conform instructiunilor fabricantului.
(P ortuguese) (Português) ADVERTÊNCIA: Perigo de explosão se a bateria é substituída incorrectamente. Substitua
somente com o mesmo tipo ou equivalente recomendado por o fabricante do seu equipamento. Descarte as baterias
utilizadas de acordo com as instruções do fabricante.
(Swedish) (Svenska) VARNING: Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Anv änd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent
typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruction.
(Finnish) (Suomi) VAROITUS: Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan
valmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.
(Slovak) (Slovensky/Slovencina) UPOZORNENIE: V prípade nesprávnej výmeny batérie existuje nebezpecenstvo
výbuchu. Vymente iba za rovnakú batériu alebo za rovnocenný typ batérie, ktorý odporúca výrobca zariadenia. Batérie
zneškodnite podla pokynov výrobcu.
(Slovenian) (Slovensko/ Slovenšcina) POZOR: V primeru nepravilne zamenjave baterije obstaja nevarnost njene
eksplozije. Baterijo zamenjajte le z enako ali ekvivalentno vrsto, ki jo priporoca proizvajalec. Odpadne baterije
odstranite skladno z navodili proizvajalca.
(Danish) (Dansk) ADVARSEL! Lithiumbatteri --- Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med
batteri af same fabrikat og type. Lev é det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.
(Norwegian) (Norsk ) ADVARSEL: Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt same batteritype eller en
tilsvarende type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres I henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.
(Croatian) (Hrvatski) OPREZ: Opasnost od eksplozije ako se baterija zamijeni neprikladnom. Zamijenite je samo
jednakom ili nadomjesnom vrstom prema preporuci proizvodaca. Istrošene baterije zbrinite u skladu s uputama
(Estonia) (Eesti) ETTEVAATUST! Plahvatusoht, kui aku on valesti paigaldatud. Asendage ainult sama või tootja poolt
soovitatud võrdväärse akuga. Hävitage kasutatud aku vastavalt tootja juhistele.
(English) Under the European Union ("EU") Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive
2002/96/EC, which takes effect on August 13, 2005, products of "electrical and electronic equipment" cannot be discarded
as municipal waste anymore and manufacturers of covered electronic equipment will be obligated to take back such
products at the end of their useful life.
(French) (Français) Au sujet de la directive européenne (EU) relative aux déchets des équipement électriques et
électroniques, directive 2002/96/EC, prenant effet le 13 août 2005, que les produits électriques et électroniques ne
peuvent être déposés dans les décharges ou tout simplement mis à la poubelle. Les fabricants de ces équipements
seront obligés de récupérer certains produits en fin de vie.
(German) (Deutsch) Gemäß der Richtlinie 2002/96/EG über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte dürfen Elektro- und
Elektronik-Altgeräte nicht mehr als kommunale Abfälle entsorgt werden, die sich auf 13.August, 2005 wirken. Und der
Hersteller von bedeckt Elektronik-Altgeräte gesetzlich zur gebrachten Produkte am Ende seines Baruchbarkeitsdauer
(Spanish) (Español) Bajo la directiva 2002/96/EC de la Unión Europea en materia de desechos y/o equipos electrónicos,
con fecha de rigor desde el 13 de agosto de 2005, los productos clasificados como "eléctricos y equipos electrónicos" no
pueden ser depositados en los contenedores habituales de su municipio, los fabricantes de equipos electrónicos, están
obligados a hacerse cargo de dichos productos al termino de su período de vida.
(Italian) (Italiano) In base alla Direttiva dell’Unione Europea (EU) sullo Smaltimento dei Materiali Elettrici ed Elettronici,
Direttiva 2002/96/EC in vigore dal 13 Agosto 2005, prodotti appartenenti alla categoria dei Materiali Elettrici ed Elettronici
non possono più essere eliminati come rifiuti municipali: i produttori di detti materiali saranno obbligati a ritirare ogni
(Turkish) (Türkçe ) Avrupa Birligi (AB) Kararnamesi Elektrik ve Elektronik Malzeme Atigi, 2002/96/EC Kararnamesi altinda
13 Agustos 2005 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere, elektrikli ve elektronik malzemeler diger atiklar gibi çöpe
atilamayacak ve bu elektonik cihazlarin üreticileri, cihazlarin kullanim süreleri bittikten sonra ürünleri geri toplamakla
(Polish ) (Polski) Zgodnie z Dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej ("UE") dotyczaca odpadów produktów elektrycznych i
elektronicznych (Dyrektywa 2002/96/EC), która wchodzi w zycie 13 sierpnia 2005, tzw. “produkty oraz wyposazenie
elektryczne i elektroniczne " nie moga byc traktowane jako smieci komunalne, tak wiec producenci tych produktów beda
zobowia zani do odbierania ich w momencie gdy produkt jest wycofywany z uzycia.
(Hungarian) (Magyar ) Az Európai Unió („EU") 2005. augusztus 13-án hatályba lépo, az elektromos és elektronikus
berendezések hulladékairól szóló 2002/96/EK irányelve szerint az elektromos és elektronikus berendezések többé nem
kezelhetoek lakossági hulladékként, és az ilyen elektronikus berendezések gyártói kötelessé válnak az ilyen termékek
visszavételére azok hasznos élettartama végén.
(Czech) (Ceština) Podle smernice Evropské unie (" EU") o likvidaci elektrických a elektronických výrobku 2002/96/EC
platné od 13. srpna 2005 je zakázáno likvidovat "elektrické a elektronické výrobky" v bežném komunálním odpadu a
výrobci elektronických výrobku, na které se tato smernice vztahuje, budou povinni odebírat takové výrobky zpet po
skoncení jejich životnosti.
(Vietnam) (Tieng Viet) Theo Hu?ng d?n c?a Liên minh Châu Âu ("EU") v? Thi?t b? di?n & di?n t? dã qua s? d?ng, Hu?ng
d?n 2002/96/EC, v?n dã có hi?u l?c vào ngày 13/8/2005, các s ?n ph?m thu?c "thi?t b? di?n và di?n t?" s? không còn
du?c v?t b? nhu là rác th?i dô th? n?a và các nha s?n xu?t thi?t b? di?n t? tuân th? hu?ng d?n s? ph?i thu h?i các s? n
(Indonesia) (Bahasa Indonesia) Sesuai dengan Regulasi Uni Eropa ("UE") perihal WEEE (Limbah Peralatan Listrik dan
Elektronik), Directive 2002/96/EC, yang berlaku sejak 13, 2005, produk "peralatan listrik dan elektronik" tidak lagi dapat
dibuang sebagai sampah umum dan pabrik peralatan elektronik diwajibkan untuk mengambil kembali produk tersebut
pada saat masa pakainya habis.
(Serbian) (Srpski) Po Direktivi Evropske unije ("EU") o odbacenoj ekektronskoj i elektricnoj opremi, Direktiva 2002/96/EC,
koja stupa na snagu od 13. Avgusta 2005, proizvodi koji spadaju pod "elektronsku i elektricnu opremu" ne mogu više biti
odbaceni kao obican otpad i proizvodaci ove opreme bice prinudeni da uzmu natrag ove proizvode na kraju njihovog
uobicajenog veka trajanja.
(Netherlands) (Nederlands) De richtlijn van de Europese Unie (EU) met betrekking tot Vervuiling van Electrische en
Electronische producten (2002/96/EC), die op 13 Augustus 2005 in zal gaan kunnen niet meer beschouwd worden als
vervuiling. Fabrikanten van dit soort producten worden verplicht om producten retour te nemen aan het eind van hun
(Romanian) (Româna) În baza Directivei Uniunii Europene ("UE") privind Evacuarea Echipamentului Electric si Electronic,
Directiva 2002/96/EC, care intra în vigoare pe 13 august, 2005, produsele din categoria "echipament electric si electronic"
nu mai pot fi evacuate ca deseuri municipale, iar fabricantii echipamentului electronic vizat vor fi obligati sa primeasca
înapoi produsele respective la sfârsitul duratei lor de utilizare.
(P ortuguese) (Português) De acordo com a Directiva 2002/96/EC de Resíduos de Equipamentos Eléctricos e
Electrónicos da União Europeia (UE), efectiva desde o 13 de Agosto do ano 2005, os produtos de "equipamento eléctrico
e electrónico" não podem ser descartados como resíduo municipal e os fabricantes do equipamento electrónico sujeitos a
esta legislação estarão obligados a recolhar estes produtos ao finalizar sua vida útil.
(Swedish) (Svenska) Under Europeiska unionens ("EU") Weee-direktiv (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment),
Direktiv 2002/96/EC, vilket trädde i kraft 13 augusti, 2005, kan inte produkter från "elektriska och elektroniska
utrustningar" kastas i den vanliga hushållssoporna längre och tillverkare av inbyggd elektronisk utrustning kommer att
tvingas att ta tillbaka sådan produkter när de är förbrukade.
(Finnish) (Suomi) Euroopan unionin (EU) 13.8.2005 voimaan tulleen sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromua koskevan
direktiivin 2002/96/EY mukaisesti ”sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteita” ei saa enää hävittää talousjätteiden mukana. Direktiivin
alaisen sähkö- tai elektroniikkalaitteen valmistajan on otettava laitteet takaisin niiden käyttöiän päättyessä.
(Slovak) (Slovensky/ Slovencina) Na základe smernice Európskej únie („EU“) o elektrických a elektronických
zariadeniach císlo 2002/96/ES, ktorá vstúpila do platnosti 13. augusta 2005, výrobky, ktorými sú „elektrické a elektronické
zariadenia” nesmú byt zneškodnované spolu s komunálnym odpadom a výrobcovia patricných elektronických zariadení
sú povinní takéto výrobky na konci životnosti prevziat naspät.
(Slovenian) (Slovensko/ Slovenšcina) Skladno z dolocili direktive Evropske unije ("EU") o odpadni elektricni in elektronski
opremi, Direktiva 2002/96/ES, ki je veljavna od 13. avgusta, izdelkov "elektricne in elektronske opreme" ni dovoljeno
odstranjevati kot obicajne komunalne odpadke, proizvajalci zadevne elektronske opreme pa so zavezani, da tovrstne
izdelke na koncu njihove življenjske dobe sprejmejo nazaj.
(Danish) (Dansk) I henhold til direktiv fra den europæiske union (EU) vedrørende elektrisk og elektronisk affald , Direktiv
2002/96/EC, som træder i kraft den 13. august 2005, må produkter som "elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr" ikke mere
bortskaffes som kommunalt affald. Producenter af det pågældende, elektroniske udstyr vil være forpligtet til at tage disse
produkter tilbage ved afslutningen på produkternes levetid.
(Norwegian) (Norsk) Under den europeiske unionens ("EU") direktiv om deponering av elektronisk og elektrisk utstyr,
direktiv 2002/96/EC, som trer i effekt 13. august 2005, kan ikke produkter av "elektronisk og elektrisk ustyr" lenger
deponeres som husholdningsavfall og fabrikantene av disse produktene er forpliktet å ta tilbake slike produkter ved
(Croatian) (Hrvatski) U okviru Direktive Europske Unije ("EU ") o Otpadnim elektricnim i elektronickim uredajima, Direktiva
2002/96/EC, koja je na snazi od 13. kolovoza 2005., "elektricni i elektronicki uredaji" se ne smiju više bacati zajedno s
kucnim otpadom i proizvodaci su obvezni zbrinuti takve proizvode na kraju njihovog životnog vijeka.
(Estonia) (Eesti) Vastavalt Euroopa Liidu ("EL") direktiivile 2002/96/EÜ (elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäätmete kohta),
mis jõustus 13. augustil 2005, on keelatud kodumajapidamiste "elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete" jäätmete hävitamine
koos majapidamisj äätmetega, ja elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete tootjad on kohustatud sellised tooted pärast nende
1. Read the safety instructions carefully and thoroughly.
2. Save this User Guide for possible use later.
3. Keep this equipment away from humidity and high temperature.
4. Lay this equipment on a stable surface before setting it up.
5. The openings on the enclosure are used for air convection and to prevent the equipment from overheating. Do not
cover the openings.
6. Make sure that the power voltage is within its safety range and has been adjusted properly to the value of 100~240V
before connecting the equipment to the power inlet.
7. Place the power cord in a way that people are unlikely to step on it. Do not place anything on the power cord.
8. Always unplug the power cord before inserting any add -on card or module.
9. All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted.
10. If any of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by a service personnel:
w The power cord or plug is damaged.
w Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.
w The equipment has been exposed to moisture.
w The equipment has not worked well or you can not get it work according to User’s Manual.
w The equipment was dropped and damaged.
w The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.
11. Never pour any liquid into the opening that could damage the equipment or cause an electrical shock.
12. Operate temperature of 40OC
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n Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows® 2000/ XP / Vista are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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NVIDIA® Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
n Award® is a registered trademark of Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
n AMI® is a registered trademark of American Megatrends Inc.
n Kensington and MicroSaver are registered trademarks of the Kensington Technology Group.
n PCMCIA and CardBus are registered trademarks of the Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association.
Release History
Version Revision Note Date
1.0 First Release 05, 2008
Manual Map
Congratulations on becoming an user of this notebook, the finely designed notebook. This
brand-new exquisite notebook will give you a delightful and professional experience in using
notebook. We are proud to tell our users that this notebook is thoroughly tested and certified by
our reputation for unsurpassed dependability and customer satisfaction.
This User’s Ma nual provides instructions and illustrations on how to operate this notebook . It is
recommended to read this manual carefully before using this notebook.
Chapter 1, Preface, gives users the basic safety information and caution that is interrelated to using
this notebook. It is recommended to read these information or caution when using this notebook
for the first time.
Chapter 2, Introductions, includes the des criptions of all the accessories of this notebook. It is
recommended to check out that if you have all the accessories included when you open the packing
box. If any of these accessories is damaged or missing, please contact the vendor where you
purchased this notebook. Also, this chapter provides the specification of this notebook, and
introduces the function buttons, quick launch buttons, connectors, LEDs and externals of this
Chapter 3, Getting Started, gives the basic operation instructions on using keyboard, touchpad,
hard disk drive, and optical storage drive. Beside, the steps of installing and uninstalling the
battery; and the procedures of connecting the various external devices, communication devices,
and so on, are also provided to help users getting familiar with this notebook.
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