Micros Systems Ultra Setup Manual

Systems, Inc.
PC Workstation
Setup Guide
Copyright 1998, 1999 By MICROS Systems, Inc. Beltsville, Maryland USA All Rights Reserved
Part Number 100016-103 (2nd Edition)
Although the best efforts are made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is complete and correct, MICROS Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limited to the implied warranties of marketabilit y and fitness for a part icular purpose . Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. MICROS Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
MICROS is a registered trademark of MICRO S Systems, Inc Intel, Pentium, and MMX are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation IBM, AT, XT, VGA, EGA, XGA, PS/2, and PC-DOS are registered trad emarks
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Printing History
New editions of this manual incorporate new and changed material since the previous edition. Minor corrections and updates may be incorporated into reprints of t he current edition without changing the date or edition number.
1st Edition - October 1998 2nd Edition - October 1999
Table of Contents
Purpose ........................................................................................x
Who Should Use This Manual? ..................................................x
Related Manuals ..........................................................................x
Document Design and Production ..............................................xii
Chapter 1: The System
What is the PC Workstation?..............................................................1-2
Display and Touchscreen ............................................................1-3
System Boards..............................................................................1-3
PCWS Accesso ri e s . ............... ............................. ................ ...........1-4
Expansion Capabilities ...............................................................1-4
Diagnostics Utilities .................................................................... 1-4
PCWS API .................... ............. ............... ................ ............... ..... 1-4
Specifications ............................................................................... 1-5
Approvals .....................................................................................1-7
Care and Handling..............................................................................1-8
Environmental Requirements ........................ ............................1-8
Cleaning ....................................................................................... 1-9
Transporting the Workstation ....................................................1-9
Connecting the Basic System..............................................................1-10
Rear Connector Panel .................................................................1-10
External AC Adapter ...................................................................1-12
PCWS Floppy Diskette Unit .......................................................1-13
PC Keyboard ................................................................................1-15
PS/2 Mouse ..................................................................................1-16
Remote Custom e r Di sp l ay ....... .. ............................. ............... .....1-17
Chapter 2: Setup Utility
Starting the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility ........................................... 2-2
Main Menu................................ .. .. ...................................................... . 2-4
Advanced Menu ... .. .. ................ ............................. ............... ................ 2-5
Security Menu......................................................................................2-10
Power Menu................ .. ............... ................ ............... .........................2-11
Boot Menu............................................................................................2-13
Exit Menu ................... .. .. ................ ............... ............................. .........2-14
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide iii
Table of Contents
Chapter 3: PCWS Ultra Hardware Configuration
Remove the Cover................................................................................3-2
Removing/Securing the PCWS Low Profile Cover .....................3-2
Removing/Securing the PCWS AD Cover ..................................3-3
What’s Inside? .....................................................................................3-4
The PC Worksta t io n Ul t ra As s embly ............... ................ ..........3-4
Ultra System Board Components ...............................................3-6
Ultra System Board Connectors .................................................3-10
Ultra System Board Jumpers and DIP Switches ......................3-11
Ultra System Board Memory Map .............................................3-12
Ultra System Board IO Port Map ..............................................3-13
Ultra System Board IRQ Assignments ......................................3-14
Main Memory .............................................. .. .. .. .. ................................3-21
Hard Disk ................. ... .. ............... ................ ............................. ..........3-24
Customer Displ a y........ .. ............... ................ ............................. ..........3-29
LCD Configura t i o n........ .. ............................. ............... ................ ........3-32
Expansion Card Installation ..............................................................3-34
Chapter 4: PCWS Ultra Diagnostics
Basic Troubleshooting......................................................................... 4-2
Diagnostics LE D s ............ .. ................ ............... ................ ................... 4-4
POST Error Messages......................................................................... 4-6
POST Error Beep Codes...................................................................... 4-7
Glossary Appendix A: Equipment Dimensions
Overview.............................................................................................. A-2
PC Workstation - Low Profile............................................................. A-3
PC Workstation - Adjustable Display .................................. .. ............ A-4
PC Workstation Floppy Diskette Unit............................................... A-5
PCWS LP Adjustable Stand ........................................... .. .. .. .. ............ A-6
PCWS Remote Po le Di sp la y..... .. .. ................ ............... ........................ A-7
Cash Drawer........................................................................................ A-8
Cash Drawer, Low Profile................................................................... A-9
Appendix B: Connector and Cable Diagrams
PCWS Ultra Con n ec t or s ................. .. .. ............... ............................. ....B-3
LCC Port ............................ .. .. ......................................................B-3
RS232 Interface ...........................................................................B-3
Parallel Port Connector ....................................................... .. .....B-4
Cash Drawer Connectors ............................................................B-5
PS/2 Keyboard Connector ...........................................................B-5
Power +24VDC Connector ..........................................................B-6
Remote Customer Display ..........................................................B-6
Ethernet Connector .....................................................................B-7
IDN Device Port ..................................................................................B-8
8-Pin to 6-Pin Hook-up RS422 Cable (300319-001)...........................B-9
Cash Drawer Extension Cable .................................................. .. .. .. .. .B-10
Table of Contents
Appendix C: FCC/DOC Statement Index
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide v
Table of Contents
List Of Figures
Figure 1-1: The PCWS Low Profile and Adjustable Display ..........1-2
Figure 1-2: The PCWS Ultra Rear Connector Panel .......................1-10
Figure 1-3: Connecting the External AC Adapter ...........................1-12
Figure 1-4: Installing the PCWS Floppy Diskette Unit ..................1-13
Figure 1-5: Connecting a PC Keyboard ............................................1-15
Figure 1-6: Remote Pole Display Assembly .....................................1-18
Figure 3-1: Removing/Securing the PCWS Low Profile Cover .......3-2
Figure 3-2: Removing/Securing the PCWS AD Cover ......................3-3
Figure 3-3: The PC Workstation Ultra Assembly .............................3-4
Figure 3-4: The Ultra System Board Components ...........................3-6
Figure 3-5: PCWS Ultra System Board Connectors .........................3-10
Figure 3-6: Ultra System Board Jumpers and DIP Switches ..........3-11
Figure 3-7: Ultra System Board Memory Map .................................3-12
Figure 3-8: Ultra System Board IO Port Addresses.........................3-13
Figure 3-9: Ultra System Board IRQ Assignments .........................3-14
Figure 3-10: The Processor Heat Sink and Air Duct (side view) .....3-16
Figure 3-11: Remove the Fan Power Cable .......................................3-17
Figure 3-12: Re le a si n g the He a t Si n k C l i p ............ .. ................ ..........3-17
Figure 3-13: Removing the Air Duct and Heat Sink ........................3-18
Figure 3-14: Remove/Replace the Processor .....................................3-18
Figure 3-15: Re-installing the Heat Sink/Air Duct Assembly .........3-19
Figure 3-16: Jumper Settings for Intel and AMD Processors ..........3-20
Figure 3-17: DIMM Orientation ........................................................3-22
Figure 3-18: Installing a DIMM ........................................................3-22
Figure 3-19: Removing a DIMM ........................................................3-23
Figure 3-20: The Hard Disk Bracket .................................................3-25
Figure 3-21: Assembling the hard disk bracket ................................3-26
Figure 3-22: Mou n ti n g th e Dri v e As s embly ............ ................ ..........3-27
Figure 3-23: Attaching the Customer Display (Low Profile Case) ..3-29
Figure 3-24: Removing the PCWS AD Cover ....................................3-30
Figure 3-25: Mounting the Customer Display Board .......................3-31
Figure 3-26: Ultra Backlight In ve rt e r B o a rd ............ ................ ........3-32
Figure 3-27: LCD Configuration Jumpers and DIP Switches .........3-33
Figure 3-28: The Ultra PCI/ISA Riser Card .....................................3-35
Figure 3-29: Installing an ISA Card ..................................................3-36
Figure 3-30: Installing a PCI Card ....................................................3-37
Figure 3-31: Installing the PCI/ISA Riser Card ...............................3-37
Figure 3-32: Securing the Rise r C ard ...... ............... ................ ..........3-38
Figure 4-1: Ultra System Board Diagnostics LEDs .........................4-4
Figure 4-2: Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Fatal POST Beep Codes ...................4-7
In this preface, you’ll find information about this manual. Refe r to the preface if you have questions about the organization, conventions, or contents of this manual.
In this section
Why Read This Manual?..............................................................x
How This Manual Is Organized .................................................xi
Notation Conventions ................................................................xii
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide -ix
Why Read This Manual?
Why Read This Manual?
This guide is intended for those who will be setting up and installing the PCWS Ultra hardware and as such is not specific to a particular software application. To use the PCWS with a specific application, consult the Related Manuals section listed below.
Who Should Use This Manual?
This manual is intended for quailifed service personel who have experience with upgrading and configuration of personal computer based syst e ms.
Related Manuals
1st Pa ge
> Ultra Workstation Architectural Overview P/N 100016-106 > Schematic Diagrams For The PCWS Ultra, PN 100016-107
1st Page Contents
How This Manual is Organized
This manual is divided into five chapters, briefly discussed below.
Chapter 1 describes the PC workstation family, then lists each accessory and provides instructions for installation.
Chapter 2 describes how to use the Phoe nix BIOS Setup Utility to configure the system board hardware.
Chapter 3 covers the Ultra system board hardware configuration issues. This includes how to remove the cover, identify the major components , and how to upgrade or configure such items as the main memory and hard disk, or to add a internal customer display.
Chapter 4 provides basic troubleshooting data in the form of BIOS error messages and beep codes.
How This Manual is Organized
A Reference section consisting of a Glossary, Equipment Dimensions, FCC/DOC Statement, and Connector Diagrams can be found at the end of this manual.
No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide xi
Notation Conventions
Notation Con ventions
This symbol brings special attention to a related item.
This symbol indicates that specific handling instructions or procedures are required to prevent damage to the hardware or loss of data.
1st Pa ge
This symbol calls attention to a potential hazard that requires correct procedures in order to a void personal injury.
This symbol indicates that specific ESD handling procedures are required.
Document Design and Production
Desktop Publishing by Adobe FrameMaker 5.1.1. Illustrations by Corel Draw!™ 7.0, and P aint Shop Pro 4.0,
running under Windows 95
The System
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an introduction to the PCWS Ultra and accessories, lists care and handling instructions for the hardware and shows you how to connect the components.
In this chapter
What is the PC Workstation? ...................................................1-2
Care and Handling....................................................................1-8
Connecting the Basic System .................................................1-10
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 1-1
Setup Utility
The PhoneixBIOS Setup Utility provides a central location for configuring the PCWS Ultra system boar d ha rdw ar e. The BIOS Setup Utility is stored in a Flash EPROM, so it is avail able even if a hard disk or operating system is not installed. All settings are retained in a battery protected CMOS RAM when power is off.
Chapter 2
For information on the latest BIOS versions and upgrades, see the hardware supp ort section o f th e MI C R OS web site at
In this Chapter
Starting the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility.................................2-2
Main Menu ...................................................... .. .. .. ....................2-4
Advanced Menu.... ............... ................ ............... .......................2-5
Security Menu .........................................................................2-10
Power Menu.............. ................ ............... ............................. ...2-11
Boot Menu................................................................................2-13
Exit Menu ............... ............................. ............... ................ .....2-14
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-1
Setup Utility
1st Page Contents
Starting the Phoen ixB IOS Setup Utility
Starting the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
A PC Keyboard with a PS/2 style connector.
1. Powe r-up the PCWS
You can power-up, or press the [CTRL]-[ALT]-[DEL] keys at
the same time.
2. Press the [F2] key when prompted.
You should be at the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility main
For information on how to navigate around the each menu
and make selections, press [F1] or check the help information at the bottom of the screen.
There are six primary selections: the start-up menu, Main,
Advanced, Security, Power, Boot, and Exit. An overview of each selection follows.
This menu lets you set the system date and time, define the type of floppy and hard disk installed, and displa y s the total amount of memory installed on the system board.
This menu provides access to many Ultra hardware features including Plug and Play OS settings, IDE and PS/2 Mouse configuration, PCI slot resource allocation/excl usio n, and IO device configuration.
From this menu you can enable the security features of the BIOS, including password entry to enter BIOS setup, and or boot the workstation.
This menu provides access to the PCWS power saving modes. A pre-configured power savings mode may be used or the user may configure a power savings mode manually by defining several parameters.
1st Page
Starting the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
Setup Utility
This menu allow the user to select the PCWS boot device priority. The boot device may be External Floppy Diskette Unit, internal IDE hard disk, ATAPI compatible CD-ROM Drive or Network Boot ROM.
Keys Used During Setup
Pressing the [F1] key at any time displays a help menu that shows how to move and around and make selections from each screen.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-3
Setup Utility
Main Menu
Main Menu
The following section describes the Main screen settings and lists the recommended default where possible .
1st Page Contents
System Time: System Date:
This pair of fields set the system time and date. Time is entered in the 24-hour military time format. For example, 1PM is 13:00:00, 6PM is 18:00:00, and so forth. Use the -/+ keys to select a value, then press enter to advance to the next field.
Legacy Diskette A:
This sub-menu determines if the External Floppy Diskette Unit is installed. Select “1.44/1.25 Mb 3½” to enable the External Floppy Diskette. To boot the workstation from a floppy, see the Boot Menu for more information.
Primary Master
W e recommend you leave this field set to the de fault of “Auto” for all drives. When you install a hard disk. the BIOS will automatica lly detect the drive parameters and optimal settings for almost all modern IDE hard drives. If you do not wish to use the Auto selection, you may enter the drive parameters manually by pressing [ENTER] and consulting the item specific help screen. Refer to the “Installing a Hard Disk” section in Chapter 3.
Keyboard Features
This sub-menu provides access to several keyboard features such as the power-on state of the num lock key, enabling/disabling a keyboard “click”, and defines the Auto-repeat rate and delay.
System Memory Extended Memory
These fields are display only. The size of “System Memory” will typically be 640K. The size of “ Extende d Memory” is d etermined by the size of the DIMM installed. The sum of the System Memory and Extended Memory should equal the size of the DIMM installed on the system board.
1st Page
Advanced Menu
This menu provides several sub-menus where you access many of the Ultra system board hardware features.
Plug & Play O/S
This selection determines if the operating system on the hard disk supports the Plug and Play specification.
If using Windows 95 or 98, select [Yes]. If using any version of UNIX, or Windows NT Workstation
Version 4.00 select [No].
Setup Utility
Advanced Menu
If this field is not set to match the operating system as described above, you may experience problems with the on-board AMD Ethernet controller.
Reset Configuration Data
Selecting Yes resets the BIOS Plug and Play configuration data. This field automatically resets to No after a re-boot.
Secured Setup Configurations
If Yes, prevents a Plug and Play operating system from changing any system settings.
Local Bus IDE Adapter
This selection enables/disables the system board IDE interface. By default, this selection is “Enabled” to ensure a hard disk can be detected automatically when it is installed.
PS/2 Mouse
This selection enables or disables the rear panel PS/2 mouse port. When set to [AUTO] (default), it is up to the operating system to detect and use the mouse. [Disabled] disables the PS/2 mouse port and frees up IRQ12 for other uses.
PCI Device Slot
This selection allows you to designate a PCI card installed in the Ultra PCI/ISA Riser Card as a Master. Some very old PCI cards may require this . Consult the documentation supplied with card.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-5
Setup Utility
Advanced Menu
1st Page Contents
PCI/PNP ISA IRQ Resource Exclusion
This sub menu allows you to reserve specific IRQ(s) for use by legacy devices and indicates if the IRQ has been assigned.
By default, all IRQ lines are set to [Available], which means they are “available” to the PCI/PNP resource pool. At power up, the BIOS assigns IRQs from this pool as required to the on-board PCI devices (VGA controller, network controller, IDE controller, and USB controller), as well as the system board COM and LPT ports.
If you install a legacy ISA such as a multi-port serial card that requires one or more interrupts , set those IRQ lines to [Reserved] to prevent the BIOS from assigning them to PCI devices.
If the message “Indicates a DMA, interrupt, I/O, or memory resource conflict with another device” appears when you select [Reserved], that IRQ has been assigned to a device in the pool. If the message does not appear, it means the IRQ is available.
Once you know what resources are available , set the board jumpers and set those IRQ lines to [Reserved].
I/O Device Configuration
This sub-menu allows enable/disable and manually configure the on-board COM and LPT ports, as well as enable the floppy disk controller.
Serial port A:
This selection configures the rear panel DB9 serial connector. The Default setting is “Auto” which allows the BIOS to determine the settings. Select “Disabled” to turn off the port and use the resources elsewhere. Select “Manual”, to allocate the resources manually. When you select a Manual configuration, you must enter the following values.
Base I/O address:
The Base IO Address determines the COM port designation with three available selections. 3F8 corresponds to COM1, 3E8 corresponds to COM3 and 2E8 corresponds to COM4.
Note: I/O address 2F8 (COM2) is reserved for the touchscreen controller.
You must assign IRQ3 or IRQ4 to the COM port.
1st Page
Advanced Menu
Setup Utility
Serial LCC Port: (Manual)
This selection configures the multi-function LCC port, consisting of a rear panel RJ45 connector. Select “Disabled” to turn off the port and use the resources elsewhere. Select “Auto” to allow the BIOS to determine the port resources automatically. When you select “Manual”, the default configuration, you must enter the following value.
Base I/O address: (COM4)
The Base IO address determines the COM port designation. Three selections are available. 3F8 corresponds to COM1, 3E8 corresponds to COM3 and 2E8 corresponds to COM4. COM1 is already assigned to the rear panel DB9 connector and COM2 is assigned to the touchscreen. The default setting for this port is 2E8, or COM4.
Interrupt: (IRQ 11)
You must assign IRQ11 to this port.
Mode: (RS422+)
This field selects the operating mode of the port. The [RS422+] (default, on BIOS release 1.00c or later) and [RS422-] modes are a reference to sender (+) or receiver (-) o f information in a MICROS Integrated Device Network (IDN). The default setting is RS422+ which allows the workstation to drive IDN devices in applications such as 3400 and 3700.
Selecting the [RS232] mode allows OPOS compatible serial devices to attached to the workstation.
Parallel Port (Auto)
This selection configures the rear panel parallel port connector. Select “Disabled” to turn off the port and use the resources elsewhere. Select “Auto” (default) to allow the BIOS to determine the port resources. Select “Manual”, to allocate the resources manually. When you select a Manual configuration, you must enter the following values.
Base I/O address:
The Base IO address determines the LPT port designation o f the parallel port. 378 corresponds to LPT1 and 3BC corresponds to LPT2.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-7
You may assign IRQ5 or IRQ7 to the LPT port, if required.
Setup Utility
Advanced Menu
1st Page Contents
Mode: (Bi-directional)
This selection defines the parallel port mode. In most cases, the driver software for any device (a parallel port CD-ROM drive for example) you install enables the fastest possible parallel port configuration.
“Output only” selects the Centronics parallel mode Bi-Directional (default) selects bi-directional mode, also
known as PS/2 mode
“EPP” selects the Enhanced Parallel Port mode “ECP” selects the Extended Capabilities Parallel Port.
When this mode is selected, you must define a DMA channel. Press enter to see a list of DMA c hannels. DMA channels 1 or 3 are recommended.
Floppy disk controller (Enabled)
This selection enables/or disables the system board floppy diskette interface. Always leave this set to enabled, then enter the floppy diskette type in the Main Menu to enable the external floppy.
Base I/O address:
Leave this selection set to “Primary.”
LCD Contrast
This selection allows the contr ast to be adjusted on passive LCD panels. Use the -/+ keys to adjust the contrast setting. Application programs adjust the LCD contrast through the PCWS Application Programming Interface (API).
Minimum Maximum
These fixed values correspond to the minimum and maximum contrast values for a given LCD panel. These values are determined by the BIOS based on the type of passive LCD panel installed.
The LCD contrast setting has no effect on active matrix LCD panels.
UPS Interrupt Type
This field should be set to [Disabled].
1st Page
Advanced Menu
The following fields are found only on BIOS Version 1.00d or later.
Setup Utility
Mag Stripe Reader IRQ: (IRQ9)
This selection allows you to assign an IRQ resource to the internal mag stripe reader. Press [Enter] to view a list of IRQ lines. IRQ confli ct ch ecking is not implement ed. U se the de faul t of IRQ 9 if possible.
Mag Stripe Reader Mode: (Special)
This field selects one of two operating modes for the internal mag stripe reader.
When this mode is selected, track 1 and track 2 card data is converted into standard PC keyboard keystrokes to make it appear as if the card data was entered on the keyboard. However, this means that certain card data such as the LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) character will not be available to applications that require it such as credit authorization software.
When this mode is selected, track 1 and 2 mag card data is left intact and placed in a buffer where it can be accessed through the PCWS API. This method is used for credit authorization programs.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-9
Setup Utility
Security Menu
Security Menu
This menu provides access to the security features of the Phoenix BIOS.
Set User Password
This selection allows you to define a password that is required to enter the BIOS Setup screens. If you select [Enter], you will be asked to enter and then confirm a password that will be requir ed to enter setup.
Password on boot:
This selection, if enabled, and if a pass word has been entered in the selection above, requires password entry before the workstation will attempt to boot from the selected boot device.
Fixed disk boot sector
This selection enables/disables write protection for the hard disk boot sector to serve as basic anti-virus protection.
1st Page Contents
1st Page
Power Menu
This menu provides access to the Ultra System Board power saving features. These features are disabled in the default settings.
Power Menu
Power Savings:
This field selects the power management mode .
Disabled (Default)
Turns off all power management features. This setting is recommended for most applications.
Maximum Power Savings
This selection provides the greatest amount of power savings but may affect sy stem performance. Sets the Auto Suspend Time-out field to 5 minutes.
Setup Utility
Minimum Performance
This selection conserves less power, but performance is not affected. When enabled, sets the Auto Suspend Time-out fiel d to 15 minutes. The time-out can be adjusted as described below.
This selection lets you define a custom Auto Suspend Time-out value.
Auto Suspend Time-out
User defined time period before power saving mode becomes active. Default is 15 minutes.
Resume on PCI Bus Activity
This ON/OFF toggle determines if PCI bus activity will “wake-up” the system from a power savings mode . This enable s PCI device s to restart the system from Suspend Mode through a specific signal on the PCI bus.
Resume on time
This selection enables/disables the system to wake up at a specific time, defined below.
Resume Time
When Resume on time is enabled, enter the specific time to wake up in this field. 24 hour time entry.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-11
Setup Utility
Power Menu
1st Page Contents
IRQ activity monitoring
This sub-menu allows you to select one or more IRQ resources that when active, can be used to wake-up the workstation. For example, in the default configuration, any activity on IRQ3, IRQ4, or IRQ12 will “wake-up” the system.
IRQ3 or IRQ4 are typically assigned to the rear panel DB9 COM port and touchscreen interface. IRQ12 is typically assigned to the PS/2 mouse port. Activity on any of these ports will wake up the workstation from a power-d own mode.
1st Page
Boot Menu
This selection lets you select how the workstation will boot.
Setup Utility
Boot Menu
Boot On-Board LAN
This is the setting for a diskless workstation. When this field is set to “enabled”, the workstation will power-up looking for a BOOTP server running Windows NT or SCO UNIX. The default setting is “Enabled”. When this field is set to enabled, the Boot Device Priority settings, described below, are ignored.
When set to “Disabled”, the workstation will look to the Boo t Device Priority settings, described below.
Boot Device Priority
When the workstation powers-up and finishes the P ower-On Self Test (POST), it attempts to load the operating system. If the Boot On-Board LAN field described above is disabled, this menu determines the order of devices which the BIOS will search for the operating system. This menu will also appear after a Flash BIOS update. Press [Enter] to view the default list, shown below.
1. Diskette Drive (if installed) 2. Hard Drive 3. ATAPI CD-ROM Drive 4. Network Boot
In this example, the External Floppy Diskette will be c hec ked fir st, then the hard disk. However, if a floppy disk is not installed, the workstation will look for the operating system on the hard disk.
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 2-13
Setup Utility
Exit Menu
Exit Menu
1st Page Contents
This selection allows you to exit the system setup utility while saving or discarding changes made in the various menus. [F10] saves changes and exits with two ke y st ro ke s.
Exit Saving Changes
Exit system setup and save changes to CMOS RAM.
Exit Discarding Changes
Exit system setup without saving changes to CMOS RAM.
Load Setup Defaults
Load the setup defaults as shipped from the factory. This selection can be used to recover from improper settings made in the Advanced menu.
Discard Changes
Discard any changes you have made this session, but do not exit setup.
The System
What is the PC Workstation?
What is the PC Workstation?
The MICROS PC Workstations are a family of touchscreen based personal computers designed expressly to meet the needs of the food service, hotel and retail industries.
This is because the PCWS extends the PC fea ture set to inc orporate point-of-sale functionality including such items as an integral mag card reader, customer display, and cash drawer interfaces among others. A Software Developers Kit is available that provides the software and documentation required to leverage these unique features for third party applications.
Like any personal computer, the PC Workstation is changing to keep up with advances in processor, memory, and LCD technology. The Ultra system board represents the latest development.
To continue our description, the MICROS PCWS (PC Workstation) can be viewed from three dimensions: Profile, Display, and System Board, detailed in the following pages.
1st Page
Low Profile and Adjustable Display Case
All PC Workstations are available in a Low Profile (LPs), or Adjustable Display Sharp (ADs) case style. The AD case can use a variety of 11.3” and 12.1” active and passive LCD panels. The LP case does not support 12.1” LCD panels. Figure 1-1 shows an example of the LPs (left) or ADs (right) casework.
Figure 1-1: The PCWS Low Profile and Adjustable Display
1st Page Contents
Display and Touchscreen
PC Workstations support a variety of backlit active and passive matrix LCD panels. The display is closely integrated with a highly reliable, 5-wire t ouchscreen panel which c an replace the t raditional mouse or other pointing devices.
The AD and LP casework influences the size of the LCD. The Low Profile case supports only 11.3” LCDs. The AD case supports both
11.3” and 12.1” LCD panels. The Ultra system board adds support for a 12.1” passive LCD.
Both the LP case, and the Sharp 11.3” passive LCD goes end-of-life in mid 1999.
System Boards
With the introduction of the Ultra System Board, there are now four PCWS System Boards in the field. A brief description of each follows. These system boards can be installed in either the LP or AD case.
The System
What is the PC Workstation?
Model 32R and 32L
The Model 32R and 32L system boards represent the 486/586 processor class. These system boards set the standards for those that follow.
Model 64
The Model 64 System Board features the “Classic” Intel P54C Pentium features of the Model 32R and 32L System Boards.
processor while retaining all of the POS compatible
The latest in the series of PC Workstation system boards, the Ultra brings new flexibility to the PCWS family by supporting the Pentium number of active and passive LCD panels.
The Ultra system board is designed to fit into the existing LP and AD casework without modifications. However, this does not mean the Ultra system board is a drop-in replace ment for the M64 system board.
MMX and AMD K6 processors, as well as a greater
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 1-3
The System
What is the PC Workstation?
PCWS Accessories
Each PC W o rkstation from the Model 32 through the Ultra uses t he same basic set of accessories including:
External AC Adapter External floppy diskette unit (o ptional) PC Keyboard (optional) Remote Customer Display (optional)
Details on connecting these devices to the workstation can be found later in this chapter.
Expansion Capabilities
A half-size PCI or ISA expansion card can be installed if the optional Ultra PCI/ISA Riser Card is used. This Riser Card is not compatible with the Riser Card used for the Model 64 system board.
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Diagnostics Utilities
There are two versions of diagnostics utilities designed to test the POS extensions of the Ultra PC Workstation. The first, WorkStation Diagnostics Te st (WSDT), is intended for the DOS or Windows 95/98 command mode environments. Once installed on a bootable floppy diskette, WSDT forms a complete stand-alone diagnostics utility, used primarily to confirm basic functionality of the workstation POS extensions.
The second version, DEMODIAG, runs in the Windows 95/98 and Windows NT environments . Eac h diagnostics utility all ows you test the LCD, backlight, mag stripe reader, customer display(s), and other ports. Please note that neither diagnostics utility is intended to replace off-the-shelf PC diagnostics utilities that test PC functions such as memory, hard disk, and the processor.
Both diagnostics utilities are available in the hardware support section of the MICROS web site, www.micros.com.
The PCWS Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of services that resides between the application and oper ating system (Windows 95/98 or Windows NT) and the unique POS hardware on the system board. This allows the application programmer to use a standard set of API calls to access such POS features as LCD contrast, mag stripe data, and the cash drawers.
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Specification Parameters
Processors Intel P54C or P55C Processor Socket 231-Pin Socket 7 ZIF Socket Displays 11.3” passive or 12.1” active or passive Touchscreen Elo five-wire resistive, 100 thousands points-
Backlight(s) Can be set to one three intensity levels by the
VGA Interface On-Board PCI based Chips and Technologies
The System
What is the PC Workstation?
The Ultra conforms to the following specifications.
per-inch resolution, screen life of over 35 million touches
65554 graphics accelerator with 1MB EDO RAM supports VGA, or SVGA standards, and displays up to 4096 colors on passive LCDs and up to 16 million colors on active LCDs.
BIOS Plug ‘n Play, DMI 2.0 compliant in flash
EPROM, includes LAN boot software to support diskless workstations.
BIOS Setup Utility Configures system time and date, floppy and
hard drive parameters, COM and LPT port
resources, and the boot priority device. Spread Spectrum Bus Clock 60 or 66.8 Mhz, 50 kHz modulation Real Time Clock Time-of-day clock: 100-year calendar with
alarm features and century roll-over, includes
256 bytes of battery backed CMOS RAM,
reserved for BIOS use. Memory Single DIMM socket supports from 8 to 128
MB of 60ns EDO or SDRAM External (L2) Cache 512 Kb on-board, write back PBSRAM Mag Stripe Reader ABA compatible, operates in MAGTEK and
Special modes. Customer Displays One-line 20 character display mounts to LP or
AD case, and or two-line 40 character remote
pole mount display USB Port Two UHCI 1.1 compliant ports
PCWS Ultra Setup Guide 1-5
The System
What is the PC Workstation?
Specification Parameters
LAN Interface On-board PCNet AMD AM79C970 PCI based
Parallel Port Supports centronics, EPP, and ECP standards Riser Card Supports half-size ISA or PCI expansion card
Input Power 50W, max Input Voltage +24VDC, +25%/-8% (+22VDC to +30VDC)
Input Current 0.21A to 2.1A Storage Temperature -25°C (-13°F) to 85°C (185°F) Operating Temperature 5°C (40°F) to 45°C (113°F), 90% relative
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Ethernet controller, with rear panel 10BaseT modular connector
and future sound card
from an external AC adapter or future supplied UPS
humidity max
Weight 5.5 kg. (12lb), approximately) Case Material ABS Plastic Physical Dimensions See Appendix A
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