Microsonic dbk+5-3CDD-M18 E+S User Manual

Operating Instructions
Ultrasonic double sheet detection with 2 switched outputs
dbk+5/3CDD/M18 E+S dbk+5/3BEE/M18 E+S
Functional principle
Ultrasonic sensors
Product description
Assured detection of single, dou­ble and multiple sheet.
Scanning of sheet material weights from 100 g/m2 to 2,000 g/m2, corrugated cards, sheet me­tals, printed circuit boards, films and plastic sheets up to several mm thickness possible.
Double sheet and missing sheet output as pnp or npn switched outputs.
Vertical mounting to the sheet run­ning through permitted.
Three control inputs allow for an external setting of sensitivity for the material to be scanned.
Changes to sensitivity classes un­der ongoing operations can be un­dertaken.
Additional teach-in mode e.g. for scanning wafers glued with a wa­ter film.
Optional trigger operation mode e.g. for applications in the shin­gled stream.
Parameterization via LinkControl
0.5 ms response time until a dou-
ble or missing sheet in the trigger mode is detected.
Transmitter-receiver spacing can be selected from 30 to 70 mm
Safety tips
Read the operating instructions before start-up.
Only qualified personnel are to un­dertake connection, mounting and settings.
Not a safety component in keep­ing with the EC Machinery Direc­tive.
Mount transmitter and receiver in
keeping with Fig 1 at the recom­mended spacing of 50 mm ± 3 mm . dbk+5 can be fitted at any posi­tion .
Connect the transmitter to the re-
ceiver using the M8 connector.
Connect the receiver 7-strand con-
trol line in keeping with Fig 2.
If required, spacing between trans-
mitter and receiver can be ad­justed to the local circumstances in the 30 to 70 mm range; see under »Teach-in spacing between trans­mitter and receiver«.
The coaxiality of transmitter and receiver must be 0.5 mm.
Transmitter and receiver are not to be inclined to each other in excess of 2°.
Vertical mounting to the sheet is recommended for papers (Fig 1a).
In case of vertical mounting to the sheet, the spacing between trans­mitter and/or receiver and the sheet running through is not to be under 7 mm.
In case of certain sheet metals or thicker plastic films, the dbk has to be mounted at an inclination to sheet normal depending on the material (Fig. 1b). If necessary the optimum mounting position has to be determined in a test.
Thick papers and paperboard re­sponsible for faulty switching in case of vertical mounting can of­ten be scanned at a 27° to 45° mounting angle to sheet normal. Corrugated cards have to be mea­sured obliquely to the waves (Fig 1c).
Other materials may make a special fitting position necessary. Do con­tact microsonic when you work with these special materials.
The max. torque of the nuts is 15 Nm for the M18 sleeves.
The drill hole must be 12 mm given that the transmitter is re­cess-mounted or a sheet feed is envisaged between transmitter and receiver. The recommendation is for a 18 mm diameter (see Fig
The line between transmitter and receiver is not to be bridged with an external potential.
Fig. 2: Colour coding of the control line
Select the »Standard« sensitivity
class by placing all the 3 control inputs onto logic 0 (see Figs 3 and
4) or leave them unconnected. Switch on the dbk+5 voltage sup­ply.
The »Standard« sensitivity class corresponds to the setting of predecessor model dbk-5.
Check the function with a test sheet. Hold a single test sheet within the
working range between transmit­ter and receiver.
the working range between trans­mitter and receiver.
The LED must light up red for "Dou­ble sheet detected«. Remove all the sheets between
transmitter and receiver.
The LED must flash red for "Missing sheet detected«.
Single/missing sheet output
Double sheet output
Control input C1 Control input C2
Black White Violet Pink
Control input C3/Com Grey
You can use a material of a high sheet weight as the test sheet or the test sheet itself obtainable as an accessory with the »dbk test sheet« article name. This test sheet works as critical material at the ambient temperature in the »Standard« sensitivity class and can be used to examine the cor­rect adjustment and function.
Factory setting
Free-run mode with 3 sensitivity classes and teach-in
Missing sheet output on NCI
Double sheet output on NCI
50 mm spacing
Fig. 9: LED displays
single sheet
single sheet overmodula­tion
Green + Red = Orange
static on
static on double sheet
missing sheet
Teach-in activated
Teach-in dismissed
static on flashing
flashing mutually
flashing mutually
Teach-in spac­ing transmit­ter-receiver
Teach-in dismissed
flashing mutually
flashing mutually
Fig. 1: Mounting and installation positions
Operation in the free-run mode
The dbk+5 operates in the free-run mode ex-works. In the free-run mode, the dbk+5 performs measure­ments cyclically.
If measurements should be taken in the shingled stream, then an ex­ternal trigger signal can individu­ally trigger each measurement. To this end, the trigger mode can be parameterized with the help of the LCA-2 LinkControl adapter available as an accessory and the LinkControl software.
Fig. 3: Voltage level of the logic states at
the control inputs
Sensitivity classes
The fact that the dbk+5 control in­puts are unconnected or on logic 0 points to pre-selection of the »Stan­dard« sensitivity class where the range of sheet material weights from a typical 100 g/m2 up to 2,000 g/m
can be scanned.
The 3 control inputs allow the sen­sitivity classes to be pre-selected in keeping with the Fig 4 table.
The »Thin« setting has to be se­lected for thin materials.
The working range can be en­larged to thicker materials by choosing the setting »Thick«.
Changes between sensitivity classes can be undertaken under on-going operations.
Pre-selecting an over-low sensitiv­ity class can result – even with a single sheet – in a double sheet signal appearing. In such an in­stance, the next-higher sensitivity class is to be pre-selected.
Pre-selecting an over-high sensitiv­ity class results – given a single sheet – in the double-sheet detec­tion indicating overmodulation at the LEDs: one LED lights up green and the other green-red (orange
Logical state
Voltage level
blend). In such an instance, the next-lower sensitivity class is to be pre-selected.
Parameterization of the D1 switched output onto the »Overmodulation« output function achieved with Link­Control software results in the over­modulation signal being additionally outputted on D1.
The teach-in mode is also available for materials glued to each other across their full extent (e.g. two wa­fers bonded with a water film, a spline on a paper web) and special materials which cannot be scanned with one of the 3 sensitivity classes
Select the teach-in mode (C1 and
C2 on logic 1) in keeping with the table in Fig 4.
This is the way to teach-in a material: Place a single sheet of the material
in the working range of the dou­ble sheet detection.
Place the C3 control input on logic
1 for a minimum of 3 seconds. Materials with inhomogeneities must be moved during the teach­in phase so that dbk+5 can detect them.
Success with a teach-in operation is shown by a green LED. In instances of where no material teach-in was possible, dbk+5 flashes in red. Then repeat the operation. On finishing the teach-in opera-
tion, either place the C3 control input on logic 0 or leave it uncon­nected.
The material can now be scanned.
C3 must not be on logic 1 when the supply voltage is connected.
Fig. 4: Free-run mode: selection of the sen-
sitivity class and Teach-in
Parameterization with Link­Control
The dbk+5 can be extensively pa­rameterized under LinkControl. Here you need the optionally available LinkControl adapter LCA-2 and the LinkControl software for Windows©.
Operation onto LinkControl
Install the LinkControl software
onto your PC. Connect the LinkControl adapter to your PC with the USB cable.
Connect dbk+5 to the LCA-2 in
keeping with the Fig 5 table. For this, use the adapter cable in the LCA-2 case.
Connect the voltage supply cable
to the LCA-2 on the other side of the T connector.
Start the LinkControl software and
follow the instructions on the screen.
Fig. 5: Connecting dbk+5 to the LCA-2
The following settings can be under­taken:
Numeric input of the spacing be­tween transmitter and receiver
Function for the D1 switched out­put Missing sheet = NCC (single sheet = NCO) or Missing sheet = NCO (single sheet = NCC) or Overmodulation = NCC or Overmodulation = NOC
Standard Thick
C1 C2
0 Thin Teach-in-Mode Teach-in active
1 1
Colour dbk+5
adapter cable
1 3
C3/Com Grey Grey 5
Function for the D2 switched out­put Double sheet = NCI or Double sheet = NCO
Operating mode
Free-run mode with 3 pre-defined sensitivity classes and additional teach-in mode or Free-run mode with 4 indepen­dent teach-in classes or Trigger mode with 2 pre-defined sensitivity classes and additional teach-in mode or Edge- or level-controlled trigger mode
Also available is a diagrammatic re­presentation of the readings.
Operation in the trigger mode
If LinkControl was used to parame­ters the trigger mode, then the exter­nal trigger signal is to be placed on the C2 control input. Available in the trigger mode are sensitivity classes »Standard«, »Thin« and the teach-in mode in keeping with the Fig 6 table. In the edge-controlled trigger setting (see Fig 7), the double sheet detec­tion takes a measurement with every edge from 0 to 1. The finding is then stored until the next trigger edge.
Fig. 6: Trigger mode: selection of the sensi-
tivity class and teach-in mode
In the level-controlled trigger mode, dbk+5 keeps on taking measure­ments for as long as the trigger sig­nal is on hand. With dbk+5 deacti­vated (C2 control input to logic 0), the reading of the last measurement at the switched outputs is frozen (see Fig 8).
Free-run mode with 4 inde­pendent teach-in classes
Parameterization with the aid of LinkControl of the free-run mode with 4 independent teach-in classes makes teach-in possible for up to 4 different materials. As a result, the »Standard«, »Thick«, »Thin« and »Teach-in mode« sensitivity classes can be individually adjusted (see on­line help in LinkControl).
Teach-in spacing between transmitter and receiver
Clear the measuring section of
sheet materials between transmit-
Standard Thick
C1 C2
1 Teach-in-Mode Teach-in active11
Trigger Trigger01
ter and receiver. Place all the 3 control inputs on logic 1. Switch on the supply voltage: The LEDs flash alternately red and green. Wait at least 2 seconds. Place the C3 control input on logic
Any failure to teach-in the set spacing results in dbk+5 flashing in red for 3 seconds.
dbk+5 is operating normally. Finally, select the requested type of opera­tion through the control inputs.
No maintenance is need on the dou­ble sheet detection. We would re­commend cleaning the sensor sur­faces at the transmitter and receiver should they become very dirty. The best thing is to apply some isopropa­nol onto a cotton cloth and then wipe the surface clean. Make sure that the reaction time of the cleaner is kept down. That means quickly wiping dry the transducer surfaces.
Double sheet Missing sheetSingle sheet
Control input C2
Double sheet output
Missing sheet output
Double sheet Missing sheetSingle sheet
Control input C2
Double sheet output
Missing sheet output
Fig.7: Trigger mode edge-controlled Fig. 8: Trigger-mode level-controlled
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