Use of a keyboard or mouse may be linke d to serious injuries or disorde rs.
When using a computer, as with many ac tivities, you may experie nce occasional discomfor t in your hands,
arms, shoulders , neck, or other parts of your bo dy. However, if you experience sympto ms such as persistent
or recurring discomfo rt, pain, throbbing, achin g, tingling, numbness, bur ning sensation, or stiff ness,
if symptoms occur when you ar e not working at your computer. Symptoms like the se can be associated
with painful and sometim es permanently disabling in juries or disorders of the ner ves, muscles, tendons , or
other parts of the body. The se musculoskeletal disor ders (MSDs) include carpa l tunnel syndrome, tendoni tis,
tenosynovitis , and other conditions.
While researchers ar e not yet able to answer many questions ab out MSDs, there is general agre ement that many
factors may be linked to the ir occurrence, including: ove rall health, stress and how one co pes with it, medical
and physical condition s, and how a person positions an d uses his or her body during work and oth er activities
(including use of a keyboar d or mouse). The amount of time a pers on performs an activit y may also be a factor.
Some guidelines that may he lp you work more comfortabl y with your computer and possibly re duce your risk
of experiencing an MSD can be f ound in the “Healthy Computing Guid e” installed with this device’s sof tware.
If this device did not come with sof tware, see the “Healthy Co mputing Guide” section of the “Ge tting Started”
manual. You can also access the “H ealthy Computing Guide” at ww hardware or (in the United
States only) by calling 1 (80 0) 360-7561 to request a CD at no charge.
If you have questions about h ow your own lifestyle, acti vities, or medical or physic al condition may be related to
MSDs, see a qualified heal th professional.
To protect against risk of fire, bo dily injury, electric shock or da mage to the equipment:
● Do not immerse any par t of this product in water or other liquid.
● Do not spray liquid on this prod uct or allow excess liquid to drip inside.
● Do not use this product if it ha s sustained any type of damage .
● Disconnect this pr oduct or remove its batteri es before cleaning.
Information in this docum ent, including URL and other Inte rnet Web site references , is subject to change without
notice. Unless other wise noted, the example co mpanies, organizatio ns, products, domain n ames, e-mail addresse s,
logos, people, pla ces, and events depicte d herein are fictitious, an d no association with any real com pany,
organization, pro duct, domain name, e-mai l address, logo, perso n, place, or event is intended or sh ould be
inferred. Complyi ng with all applicable copyri ght laws is the responsibilit y of the user. Without limiting the rig hts
under copyright, no par t of this document may be reprod uced, stored in or introduce d into a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any for m or by any means (electronic, m echanical, photocopyi ng, recording, or other wise), or for any
purpose, without th e express written perm ission of Microsoft Corp oration.
Microsoft may have pate nts, patent application s, trademarks, copy rights, or other intellec tual property righ ts
covering subject mat ter in this document. Excep t as expressly provided in any w ritten license agree ment from
Microsoft, the fur nishing of this document does no t give you any license to these patent s, trademarks, copy rights, or
other intellectua l property.
Microsoft Corpor ation grants the purchaser of thi s product the right to reprod uce one (1) copy of this user manual
for each Hardware Devic e you purchased in the package.
© 2005 Microsoft Corp oration. All rights rese rved.
Microsoft, Intell iEye, IntelliMouse, and Win dows are either register ed trademarks or tradem arks of Microsoft
Corporation in the Unite d States and/or other countrie s.
All other trademark s are property of their re spective owners.
Keyboard lock switch
Lock keys to avoid accidental
key presses and conserve
battery power.
Press down and move to control
the on-screen pointer.
Open the Electronic
Programming Guide.
Click and double-click, just
like using the left button on a
Display shortcut menus, jus t
like using the right button on a
Sleep key
Put the computer into power
management mode, such as
TV power key
This key can “learn” to turn on
your TV.
Status light
Blinks to indicate learning and
general keyboard status .
Turn the backlight functionality
on and off.
Start Media Center Messeng er.
Show information about the
selected item.
Start Media Center or go to the
Start menu if Media Center is
already running.
Quick Reference Guide
Microsoft® Remote Keyboard for Windows® XP Media Center® Edition