Microsoft RM-139 User Manual Page i Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, NOKIA CORPORATION declare under our sole responsibility that the product RM-139 is in conformity with the provisions of the following Council Directive: 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found from
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.
Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners.
Nokia tune is a sound mark of Nokia Corporation.
US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. Tegic Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic or security protocol software from RSA Security.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use in connection with information which has been encoded in compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged
i Page ii Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
in a personal and noncommercial activity and (ii) for use in connection with MPEG-4 video provided by a licensed video provider. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use.
Additional information, including that related to promotional, internal, and commercial uses, may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See <>.
Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
Under no circumstances shall Nokia be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoever caused.
Th e con tents of th is d ocum ent are p rovid ed "as is ". Exce pt a s req uire d by ap plica ble l aw, no w arr anti es o f any kind, either e xpress or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or conten ts of this document. Nokia reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.
The availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with the Nokia dealer nearest to you.
Your phone may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC can require you to stop using your telephone if such interference cannot be eliminated. If you require assistance, contact your local service facility. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
This dev ice may contain commodities, technolog y, or software subject to export laws and regulations from the US and other countries. Diversion contrary to law is prohibited.
931155X Issue 1
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For your safety
Read these simple guidelines. Not following them may be dangerous or illegal. Read the complete user guide for further information.
Do not switch the device on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Obey all local laws. Always keep your hands free to operate the vehicle while driving. Your first consideration while driving should be road safety.
All wireless devices may be susceptible to interference, which could affect performance.
Follow any restrictions. Switch the device off near medical equipment.
Follow any restrictions.Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft.
Do not use the device at a refueling point. Do not use near fuel or chemicals.
Follow any restrictions. Do not use the device where blasting is in progress.
Use only in the normal position as explained in the product doc umentation. Do n ot touch the antenna unnecessarily.
Only qualified personnel may install or repair this product.
Use only approved enhancements and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products.
Your dev ice i s no t wa ter- resi stant . Kee p it dr y.
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Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important information.
When connecting to any other device, read its user guide for detailed safety instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.
Ensure the phone function of the device is switched on and in service. Press the key as many times as needed to clear the display and return to the start screen. Enter the emergency number, then press the key. Give your location. Do not end the call until given permission to do so.
Network services
To use the phone you must have service from a wireless service provider. Many of the features in this device depend on features in the wireless network to function. These network services may not be available on all networks or you may have to make specific arrangements with your service provider before you can utilize network services. Your service provider may need to give you additional instructions for their use and explain what charges will apply. Some networks may have limitations that affect how you can use network services. For instance, some networks may not suppor t all language-dependent characters and services.
Your servi ce prov ide r may have reque sted tha t cer tai n feat ures be d isabled or not act ivat ed in you r de vice . If so, t hey wi ll n ot appear on your device menu. Your device may also have been specially configured. This configuration may include changes in menu names, menu order, and icons. Contact your service provider for more information.
This device supports WAP 2.0 protocols (HTTP and SSL) that run on TCP/IP protocols.Some features of this device, such as MMS, browsing, e-mail and content downloading using the browser or over MMS, require network support for these technologies.
For availability and information on using SIM card services, contact your SIM card vendor. This may be the service provider, network operator, or other vendor.
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About your device
The wireless device described in this guide is approved for use on the GSM 900/1800/1900 and UMTS 2100 networks. Contact your service provider for more information about networks.
When using the features in this device, obey all laws, and respect privacy and legitimate rights of others.
When taking and using images or video clips, obey all laws, and respect local customs as well as privacy and legitimate rights of others.
War n in g: To use any features in this device, other than the alarm clock, the device must be switched on. Do not switch the device on when wireless device use may cause interference or danger.
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Table of Contents
1. Getting to Know Your Device ....................... 1
Front View ................................................................. 1
Rear View with Backcover Opened .......................... 3
Left Side View ........................................................... 4
Right Side View......................................................... 4
The Main Screen....................................................... 5
Status Bar Icons........................................................ 5
The Stylus ................................................................. 6
2. Getting Your Device Ready For Use............ 7
Installing the SIM Card.............................................. 7
Installing and Charging the Battery........................... 9
Installing the Battery............................................... 9
Removing the Battery........................................... 10
Charging the Battery ............................................ 11
Initial Setup............................................................. 11
3. Basic Operations ....................................... 12
Turning On/Off Your Device.................................... 12
Turning On Your Device ....................................... 12
Turning Off Your Device ....................................... 12
Navigating the Main Screen.................................... 12
Entering Text and Numbers .................................... 13
Entering Text and Numbers Using the Virtual Keyboard
............................................................................. 13
Entering Latin Alphabets and Numeric Characters13
Entering Chinese Characters ............................... 14
Entering Text and Numbers Using the Handwriting
Recognition Method.............................................. 14
Entering Latin Alphabets and Numeric Characters14
Entering Chinese Characters ............................... 15
4. Using the Phone Functions........................16
Making a Call .......................................................... 16
Making a Call Using the Phone Screen................ 16
Making a Call from the Contact List...................... 16
Making a Call from the Call Log ........................... 16
Making a Call Using Speed Dial ........................... 16
Making a Call Using Voice Commander............... 17
Answering a Call..................................................... 17
Ending a Call ........................................................ 17
Operations During a Call......................................... 17
Adjusting Volume.................................................. 17
Holding/Retrieving a Call ...................................... 18
Making Another New Call During a Call ............... 18
Answering an Incoming Call during a Call ............ 18
Switching Calls ..................................................... 18
Ending All Calls .................................................... 18
Conference Call ...................................................... 18
Talking Privately to One Party during a Conference
vii Page viii Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Call ........................................................................18
Releasing a Calling Party During a Conference Call19
Ending a Conference Call .....................................19
Call Logs..................................................................19
Call Logs Options ..................................................19
Miscellaneous Operations .......................................20
Ending All Calls ..................................................... 20
Showing Cost ........................................................20
Calling Voice Mail-box...........................................20
Hiding/Showing My Number..................................20
Transferring Sound ...............................................20
Calling Emergency Numbers ................................20
Adding Speed Dial ................................................21
Removing Speed Dial ...........................................21
Adding number to Contacts...................................21
Copying/Pasting Number ......................................21
Zoom .....................................................................22
Adjusting Call Settings ..........................................22
Adjusting Tones and Alerts ...................................22
Enabling/Disabling Automatic Keypad Lock..........22
Accessing Help .....................................................23
5. Using the Application Programs.................24
The Main Screen .....................................................24
Your Device Application Programs ..........................24
Messaging ...............................................................27
Creating and Sending Messages ..........................27
Message Folders...................................................29
Receiving and Viewing Messages........................ 29
Contacts.................................................................. 30
Creating a New Contact ....................................... 31
Importing Contacts from a SIM Card .................... 31
Exporting Contacts to a SIM Card........................ 31
Viewing Contacts.................................................. 31
Managing Contacts Folders ................................. 32
Managing Contacts .............................................. 32
Owner Card.......................................................... 34
Contacts Preferences........................................... 34
Calendar ................................................................. 34
Creating New Calendar Entries............................ 35
Calendar Views .................................................... 35
Managing Calendar Entries.................................. 35
Managing Calendar Folders ................................. 36
Setting up Calendar Preferences ......................... 36
Note ........................................................................ 37
Creating Notes ..................................................... 37
Managing Notes ................................................... 37
Managing Note Folders ........................................ 38
Settings................................................................... 38
Device Settings .................................................... 38
Connection Settings ............................................. 40
Network Settings .................................................. 41
Security Settings .................................................. 44
General Settings................................................... 45
Camera ................................................................... 50 Page ix Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Taking Still Pictures.............................................. 50
Capturing Video.................................................... 51
Camera Options When Taking Pictures and Capturing
Video .................................................................... 52
Image Settings ..................................................... 52
Video Settings ...................................................... 53
Music Player ........................................................... 54
Playing Music ....................................................... 54
Operations When Playing Music .......................... 54
Managing Songs .................................................. 55
Managing Music Folders ...................................... 56
Video Player............................................................ 56
Viewing Video Clips Using Video Player .............. 56
Managing Video Folders ...................................... 57
Managing Video Clips .......................................... 57
PhotoBase .............................................................. 58
Viewing Images .................................................... 58
Organizing Images ............................................... 60
Sending Images ................................................... 60
Editing Images...................................................... 61
Adding Special Effects to images ......................... 62
Internet.................................................................... 65
Connecting to/Disconnecting from the Internet .... 65
Opening the Internet Browser .............................. 65
Opening Page ...................................................... 65
Key Operations When Browsing .......................... 66
Bookmarking Pages ............................................. 66
Saving Pages for Off-Line Browsing..................... 67
Going to Bookmarked Pages................................ 67
Operations When Viewing Pages......................... 67
Managing Bookmarks........................................... 68
Managing Bookmark Folders................................ 68
Browser Preferences ............................................ 69
Time ........................................................................ 70
Viewing Current Time and Date ........................... 70
Setting Time and Date.......................................... 70
To-Do ...................................................................... 70
Creating New Tasks ............................................. 71
Viewing Tasks ......................................................71
Managing Tasks ................................................... 71
Managing Task Folders ........................................ 72
To-Do Preferences ............................................... 72
Calculator................................................................ 73
Voice ....................................................................... 74
Creating a New Voice Note .................................. 74
Playing Voice Notes ............................................. 74
Deleting Voice Notes............................................ 75
Sending Voice Notes ............................................ 75
Online Services....................................................... 75
GPRS Data Log ...................................................... 75
Viewing GPRS Data Log...................................... 75
Resetting GPRS Data Count ................................ 76
Deleting GPRS Data Log...................................... 76
6. Expanding the Capabilities of Your Device.77
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Installing Application Programs ...............................77
Installing Application Programs from the Internet .77 Installing Application Programs from Installation Files 77
Uninstalling Application Programs ........................77
Installing/Removing a Memory Card........................78
Installing a Standard Memory Card.......................78
Installing a Mini SD Memory Card.........................78
Removing a Memory Card .................................... 79
Formatting a Memory Card ...................................79
Renaming a Memory Card ....................................79
7. Managing and Personalizing Your Device..80
Managing Application Programs ..............................80
Grouping Application Programs ............................80
Setting Application Programs on the Application
Shortcut Bar ..........................................................80
File Management .....................................................80
Personalizing Your Device.......................................80
Customizing User Profiles.....................................80
Selecting a User Profile .........................................81
8. Getting Your Device Connected and
Synchronized .................................................82
Connecting the Device to Other Devices.................82
Infrared Connection...............................................82
USB Connection....................................................82
Bluetooth Connection............................................82
Using the Device as a GPRS Modem..................... 84
Setting up GPRS Modem via USB Connection.... 84
Setting up GPRS Modem via Bluetooth Connection85
Synchronizing Data .............................................. 85
Performing Remote Synchronization with a Server85
9. Troubleshooting Information ...................... 87
Call Related Problems ............................................ 87
Message Problems ................................................. 87
Internet Problems.................................................... 88
Application Program Problems ............................... 88
Connection Problems.............................................. 89
System Problems.................................................... 89
10. Product Specifications ............................. 90
11. Battery information................................... 92
Charging and discharging....................................... 92
12. Genuine Enhancements .......................... 93
Power...................................................................... 93
Travel Charger (AC-1001C) ................................. 93
Audio....................................................................... 94
Fashion Stereo Headset (HS-46) ......................... 94
13. Care and Maintenance ............................ 95
14. Additional Safety Information ................... 96
Operating environment ........................................... 96
Medical devices ...................................................... 96
Pacemakers ......................................................... 96 Page xi Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Hearing aids ......................................................... 96
Vehicles................................................................ 97
Potentially explosive environments......................... 97
Emergency calls ................................................... 97
To make an emergency call: ................................ 98
Certification information (SAR) ............................... 98
15. Limited Warranty.................................... 100
16. Your Details............................................ 102
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xii Page 1 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
1. Getting to Know Your Device
Getting to Know Your Device
Front View
No. Name Description
(1) Power key Press this key to turn power on and off. (2) Touch
(3) Call key • In the Main screen, press this key to go
(4) Left key Press this key to go to the preset mode.
(5) Keypad Allows you to enter numbers, symbols
(6) Microphone Receives audio. (7) Earpiece Generates audio. (8) Network
status/ incoming call indicator
(9) Battery/
message indicator
The interface for displaying information and operating functions.
to the Phone screen.
• If there is an incoming call, press this key to answer the call.
• In the Phone screen, press this key to access the past call history.
• In the Phone screen, press and hold this key for about 3 seconds to activate Voice Commander.
The default setting is Calendar.
and navigate in menus and screens.
• Flashes in blue: you are under your home network.
• Flashes blue quickly: there is an incom­ing call.
• Flashes yellow: there is a new mes­sage or a missed call.
• Lights up in red: the battery is being charged.
• Flashes red: the battery is running low.
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Getting to Know Your Device
(10) End key When there is an incoming call, press
(11) Right Key • Press this key to go to the preset
this key to reject the call.
mode. The default setting is Contacts.
• Press and hold this key for approxi­mately 3 seconds to activate/deacti­vate Silent mode.
2 Page 3 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Getting to Know Your Device
Rear View with Backcover Opened
(2) (3)
(5) (6)
No. Name Description
(1) Stylus and stylus
housing (2) Loudspeaker Generates audio. (3) Self-taking
mirror (4) Camera Built-in type camera set for taking
(5) SIM card socket Allows you to install a SIM card. (6) SIM card stay Holds the SIM card in place. (7) Battery latch Fixes the battery in place. (8) USB connector Connects to a PC via the supplied
(9) Battery charger
Accommodates the stylus.
Used when taking your self photo.
pictures and video clips.
data cable. Connects to the battery charger.
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Getting to Know Your Device
Left Side View Right Side View
(1) (2)
No. Name Description
(1) Function
side key
(2) Volume
control key
(3) Memory
card slot
(4) Headset
Allows you to set as a hotkey to your desired function.
Allows you to control volume.
Allows you to install an SD memory card.
Connects the device to a compatible headset.
No. Name Description
(1) Camera
(2) Infrared
Press this key to go to the Camera screen for taking pictures or capturing video clips.
Connects to other devices that support Infrared connection. Page 5 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
The Main Screen Status Bar Icons
(1) (2)
No. Name Description
(1) Application
shortcut bar
(2) Menu bar Displays menu options in each application
(3) Application
icons (4) Status bar Displays various status icons. (5) Folder
(6) Scroll
Contains shortcut icons for instant access to frequently used application programs. You can also customize this shortcut bar.
program screen. Allows you to access application programs
on your device. Tap an icon to open the application program it represents.
Tap this item to open a menu where you can organize your application programs or data using different folders.
Tap the up or down arrow on tis button to scroll pages up or down in a screen.
Icon Description
Indicates signal strength. The more the vertical green bars displayed, the better the signal reception. Appearance of the blue bars indicates that the GPRS network is connected.
• The icon indicates that GSM network signal is available but no GPRS network is attached.
• The icon indicates that GPRS network is available but no GSM network is attached.
Tap this icon to open the virtual keyboard.
Indicates the status of audio setting.
: the speakerphone is currently turned on
: the speakerphone is currently in silent mode
: the microphone has been muted
Indicates that an alarm has been set.
Indicates battery status.
: Battery full : Battery empty
Appears when a call is in progress.
Indicates that you have missed call(s).
This icon appears when you have a new SMS message.
This icon appears when you have a new MMS message.
Indicates that the infrared function has been turned on.
Getting to Know Your Device
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Getting to Know Your Device
Indicates that infrared function is not turned on.
Indicates that the Bluetooth connectivity function has been turned on.
Indicates that your phone is discoverable in the Bluetooth network.
Indicates that Bluetooth connectivity is in progress.
This icon appears when a headset has been connected to the device.
This icon appears when the keypad is locked.
The Stylus
The touch screen and stylus design allows you to easily and comfortably enter and browse information on your device.
You can take out the st ylus f rom t he d evi ce by gent ly p ulli ng i t from the stylus housing as illustrated below:
The stylus can be further stretched to facilitate the convenience of use.
When you want to put the stylus back, slowly insert it back into the stylus housing.
You can use the pointed tip of the stylus to touch an icon on the screen and to execute the function represented by that icon. This is expressed as “tap” an icon in this users guide. You can also use the stylus to enter text and num bers in combination with th e
handwriting input method.
Important: Use only a stylus approved by Nokia for
use with this device. Using any other stylus may invalidate any warranty applying to the device and may damage the touch pad. Avoid scratching the touch pad. Never use an actual pen or pencil or other sharp objects to write on the touch pad. Page 7 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Getting Your Device Ready For Use
2. Getting Your Device Ready For Use
Installing the SIM Card
Upon the completion of your subscription to your network service provider, you receive a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. This card is used to store the services you have subscribed to your network service provider. For example, your phone number and phone book information.
Important: For availability and information on using
SIM card services, contact your SIM card vendor. This may be the service provider, network operator, or other vendor.
Note: You can still use some functions of your device
without SIM card in offline mode. You can still use the device without a SIM card in Offline mode. To set Offline mode, refer to "Offline" on page 43.
1. Turn the device over and locate the SIM card socket.
SIM card socket
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Getting Your Device Ready For Use
2. Slide the SIM card in under the metal plate in the SIM card slot with the SIM card's metal contacts facing down and the
cut corner at the bottom right.
Tip! If you want to remove the SIM card, please do the
1. Turn off the power of your device.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Press down the SIM card stay (as illustrated).
SIM card stay
4. Push the card out of the slot.
Note: A PIN (Personal Identity Number) is associated
with the SIM card. The four-digit code is supplied with the SIM card from your service provider and may have to be entered when powering on the device. For more informa­tion, contact your network service provider. Page 9 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Getting Your Device Ready For Use
Installing and Charging the Battery
Installing the Battery
1. Press the button at the bottom of the back cover and slide
the cover off the device.
2. Place the battery on the device with the battery’s contacts facing downwards and the tooth on the bottom edge of the battery in alignment with the hole on the device, and then press the battery down gently to click it back into place.
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Getting Your Device Ready For Use
4. Push the back cover down on the device and slide it into place.
3. Slide the battery latch backward and lift the battery upward.
Removing the Battery
1. Turn off the power of the device.
2. Press the button at the bottom of the back cover and slide the cover off the device.
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Getting Your Device Ready For Use
4. Remove the battery from the device.
Important: Do not remove the battery when your
device is on: you could lose all your personal settings stored either in your SIM card or in Nokia 6708 memory.
Charging the Battery
1. Insert the charger connector into the battery charger socket
at the bottom of the device. Make sure you insert the con­nector with the arrow sign on the top.
2. Plug the charger into a mains outlet.
3. After your phone is fully charged, disconnect the charger
from the mains outlet and your phone.
Note: It takes approximately 8 hours for the travel
charger to fully charge a new battery. However, actual time needed may vary.
• It takes at least one charging-discharging cycle for the bat­tery to reach its peak performance.
• Your device can also be charged when connected to the USB via the supplied data cable.
• During charging, the screen of the device will indicate the status of the battery being charged when powered off, and the Battery/appointment/message indicator will stay red.
• When the battery is low, you will be prompted by a mes­sage on the screen. When the battery is running out of power, another message will appear to remind you to recharge immediately. Your phone will then power off automatically.
Initial Setup
1. Press and hold the power key for approximately 3 seconds.
2. The initial setup screen will follow within a few seconds,
asking you to select the language you want to use. Use the stylus to tap the appropriate buttons and options, and then follow the instructions on the screen to proceed.
Note: Refer to "Setting Date and Time" on page 70 for
how to setup current date and time.
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Basic Operations
3. Basic Operations
Turning On/Off Your Device
Turning On Your Device
Press and hold the power key for approximately 3 seconds. The welcome screen will appear.
Turning Off Your Device
When the power of the device is on, press and hold the power key for approximately 3 seconds.
Navigating the Main Screen
In the Main screen, you can:
• Use the stylus to tap the desired icons in order to open a pro­gram or select options.
• Use the keys on the device to perform simple selection and confirmation:
First page
Last page
• Press the key to move the selection focus up.
• Press the key to move the selection focus down.
• Press the key to move the selection focus left.
• Press the key to move the selection focus right.
• Press the key to confirm selection.
• Press the key to go to the first page.
• Press the key to go to the last page.
• Press the key to go to the previous page.
• Press the key to go to the next page.
Previous page
Next page Page 13 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Basic Operations
Entering Text and Numbers
Entering Text and Numbers Using the Virtual Keyboard
Whenever you want to enter/edit text and numbers, or when
you tap the icon, the virtual keyboard will appear on the
Please refer to the illustration below for a detailed description of each part of the virtual keyboard and their functions.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Part Name Description
(a) Edit menu Tap this icon to open a menu where
(b) First field button Tap this button to go to the first text
(c) Last field button Tap this button to go to the last text
(d) Done button Tap this button to hide the virtual
(e) Text display
(f) Input mode
you can select the Copy, Cut and Paste commands and keyboard language.
entry field.
entry field.
keyboard. Displays the text you entered.
Tap these buttons to switch among different input modes.
Entering Latin Alphabets and Numeric Characters
1. Tap the icon to switch to the Latin alphabet input
mode, or the icon to switch to the numeric character input mode.
2. Tap the desired buttons on the virtual keyboard. The text will appear in the Text display area.
3. Tap the Done button and the text will be placed in the text entry field.
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Basic Operations
Entering Chinese Characters
1. Tap the or button to switch to the Pinyin or Stroke input method.
2. Tap the desired buttons on the virtual keyboard.
3. The candidates that match the phonetic symbols/pinyin combination or strokes you tapped will appear in the Candi­date area.
Candidate area
If the Chinese character you want to enter appears in the candidate area, tap it and it will appear in the Text display area. The possible associated characters will then follow in the Candidate area. You can tap to choose an associated character directly, or continue entering another character by tapping the keys o n the key board.
4. Tap the Done button and the text will be placed in the text entry field.
Entering Text and Numbers Using the Handwriting Recognition Method
your device is equipped with a powerful handwriting recognition system that enables you to input data more naturally and efficiently.
Whenever text entr y is required, the follow ing handwriti ng tool bar will appear on the screen.
Entering Latin Alphabets and Numeric Characters
1. Tap to change among Latin alphabet, numeric character or symbol input modes. If the current field is a numeric field
- the mode is automatically switched to number.
2. Write from left to right and continuously on any part of the screen. When you stop writing, your strokes will be recog­nized and text will be placed in the input field automatically.
• Tap to open a menu that allows you to quickly enter cer-
tain punctuation marks.
• Tap to start a new line, to add a space (or write
from up to right). To delete a previously entered char-
acter, tap (or write from right to left).
• Tap to open Help.
• Tap to collapse, or to extend the Handwriting tool bar. Page 15 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Basic Operations
• Tap or to switch between handwriting and selecting mode.
• Tap and drag to adjust the position of the handwriting toolbar on the screen.
Entering Chinese Characters
1. Tap to switch to the Chinese input mode.
2. Tap to change among Chinese character, numeric
character or symbol input modes.
3. Write the character on the screen. When you stop writing,
your strokes will be recognized and the possible candidates will appear in the candidate area.
Candidate area
If the Chinese character you want to enter appears in the candidate area, tap it and it will be placed in the input field automatically.
• Tap to open a menu that allows you to quickly enter cer­tain punctuation marks.
• Tap to start a new line, to add a space (or write from up to right). To delete a previously entered
character, tap (or write from right to left).
• Tap to open Help.
• Tap or to collapse or extend the Handwriting tool bar.
• Tap to extend the candidate area.
• Tap or to switch between handwriting and selecting
• Tap and drag to adjust the position of the handwriting
toolbar on the screen. To setup handwriting recognition settings to fit your personal writing habits, please refer to "Setting up smARTwriter" on page 39.
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