Microsoft RM-104 User Manual

28 Apr 2005
Following is a preliminary draft copy of the US English User Guide for FCC ID: LJPRM-104
Exhibit 8: User Guide FCC ID: LJPRM-104
Applicant: Nokia Corporation Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
User guide
9238054 FCC draft
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, NOKIA CORPORATION, declare under our sole responsibility that the product RM-104 is in confor mity with the provi sions of the followi ng Council Directiv e: 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found from
The crossed-out wheeled bin means that within the European Union the product must be taken to separate collection at the product end-of life. This applies to your device but also to any enhancements marked with this symbol. Do not dispose of thes e products as unsorted municipal waste.
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is p rohibited.
Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Xpress-on and Pop-Port are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners.
Nokia tune is a sound mark of Nokia Corporation.
US Patent No 5 818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright (C) 1997-2005. Tegic Comm unications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic or security protocol software from RSA Security.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and non-commercial use in connection with information which has been encoded in c ompliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and (ii) for use in connection w ith MPEG-4 video provid ed by a licensed v ideo provider. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information including that relating to promotional, internal and commercial uses may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See <>.
Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
The Nokia 5410i phone complies with Directive 2002/95/EC on the restri ction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical an d electronic equipment.
Under no circumstances shall Nokia be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special, incidental, conseq uential or indirect damages howsoev er caused.
The contents of th is document are provided "as is". Except as r equired by applicable law , no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability a nd fitness for a particu lar purpose, are made i n relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Nokia reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.
The availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with the Nokia dealer nearest to you.
This device may contain commodities, technology or software subject to export laws and regulations from the US and other countries. D iversion contrary to law is prohibited.
FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE Your phone may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC or Industry Canada can require you to stop using your telep hone if such interference cannot be elimin ated. If you require assistance , contact your local service fac ility. This device complie s with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following tw o conditions: (1) Thi s device may not cause harmful interferen ce, and (2) this devic e must accept an y interference receiv ed, including interfe rence that may cause undesired operation.
9238054/Issue1/FCC draft
Manufactured or sold under one or more following US Patents. Asterisk (*) indicates design patents pending.
RE32,580 4558302 4868846 4945633 4969192 5001372 5101175 5151946 5173927 5212834 5230091 5241583 5311151 5317283 5331638 5335362 5353328 5371481 5378935 5384782 5396657 5400949 5416435 5442521 5446364 5479476 5526366 5553125 5557639 5565821 5570369 5581244 5600708 5625274 5677620 5692032 5729541 5760568 5794142 5802465 5809413 5818437 5827082 5839101 5844884 584521 9 5870683 5884103 5889770 5907823 5912570 5914690 5914796 5917868 5920826 5953541 5956332 5956625 5956633 5966378 5977887 5987137 5991857 6006114 6011554 6011853 6014551 6014573 6026161 6035189 6038238 6043760 6047196 6049796 6050415 6055439 6060193 6069923 6072787 6081732 6084920 6084962 6094587 6097964 6105784 6112099 6115617 6119180 6121846 6128509 6138091 6140966 6144243 6144676 6148209 6151485 6151507 6163609 6164547 6167248 6185295 6188909 6249584 6259312 6266330 6272361 6282436 6292668 6295286 6311054 6314166 6324389 6324412 6347218 6363259 6370362 6370389 6377820 6381468 6392660 6400958 6453179 6463278 6470470 6487397 6522670 6198928 4969192 5266782 5390223 5444816 5487084 5640395 5664053 5699482 5701392 5722074 5754976 5805301 5835889 5857151 5859843 5862178 5898925 5930233 5946651 5960354 5960389 5963901 6005857 6011971 6031827 6118775 6128322 6137789 6167248 6285888 6356759 6377803 6430163 6438370 6456237 6170073 6178535 6195338 6199035 6240076 6266321


For your safety......................... 8
General information .............. 11
Overview of functions ........................ 11
Access codes ......................................... 11
Security code..................................... 11
PIN codes............................................ 11
PUK codes........................................... 12
Barring password ............................. 12
Configuration settings service......... 12
Download content and applications 13
Nokia support on the Web................ 13
1. Get started.......................... 14
Install the SIM card and battery..... 14
Charge the battery .............................. 16
Switch the phone on and off ........... 17
Wrist strap............................................. 18
2. Your phone ......................... 19
Keys and parts...................................... 19
Standby mode....................................... 20
Display................................................. 20
Personal shortcut list ...................... 21
Shortcuts in standby mode ........... 21
Power saving ..................................... 21
Indicators............................................ 22
Keypad lock (keyguard)...................... 23
3. Call functions..................... 24
Make a call............................................ 24
Speed dialing ..................................... 24
Answer or reject a call ....................... 24
Call waiting........................................ 25
Options during a call .......................... 25
4. Write text........................... 26
Settings .................................................. 26
Predictive text input........................... 26
Write compound words .................. 27
Traditional text input ......................... 27
5. Navigate the menus........... 28
6. Messages............................. 29
Text messages (SMS) .......................... 29
Write and send a SMS message .. 30 Read and reply to a SMS message30
Templates ........................................... 31
Multimedia messages (MMS) .......... 31
Write and send a multimedia
message .............................................. 31
Read and reply to a multimedia
message .............................................. 33
Memory full........................................... 33
Flash messages ..................................... 34
Write a flash message .................... 34
Receive a flash message ................ 34
Nokia Xpress audio messaging ........ 34
Receive an audio message............. 35
Folders .................................................... 35
Instant messages (IM)........................ 36
Access the instant messaging
menu..................................................... 36
Connect to the instant messaging
service ................................................. 37
Start an instant messaging
session................................................. 37
Accept or reject an invitation ...... 38
Read a received instant message 38
Participate in a conversation........ 38
Edit your availability status .......... 39
Contacts for instant messaging... 39
Block and unblock messages ........ 39
Groups ................................................. 40
E-mail application ............................... 40
Write and send an e-mail.............. 41
Download e-mail.............................. 41
Read and reply to e-mail ............... 42
Inbox and other folders.................. 42
Delete e-mail messages ................. 42
Voice messages .................................... 42
Info messages ...................................... 43
Service commands .............................. 43
Delete messages .................................. 43
Message settings................................. 43
Text and SMS e-mail ...................... 43
Multimedia ........................................ 44
E-mail ................................................. 44
Other settings ................................... 45
Message counter ................................. 45
7. Contacts ............................. 46
Search for a contact........................... 46
Save names and phone numbers.... 46
Save numbers, items, or an image . 46
Copy contacts ...................................... 47
Edit contact details ............................ 47
Delete contacts or contact details. 47
Business cards...................................... 48
My presence ......................................... 48
Subscribed names ............................... 49
Add contacts to the subscribed
names.................................................. 49
View the subscribed names .......... 50
Unsubscribe a contact ................... 50
Settings.................................................. 50
Groups .................................................... 50
Voice dialing......................................... 51
Add and manage voice tags ......... 51
Make a call with a voice tag........ 52
Speed dials ............................................ 52
Info, service, and my numbers ........ 52
8. Call register........................ 53
Recent calls lists.................................. 53
Counters and timers........................... 53
Positioning ............................................ 53
9. Settings............................. 55
Profiles ................................................... 55
Themes ................................................... 55
Tones....................................................... 55
Lights...................................................... 56
Display.................................................... 56
Time and date ...................................... 57
My shortcuts ........................................ 57
Connectivity ......................................... 58
Infrared............................................... 58
Packet data (EGPRS) ....................... 59
Call .......................................................... 60
Phone...................................................... 60
Enhancement ....................................... 61
Configuration....................................... 62
Security.................................................. 63
Restore factory settings.................... 63
10.Operator menu.................. 64
11.Gallery ............................... 65
12.Media ................................ 66
Camera................................................... 66
Take a photo ..................................... 66
Record a video clip.......................... 66
Radio....................................................... 66
Save radio channels ........................ 67
Listen to the radio ........................... 67
Recorder ................................................ 68
Record sound .................................... 68
List of recordings ............................. 68
Sound meter ......................................... 68
13.Push to talk....................... 70
Push to talk menu............................... 70
Connect to and disconnect PTT ...... 71
Make and receive a PTT call............. 71
Make a dial out PTT call ................ 71
Make a group call............................ 72
Make a one-to-one call................. 72
Receive a PTT call ............................ 73
Callback requests ................................ 73
Send a callback request................. 73
Respond to a callback request..... 74
Save the callback request sender 74
Add a one-to-one contact ............... 74
Create and set up groups .................. 75
Add a group ....................................... 75
Receive an invitation ...................... 76
PTT settings ........................................... 76
14.Sports ................................ 78
Compass ................................................. 78
Calibrate the compass .................... 78
Set the declination .......................... 79
Set and reset the direction............ 79
Stopwatch ............................................. 79
Countdown timer ................................ 80
Audio message ..................................... 80
Thermometer......................................... 80
15.Organiser........................... 82
Alarm clock............................................ 82
Stop the alarm .................................. 82
Calendar ................................................. 82
Make a calendar note ..................... 83
Note alarm ......................................... 83
To-do list................................................ 83
Notes....................................................... 84
Calculator .............................................. 84
Synchronization ................................... 85
Synchronize from your phone ...... 85
Synchronization settings ............... 85
Synchronize from a compatible
PC ......................................................... 86
16.Applications...................... 87
Games ..................................................... 87
Launch a game.................................. 87
Game downloads .............................. 87
Game settings ................................... 87
Collection............................................... 87
Launch an application .................... 87
Fitness coach..................................... 88
Introduction....................................... 88
Polar application .............................. 88
Other application options.............. 89
Download an application............... 90
17.Web.................................... 91
Set up browsing ................................... 91
Connect to a service........................... 91
Browse pages........................................ 92
Browse with phone keys ................ 92
Options while browsing ................. 92
Direct calling ..................................... 93
Appearance settings ........................... 93
Cookies ................................................... 94
Scripts over secure connections...... 94
Bookmarks ............................................. 94
Receive a bookmark ........................ 94
Downloads ............................................. 95
Service inbox ........................................ 95
Service inbox settings ..................... 95
Cache memory...................................... 96
Browser security .................................. 96
Security module ............................... 96
Certificates......................................... 97
Digital signature............................... 98
18.SIM services....................... 99
19.PC connectivity .............. 100
PC Suite............................................... 100
Packet data, HSCSD, and CSD....... 100
Data-communication applications 100
20.Battery information....... 101
Charging and discharging .............. 101
Nokia battery authentication
guidelines............................................ 102
21.Technical Information ... 104
Additional safety
information.......................... 106
APPENDIX ................................... 110
A message from the CTIA.................110
A message from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to all
users of mobile phones .....................113

For your safety

For your safety
Read these simple guidelines. Not following them may be dangerous or illegal. Read the complete user guide for further information.
Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Obey all local laws. Always keep your hands free to operate the vehicle while driving. Your first consideration while driving should be road safety.
All wireless phones may be susceptible to interference, which could affect performance.
Follow any regulations or rules. Switch the phone off near medical equipment.
Follow any restrictions. Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft.
Do not use the phone at a refuelling point. Do not use near fuel or chemicals.
Follow any restrictions. Do not use the phone where blasting is in progress.
Use only in the normal position as explained in the product documentation. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily.
Only qualified personnel may install or repair this product.
Use only approved enhancements and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products.
For your safety
Your phone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.
Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important information stored in your phone.
When connecting to any other device, read its user guide for detailed safety instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.
Ensure the phone is switched on and in service. Press the end key as many times as needed to clear the display and return to the start screen. Enter the emergency number, then press the call key. Give your location. Do not end the call until given permission to do so.
About your device
The wireless device described in this guide is approved for use on the EGSM 900 and GSM 1800 and 1900 networks. Contact your service provider for more information about networks.
When using the features in this device, obey all laws and respect the privacy and legitimate rights of others.
Warning: To use any features in this device, other than the alarm clock, the device must be powered on. Do not switch the device on when the use of wireless devices may cause interference or danger.
Network services
To use the phone, you must have service from a wireless service provider. Many of the features in this device depend on features in the wireless network to function. These network services may not be available on all networks or you may have to make specific arrangements with your service provider before you can utilize network services. Your service provider may need to give you additional instructions for their use and explain what charges will apply. Some networks may have limitations that affect how you can use network services. For instance, some networks may not support all language-dependent characters and services.
Your service provider may have requested that certain features be disabled or not activated in your device. If so, they will not appear on your device menu. Your device may also have been specially configured. This configuration may include
For your safety
changes in menu names, menu order and icons. Contact your service provider for more information.
This device supports WAP 2.0 protocols (HTTP and SSL) that run on TCP/IP protocols. Some features of this device, such as text messages, multimedia messages, Nokia Xpress audio messaging, instant messaging service, e-mail, presence enhanced contacts, mobile Internet services, content and application download, synchronization with a remote Internet server, and push to talk require network support for these technologies.
Shared memory
The phone has two memories. The following features may share the first memory: contacts, text messages, multimedia messages (but no attachments), instant messaging, groups, voice tags, calendar, and to-do notes. The second shared memory is used by files stored in Gallery, attachments of multimedia messages, e-mail, and Java the memory available for the remaining features sharing memory. For example, saving many Java applications may use all of the available memory. Your device may display a message that the memory is full when you try to use a shared memory feature. In this case, delete some of the information or entries stored in the shared memory features before continuing. Some of the features, such as text messages, may have a certain amount of memory specially allotted to them in addition to the memory shared with other features.
applications. Use of one or more of these features may reduce
A few practical rules about accessories and enhancements are as follows:
• Keep all accessories and enhancements out of the reach of small children.
• When you disconnect the power cord of any accessory or enhancement, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.
• Check regularly that enhancements installed in a vehicle are mounted and are operating properly.
• Installation of any complex car enhancements must be made by qualified personnel only.

General information

General information

Overview of functions

Your phone provides many functions that are practical for daily use, such as a calendar, a clock, an alarm clock, a radio and a built-in camera. Your phone also supports the following functions:
• Enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE): see “Packet data (EGPRS),” p. 59
• Extensible hypertext markup language (XHTML): see “Web,” p. 91
• E-mail application: see “E-mail application,” p. 40
• Audio messaging: see “Nokia Xpress audio messaging,” p. 34
• Instant messaging: see “Instant messages (IM),” p. 36
• Push to talk: see “Push to talk,” p. 70
• Presence-enhanced contacts: see “My presence,” p. 48
• Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2METM) including Fitness coach, an interactive, personal trainer: see “Applications,” p. 87

Access codes

Security code

The security code (5 to 10 digits) helps to protect your phone against unauthorized use. The preset code is 12345. To change the code and set the phone to request the code, see “Security,” p. 63.

PIN codes

The personal identification number (PIN) code and the universal personal identification number (UPIN) code (4 to 8 digits) help to protect your SIM card against unauthorized use. See “Security,” p. 63.
The PIN2 code (4 to 8 digits) may be supplied with the SIM card and is required for some functions.
General information
The module PIN is required to access the information in the security module. See “Security module,” p. 96.
The signing PIN is required for the digital signature. See “Digital signature,” p. 98.

PUK codes

The personal unblocking key (PUK) code and the universal personal unblocking key (UPUK) code (8 digits) is required to change a blocked PIN code and UPIN code, respectively. The PUK2 code (8 digits) is required to change a blocked PIN2 code. If the codes are not supplied with the SIM card, contact your local service provider for the codes.

Barring password

The barring password (4 digits) is required when using the Call barring
service. See “Security,” p. 63.

Configuration settings service

To use some of the network services, such as the mobile Internet services, MMS, or remote Internet server synchronization, your phone needs the correct configuration settings. You may be able to receive the settings directly as a configuration message. Upon receiving the settings, you need to save them to your phone. The service provider may provide a PIN that is needed to save the settings. For more information on availability, contact your network operator, service provider, nearest authorized Nokia dealer, or visit the support area on the Nokia Web site: <>.
When you have received a configuration message, Configuration sett.
received is displayed.
To save the settings, select Show > Save. If the phone requests Enter
settings' PIN:, enter the PIN code for the settings, and select OK. To
receive the PIN code, contact the service provider that supplies the settings. If no settings are saved yet, these settings are saved and set as default configuration settings. Otherwise, the phone asks Activa te saved
configuration settings?.
General information
To discard the received settings, select Exit or Show > Discard.
To edit the settings, see “Configuration,” p. 62.

Download content and applications

You may be able to download new content (for example, themes) to the phone (network service). Select the download function (for example, in the Gallery menu). To access the download function, see the respective menu descriptions. For the availability of different services, pricing, and tariffs, contact your service provider.
Important: Use only services that you trust and that offer adequate security and protection against harmful software.

Nokia support on the Web

Check <> or your local Nokia Web site for the latest version of this guide, additional information, downloads, and services related to your Nokia product.
Get started

1. Get started

Install the SIM card and battery

Always switch the device off and disconnect the charger before removing the battery.
Keep all SIM cards out of the reach of small children. For availability and information on using SIM card services, contact your SIM card vendor. This may be the service provider, network operator, or another vendor.
This device is intended for use with a BL-5B battery.
The SIM card and its contacts can easily be damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting, or removing the card.
Before installing the SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and disconnected from any enhancement before removing the battery.
With the back of the phone facing you, press the indentations on both sides of the lower shell (1). Slide the bottom of the shell off to remove it (2).
Grasp the removal flap, and gently pull it up (3).
Get started
Lift the battery from the compartment (4).
Slide the cover of the SIM card holder toward the bottom end of the phone until it unlocks (5). Swing the cover of the SIM card holder open (6). Insert the SIM card into the holder. Ensure that the beveled corner of the SIM card is on the left, and the golden contact area is facing down (7).
Close the cover of the SIM card holder (8). Slide the cover of the SIM card holder toward the top end of the phone until it locks
Get started
into place (9). Position the battery with the contacts aligned to the golden contacts on the phone. Insert the battery into the battery slot, contact end first (10). Close the battery flap (11).
Place the phone into the lower shell, sliding the shell forward until it locks into place (12).
Always use original Nokia batteries. See the “Nokia battery authentication guidelines,” p. 102.

Charge the battery

Warning: Use only batteries, chargers and enhancements approved by Nokia for use with this particular model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty, and may be dangerous.
Check the model number of any charger before use with this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from an ACP-12, ACP-7, or AC-1 battery charger.
For availability of approved enhancements, please check with your dealer. When you disconnect the power cord of any enhancement, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.
1. Open the flap on the bottom of the phone.
2. Connect the charger to a wall socket.
3. Connect the lead from the charger to the socket on the bottom of your phone.
Get started
If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a few minutes before the charging indicator appears on the display, or before calls can be made.
The charging time depends on the charger and the battery used. For example, charging a BL-5B battery with the ACP-12 charger takes approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes while the phone is in the standby mode.

Switch the phone on and off

Warning: Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Press and hold the power key.
If the phone asks for a PIN or a UPIN code, enter the code (displayed as ****), and select OK.
Turn off the phone when replacing the battery or SIM card. Wait until the backlights are off before removing the battery.
Your device has an internal antenna.
Note: As with any other radio transmitting device, do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the device is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the device to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed. Avoiding contact with the antenna area when operating the device optimizes the antenna performance and the battery life.
Get started

Wrist strap

Connect the elastic band to the holster (1). Connect the pins on the end of the holster to the holes in the lower end of the phone (2).
Connect the pin on the other end of the holster to the hole in the top end of the phone (3). Wrap the elastic band, for example, around your wrist and connect the band to the holster (4). Connect the hook to the loop on the elastic band. The hook contains a magnifying glass and a whistle (5).
Your phone

2. Your phone

Keys and parts

• Flashlight (1). To activate it, press and hold # in the standby mode.
• Power key to turn the phone on and off (2)
• Bubble level to level the phone while using the compass, and standby light (3)
• Volume keys to adjust the volume of the earpiece, loudspeaker, or headset when connected to the phone (4)
• Push to talk (PTT) key (5)
• Left selection key, middle selection key and right selection key (6). The function of these keys depends on the guiding texts shown above the keys in the display.
• 4-way scroll key (7) to scroll through the menu, for example, or to move the cursor when writing text (7)
• Call key (8) to dial a phone number or answer a call
• End key (9) to end a call or exit functions
•Keys 0 – 9 to enter numbers and characters (10). Keys * and # have various functions in different situations.
Your phone
• Charger connector (1)
• Pop-PortTM connector used, for example, with headsets and the data cable (2)
• Camera lens (3)
• Infrared (IR) port (4)

Standby mode

When the phone is ready for use, and you have not entered any characters, the phone is in the standby mode.


• Name of the network or the operator logo (1)
• Signal strength of the cellular network at your current location (2)
• Battery charge level (3)
• Left selection key is Go to (4)
• Middle selection key is Menu (5)
• Right selection key is Audio message (6) or another shortcut to a function
Your phone
you have selected: see “My shortcuts,” p. 57. Operator variants may have an operator-specific name to access an operator-specific Web site.

Personal shortcut list

The left selection key is Go to.
To view the functions in the personal shortcut list, select Go to. To activate a function select it.
To view a list with available functions, select Go to > Options > Select
options. To add a function to the shortcut list, select Mark. To remove a
function from the list, select Unmark.
To rearrange the functions on your personal shortcut list, select Go to >
Options > Organise. Select the desired function and Move and the place
where you want to move the function.

Shortcuts in standby mode

• To access the list of dialed numbers, press the call key once. Scroll to the number or name that you want and press the call key to call the number.
• To open the Web browser, press and hold 0.
• To call your voice mailbox, press and hold 1.
• Use the scroll key as a shortcut. See “My shortcuts,” p. 57.
• To change the profile, open the list of profiles, briefly press the power key, and select the desired profile from the list.

Power saving

A digital clock view overwrites the display when no phone function has been used for a certain period of time. To activate the power saver, see Powe r saver in “Display,” p. 56. To deactivate the screen saver, press any key.
Your phone


You received one or several text or picture messages. See “Read and reply to a SMS message,” p. 30.
You received one or more multimedia messages. See “Read and reply to a multimedia message,” p. 33.
The phone registered a missed call. See “Call register,” p. 53.
The keypad is locked. See “Keypad lock (keyguard),” p. 23.
The phone does not ring for an incoming call or text message when Incoming call alert and Message alert tone are set to Off. See “Tones,” p. 55.
The alarm clock is set to On. See “Alarm clock,” p. 82.
When the packet data connection mode Always online is selected and the packet data service is available, the indicator is shown. See “Packet data (EGPRS),” p. 59.
A packet data connection is established. See “Packet data (EGPRS),” p. 59 and “Browse pages,” p. 92.
The packet data connection is suspended (on hold), for example, if there is an incoming or outgoing call during a packet data dial-up connection.
When the infrared connection is activated, this indicator is shown continuously.
Your phone

Keypad lock (keyguard)

To prevent the keys from being accidentally pressed, select Menu, and press * within 3.5 seconds to lock the keypad.
To unlock the keypad, select Unlock, and press *. If the Security
keyguard is set On, enter the security code if requested.
To answer a call when the keyguard is on, press the call key. When you end or reject the call, the keypad automatically locks again.
For Automatic keyguard and Security keyguard, see “Phone,” p. 60.
When the keyguard is on, calls still may be possible to the official emergency number programmed into your device.
Call functions

3. Call functions

Make a call

1. Enter the phone number, including the area code.
For international calls, press * twice for the international prefix (the + character replaces the international access code) and then enter the country code, the area code without the leading 0, if necessary, and the phone number.
2. To call the number, press the call key.
3. To end the call or to cancel the call attempt, press the end key, or close the phone.
To make a call using names, search for a name or phone number in
Contacts, see “Search for a contact,” p. 46. Press the call key to call the
To access the list of up to 20 numbers you last called or attempted to call, press the call key once in the standby mode. To call the number, select a number or name, and press the call key.

Speed dialing

Assign a phone number to one of the speed-dialing keys, 2 to 9. See “Speed dials,” p. 52. Call the number in either of the following ways:
• Press a speed-dialing key, and then press the call key.
•If Speed dialling is set to On, press and hold a speed-dialing key until the call begins. See Speed dialli ng in “Call,” p. 60.

Answer or reject a call

To answer an incoming call, press the call key. To end the call, press the end key.
To reject an incoming call, press the end key.
To mute the ringing tone, select Silence. Then, either answer or reject the call.
Call functions
Tip: If the Divert if busy function is activated to divert the calls
(for example, to your voice mailbox) rejecting an incoming call will also diverts the call. See “Call,” p. 60.
If a compatible headset supplied with the headset key is connected to the phone, to answer and end a call, press the headset key.

Call waiting

To answer the waiting call during an active call, press the call key. The first call is put on hold. To end the active call, press the end key.
To activate the Call waiting function, see “Call,” p. 60.

Options during a call

Many of the options that you can use during a call are network services. For availability, contact your network operator or service provider.
During a call, select Options and from the following options:
Call options are Mute or Unmute, Contacts, Menu, Record, Lock keypad,
Auto volume on, Loudspeaker or Handset.
Network services options are Answer and Reject, Hold or Unhold, New
call, Add to conference, End call, End all calls, and the following:
Send DTMF — to send tone strings
Swap — to switch between the active call and the call on hold
Transfer — to connect a call on hold to an active call and disconnect
Conference — to make a conference call that allows up to five persons to
take part in a conference call
Private call —to discuss privately in a conference call
Warning: Do not hold the device near your ear when the loudspeaker is in use, because the volume may be extremely loud.
Write text

4. Write text

You can enter text (for example, when writing messages) using traditional or predictive text input. When using traditional text input, press a number key, 1 to 9, repeatedly until the desired character appears. In predictive text input you can enter a letter with a single keypress.
When you are writing text, predictive text input is indicated by and traditional text input by at the top left of the display. ,
, or appear next to the text input indicator, indicating the
character case.
To change the character case and the text input mode, press #. indicates number mode. To change from the letter to number mode, press and hold #, and select Number mode.


To set the writing language, select Options > Writing language. Predictive text input is only available for the languages listed.
Select Options > Dictionary on to set the predictive text input or
Dictionary off to set traditional text input.

Predictive text input

Predictive text input is based on a built-in dictionary to which you can also add new words.
1. Start writing a word using the 2 to 9 keys. Press each key only once for a single letter. The word changes after each keypress.
2. When you have finished writing the word and it is correct, to confirm it, press 0 to add a space, or press any of the scroll keys. Press a scroll key to move the cursor.
If the word is not correct, press * repeatedly, or select Options >
Matches. When the word that you want appears, confirm it.
Write text
If ? is displayed after the word, the word you intended to write is not in the dictionary. To add the word to the dictionary, select Spell. Enter the word (traditional text input is used), and select Save.
3. Start writing the next word.

Write compound words

Enter the first part of the word, and press the scroll key right to confirm it. Write the last part of the word, and confirm the word.

Traditional text input

Press a number key, 1 to 9, repeatedly until the desired character appears. Not all characters available under a number key are printed on the key. The characters available depend on the writing language. See “Settings,” p. 26.
If the next letter you want is located on the same key as the present one, wait until the cursor appears, or press any of the scroll keys and enter the letter.
The most common punctuation marks and special characters are available under the 1 key.
Navigate the menus

5. Navigate the menus

The phone offers you an extensive range of functions, which are grouped into menus.
1. To access the menu, select Menu. To change the menu view, select
Options > Main menu view > List or Grid.
2. Scroll through the menu and select a submenu (for example,
3. If the menu contains submenus, select the one that you want (for example, Call settings).
4. If the selected menu contains further submenus, select the one that you want (for example, Anykey answer).
5. Select the setting of your choice.
6. To return to the previous menu level, select Back. To exit the menu, select Exit.

6. Messages

The message services can only be used if they are supported by your network or service provider.
Note: When sending messages, your phone may display the words
Message sent. This is an indication that the message has been sent by
your device to the message centre number programmed into your device. This is not an indication that the message has been received at the intended destination. For more details about messaging services, check with your service provider.
Important: Exercise caution opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.
Only devices that have compatible features can receive and display messages. The appearance of a message may vary depending on the receiving device.

Text messages (SMS)

Using the short message service (SMS) you can send and receive multipart messages made of several ordinary text messages (network service) that can contain pictures.
Before you can send any text, picture, or e-mail message, you must save your message center number. See “Message settings,” p. 43.
To check SMS e-mail service availability and to subscribe to the service, contact your service provider.
Your device supports the sending of text messages beyond the character limit for a single message. Longer messages will be sent as a series of two or more messages. Your service provider may charge accordingly. Characters that use accents or other marks, and characters from some language options like Chinese, take up more space limiting the number of characters that can be sent in a single message.
Note: Picture message function can be used only if it is supported by your network operator or service provider. Only compatible devices that offer picture message features can receive and display picture messages. The appearance of a message may vary depending on the receiving device.
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