Microsoft RH4 Users Manual Page -10 Friday, April 18, 2003 4:34 PM
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List of menu functions
1. Messages
1. Text messages
2. Multimedia msgs.
4. Chat
5. Voice messages
6. Info messages
7. Message settings
8. Service commands
2. Call register
1. Missed calls
2. Received calls
3. Dialled numbers
4. Delete recent call lists
5. Call duration
6. Call costs
7. GPRS data counter
8. GPRS connection timer
3. Contacts
1. Search
2. Add contact
3. Delete
4. Copy
5. Settings
6. Speed dials
7. Info numbers
8. Service numbers
9. My numbers
10.Caller groups
4. Profiles
1. General
2. Silent
3. Meeting
4. Outdoor
5. Pager
5. Settings
1. Right selection key settings
1. Select options
2. Organise
2. Time and date settings
1. Clock
2. Date
3. Auto-update of date & time
3. Call settings
1. Call divert
2. Anykey answer
3. Flip call handling setting
4. Automatic redial
5. Speed dialling
6. Call waiting
7. Summary after call
8. Send my caller identity
9. Line for outgoing calls
4. Phone settings
1. Language
2. Memory status
3. Automatic keyguard
4. Recognition timeout
5. Cell info display
6. Welcome note
7. Network selection
8. Confirm SIM service
9. Help text activation
10.Start-up tone
5. Display settings
1. Wallpaper
2. Colour schemes
1. Shown if supported by your SIM card and network services. Contact your network operator or service provider for more information.
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3. Operator logo
4. Screen saver timeout
5. Display brightness
6. Tone settings
1. Incoming call alert
2. Ringing tone
3. Ringing volume
4. Vibrating alert
5. Message alert tone
6. Keypad tones
7. Warning tones
8. Alert for
7. Accessory settings
8. Security settings
1. PIN code request
2. Call barring service
3. Fixed dialling
4. Closed user group
5. Security level
6. Access codes
1. Change security code
2. Change PIN code
3. Change PIN2 code
4. Change barring password
9. Restore factory settings
6. Gallery
1. View folders
2. Add folder
3. Delete folder
4. Rename folder
5. Gallery downloads
7. Organiser
1. Alarm clock
2. Calendar
3. To-do list
4. Notes
8. Dictionary
9. Games
1. Select game
2. Game downloads
3. Memory
4. Settings
1. Calculator
2. Countdown timer
3. Stopwatch
4. Wallet
5. Synchronisation
1. Infrared
1. Home
3. Service inbox
4. Settings
5. Go to address
6. Clear the cache
14.SIM services
1. Shown only if the phone is or has been connected to a compatible headset, handsfree unit or loopset approved by the manufacturer.
2. Only shown if supported by your SIM card. The name and contents vary depending on the SIM card
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The wireless phone described in this guide is approved for use in GSM 900, 1800 and 1900 networks.
Part No. 9356077, Issue No. 1 Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia 6108, Xpress-on, Pop-Port and the Nokia Original
Accessories logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners.
US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright ©1999-2003. Tegic Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic or security protocol software from RSA Security.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The information in this user guide was written for the Nokia 6108 phone. Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
This product contains commodities, technology or software exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. or Canadian law is prohibited.
Your phone may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC or Industry Canada can require you to stop using your telephone if such interference cannot be eliminated. If you require assistance, contact your local service facility. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
All other
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Table of Contents
List of menu functions -9
General information .................. -1
Stickers in the sales package ........ -1
Access codes ...................................... -1
Shared memory ................................... 0
1.Your phone................................ 1
Keys......................................................... 1
Functions of the flip .......................... 2
Stylus and touch-pad........................ 2
Connectors............................................ 2
Standby mode...................................... 2
Screen saver .............................................. 3
Wallpaper................................................... 3
Essential indicators in standby mode 3
2.Getting started ......................... 5
Remove and mount the back cover.. 5
For cover with stylus holder ................. 5
For flat cover............................................. 5
Install the SIM card and the battery 6
Charging the battery ......................... 7
Switching the phone on and off .... 7
Access menu functions ..................... 8
Help text................................................ 8
Keypad lock (Keyguard)..................... 8
Lock the keypad........................................ 9
Unlock the keypad................................... 9
Handle incoming calls when keypad is
locked.......................................................... 9
Put on the wrist strap............................. 9
3.Call functions.......................... 10
Make a call........................................ 10
Answer a call..................................... 10
Reject a call....................................... 10
End a call ............................................ 10
Call your voice mailbox .................. 10
Redial recently dialed numbers.... 10
Speed dial a phone number........... 11
In call options.................................... 11
Make a new call .................................... 11
Handle a waiting call........................... 11
Swap calls........................................... 12
Transfer calls...................................... 12
Make a conference call................... 12
Loudspeaker ....................................... 12
4.Handwriting input method..... 14
Writing with the stylus................... 14
Handwriting input modes .............. 15
Input mode indicator and recognition
scope......................................................... 16
Switch to a handwriting input mode....
Recognition time-out...................... 17
Use gestures....................................... 17
Convert between handwriting and
keypad input method ...................... 18
Touch-pad tone................................. 19
5.Keypad input method <Open: Chinese input available in English
UI?>............................................. 20
Set predictive text input on or off ....
Traditional English input ................ 20
Predictive English input.................. 20
Add a word to the dictionary ............ 21
Input compound words ....................... 21
Tips for text input............................. 21
6.Menu functions....................... 23
Messages (Menu 1).......................... 23
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Text messages........................................ 23
<open> Distribution lists.................... 27
Multimedia messages.......................... 28
Multimedia messages memory full.. 31
Delete messages.................................... 31
E-mail messages <Open: Copied from Hermes 12-9, character conversion
missing>.................................................. 31
Chat .......................................................... 35
Voice messages...................................... 35
Info messages ........................................ 36
Message settings .................................. 36
Service commands................................ 38
Call register (Menu 2)..................... 38
Recent calls lists ................................... 39
Call counters and call timers............. 39
Contacts (Menu 3)........................... 40
Phone book settings............................. 40
Save names and phone numbers (Add
names)...................................................... 41
Search for a name in the phone book .. 42
Edit a name, number or text item.... 42
Delete names and numbers ............... 42
Copy in phone book ............................. 43
Send and receive business cards ...... 43
Speed dials.............................................. 44
Info numbers.......................................... 44
Service numbers.................................... 44
My numbers............................................ 44
Caller groups .......................................... 44
Profiles (Menu 4) ............................. 45
Settings (Menu 5)........................... 45
Right selection key ............................... 45
Time and date settings........................ 46
Call settings............................................ 46
Phone settings ....................................... 48
Display settings ..................................... 50
Tone settings.......................................... 51
Accessory settings ................................ 52
Security settings ................................... 52
Restore factory settings...................... 53
Gallery (Menu 7)............................... 53
Organiser (Menu 8).......................... 54
Alarm clock (Menu 6) .......................... 55
Calendar................................................... 55
To-do list ................................................. 57
Notes ........................................................ 57
Dictionary (Menu 9)......................... 58
Look up a word in the Dictionary..... 58
Look up the synonym or antonym of an
English word........................................... 59
Games (Menu 10)............................. 59
Launching a game ................................ 59
Memory status for games................... 60
Game settings ........................................ 60
Applications (Menu 11).................. 60
Launching an application ................... 60
Other options available for an
application or application set ........... 61
Download an application.................... 61
Memory status for applications........ 62
Extras (Menu 12).............................. 62
Calculator................................................ 62
Countdown timer.................................. 63
Stopwatch............................................... 63
Wallet....................................................... 64
Synchronisation..................................... 66
Synchronising from your PC .............. 68
Connectivity (Menu 13).................. 68
Infrared .................................................... 68
GPRS ......................................................... 69
WAP services <Open for xHTML
updates> (Menu 14)........................ 69
Basic steps for accessing and using
WAP services.......................................... 70
Set up the phone for a WAP service 70 Make a connection to a WAP service ... 71 Browse the pages of a WAP service 71
End a WAP connection........................ 73
Appearance settings of the WAP
browser .................................................... 73
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Cookie settings ...................................... 73
Bookmarks............................................... 73
Service inbox.......................................... 74
Cache memory....................................... 75
Browser security.................................... 75
SIM services (Menu 15) ................. 77
7.PC Connectivity ...................... 78
PC Suite.............................................. 78
GPRS, HSCSD and CSD ........................ 79
Use data communication
applications....................................... 79
8.Battery information................ 80
Charging and Discharging............. 80
9.Genuine Accessories............... 81
Battery ................................................ 81
Indoor.................................................. 81
Travel Charger (ACP-12) ..................... 81
Indoor and Vehicle .......................... 82
Boom Headset (HDB-4)....................... 82
Vehicle ................................................ 82
Mobile Charger (LCH-9)...................... 82
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Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this manual.
Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Don't use a hand-held phone while driving.
All wireless phones may get interference, which could affect performance.
Follow any regulations or rules. Switch the phone off near medical equipment.
Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft.
Don't use the phone at a refuelling point. Don't use near fuel or chemicals.
Don't use the phone where blasting is in progress. Observe restrictions, and follow any regulations or rules.
Use only in the normal position. Don't touch the antenna unnecessarily.
Only qualified personnel may install or repair phone equipment.
Use only approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products.
When connecting to any other device, read its user's guide for detailed safety instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.
Remember to make backup copies of all important data.
Your phone is not water­resistant. Keep it dry.
Ensure the phone is switched on and in service. Enter the phone number, including the area code, then press . To end a call, press . To answer a call, press
Ensure the phone is switched on and in service. Press as many times as needed (e.g. to exit a call, to exit a menu, etc.) to clear the display. Enter the emergency number, then press . Give your location. Do not end the call until told to do so.
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Network services
The wireless phone described in this guide is approved for use on the EGSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900 network.
A number of features included in this guide are called network services. These are special services that you arrange through your wireless service provider. Before you can take advantage of any of these network services, you must subscribe to them through your service provider and obtain instructions for their use from your service provider.
Note: Some networks may not support all language-dependent characters and/or services.
Chargers and enhancements
Check the model number of any charger before use with this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from ACP-7, ACP-8, and ACP-12, LCH-9 and LCH-12 chargers. Note the specific model number of a charger varies with different type of plug. For example, for ACP-12, the specific model number can be ACP-12C, ACP-12U or ACP-12X, etc.
Warning: Use only batteries, chargers and accessories approved by the phone manufacturer for use with this particular phone model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the phone, and may be dangerous.
For availability of approved enhancements, please check with your dealer. When you disconnect the power cord of any enhancement, grasp and pull
the plug, not the cord.
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General information
Access codes
Security code (5 to 10 digits): The security code may protect your phone against unauthorised use. It is supplied with the phone, and the default code is
Change the code, and keep the new code secret and in a safe place separate from your phone.
To change and use the code, see ”Security settings” on page 55.
PIN code and PIN2 code (4 to 8
The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your SIM card against unauthorised use. The PIN code is usually supplied with the SIM card.
To set the phone to request the PIN code each time the phone is switched on, see ”Security settings” on page 55.
The PIN2 code may be supplied with the SIM card. You need the code to access some functions, such as charging unit counters.
If you key in an incorrect PIN code three times in succession, the phone may display SIM
blocked and ask you to enter the
PUK code. Contact your service
provider to obtain the PUK code.
PUK and PUK2 code (8 digits): The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change a blocked PIN code. The PUK2 code is required to change a blocked PIN2 code.
If the codes are not supplied with the SIM card, contact your local service provider for the codes.
Barring password (4 digits): The barring password is needed when using the Call barring
service, see ”Security settings”
on page 55. You can obtain the password from your service provider.
Signing PIN: The signing PIN is needed for the digital signature. See ”Digital signature” on page 81. The signing PIN is supplied with the SIM card if the SIM card has a security module in it.
If you key in an incorrect PIN code several times, the phone may display PIN code blocked and ask you to key in the PUK code. Contact your service provider to get the PUK code.
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Wallet code (4-10 digits): The wallet code is needed to access the wallet services. If you key in a incorrect wallet code several times, the wallet application is blocked for five minutes. For further information, see ”Wallet” on page 68.
Shared memory
The following features in this phone may use shared memory: phone book, text messages and multimedia messages, images and ringing tones in gallery, calendar, to-do tasks, notes, and Java games and applications. Using any of these features may consume the shared memory. This is especially true with heavy use of any of the features, although some of the features may have a certain amount of memory specially allocated to them in addition to the shared memory. For example, saving many images, or Java applications. may take all the shared memory. In this case your phone may notify you that the memory is full. You need to delete some of the contents or entries using shared memory before continuing.
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1. Your phone
1. Power key
Switches the phone on and off.
When the keypad is locked, pressing the power key briefly turns the phone’s display lights on for about 15 seconds.
2. Volume k e ys
• Press the upper
portion of the key to increase the volume of the ear piece and the headset.
• Press the bottom portion of
the volume key to decrease the volume of the ear piece and headset.
3. 4-way scroll keys
, , and
Use the keys to scroll through names, phone numbers, menus, and settings, or move the cursor or highlight in text editing.
Tip: In standby mode, press the scroll keys to quickly access some functions:
•Press to create a text message.
•Press to open Calendar.
•Press to open your phone book.
4. Selection keys and
The function of the keys depends on the text shown above the keys in the display.
5. Send key
• Dials a phone number.
• Answers a call.
• In standby mode, press it to list the most recently dialled numbers.
6. ends an active call. Exits from any function.
7. - are used to enter numbers and characters.
and are used for various purposes in different functions.
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Functions of the flip
Your phone has a flip cover. Opening and closing the flip cover affects basic voice call handling and text input method.
Note that the keys on the flip cover work only when the flip cover is properly closed.
• Answer or end a voice call
You can customise the function of the flip cover with respect to voice call handling in Settings,
Call settings, Flip call handling setting. Refer to “Flip call
handling setting”, 50.
• Change text input method
When you need to input text, open the flip cover to use handwriting input method, close the flip cover to use keypad input method. Further instructions about the handwriting input method start on page 14.
Note it is recommended that always keep the flip cover closed when you are not writing or using it to for calls.
Stylus and touch-board
Note: It is recommended
that always store the stylus
in the slot on the back cover
of the phone when you are
not using it.
The stylus is in the slot of the back cover, and the touch-board is under the flip cover of the phone. You can write with the stylus on the touch­board to input text. For information on how to input text with the stylus, see “Handwriting input method”,
Important: Use only a
stylus that has been
approved by Nokia to be
used in connection with this
device. Using other stulys
may invalidate any
warranty applying to the
phone and may damage the
touch-board. Avoid
scratching the touch-board.
Never use an actual pen or
pencil or other sharp
objects to write on the
1. Charger connector
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2. Pop-PortTM connector for the headset and the data cable.
3. Infrared (IR) port
Standby mode
When the phone is ready for use, and you have not keyed in any characters, the phone is in standby mode.
1. The current operator’s logo (network service).
2. Signal strength: the higher the bar, the stronger the signal.
3. Battery charge level: the higher the bar, the more power in the battery.
4. Selection key functions.
You can customise the function of the right selection key in the standby mode in Settings, Right
selection key settings. See also
”Right selection key” on page
Screen saver
The phone automatically activates a digital clock screen saver in standby mode for power saving.
Note that if you have not set the time, 00:00 is displayed. You can set the time in Settings, Time and
date settings.
You can customise the time after which the phone activates the screen saver in Settings, Display
settings, Screen saver timeout.
The screen saver can not be activated when the flip cover of the phone is open.
You can set your phone to display a background image, wallpaper, when the phone is in standby mode. You can choose a wallpaper in
Settings, Display settings, Wallpaper. See also ”Wallpaper” on
page 53.
Essential indicators in standby mode
You have received one or several text or picture messages. See ”Read and reply to a message” on page
You have received one or several multimedia messages. See ”Reading and replying to a multimedia message” on page 32.
You have received one or several voice messages. See
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”Voice messages” on page
The phone’s keypad is locked. See ”Keypad lock (Keyguard)” on page 9.
The phone does not ring for an incoming call or text message when Incoming
call alert is set to Off and Message alert tone is set to Off. See ”Tone settings” on
page 54.
The alarm clock is set to
On. See “Alarm clock”, 58.
The countdown timer is running. See ”Countdown timer” on page 67.
The stopwatch is running in the background. See ”Stopwatch” on page 67.
A GPRS dial-up connection is established, refer to ”GPRS modem settings” on page 73.
The GPRS connection is suspended (on hold), for example if there is an incoming or outgoing call during a GPRS dial-up connection.
Infrared connection indicator, see ”Infrared” on page 72.
All your calls are diverted to another number, Divert
all voice calls. If you have
two phone lines, the divert indicator for the first line is
and for the second line . See ”Call divert” on
page 49.
or If you have two phone
lines, the indicator displays the selected phone line. See ”Line for outgoing calls” on page 51.
The loudspeaker has been activated, see ”Loudspeaker” on page 13.
Calls are limited to a closed user group. See ”Security settings” on page 55.
The timed profile is selected. See ”Profiles (Menu 4)” on page 48.
, or
A headset, handsfree, or loopset, is connected to the phone.
To enable the phone to show the time and date in standby mode, see ”Clock” and ”Date” on page 49.
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2. Getting started
Remove and mount the
back cover
There are two different back covers in your sales package. One is with the stylus holder to carry the stylus, the other is flat. You can choose which one to use. Below are instructions on how to remove and mount the two kinds of back covers.
For cover with stylus holder
1. Slide the stylus toward the top end of the phone to remove (1).
2. Press down the back cover release button with the stylus (2), and slide the back cover slightly toward the bottom end of the phone (3). Lift the back cover to remove (4).
3. Position the back cover as shown in the illustration (5). Slide the back cover toward the top end of the phone to lock (6).
4. Slide the stylus toward the bottom end of the phone until it reaches the end of the slot (7).
For flat cover
1. Press the back cover release button (1), slide the back cover slightly toward the bottom end of the phone (2), and lift the back cover to remove.
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2. Position the back cover as shown in the illustration (3). Slide the back cover toward the top end of the phone to lock. (4).
Install the SIM card and
the battery
• Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of small children.
• The SIM card and its contacts can easily be damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting or removing the card.
• Before installing the SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and disconncted from the charger or any other devices, and then remove the battery.
1. Lift the battery up from the finger grip on the phone with your fingers (1) to remove.
2. Carefully lift the SIM card holder from the finger grip of the phone with your finger (2). Flip cover the holder open (3).
3. Insert the SIM card into the SIM card holder, bevelled corner first and golden contact facing out (4).
4. Close the SIM card holder (5) and press it to lock.
5. Position the battery so the golden contacts match up with
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those on the phone. Insert the battery (6).
Charging the battery
1. Connect the plug from the charger to the socket on the bottom of the phone.
2. Plug the charger to a standard AC outlet.
• After a few seconds, the
battery indicator on the display starts to scroll from bottom to top.
• When the battery is about
full, the bar in the display stops scrolling.
• Charging time depends on
the charger and battery. For example, charging time for the BL-5C battery with the ACP-12 charger is about 1 hours and 30 minutes while the phone is in standby mode.
3. Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet and the phone once charging is complete.
Note: You can use the phone while the battery is charging. However, if the battery is completely empty, it may need to charge a few minutes before you can make or receive calls or before the battery indicator appears.
Switching the phone on
and off
Press and hold the power key.
Note that if the phone displays
Insert SIM card even though the
SIM card is properly inserted, or
SIM card not supported, contact
your network operator or service provider. Your phone does not support 5 Volt SIM cards and the card may need to be changed.
War ning: Do not switch the phone on when wireless
phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
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