# of Thumpers
remaining in
current weapon
# of rounds
in magazine
DEAD ECHO was once the most elite squad in the confederation of colonies. Today, however, they’re a band
of feared space pirates. Stranded on a once-beatific vacation world full of deadly mutants and psychopathic
flesh-eating gangs, this battle-hardened crew must find a way off the planet to exact revenge on the man
who betrayed them.
This headstrong leader of the surviving members of DEAD ECHO is like a pitbull on the prowl, willing to do
anything necessary to achieve his goals. This killing machine thrives on drunkenness and debauchery to
escape the haunting memories of the atrocities that he committed under the orders of General Sarrano.
After discovering the truth, Grayson Hunt and the members of DEAD ECHO—including his best friend Ishi
Sato—went AWOL and stole a confederation ship, The Spectre. The only means to survive as a hunted man
meant plundering the galaxy with his band of brothers and leading lives as space pirates.
But it wasn’t a life of rum and treasure. Grayson’s once proud profile faded quickly as he chose to become
best friends with booze and bloodshed.
An honorable man with a cool head and a focused demeanor in battle, Ishi is a born leader. From a wealthy
family, he chose to pledge his life to peace by enlisting in the Central Unit. Ishi was personally selected by
the General to serve in the Central Unit’s elite DEAD ECHO squad.
Ever loyal to Grayson, he and the other remaining members of DEAD ECHO chose to follow him into a life of
galactic looting and pillaging. Though disapproving of the group’s indulgent behavior as space pirates, Ishi’s
loyalty means he continues to be their voice of reason through thick and thin.
# of rounds
in reserves
# of charged
shots remaining
in current weapon
Not much is immediately known about Trishka Novak. Behind her steely and strong willed attitude, a warm
and intelligent woman is obvious.
With a take-no-prisoners resolve, Trishka is one woman you want on your side, as she’s one of the top
members of Sarrano’s newest squad: FINAL ECHO.
Acting as the resident father figure to the crew of the Spectre, this is the guy you want patching you up after
coming in from a storm of bullets. Hailing from Tennessee, Whit brims with southern charm and education,
having attained two masters degrees and a PhD. In addition to being the crew’s doctor, he loves to tinker,
and has assumed the duty of the ship’s primary engineer. Having mastered both professions, Whit perfected
his “Hack and Weld” method of Field Limb Replacement, and can replace any arm, leg, finger, or toe in
under two minutes.
While not as aggressive as some of the crew, Whit often butts heads with Grayson and Rell, often siding with
Ishi on most issues. Like Ishi, the pirate lifestyle doesn’t suit Whit, but he doesn’t have much of a choice as
a wanted man.
Rell never did well in school, but what he lacked academically, he made for up with his aptitude in
developing explosives. General Sarrano made a note of his performance on the battlefield and decided that
he wanted Rell for his Central Unit. While Rell proved an incredible talent in munitions development, he has
been docked as many paychecks as he’s earned under the General’s command.
After DEAD ECHO, Rell and Grayson formed a bond over the art of fighting, intoxication, and skirt chasing. In
battle, Rell is a mastermind when it comes to mines and other explosive traps.
With an appetite for war and power, this ruthless yet brilliant tactician yearns for an age of martial law
throughout the galaxy, and will stop at nothing to achieve it. As the mighty leader of the Central Confederate
Unit of Resolution (CCUR), he was once considered the most powerful man in the entire star system. Feared for
his ruthlessness in battle, the mere sight of one of his Battleliners causes potential adversaries to flee in terror.
His most trusted band of mercenaries were known as DEAD ECHO. Grayson Hunt led this elite team, and
fulfilled every command General Sarrano gave them. They were a band of ghosts at his loyal command who
could make entire colonial cities vanish. Sarrano’s wrath was tested during a mission, and now they are the
most wanted men in the galaxy.
The PMC is a standard issue military assault rifle. Its high accuracy at mid range makes this weapon a
good choice for most combat situations. When charged, it fires a special purpose clip of 100 bullets in one
concentrated blast, which completely obliterates multiple enemies in a single shot.
The Screamer is a powerful and accurate high-caliber revolver that stops almost any enemy dead in their
tracks. The secondary fire option launches a rocket-propelled flare that slams into enemies and sends them
flying into the air before exploding. The explosion sets fire to any nearby enemies.