Musculoskeletal Disorders
Use of game contr ollers, keyboards, mice, or other electronic input devices may be linked to serious injuries
or disorde rs.
When playing video game s, as with many ac tivities , you may experi ence occasional discomfort in your
hands, arms, shoulders, neck , or other par ts of your body. However, if you experie nce symptoms such
as persistent or recur ring discomf ort, pain , throbbing , aching, tingling, numbnes s, burning se nsation, or
even if symptoms occur when you are not playin g a video game. Symp toms such as thes e can be associated
with painful and sometimes permanently disablin g injuries or disorders of the nerves, mu scles, tendons,
blood vessels, and oth er parts of th e body. These mus culoskelet al disorders (MSDs) include c arpal tunnel
syndrome, tendonitis, tenos ynovitis , vibration syndromes , and other conditions.
While researchers ar e not yet able to answer many questions about MSDs , there is gene ral agreem ent that
many facto rs may be linked to their occurren ce, including medical and physical conditions, stress and how
one copes with it, overall he alth, and how a person positions and uses their body durin g work and other
activities (including playing a video game). Some studies suggest that the amount of tim e a person performs
an activity may also be a factor.
Some guidelines that may help you work and play more comfort ably and possibly reduce your risk of
experiencing an MSD can be fo und in the Healthy Gaming Guide (available at www.xbox.com). These
guidelines address top ics such as:
● Positioning yourself to use comfort able, not awk ward, pos tures
● Keeping your hands, ngers, and other body part s relaxed
● Taking breaks
● Developing a healthy lifestyle
If you have questions about how your own lifest yle, activities, or medical or phys ical condition may be
related to MSDs, see a quali ed health professional .
Regulatory Information
Tested to comply with FCC (U.S. Fed eral Communic ations Commi ssion) Standar ds. For home or of ce use.
Not intende d for use in machinery, medical, or industrial applications. Any changes or modications not
expressly approved by Microsoft co uld void the user ’s authorit y to operate this de vice. This pro duct is for use
with NRTL-Listed (UL, CSA, ETL, etc.), and/or IEC/EN 60950 compliant (CE marked) Information Technology
equipment. No serviceable par ts included.
This device is rated as a commer cial produc t for operation at +41ºF (+5ºC) to +95ºF (+35ºC).
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) rules, Canadian ICE S-003, RSS-Gen, RSS-210, and RSS-310. Operation is subjec t to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause inter ference, and (2) this device must accept any interfere nce
receive d, including interfere nce that may caus e undesired operation.
The term “IC:” before the certication/registration numbe r only signies that the Industry Canada te chnical
specications were me t.