E. REGISTR ATION. You need not register Your acquisition of the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device for the Limited Warranty
to be effec tive.
F. BENEFICIARY. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Limited Warrant y is only made to You, the r st licensed user
of the SOFTWARE or purchaser of the Hardware Device, and there are no third part y beneciaries of the Limited Warranty.
Except as required by law, this Limited Warranty is not intended for and does not apply to anyone else, including anyone to
whom You make any transf er as authoriz ed in the Agreeme nt.
G. FURTHER INFORMATION. Microsoft is the warrantor under this Limited Warranty. To receive instructions for obtaining
perfor mance of this Limit ed Warranty You must e ither contac t the Microsof t subsidiar y servin g Your country, or write to:
Microsof t Sales Inform ation Center, One Micr osoft Way, Redmon d, WA 98052-6399, USA , or visit Microsoft on the Wor ld
Wide Web at http: //www.microsoft.com .
You must also:
1. Submit proof of payment in the form of a bona de, dated receipt, or invoice (or a copy) evidencing that You are the
beneciary of this Limited Warranty and that Your request for a remedy is made within the Warranty Period;
2. Follow Micros oft’s shipp ing and other ins tructions if i t determines th at all or part of Your Hardw are Device or SOF TWARE
requires r eturn. To obtain the Lim ited Warrant y perform ance, You must take or del iver the item in eith er its original
packaging or packaging that provides an equal degree of protection to the location specied by Microsoft. Except as
otherw ise require d by legislation in Your jurisdiction , costs assoc iated with trans port (incl uding packagi ng) for warrant y
service shall be at Your expense.
3. Delete or remove any les or data You consider private or condential prior to sending the item to Microsoft.
Failure to follow th e above instru ctions may res ult in delays, ca use You to incur additional charges, or may vo id Your
warrant y.
This Limited Warranty gives You specic legal rights and You may also have other rights which var y from jurisdiction to
jurisdic tion. Where any te rm of this Limited War ranty is prohibited by such laws , it shall be null and void, but the remaind er
of the Limited Warranty shall re main in full force an d effect if it s allocation of r isks is not mater ially disturbed.
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Microsof t Corporati on grants the purchaser of this pr oduct the right to reproduc e one (1) copy of this use r manual for each Hard ware
Device you pur chased in the packa ge.
© 2008 Micros oft Corporation. All ri ghts reser ved.
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Bluetooth is a re gistered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
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