Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel
Thanks f or choosing the Xbox 36 0 Wireless Speed Whee l. The sp eed wheel us es intuiti ve motion se nsors to g ive you real istic perf ormance.
Your new speed whee l offers:
• High-pe rformance tr iggers for accelerating and brakin g.
• Strategic ally placed buttons an d lights.
• Vibration feedback.
The spe ed wheel is for use wit h the Xbox 360® video game and en tertainment system. To customize t he speed wheel's perf ormance i n a specific
game, s ee the docu mentation t hat came wit h your gam e.
Before using this p roduct, re ad this manu al and the Xbox 360 co nsole manu al for importa nt safety and health informati on. Keep all manuals fo r
future r eference. Fo r replace ment manuals , visit ww w.xbox.com/ support.
The limi ted warra nty covering this produc t is conta ined in the Xbox 360 console manua l and is av ailable onlin e at www.xb ox.com/su pport.
Photosensitive Sei zures
A very s mall percent age of pe ople may ex perience a s eizure when exposed t o certain visual imag es, includi ng flashing lights or p atterns th at may
appear i n video gam es. Even pe ople who ha ve no histor y of seizu res or ep ilepsy may ha ve an undiag nosed condit ion that c an cause the se
“photosensitive epi leptic se izures” while watching video games.
These se izures may h ave a var iety of sympt oms, incl uding light headedness, altered vis ion, eye o r face twitc hing, jerki ng or shaking of arms or
legs, di sorientation , confusio n, or moment ary loss o f awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousne ss or conv ulsions th at can lead t o
injury f rom fallin g down or s triking near by objects.
Immediate ly stop pl aying and co nsult a d octor if y ou experience any of these symptoms. Parents sho uld watch for or ask t heir child ren about the
above sy mptoms—ch ildren and t eenagers ar e more likel y than adu lts to exp erience these seizures. The risk o f photosens itive epil eptic seizures
may be r educed by taking the fo llowing pr ecautions:
• Sit or stand farthe r from the TV screen.
• Use a sm aller TV sc reen.

• Play in a well-lit r oom.
• Do not p lay when you are drows y or fatig ued.
If you o r any of y our relatives have a hi story of sei zures or ep ilepsy, c onsult a doct or before p laying.
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Use of g ame control lers, keyb oards, mice, or other e lectronic input device s may be linked to ser ious injur ies or disord ers.
When pl aying video g ames, as w ith many act ivities, you may expe rience occ asional disc omfort in yo ur hands, arms, shou lders, neck, or other
parts of your body. However, if you experi ence sympt oms such as persistent or recurring discomf ort, pain, t hrobbing, aching, ting ling, numbn ess,
symptoms occur when you are not playing a video ga me. Symptoms such as the se can be associated with painfu l and some times permanently
disablin g injuries or disorder s of the ne rves, muscl es, tendon s, blood vess els, and oth er parts of the body. These musc uloskeletal disorders
(MSDs) i nclude carp al tunnel syndrome, te ndinitis, t enosynoviti s, vibratio n syndromes , and other conditio ns.
While r esearchers a re not yet able to ans wer many qu estions abo ut MSDs, t here is gen eral agree ment that ma ny factors may be link ed to their
occurrenc e, includi ng medical and physica l condition s, stress and how one copes with it, overal l health, a nd how a p erson positi ons and uses their
body dur ing work a nd other act ivities (inc luding pla ying a vide o game). So me studies s uggest th at the amount of time a person pe rforms an
activity may also b e a factor.
Some gui delines th at may help you work an d play mor e comfortably and pos sibly reduce your risk of experienc ing an MSD can be fou nd in the
Healthy Gaming Gu ide at www.xb ox.com. Th ese guidelin es address t opics such as:
• Positioni ng yourself to use co mfortable, not awkward , postures.
• Keeping your hands, fingers, and other bo dy parts re laxed.
• Taking b reaks.
• Develop ing a healt hy lifestyle.
If you ha ve questio ns about how your own lifestyle, activities, or medical or physica l condition may be rela ted to MSD s, see a qua lified healt h
profess ional.
Disposable Battery Safety
These p recautions a pply to all products t hat use rec hargeable or disposabl e batteries.
Improper use of batt eries may result in b attery fluid leakage, o verheatin g, or expl osion. Release d batter y fluid is co rrosive and may be tox ic. It
can caus e skin and eye burns, and is har mful if swal lowed.
To reduc e the risk o f injury :
• Keep batt eries out o f reach of c hildren.
• Do not h eat, open, p uncture, m utilate, o r dispose of b atteries in fire.
• Do not mix new and old batteri es or batte ries of diff erent typ es (for exa mple, carbon-z inc and a lkaline batt eries).
• Do not a llow metal objects to touch the bat tery term inals on the device; t hey can bec ome hot and cause burns.
• Remove t he batteries if they a re worn out or before s toring you r device f or an extend ed period of time.
• Always re move old, weak, or wo rn-out batte ries pro mptly and rec ycle or disp ose of the m in accordanc e with Local and National Dispos al
Regulatio ns.
• If a batt ery leaks, remove all b atteries, t aking care to keep th e leaked fl uid from t ouching you r skin or c lothes. If f luid from t he battery c omes
into co ntact with s kin or cloth es, flush s kin with wat er immed iately. Befor e inserting new batter ies, thoro ughly clean the batte ry compartment
with a da mp paper to wel, or fo llow the batt ery manufacturer’s recommendat ions for c leanup.
Insert b atteries ac cording to the instruct ions in th is manual.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorr ect type. Use and repl ace only wit h correct size and ty pe (alkalin e, zinc-carbo n, or zinc chloride ) of batteries.
Notice To Travelers
Before boarding any aircraft o r packing a wireless d evice in lugg age that w ill be ch ecked, rem ove the batte ries from t he wireless device or t urn
the wire less device off (if it has an on/off switch). Wireless d evices can t ransmit radio freque ncy (RF) en ergy, much like a cellu lar teleph one,
wheneve r batteries are installe d and the wireless device is turn ed on (if it has an on/off switch ).
Before you can use y our speed wheel, you' ll need to complete th e following tasks:
• Install t he speed wheel softwa re on your c onsole.
• Insert t he batterie s into the w heel.
• Start a nd wirelessly connect y our wheel t o your conso le.
Install the Speed W heel Sof tware
Use one o f the following meth ods to insta ll the spe ed wheel soft ware on y our console.